Vesa Närhi
Trail Making Test in assessing children with reading disabilities: a test of executive functions or content information
Do fatty acids help in overcoming reading difficulties? A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effects of eicosapentaenoic acid and carnosine supplementation on children with dyslexia.
Background There are claims that dietary supplementation of unsaturated fatty acids could help children with dyslexia to overcome their reading problems. However, these claims have not yet been empirically tested. Methods This study was designed to test whether dietary supplementation was superior to placebo in treating reading, spelling or other reading-related skills of children with dyslexia. The experimental group (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA, n = 30) ate dietary supplements and the control group (placebo, n = 31) placebos during the 90-day treatment period. The supplements contained omega-3 fatty acid (ethyl-EPA, 500 mg/day) and carnosine (400 mg/day). The groups were matched for read…
Treating missing data in a clinical neuropsychological dataset--data imputation.
Missing data frequently reduce the applicability of clinically collected data in research requiring multivariate statistics. In data imputation, missing values are replaced by predicted values obtained from models based on auxiliary information. Our aim was to complete a clinical child neuropsychological data set containing 5.2% of missing observations. This was to be used in research requiring multivariate statistics. We compared four data imputation methods by artificially deleting some data. A real-donor imputation method which preserved the parameter estimates and which predicted the observed values with acceptable accuracy was used to complete the data set. In addressing the lack of st…
Check in–check out intervention for supporting pupils’ behaviour: effectiveness and feasibility in Finnish schools
Check In–Check Out (CICO) is a support programme for students with externalising problem behaviours. This study implemented in Finland is one of the first reports on the application of CICO in the European context. An experimental, multiple-baseline, single-case design is used to examine the effects of the CICO intervention on the problem behaviour and appropriate behaviour of three general education primary school pupils. The similarity of the observation data and the information provided in daily report card (DRC) are investigated to gauge the validity of the DRC assessments. The fidelity and social validity of the intervention are also analysed. CICO reduced problem behaviour in all pupi…
ADHD in the context of Finnish basic education
Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are a growing group served under special education services in many western societies. This article describes the history and current state of the services, as well as the assessment procedure. Our conclusion is that the status of students with ADHD in Finnish basic education (Grades 1 to 9) is still unclear. Based on the comparison of the prevalence and the population served in special education we can assume that this group is probably underserved in the Finnish school system. We also present findings from two recent studies among families with ADHD children in Finland. Family viewpoint can contribute to our knowledge and under…
Exploring pre-service special needs teachers’ assessment conceptions and assessment self-efficacy
This survey study (N = 148) investigates the interrelationships between assessment conceptions, assessment self-efficacy, prior education, and teaching experience amongst Finnish pre-service special educational needs teachers (pre-service SENs). The results showed that assessment conceptions and assessment self-efficacy are intertwined. Assessment conceptions, prior studies, and teaching experience were clustered into three different pre-service SEN types: Assessment Positives, Assessment Cautious, and Assessment Criticals. Pre-service SENs with assessment-positive or assessment-cautious conceptions reported higher assessment self-efficacy than students with assessment-critical conceptions.…
Reducing disruptive behaviours and improving learning climates with class-wide positive behaviour support in middle schools
Disruptive behaviours in classrooms pose a significant challenge for learning in schools and are, at the same time, a risk factor for students’ academic achievement and a major source for work-related stress among teachers. Earlier research suggests that clarifying the classroom rules and behavioural expectations, monitoring students’ adherence to them and using behaviour-specific praise are simple and effective practices to reduce disruptive behaviour. Most of the interventions have been developed for elementary schools, although behaviour problems tend to be more common in middle schools. This two-month pilot study using a pre–post design evaluated the effects of a class-wide intervention…
Neuropsychological subgroups of adolescents with conduct disorder
Narhi, V., Lehto-Salo, P., Ahonen, T. & Marttunen, M. (2010). Neuropsychological subgroups of adolescents with conduct disorder. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 278–284. In group-level studies adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) have been found to have deficiencies in verbal and executive functions. Teichner and Golden (2000) addressed the neuropsychological heterogeneity of CD, and hypothesized the existence of six neuropsychologically different subgroups. We used that theoretical basis to identify subgroups among 77 adolescents with CD and 48 controls. Among subjects with CD we identified subjects with no, diffuse, verbal and executive function deficits, but none with specific …
Trail Making Test in assessing children with reading disabilities: a test of executive functions or content information.
The speed of performance on Part A, Part B, and on an experimental version containing alphabetical series (Part A Alphabetic) of the Trail Making Test was studied with 19 children with reading disabilities and 34 controls from Grades 4 to 6. When the test was used in discriminant profile fashion, children with reading disabilities showed a deficit compared with control children on Part B relative to Part A but did not relative to the new Part A Alphabetic. The results indicate that the performance of the children with reading disabilities on Part B is likely to be affected by their slowness on the alphabetical series. Based on these results we recommend that the speed of following the alph…
Psychosocial adjustment and quality of life after renal transplantation in early childhood.
Psychosocial adjustment and quality of life has been reported good in children after a successful renal transplantation (Tx). There are, however, few reports of using standardized methods in evaluating these issues, particularly in small children. We investigated the psychosocial adjustment in 32 children at school age (mean 9.6 +/- 1.6), who had received a renal Tx under the age of 5 yr, using the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist with data collected from both parents (CBCL) and teachers (CBCL-TRF). Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) was assessed by interviewing the children using a 17-dimensional (17D) health-related measure and compared to HRQOL of 244 normal school children. The ef…
Resolving reading disability : Childhood predictors and adult-age outcomes
We examined frequency of adult-age reading disability (RD) and its childhood predictors among 48 adults (20 to 39 years) with documented childhood RD, and contrasted their cognitive skills, education, and employment with 37 matched controls. Among individuals with childhood RD, more than half had improved in their reading fluency to the level where the set criterion for adult-age RD was not met anymore. More fluent rapid naming, less severe childhood RD, and multiple support providers in childhood together predicted improvement of reading fluency. More fluent naming differentiated the childhood RD participants whose reading fluency had improved by adult-age from those participants whose RD …
Tvåspråkighet och lärarskattade exekutiva funktioner samt prestationsbaserade kognitiva färdigheter hos elever i grundskolan
Ungdomar rör på sig allt mindre och endast 17 % av alla högstadieelever i Finland når upp till minimimängden en timmes fysisk aktivitet per dag. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och skolprestationer. I den här studien undersöker vi hur extrainsatt fysisk aktivitet inverkar på prestationer i matematik och arbetsminne över tid, samt om det finns någon skillnad mellan låg-, medeloch högpresterande elever. I studien deltog 129 finlandssvenska elever i årskurs 7 och interventionen pågick i tre månader. Eleverna delades in i en interventions- och en kontrollgrupp. På basis av av matematikprestationer delades eleverna in i låg-, medel- och högpres…
Heterogeneity of executive functions among preschool children with psychiatric symptoms
The aim of the present study was to investigate associations between internalizing and externalizing symptoms and deficits in executive functions (EF) as well as to examine the overall heterogeneity of EFs in a sample of preschool children attending a psychiatric clinic (n = 171). First, based on cut-off points signifying clinical levels of impairment on the parent-completed Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), children were assigned into groups of internalizing, externalizing, combined or mild symptoms and compared to a reference group (n = 667) with regard to day care teacher ratings of EFs on the Attention and Executive Function Rating Inventory-Preschool (ATTEX-P). Second, latent profile an…
Käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiväline (KTVA)
Lasten ja nuorten käyttäytymisen ja tunne-elämän arviointiin sekä arviointipohjaiseen näyttöön perustuvaan tukemiseen tarvitaan tutkittuja ja Suomessa toimivaksi todettuja arviointivälineitä. Tässä artikkelissa esitellään lasten ja nuorten käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiin tarkoitettua arviointiväline Käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiväline (KTVA), joka eroaa perinteisestä ongelmakeskeisestä arvioinnista ilmaisemalla kaikki lasta ja nuorta koskevat väittämät myönteisesti. KTVA soveltuu niin peruskoulussa kuin toisella asteellakin käytettäväksi. Lokakuussa 2018 julkaistavan KTVA-kirja perustuu Suomessa vuosina 2007–2017 tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Lisäksi lapsi ta…
Inclusion of pupils with ADHD symptoms in mainstream classes with PBS
Inclusion is never only a practical issue of placement. School-wide systemic change, together with well-functioning, multi-tiered support, can promote the inclusion of all pupils. This paper draws on research conducted in two mainstream primary schools in Finland. The primary focus was to gain insight into practical solutions to facilitate the inclusion of pupils with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in mainstream teaching. Using an experimental, multiple-baseline, single-case design, we examined the effects of Check-in Check-out (CICO) support on changes in the behaviour of two pupils who displayed ADHD-type behaviours. The key features of CICO are brief morning and afternoo…
Lievään kehitysvammaisuuteen liittyvä heikko lukutaito : erityisen vaikeaa lukemisvaikeutta?
Yhä suurempi osa kehitysvammaisista ihmisistä huolehtii itsenäisesti asioistaan ja hyvä lukutaito on keskeinen itsenäisen selviytymisen kannalta. Vaikka lukutaidon kehittymistä ja lukemaan oppimisen vaikeuksia on tutkittu paljon, tutkimus kehitysvammaisten ihmisten lukutaidosta on ollut vähäistä. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin lievästi kehitysvammaisia heikosti lukevia nuoria yleiseltä kykytasoltaan keskitasoisiin lukemisvaikeuksisiin nuoriin lukemisen oikeellisuudessa, sujuvuudessa ja ymmärtämisessä. Lievästi kehitysvammaiset nuoret olivat selvästi heikompia luetun ymmärtämisessä ja nopeudessa. Lukemisen tarkkuudessa ryhmät erosivat toisistaan ainoastaan yhdessä, sanalistojen lukemisen, tehtäväs…
Kasvatuksellisesta pienluokasta yleisopetukseen : käyttäytymishäiriöiden erityisen tuen toimintamalli ja sen tuloksellisuus
Artikkelissa kuvataan alakouluikäisille oppilaille tarkoitetun kasvatuksellisen pienluokan toimintamallia. Oppilaat ovat erityisessä tuessa käyttäytymisen ongelmiensa vuoksi, ja tutkimme luokkamuotoisen erityisopetuksen toimintamallin tuloksellisuutta oppilaan yleisopetukseen palaamisen näkökulmasta. Intervention tavoitteena on kehittää oppilaan ryhmässä toimisen taitoja, oman käyttäytymisen hallintaa ja akateemisia taitoja. Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoitua toimintamallia on kehitetty ja käytetty Joensuussa vuodesta 1990 alkaen yhdessä alakoulussa, josta tässä tutkimuksessa käytetty tieto on kerätty. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevien pienluokkien kaikkien oppilaiden (N = 162) koulupolusta on kerä…
Edistääkö tavuharjoittelu lukemisen sujuvuutta? : tietokonepohjainen harjoittelukokeilu tois- ja kolmasluokkalaisilla heikoilla lukijoilla
Tämä artikkeli perustuu Heikkilän, Aron, Närhin, Westerholmin ja Ahosen artikkeliin Does the training in syllable recognition improve reading speed? A computer-based trial with poor readers from second and third grade, joka julkaistiin Scientific Studies of Reading -lehden numerossa 17(6) vuonna 2013. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, voidaanko tietokonepohjaisella tavujen toistavaan tunnistamiseen perustuvalla menetelmällä vaikuttaa heikkojen lukijoiden lukemissujuvuuteen. Lisäksi selvitettiin, vaikuttavatko lukemisen alkutaso ja nopean nimeämisen taito harjoittelun tehokkuuteen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 150 tois- ja kolmasluokkalaista heikkoa lukijaa, jotka jaettiin satunnaisesti kontrolliryhmää…
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder subtypes: Are there differences in academic problems?
This article addresses the relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and academic problems. The development of diagnostic categories of attention deficits from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed.) to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) is briefly reviewed. Forty‐five Chilean children demonstrating symptoms of either ADHD Combined Type, ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type, or ADHD Predominantly Hyperactivity‐Impulsive Type are compared with each other and with a clinical control group on the prevalence of academic achievement problems. The data show that academic problems are more common among ADHD Comb…
Rapid automatized naming and learning disabilities: does RAN have a specific connection to reading or not?
This work is an extension of a study by Waber, Wolff, Forbes, and Weiler (2000) in which the specificity of naming speed deficits to reading disability (RD) was examined. One hundred ninety-three children (ages 8 to 11) evaluated for learning disabilities were studied. It was determined how well rapid automatized naming (RAN) discriminated between different diagnostic groups (learning impaired [LI] with and without RD) from controls and from each other. Whereas Waber et al. concluded that RAN was an excellent tool for detecting risk for learning disabilities in general, the results of the present study point to a more specific connection between RAN and RD. peerReviewed
Oppimisvaikeuksien arviointi ja tukeminen suomenruotsalaisissa kouluissa ja päiväkodeissa
Implementation of the inclusive CICO Plus intervention for pupils at risk of severe behaviour problems in SWPBS schools
Check in–check out (CICO) is a widely used and studied behavioural intervention. Although CICO is an effective way to support pupils’ behaviour in a school context, not all pupils benefit from basic CICO. A single-case experimental study was designed to evaluate the effects of CICO Plus support (CICO Plus) for participants whose behaviour was determined to be non-responsive to basic CICO. CICO Plus was planned and implemented with four pupils identified by school CICO teams as needing additional behavioural support. Individual CICO Plus support was planned by multiprofessional teams working on each pupil’s case. The CICO Plus support was based on teaching social skills and behaviour at leas…
Psychiatric Problems in Adolescence Mediate the Association Between Childhood Learning Disabilities and Later Well-Being
This follow-up study investigated the associations of childhood learning disabilities (LDs) with adult-age anxiety, depression, and unemployment. Psychosocial problems in childhood and psychiatric diagnoses and lack of education in adolescence were studied as potential mediators, and gender and mother’s education were studied as potential moderators of these associations. Data on childhood clinical neuropsychological assessments and lifelong register data on individuals with childhood LD ( n = 430; 301 [70%] males; 20–39 years of age) and matched controls ( n = 2,149) were applied. Mediation analyses were performed using structural equation modeling. Childhood LDs exerted a significant, bu…
ProKoulu-malli näkyy työrauhan kehittymisenä ja hyvinvointina Varkauden kouluissa
Varkauden kaupungin sivistystoimen ja Itä-Suomen yliopiston yhteistyö alkoi kolmiportaisen tuen verkostohankkeessa (ISKE). Hankkeen loputtua Varkaudessa oltiin halukkaita jatkamaan tutkimukseen perustuvan toimintamallin kehittämistä, aluksi kolmen koulun pilottikokeilulla. Tavoitteena oli löytää pysyvä ratkaisu oppilaiden kasvaviin käyttäytymisen ongelmiin ja samalla tukea opettajien työssäjaksamista. Jyväskylän yliopiston, Itä-Suomen yliopiston ja Niilo Mäki Instituutin ProKoulu-tutkimushankkeen tuella luotiin toimintamalli, jonka toteuttamisvaiheita vuosien 2012–2017 aikana esitellään tässä artikkelissa. Tutkimus- ja kehittämistyötä ovat rahoittaneet opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö sekä Eu…
Psychiatric comorbidity more common among adolescent females with CD/ODD than among males.
Clinicians and researchers have been increasingly concerned on conduct problems among adolescent females. Yet, most research on the issue has been conducted among males. The aim of this study was to characterize conduct disorder (CD) among adolescent females in comparison with males. Family background, symptoms and severity of CD, and psychiatric comorbidity were assessed among Finnish 12-18-year-old females (n=40) with conduct disorder/oppositional defiant disorder (CD/ODD) compared with males (n=37). Data were collected via structured interviews with the subjects and interviews with parents. Lifetime and current Axis I diagnoses (DSM-IV) were assessed using the Structured Clinical Intervi…
Double-Deficit Hypothesis in a Clinical Sample : Extension Beyond Reading
This study explored the double-deficit hypothesis (DDH) in a transparent orthography (Finnish) and extended the view from reading disabilities to comorbidity of learning-related problems in math and attention. Children referred for evaluation of learning disabilities in second through sixth grade ( N = 205) were divided into four groups based on rapid automatized naming (RAN) and phonological awareness (PA) according to the DDH: the double-deficit group, the naming speed deficit–only group, the phonological deficit–only group, and the no-deficit group. The results supported the DDH in that the prevalence and severity of reading disability were greatest in the double-deficit group. Despite …
Assessment conception patterns of Finnish pre-service special needs teachers : the contribution of prior studies and teaching experience
The main aim of this study was to investigate how Finnish pre-service special needs teachers’ (N = 134) assessment conceptions, prior academic studies in special education and teaching experience together cluster into different patterns representing different student types. Their assessment conceptions formed three main factors: 1) assessment measures learning, 2) assessment supports teaching and learning, and 3) assessment as a harmful action. All three factors were emphasised differently in each pattern. Assessment conceptions, prior studies, and teaching experience were clustered together in three different patterns: Assessment Criticals, Assessment Positives, and Assessment Cautious. Th…
Does training in syllable recognition improve reading speed? A computer-based trial with poor readers from second and third grade.
Repeated reading of infrequent syllables has been shown to increase reading speed at the word level in a transparent orthography. This study confirms these results with a computer-based training method and extends them by comparing the training effects of short syllables and long frequent and infrequent syllables, controlling for rapid automatized naming. Our results, based on a sample of 150 poor readers of Finnish, showed clear gains in reading speed regarding all trained syllables, but a transfer effect to the word level was evident only in the case of long infrequent syllables. Rapid automatized naming was associated with initial reading speed, but not with the training effect. peerRevi…
Borderline intellectual functioning: an increased risk of severe psychiatric problems and inability to work
Background The use of facilities such as disability pension, psychiatric care, health care and services for people with intellectual disabilities and borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) were compared with the general population and two other study groups comprising people with mild intellectual disabilities (MIDs) and learning problems (LPs). Methods The population-based sample (N = 416,973), 'Finland-in-Miniature', was gathered in 1962 and followed until 1998. For the purpose of the present study, three groups were formed: BIF (n = 416), MID (n = 312) and LP (n = 284). The use of services was examined with the help of national registers. Results As compared with the general populatio…
Kohti sosioemotionaalisia taitoja ja lasten osallisuutta tukevaa toimintakulttuuria – ProVaka-toimintamallin pilottivaiheen analyysi
Kaikkien lasten osallisuuden tukeminen edellyttää tarvittavan kehityksen ja oppimisen tuen järjestämistä varhaiskasvatukseen. Osallistavan varhaiskasvatuksen toimintakulttuurin kehittämisellä tuetaan koko lapsiryhmän kanssa toteutettavia toimintatapoja tukemaan kaikkien lasten käyttäytymistä ja sosioemotionaalisia taitoja. Käyttäytymispsykologinen Positiivisesti ryhmässä oppiva varhaiskasvatus (ProVaka) -toimintamalli edistää tutkimusnäyttöön pohjautuvien menetelmien käyttöönottoa sosiaalisen käyttäytymisen tukemisessa. ProVaka-toiminnassa korostuvat yhteisesti sovitut ja selkeät käyttäytymisodotukset, toivotun käyttäytymisen systemaattinen opettaminen ja käyttäytymiseen kohdennetulla posit…
Language problems in children with learning disabilities: do they interfere with maternal communication?
In this study, parent-child interaction in two carefully matched subgroups—school—age boys with learning disabilities (LD) who showed a discrepancy between their verbal IQ and performance IQ and had more extensive difficulties in higher-level language abilities (VIQ < PIQ, n = 8) and boys with LD who did not manifest a discrepancy between verbal IQ and performance IQ (VIQ = PIQ, n = 8), were investigated. The effects of the child's language problems on child task performance and on the quality of maternal communication were analyzed in a mother-child problem solving task. Children in the VIQ < PIQ group were found to be less successful on the task than children in the VIQ = PIQ group…
Group-based intervention on attention and executive functions in the school context
The objective of the study was to examine the effects of a group-based behavioural, cognitive and skills training intervention (Maltti) provided in schools for elementary school pupils with attention and executive function (EF) deficits. The treatment effects were identified by comparing an intervention group (n = 46) with a waitlist control group (n = 26). Specific effects of the intervention on behavioural deficits in attention and EF in a classroom setting as well as on academic skills were examined. Our analysis indicated that significant intervention effects could be found in the behavioural manifestation of attentional and executive skills in the classroom setting among children (n = …
Does Childhood Reading Disability or Its Continuance Into Adulthood Underlie Problems in Adult-Age Psychosocial Well-Being? A Follow-Up Study
This follow-up study aimed at a better understanding of the associations of reading disability (RD) with adult-age psychosocial well-being. We compared adult-age psychosocial well-being in 48 individuals (20–39 years) with documented childhood RD but without comorbid disabilities to 37 matched controls. The associations of psychosocial well-being with childhood and adult-age reading fluency were studied in the RD group, controlling for IQ, gender and unemployment. Psychosocial well-being was assessed with commonly used self-report questionnaires. No group differences were found in psychosocial well-being. In the RD group, lower adult-age reading fluency was associated with symptoms of depre…
Assessment conceptions of Finnish pre-service teachers
The aim of this quantitative survey study (N = 287) was to investigate the assessment conceptions of three different pre-service teacher groups (classroom teachers, subject teachers and special needs teachers). Assessment conceptions were best described by the following three main factors: 1) assessment of learning, 2) assessment for teaching and learning and 3) assessment as a harmful action. These main factors were clustered into three assessment conception profiles – assessment-cautious, assessment-positive and assessment-critical. Pre-service special needs teachers showed more assessment-oriented conceptions emphasising both the assessment of learning and assessment for learning than th…
Associations Between Childhood Learning Disabilities and Adult-Age Mental Health Problems, Lack of Education, and Unemployment.
We studied the impact of diverse subtypes of learning disabilities (LD) on adult-age mental health, education, and employment by comparing the LD group ( n = 430) with a matched control group without a known history of LD ( n = 2,149). The clinical archived data were merged with lifelong register data on sickness allowances/disability pensions granted on the basis of psychiatric illnesses, reimbursements for psychoactive medication, having a degree after compulsory education, and having received unemployment allowances. Differences emerged between the LD and control groups in all outcomes, suggesting that a higher proportion of individuals with LD had mental health problems compared to the…
Rapid serial naming: relations between different stimuli and neuropsychological factors.
We report two studies on rapid serial naming (RSN). Study 1 addressed the relations among RSN tasks comprising different stimuli. Separate components for RSN of alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric stimuli, as well as for tasks in which the stimuli alternated between categories were identified. In Study 2, phonological skills, processing speed, motor dexterity, and verbal fluency were found to explain RSN performance. The studies indicate: (1) that RSN tasks vary in their properties according to the stimuli used and according to the way the tasks are arranged, and (2) that RSN tasks are multi-componented.
Classroom behavioural climate in inclusive education – a study on secondary students’ perceptions
Previous studies pointed out that dealing with difficult behaviour is perceived by teachers as a major challenge in inclusive settings. However, research on the students' perception of the classroom behavioural climate (CBC) is rare. Therefore, this study aims to examine students’ perceptions of CBC and to identify predictors of CBC as well as associated variables. The sample consists of 650 German students from secondary schools (5th-9th grade) of whom 83 students are diagnosed with special educational needs (SEN). CBC was measured via four subscales (‘students’ possibilities to study and concentrating on teaching’, ‘disruptive behaviour’, ‘physical and psychological safety’ and ‘caring fo…
Implementing positive behaviour intervention and support in Finnish early childhood education and care : leadership team’s perspective
The effective implementation of positive behaviour intervention and support (PBIS) requires both organisational and professional change. This means that the whole community including all educators and children commit to shared principles, practices, and structures to create a safe and supportive social climate. In this article, we investigate the initial implementation of the Finnish PBIS ProVaka in eighteen early childhood education and care (ECEC) centres. Our inductive qualitative analysis of longitudinal progress diary data focuses on roles, responsibilities and communication among the ECEC communities. The results show that successful ProVaka development is a matter of successfully exp…
Resolving reading disability : Childhood predictors and adult-age outcomes
We examined frequency of adult‐age reading disability (RD) and its childhood predictors among 48 adults (20 to 39 years) with documented childhood RD, and contrasted their cognitive skills, education, and employment with 37 matched controls. Among individuals with childhood RD, more than half had improved in their reading fluency to the level where the set criterion for adult‐age RD was not met anymore. More fluent rapid naming, less severe childhood RD, and multiple support providers in childhood together predicted improvement of reading fluency. More fluent naming differentiated the childhood RD participants whose reading fluency had improved by adult‐age from those participants whose RD …
Does IQ matter in adolescents' reading disability?
Abstract We studied the connection of IQ, reading disability (RD) and their interaction with reading, spelling and other cognitive skills in adolescents with average IQ and RD (n = 22), average IQ, non-RD (n = 71), below average IQ and RD (n = 29), and below average IQ non-RD (n = 33). IQ was not connected to reading and spelling in subjects without RD, but a connection to non-word spelling in subjects with RD existed. IQ and RD showed a connection to other cognitive skills (IQ to working memory, verbal memory and syntactic skills, RD to poor performance in text reading and rapid naming and both of them to reading comprehension, phonological and arithmetic skills), but no interaction existe…
Reducing disruptive behaviours and improving classroom behavioural climate with class-wide positive behaviour support in middle schools
Disruptive behaviour in classrooms is a significant challenge for learning in schools and a risk factor for students’ academic achievement and a significant source of teachers’ work-related stress. Earlier research shows that clear behavioural expectations, monitoring students’ adherence to them and behaviour-specific praise are effective practices to reduce disruptive behaviour. Although behaviour problems are common in middle schools, most of the interventions have been developed and studied in elementary schools. This randomised study evaluated the effects of a class-wide intervention on classroom behavioural climate and disruptive behaviour, on teacher-experienced stress and on the time…
Lasten sosioemotionaalisten taitojen tukeminen varhaiskasvatuksessa
Externalizing behaviour and academic performance – the cross-lagged relationship during school transition
The current study examined the over-time association between externalizing behaviour problems and academic performance during school transition in a cross-lagged design. The main focus was to revea...
Improving spatial functioning in children with cerebral palsy using computerized and traditional game tasks.
To examine the effectiveness of combining virtual environment (VE) instruction with additional desk-top tasks, based on the Luria-Vygotsky methodology, for spatial remediation in children having complex motor disabilities restricting movement.In Experiment 1, from among children attending for residential rehabilitation, an experimental subgroup had additional spatial training using a VE and corresponding desk-top models. All children were tested at the start and end of training, using four spatial tests. In Experiment 2, larger groups of children (pair-matched for initial performance) were given the same training as in Experiment 1, but experimentals received both VE-based training and supp…