showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Planetary Well-Being


This book proposes a paradigm shift in how human and nonhuman well-being are perceived and approached. In response to years of accelerated decline in the health of ecosystems and their inhabitants, this edited collection presents planetary well-being as a new cross-disciplinary concept to foster global transformation towards a more equal and inclusive framing of well-being. Throughout this edited volume, researchers across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences apply and reflect on the concept of planetary well-being, showcasing its value as an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral changemaker. The book explores the significance of planetary well-being as a theoretical and empiri…

kestävä kehitysluontokatohyvinvointiekologinen kestävyysmaailmanlaajuiset ongelmatplanetaarinen hyvinvointiympäristökysymyksetbiodiversiteetti

An economic tail wagging an ecological dog? : Well-being and sustainable development from the perspective of entangled history


The historical approach to planetary well-being provides an understanding of how environmental problems and climate crises run over time, entangled with chronic social (mal)developments and path dependencies. As humans and the nonhuman world are entangled in larger webs of life, human political and economic action is deeply affected and is amplified by natural processes. Consequently, understanding well-being anthropocentrically has guided political decision-making in ways that have magnified the negative human impacts on eco- and climate systems. Environmental history invites us to ask how well-being has been defined in different historical contexts, on what grounds these definitions are m…

talouskasvuilmastokriisiluontokatokestävä kehityshyvinvointiympäristöpolitiikkavihreä liikeympäristöhistoriapoliittinen historiaympäristökysymykset

A landscape approach to planetary well-being


“Landscape” refers to a perceivable spatial level shaped by socio-ecological interactions and represents the systems where people live. Human societies have globally transformed landscapes to meet their needs, e.g., nutrition or shelter, according to cultural preferences. This human domination of land has resulted in considerable competition for space with other lifeforms, driving biodiversity loss through land-use change and intensification, as well as coming into conflict with planetary well-being. Recent research has highlighted the relevance of the landscape level when articulating human activities with and in their environment and maintaining human and nonhuman cohabitation. Indeed, th…

planetary well-beingmaankäytön suunnitteluekosysteemit (ekologia)ihmisen ekologiamaisemaekologiamaankäyttöplanetaarinen hyvinvointisysteemiajattelubiodiversiteetti

Extinction risk indices for measuring and promoting planetary well-being


The concept of planetary well-being, which stresses the persistence of lineages in ecosystems, is intimately linked to species extinction risk. Avoiding extinctions is a moral issue, as wiping out the outcomes of eons of evolutionary history and their future potential is clearly unconscionable. The concept of planetary well-being is also systemic: It is understood that species, as integral parts of ecosystems, are vital for the well-being of all systems on Earth. Yet, despite international agreements to protect biodiversity, global biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation has continued unimpeded over the past decades. We review the role of goals and targets in the UN Convention on Biolog…

planetary well-beingekosysteemit (ekologia)uhanalaiset lajitlajiensuojelusukupuuttoon kuoleminenmittarit (mittaus)riskinarviointiplanetaarinen hyvinvointibiodiversiteetti

Ecosystem health and planetary well-being


Healthy ecosystems support the well-being of all organisms on Earth. Yet, the overexploitation of natural resources for human needs and profit has resulted in widespread ecosystem degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate emergency, which pose fundamental threats to planetary well-being. Impoverished ecosystems may become dysfunctional and fail to provide for the needs of many organisms, including humans and wildlife. Changes in ecosystem functioning and wildlife distributions affect the prevalence and spread of pathogens, with consequences for the health and well-being of human and wildlife communities alike. Increasing contact between humans and domestic and wild animals enable patho…

planetary well-beingekosysteemit (ekologia)taudinaiheuttajatluontokatoeläintauditkasvitauditzoonoositplanetaarinen hyvinvointileviäminenbiodiversiteettiympäristön tila

The ecosocial paradigm in social work : Striving for planetary well-being


This chapter focuses on the concept of planetary well-being from the perspective of social work. Social work is a practice-oriented profession and academic discipline that takes many different forms globally. We present an outline of the emerging ecosocial paradigm in social work. This rather new approach attempts to adjust the profession’s core emphasis on social problems of and between human beings, shifting it to a position that puts humanity’s dependence on the natural environment at its centre. The chapter discusses the similarities between the ecosocial paradigm and the concept of planetary well-being. It further asks what added value the concept of planetary well-being might bring to…

planetary well-beingsosiaalityöekososiaalinen sosiaalityöammattietiikkaekologinen kestävyyssosiaalinen kestävyysplanetaarinen hyvinvointisosiaalityöntekijätsosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuus

La gastronomie, question tarte à la crème ?


La gastronomie fait partie de ces notions de sens commun que chacun se représente aisément mais que personne n'arrive à définir véritablement. Pourtant les approches ne manquent pas mais elles déplacent volontiers le curseur, entre le discours, les arts de la table, la culture et finalement tout un écosystème. On peut néanmoins se donner des repères pour fixer les idées, à défaut de trouver la formule ou la formulation idéale :- Repères historiques, bien sûr, qui font ou feraient de la gastronomie une "invention bien française". - Repères littéraires, entre toutes les classifications des "espèces de mangeurs" ou se distinguent gourmets et gourmands, et en mode dépréciatif, gloutons et goinf…

Citésgastronomiecommunicationgoûtmangeurs[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesUnesco[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

Planetary well-being


Tensions between the well-being of present humans, future humans, and nonhuman nature manifest in social protests and political and academic debates over the future of Earth. The increasing consumption of natural resources no longer increases, let alone equalizes, human well-being, but has led to the current ecological crisis and harms both human and nonhuman well-being. While the crisis has been acknowledged, the existing conceptual frameworks are in some respects ill-equipped to address the crisis in a way that would link the resolving of the crisis with the pivotal aim of promoting equal well-being. The shortcomings of the existing concepts in this respect relate to anthropocentric norma…

planetary well-beingekosysteemit (ekologia)käsitteetluontokatohyvinvointimaailmanlaajuiset ongelmatplanetaarinen hyvinvointisysteemiajattelu

Ontological differences and the pursuit of planetary well-being


This chapter emphasizes the importance of ontological dialogue and methodological choices to the conceptual development and practical enactment of planetary well-being. Starting from the premise that cultural practices, including scientific concepts and methods, shape realities, the chapter suggests approaching nature and culture as entangled with each other. From this perspective, this chapter deals with divergent biocultural realities rather than a single, universal Nature viewed from multiple cultural perspectives. Biocultural realities differ in terms of how well they enable more-than-human communities to regenerate themselves. The chapter proposes anthropologist Anna Tsing’s conceptual…

planetary well-beingekosysteemit (ekologia)ihmisen ekologiakulttuurisidonnaisuushyvinvointiontologia (filosofia)planetaarinen hyvinvointiympäristökysymyksetkulttuurienvälisyys

Test of the Latent Dimension of a Spatial Blind Source Separation Model


We assume a spatial blind source separation model in which the observed multivariate spatial data is a linear mixture of latent spatially uncorrelated random fields containing a number of pure white noise components. We propose a test on the number of white noise components and obtain the asymptotic distribution of its statistic for a general domain. We also demonstrate how computations can be facilitated in the case of gridded observation locations. Based on this test, we obtain a consistent estimator of the true dimension. Simulation studies and an environmental application in the Supplemental Material demonstrate that our test is at least comparable to and often outperforms bootstrap-bas…

Statistics and Probabilitymonimuuttujamenetelmätsignaalinkäsittelykernel functionFOS: Mathematicsspatial bootstrapMathematics - Statistics Theorymultivariate spatial dataStatistics Theory (math.ST)paikkatietoanalyysiStatistics Probability and Uncertaintyasymptotic distributionsignal number

Local knowledge and global justice : From hegemonic development to planetary well-being


This chapter discusses the relationship between critical development studies and planetary well-being, showing how the former can add insights to the latter to build a comprehensive theory. Critical development studies is introduced as a field of study, which provides tools to uncover hidden power dynamics and ecologically destructive patterns in contemporary development. Development is analysed as a particular model of the good life, a societal programme, an epistemological system of power, and a global governance system. Using insights from critical development studies, the chapter points out differences between sustainable development and planetary well-being, noting that sustainable dev…

planetary well-beingglobaali oikeudenmukaisuusglobaali hallintakestävä kehitysmaaseutuyhteisöthyvinvointihegemoniaplanetaarinen hyvinvointiluonnonmukainen viljelytiedontuotantovaltarakenteetkehityspolitiikkakehitystutkimus

Eudaimonia and temperance : A pathway to a flourishing life


The concept of planetary well-being rests on the idea that since human activities are among the root causes of the ecological crisis threatening the well-being of human and nonhuman nature, accordingly, solutions lie in transforming human behaviour and shifting the prevailing paradigm towards embracing enhanced visions of the “good life.” The ongoing ecological crisis has evoked profound questions regarding the nature of the good life, requiring consciousness and reflection of scholars’ paradigmatic worldviews. This chapter adopts the lenses of transformative consumer research (TCR) and positive psychology, emphasizing individual, societal, and environmental well-being—challenging the assum…

planetary well-beingkestävä kulutusviisausmielekkyyskulutusyhteiskuntahyvinvointihyveetplanetaarinen hyvinvointihyvä elämäkohtuus

Soil processes are constituents of planetary well-being


Soils play multiple roles in vital ecosystem processes, even though they form only a thin layer between Earth’s atmosphere and lithosphere. Soils are reservoirs of carbon, most nutrients and fresh water while acting as a substrate for plants, a site for decomposition processes, and a sink for harmful substances. The decomposition of dead organic matter and the associated recycling of nutrients are a prerequisite for photosynthesis by green plants and, therefore, for all life forms on Earth. Without healthy soils, the integrity of the Earth system cannot be maintained in the future. Soils are highly diverse habitats, inhabited by both structurally and functionally diversified organisms. Howe…

planetary well-beingekosysteemit (ekologia)maaperämaaperänsuojeluaineiden kiertomaankäyttömaaperän saastuminenmaaperäeliöstöplanetaarinen hyvinvointiympäristön tila

Consumption and planetary well-being


This chapter considers sustainable marketing and consumption from the perspective of planetary well-being (PW). While marketing is commonly associated with unsustainability, sustainable marketing can create, communicate, and deliver value to consumers in ways that ensure and restore the urgent needs of nature. Sustainable consumption at the acceptable threshold of disturbance on needs satisfaction globally requires critical reflection on the current norms and practices alongside thoughtful solutions for guiding action. The firstpart of the chapter presents the problematization of marketing and consumption against sustainability from the PW angle. It critically discusses the drivers of and b…

planetary well-beingkestävä kulutusmarkkinointikulutusyhteiskuntavihreä siirtymäkuluttajakäyttäytyminenplanetaarinen hyvinvointi

Education for planetary well-being


The aim of this chapter is to present how education can promote planetary well-being as well as what the adoption of the planetary well-being means for education. The main objective is to explore theoretical perspectives on the new concept education for planetary well-being by examining its underlying philosophical assumptions and by introducing related approaches in the field of education. There exist several initiatives and frameworks that have aimed to make education more sustainable and just, but many of these are based on the concept of sustainable development and have considerable limitations regarding their potential to address the ecological crisis and bring about urgently needed so…

planetary well-beinguudistava oppiminenkestävä kehitysdialogisuuskasvatusvihreä siirtymäplanetaarinen hyvinvointikestävä elämäntapa

Financial system in steering the economy towards planetary well-being


This chapter discusses the possible roles that financial system may play in steering economic production towards planetary well-being. The costs associated with using natural resources are seldom equal to the actual environmental costs incurred. The present chapter proposes linking Sir Partha Dasgupta’s Impact Equation and the standard asset pricing framework and discusses the roles that financial institutions and central banks as well as debt and equity funding play in supporting production that preserve planetary well-being via the incentives of those in need for and those willing to supply funding. It is proposed that the increasing costs of capital and the financial exclusion of non-env…

planetary well-beingtalouspolitiikkataloudellinen ohjauskeskuspankitvihreä siirtymäkansainvälinen talousrahoitusjärjestelmätplanetaarinen hyvinvointitalousjärjestelmät

Planetary well-being : Ontology and ethics


This chapter elaborates the ontological and ethical underpinnings and implications of the concept of planetary well-being. We illustrate how planetary well-being can contribute conceptually to transformative thinking and discussing well-being, and to organizing human societies in more life-considerate ways. The chapter focuses on two themes: First, the ontological grounding and implications of planetary well-being, and second, the central ethical underpinnings and ramifications of planetary well-being. We demonstrate how planetary well-being is positioned in the broader ontological and ethical-theoretical landscape, owing to its process-oriented perspective and morally inclusive (non-anthro…

planetary well-beingekosysteemit (ekologia)luontokatohyvinvointiontologia (filosofia)etiikkamaailmanlaajuiset ongelmatplanetaarinen hyvinvointiympäristöfilosofiaympäristöetiikkasysteemiajatteluympäristökysymykset

Introduction to interdisciplinary perspectives on planetary well-being


This chapter gives an overview of the objectives of the book, presents its structure, and summarizes the content of each section and chapter. It introduces planetary well-being as a novel cross-disciplinary concept coined to foster global transformation to a more inclusive and equal expression of well-being for all. The chapter describes how researchers from different human, social, and natural sciences apply and reflect on the concept of planetary well-being in this book, demonstrating its value as an interdisciplinary and cross-cutting driver of change. The Introduction concludes that sustainability science and policy need a concept of well-being that is built on systemic and non-anthropo…

planetary well-beingluontokatokestävä kehityshyvinvointiekologinen kestävyysmaailmanlaajuiset ongelmatplanetaarinen hyvinvointiympäristökysymyksetbiodiversiteetti

Towards cultural transformation : Culture as planetary well-being


Culture covers myriad aspects of human life. Most often it is understood as intellectual or artistic practices, but in a broader view, culture covers the habits, lifestyles, traditions, beliefs, values, and worldviews that shape human lives and societies. Culture also undergoes continuous change and is affected by human actions. Current ecological and well-being crises caused by destructive cultural practices and actions pose an existential risk to both humans and nonhumans. This chapter argues that when challenging, preventing, and changing such destructive human practices and actions, the role of culture is indispensable. Building on and rethinking cultural sustainability, the chapter out…

planetary well-beingkestävä kehityskulttuurinykytaidekulttuurin muutosihminen-eläinsuhdetaideSiat—Pigs (taidenäyttely 2021)planetaarinen hyvinvointikestävä elämäntapataidenäyttelyt

A planetary well-being accounting system for organizations


Transformative changes in the operations of humankind are needed to support the transition towards planetary well-being. We humans organize our everyday lives through organizations. We argue that to understand the role of organizations and to facilitate the transition towards planetary well-being, we need a value-transforming integration of financial and environmental accounting and reporting. We find such integration critical to ensuring that the senior executives of organizations pay attention, and to ensuring that environmental impacts begin to influence the management decisions of the organizations. In this chapter we discuss how and why environmental accounting can and should be integr…

planetary well-beingekologinen kompensaatiovihreä siirtymäorganisaatiotplanetaarinen hyvinvointiympäristövaikutusten arviointiympäristötilinpitorahoitustilinpito

Planetary well-being and sustainable business : A work in progress


Businesses have a significant impact on global environmental and social sustainability. To address the related issues, the concept of sustainable business has been introduced, which refers to the practices that businesses can adopt to minimize their negative economic, environmental, and social impacts. This chapter presents a critical analysis of selected sustainable business concepts and practices using planetary well-being as a conceptual framework. In terms of conceptual approaches, the chapter discusses circular economy (circulation of resources without creating waste), degrowth (shrinking of production and consumption to respect planetary boundaries), and sustainability transition (rad…

planetary well-beingliiketoimintamallittalouskasvukestävä kehitysvihreä siirtymäkiertotalousekologinen kestävyyssosiaalinen kestävyysdegrowth-ajatteluplanetaarinen hyvinvointiyritykset

Diligent: el valencià noucentiste


Dos exitoses comèdies valencianes escrites per Felipe Meliá, ¡Páre vosté la burra, amic! i ¡Tot per un chiquet!, foren adaptades per al públic català per Agustí Collado. Basta comparar el primer acte de ¡Páre vosté la burra, amic!, estrenada en 1928, i sa versió catalana, El fill de son pare (1935), per a poder apreciar les numeroses, congruents i sistemàtiques diferències existents entre els dos texts, evidenciant que el dialecte valencià central resultava prou alié per a un públic de parla catalana. Two successful Valencian comedies written by Felipe Meliá ¡Páre vosté la burra, amic! (―Stop the donkey, my friend!‖) and ¡Tot per un chiquet! (―All because of a kid!‖) were adapted for the Ca…


Regestrum tonsurarum et aliorum ordinum de la diòcesi de València (1402-1421)


Aquest registre, redactat pels escrivans al servei de l’administració episcopal en l’època en què Hug de Llupià era bisbe de València, conté la relació dels joves que van rebre la tonsura i dels clergues, tant regulars com seculars, que foren ordenats per aquest bisbe i els seus bisbes auxiliars. L’estudi que obri el llibre ens aporta informació rigorosa i detallada sobre les ordenacions, les matèries que s’assignaven a cada orde, els ordenats i les formalitats de les ordenacions, a més d’un breu estudi diplomàtic del text mateix. L’edició del text, precedida dels regests dels quaranta-cinc documents inserits en el ‘Regestrum’, s’ha enriquit amb profusió de notes amb la identificació, sempr…


The need for guaranteed social and labour compliance clauses in public contracts: An approach to the Spanish case


The work provides the contributions of an empirical study recently carried out by the University of Valencia (Spain) in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Government). The work is mainly based on a qualitative methodology using in-depth interviews open to experts in the field (specifically 13) and on the presentations of renowned speakers at the 12th Economy Week of Alzira (Valencia), to which a content analysis was applied. Based on the results obtained and the multidisciplinary academic literature (labour relations, sociology, public administration and social responsibility), the debate concerns the feasibility of public administrations establishing, among their contr…

Urban StudiesPublic AdministrationAdministració públicaDevelopmentEmpreses Responsabilitat socialSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development

Promoting dairy products through the web: The case of Pecorino Siciliano PDO during the COVID-19 pandemic


This study analyses the digital marketing tools that companies producing Pecorino Siciliano with a protected designation of origin (PDO) are implementing on the web through their corporate website and their brand page on Facebook. It aims to verify whether companies are adapting (or not) to new trends in web marketing and e-commerce. The quality of corporate websites was assessed during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of usability and amount of activity on Facebook brand pages by Pecorino Siciliano PDO-producing companies. Analysed data show that the companies producing Pecorino Siciliano PDO fell short in developing their web-marketing tools, demonstrating their poor adaptation to the new d…

MarketingCheeseProcess Chemistry and TechnologySettore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleBioengineeringQualityDairy economicRegulationsFood Science

Changes in physical performance according to job demands across three cohorts of older workers in the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam


This study set out to evaluate the association between job demands at baseline and physical performance over a six-year period across three cohorts of older Dutch workers examined 10 years apart. Data were drawn from three cohorts (1992–1999, 2002–2009 and 2012–2019) of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. Individuals aged 55–65 years from each cohort who worked for pay were included (n = 274, n = 416, n = 618, respectively). Physical performance was measured using gait speed and chair stand performance. A population-based job exposure matrix was used to indicate levels of exposure probability of physical (use of force and repetitive movements) and psychosocial (cognitive demands and tim…

suorituskykypsychosocial job demandsphysical job demandsphysical performancepsykososiaaliset tekijätmuutostyöfyysinen kuntoikääntyminenageingcohort studyikääntyvät työntekijätkohorttitutkimusvaatimukset

Knowledge mining of unstructured information: application to cyber domain


Funding Information: TT, KB, ML and KK acknowledge research project funding from Cyberwatch Finland. AC is the CEO of the company. PJ and AC are founders and partners in the company. KK and ML are on the advisory board of the company. Funding Information: TT, KB, ML and KK acknowledge research project funding from Cyberwatch Finland. TT acknowledges funding from the Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Foundation of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s). Information on cyber-related crimes, incidents, and conflicts is abundantly available in numerous open online sources. However, processing large volumes and streams of data is a challenging task for…

information technologylaskennallinen tiedecomputational sciencecomputer sciencetietojenkäsittelytieteettietotekniikka

Spazio della memoria, memoria dello spazio nel racconto breve kuwaitiano: Yasquṭ al-maṭar… tamūt al-amīrah di Munā al-Šammarī


Munā al-Šammarī is a Kuwaiti short story writer, novelist, screenwriter and journalist born in Kuwait in 1966. Her first collection of stories, entitled Yasquṭ al-maṭar… tamūt al-amīrah (The rain falls… the princess dies) and published in 2012 describes the anxieties and worries of the inhabitants of Fahaheel (Faḥīḥīl), the small town located in southern Kuwait, where the writer was born and lived her childhood and adolescence and forged her identity. In the thirteen short stories that make up the collection, space – which is a ‘space of memory’ – represents not merely a geographical framework but rather the real object of narration. Through the constant dialogue between ‘space of memory’ a…

Settore L-OR/12 - Lingua E Letteratura ArabaShort story Kuwait space memory identity

Environmental remediation using nanomaterial as adsorbents for emerging micropollutants


Water shortage and scarcity are issues of global concern. Water pollution caused by organic micropollutants further aggravates the problem, by rendering an already scarce resource unfit for human consumption. The existing conventional wastewater treatment methods and infrastructure were not designed to eliminate micropollutants. Therefore, their inefficiencies call for modern methods for removing emerging micropollutant residues such as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs), personal care products and pesticides. The use of nanomaterials, for the abatement of micropollutants in water is gaining traction in recent years, due to the abundance of susta…

vedenpuhdistusMaterials Science (miscellaneous)antibiootittorjunta-aineetpesticidesjätevesiManagement Monitoring Policy and LawmicropollutantsPollutionantibioticswastewater treatment methodsmikrosaasteetnanoparticlesnanohiukkasetsteroiditwastewaterWaste Management and Disposalsteroidsenvironmental remediationjäteveden käsittelyWater Science and TechnologyEnvironmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management

Improved Global-Local Method for Ultrasonic Guided Wave Scattering Predictions in Composite Waveguides and Defects


Abstract As structures increase in complexity, in the use of high-performing materials and designs, their health assessment becomes increasingly challenging. Ultrasonic guided waves (UGWs) have shown to be very promising in the inspection of large (i.e. aerospace components) attenuating (i.e. composite materials) structures and have been successfully employed for damage detection in a variety of fields. The intrinsic complex nature of UGWs, due to their dispersive behavior, combined with the structural complexity of the applications, though, makes the interpretation of UGW inspections very challenging. Numerical simulations of UGW propagation become crucial to this end and have been address…

Mechanics of Materialsaerospace structures numerical analysis wave propagation modeling nondestructive evaluationSettore ICAR/08 - Scienza Delle CostruzioniSafety Risk Reliability and QualityCivil and Structural EngineeringJournal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems

Ménétrier's disease in a patient with refractory ulcerative colitis: a clinical challenge and review of the literature


Ménétrier’s disease (MD) is a rare disease of the stomach, characterised by hypertrophic gastric folds leading to protein loss. The association with ulcerative colitis (UC) is rare but has been reported in the literature. We report a case of a 29-year-old male affected by UC with an additional diagnosis of MD 3 years after UC diagnosis. UC was refractory to several treatment lines (thiopurines, infliximab, vedolizumab and ustekinumab), and the patient underwent colectomy. Octreotide was administered for MD normalising blood biochemistry, but it was not effective in inducing endoscopic remission of the stomach. Treatment options in patients with MD and UC are discussed.

AdultMalemedicine.medical_specialtymedicine.medical_treatmentGastroenterologyInflammatory bowel diseaseVedolizumabInternal medicineUstekinumabmedicineHumansGastritis HypertrophicColectomybusiness.industryGeneral Medicinemedicine.diseaseUlcerative colitisInfliximabInfliximabMénétrier's diseaseColitis UlcerativeUstekinumabbusinessRare diseasemedicine.drugdrugs: gastrointestinal system; gastroenterology; inflammatory bowel disease

On the critical curve for systems of hyperbolic inequalities in an exterior domain of the half-space


We establish blow-up results for a system of semilinear hyperbolic inequalities in an exterior domain of the half-space. The considered system is investigated under an inhomogeneous Dirichlet-type boundary condition depending on both time and space variables. In certain cases, an optimal criterium of Fujita-type is derived. Our results yield naturally sharp nonexistence criteria for the corresponding stationary wave system and equation.

Settore MAT/05 - Analisi MatematicaApplied MathematicsBlow-upHyperbolic inequalitiesWave equations and inequalitiesHalf-spaceAnalysisExterior domain

A discontinuous Galerkin formulation for nonlinear analysis of multilayered shells refined theories


A novel pure penalty discontinuous Galerkin method is proposed for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of multilayered composite plates and shells, modelled via high-order refined theories. The approach allows to build different two-dimensional equivalent single layer structural models, which are obtained by expressing the covariant components of the displacement field through-the-thickness via Taylor’s polynomial expansion of different order. The problem governing equations are deduced starting from the geometrically nonlinear principle of virtual displacements in a total Lagrangian formulation. They are addressed with a pure penalty discontinuous Galerkin method using Legendre polynomial…

Mechanics of MaterialsMultilayered shells Geometrical nonlinearity Discontinuous Galerkin method High-order modellingMechanical EngineeringGeneral Materials ScienceSettore ING-IND/04 - Costruzioni E Strutture AerospazialiCondensed Matter PhysicsCivil and Structural EngineeringInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences

Effect of organic loading rate on the production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from sewage sludge


The aim of this work was to study the effect of organic loading rate on the production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) from sewage sludge. Synthesis of PHA using sewage sludge as platform was achieved in this work. Three pilot-scale selection-sequencing batch reactors (S-SBR) were used for obtaining a culture able to accumulate PHA following a strategy of aerobic dynamic feeding (ADF) at different volumetric organic-loading-rate (vOLR): 1.3, 1.8 and 0.8 g COD L-1 d-1 for S-SBR 1, S-SBR 2 and S-SBR 3, respectively. Decreasing the vOLR enhanced the general performance of the process as for organic matter removal (from 99.2% ± 0.3% in S-SBR-3 to 92 ± 2 in S-SBR-2) while the opposite trend was r…

HistoryEnvironmental EngineeringPolymers and PlasticsSettore ICAR/03 - Ingegneria Sanitaria-AmbientaleGeneral MedicineBusiness and International ManagementManagement Monitoring Policy and LawWaste Management and DisposalIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringAerobic dynamic feeding Polyhydroxyalkanoates Resource recovery from wastewater Selection Sequencing batch reactor Sewage sludge

A linguistic Insight into Legislative Drafting. Tradition and Change in the UK Legislation


The main assumption proposed in this book is that legislative drafting represents an example of professional discourse, where the propositions of specialized information is translated into meanings, and such meanings are given as input to the rules and strategies of grammatical formulation. A relevant question for our understanding of modern legislative process is related to the effects of ‘context’ at different levels, within which legislative process takes place. By looking at those levels, the analysis conducted in the book demonstrates that it becomes possible to reach a deeper understanding of the professional groups taking part in the process, better assess the lexico-grammatical and …

Law language legislative drafting process professional discourse communication UKSettore L-LIN/12 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua Inglese

Aminoquinolines: Fluorescent sensors to DNA – A minor groove probe. Experimental and in silico studies


An aminoquinoline (AQ4) was developed and proven to be a new and efficient DNA minor groove fluorescent probe. The specificity for DNA minor groove was attested by comparing it with well-established DNA probes such as Hoechst stain, acridine orange, and ethidium bromide. AQ4 was similar to the Hoechst stain, a classic minor groove probe, and opposite to acridine orange and ethidium bromide, the typical intercalating probes. An advantage of AQ4 to the Hoechst stain was the higher fluorescent signal-to-noise ratio (+DNA/-DNA). The interaction with DNA leads to an exclusive fluorescent band centered at 590 nm. The red-shifted fluorescent band is associated with a new absorption band (490 nm), …

AminoquinolinesMinor GrooveDNAMolecular DynamicsSettore CHIM/08 - Chimica FarmaceuticaFluorescence