showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Riflessioni e traiettorie di ricerca interdisciplinari sulla transizione ecologica


Il volume 13 di AGATHÓN segue il precedente sulla Innovability©® | Transizione Digitale e raccoglie saggi e ricerche su Innovability©® | Transizione Ecologica, consapevole della sua incalzante attualità, ma anche del portato che la proposta di una doppia chiave di interpretazione suggerisce. I contributi del volume ci consegnano riflessioni e traiettorie di ricerca basate sulla necessità di una natura multiscalare degli interventi, che garantisca effetti indotti a un contesto ambientale più ampio di quello di riferimento, e di team che affrontino le criticità con un approccio collaborativo inter e transdisciplinare olistico e sistemico, in una sorta di speciazione delle discipline che ne mo…

ecological transitiontransizione ecologicaSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura

Sicurezza e populismo. I migranti alla frontiera del diritto penale


Il presente lavoro di ricerca ha ad oggetto la criminalizzazione delle migrazioni nell'èra del cosiddetto populismo, e in particolare del populismo penale. Invero, negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad una espansione incontrollata del potere punitivo che, sotto la pressione di un bisogno collettivo di sicurezza, ha condotto ad una vera e propria disumanizzazione del diritto penale (e punitivo-amministrativo), nel duplice significato che quest’ultima espressione rivestiva secondo la giurispoeta Mireille Delmas-Marty: "quello di un diritto penale che si sta deumanizzando, e quindi deumanizzato, in quanto sempre più distante dai principi dell'umanesimo giuridico; e quello di un diritto penale de…

human rights.populismoSettore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Dirittomigrantisécuritésolidaritésecuritysolidarietàpopulismepopulismfrontièresicurezzadroits humains.migrantfrontierebordersolidaritydiritti umani.Settore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

Indeksi liikuntaympäristöjen monipuolisuudesta asukkaiden lähialueella


Liikunta on välttämätöntä terveyden ylläpitämiselle, ja sillä on lukemattomia positiivisia vaikutuksia sekä fyysiseen että psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin. Liikuntaympäristöjen monipuolisuus lähellä kotia voi edistää liikunnan harrastamista ja fyysisesti aktiivista elämäntapaa. Liikunnallisen elämäntavan mahdollistaminen kaikille, etenkin huono-osaisilla alueilla, voi tasoittaa alueiden välisiä hyvinvointieroja ja näin vähentää segregaation vaikutuksia. Suomessa yhdenvertaisten liikuntapalvelujen järjestäminen asukkaille on pääosin kuntien vastuulla. Tässä artikkelissa esittelemme uuden indeksin, jolla voidaan kuvata ja analysoida asukkaiden lähialueella olevien erityyppisten liikuntaympäristöjen…

lähiötindeksitphysical activitykaupunkisuunnitteluliikuntapaikaturban planningliikuntapalvelutyhdenvertaisuusJyväskyläasuinalueetgeographical accessibilityArtikkelitmaantieteellinen saavutettavuusequalityHelsinkiesteettömyys ja saavutettavuusaluepolitiikkafyysinen aktiivisuusAlue ja Ympäristö

A comprensive spectral-timing study of Ultraluminous X-ray sources


accretionaccretion disksx-ray binariesultraluminous X-ray source

Connexive Logic, Probabilistic Default Reasoning, and Compound Conditionals


We present two approaches to investigate the validity of connexive principles and related formulas and properties within coherence-based probability logic. Connexive logic emerged from the intuition that conditionals of the form if not-A, then A, should not hold, since the conditional’s antecedent not-A contradicts its consequent A. Our approaches cover this intuition by observing that the only coherent probability assessment on the conditional event A | not-A is p(A | not-A) = 0. In the first approach we investigate connexive principles within coherence-based probabilistic default reasoning, by interpreting defaults and negated defaults in terms of suitable probabilistic constraints on con…

Settore MAT/06 - Probabilita' E Statistica MatematicaCoherence Compounds of conditionals Conditional events Conditional random quantities Connexive principles Default reasoning Iterated conditionals Probability logic.Settore MAT/01 - Logica Matematica

Ympäristönsuojelulaki vuotaa: turvekiista tunnustuskamppailuna


Tutkimme Keski-Suomessa pitkään jatkunutta turvekiistaa selvittämällä kyselyllä ja haastatteluilla kansalaisten käsityksiä turvetuotannosta ja sen vesistövaikutuksista. Tutkimuksemme osoittaa, että poliittis-hallinnollinen järjestelmä ei ole kyennyt täyttämään ympäristönsuojelulain tavoitetta turvata kansalaisille terveellinen ja viihtyisä ympäristö ja parantaa kansalaisten mahdollisuuksia vaikuttaa ympäristöä koskevaan päätöksentekoon. Lailla ei ole edellytyksiä säännellä kaikkia niitä luontoa hyödyntäviä toimintoja, joiden kansalaiset kokevat saastuttavan vesiympäristöään. Tämä puute näkyy esimerkiksi turpeennoston kaltaisissa toiminnoissa, jotka aiheuttavat vesistöjen hajakuormitusta eri…

päätöksentekoympäristökonfliktiympäristöoikeudenmukaisuusdeliberatiivinen demokratiaympäristönsuojeluEnvironmental Protection Acttunnustaminen (filosofia)ympäristönsuojelulakienvironmental conflictpeat disputeympäristövaikutuksetkansalaisetturpeennostoympäristöhallintoArtikkelitympäristöluvatviranomaisetenvironmental justiceturvekiistaturvetuotantodeliberative democracyosallistuminenAlue ja Ympäristö

A survey on algebraic dilatations


In this text, we wish to provide the reader with a short guide to recent works on the theory of dilatations in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. These works fall naturally into two categories: one emphasises foundational and theoretical aspects and the other applications to existing theories.

torsorsaffine modificationsdifferential Galois groupsformal blowupsNéron blowups[MATH] Mathematics [math]Commutative Algebra (math.AC)shtukasMathematics - Algebraic Geometryaffine blowupsFOS: Mathematicsalgebraic dilatations[MATH]Mathematics [math]Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)multi-centered dilatationsdilatations of schemesA 1 -homotopy theoryKaliman-Zaidenberg modificationslevel structuresMoy-Prasad isomorphismrepresentations of p-adic groupsMathematics - Commutative Algebramono-centered dilatationslocalizations of ringscongruent isomorphismsTannakian groupsaffine geometry

Targeting lysine-specific demethylase 1 (KDM1A/LSD1) impairs colorectal cancer tumorigenesis by affecting cancer cells stemness, motility, and differ…


: Among all cancers, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the 3rd most common and the 2nd leading cause of death worldwide. New therapeutic strategies are required to target cancer stem cells (CSCs), a subset of tumor cells highly resistant to present-day therapy and responsible for tumor relapse. CSCs display dynamic genetic and epigenetic alterations that allow quick adaptations to perturbations. Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A (KDM1A also known as LSD1), a FAD-dependent H3K4me1/2 and H3K9me1/2 demethylase, was found to be upregulated in several tumors and associated with a poor prognosis due to its ability to maintain CSCs staminal features. Here, we explored the potential role of KDM1A tar…

colorectal tumorigenesis stemness

The analysis of SUDEP forensic autopsies leading to preventable events


Introduction: The diagnosis of unexpected death by excluding non-natural causes, particularly in subjects with epilepsy, is a topic of interest and it is difficult to identify in the forensic field. Health professionals sometimes are faced with cases of sudden death, generally in young adults with a long history of epilepsy that require, for judicial purposes, an explanation in terms of cause and means to determine the death. SUDEP is an entity diagnosed by the exclusion of other causes that may have led to death, and then for forensic purposes, it requires particular attention and knowledge, and there is difficulty in identifying it. Our contribution aims to illustrate the scientific commu…

SUDEP epilepsy forensics autopsy research preventable events artificial intelligence

Ricerca-formazione nel Service e-Learning: significare l’esperienza attraverso la scrittura riflessiva e immaginativa in rete


This paper analyses a Service e-Learning course carried out at the University of Palermo, in the academic year 2022/23, with 260 students enrolled in the first year of the Bachelor of Science in Primary Education (LM-85bis), in order to describe and understand how this pedagogical research-training approach can determine professional development by supporting critical reflection and self-assessment processes. Specifically, the investigation aims to explore on the one hand, the perspective of reflective and imaginative writing as a useful critical-reflexive device aimed at supporting emancipative learning processes, and, on the other, the idea that the learner is perpetually under constructi…

service learning education e-learning experience emancipative learning reflective writingSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Caries Severity, Decayed First Permanent Molars and Associated Factors in 6-7 Years Old Schoolchildren Living in Palermo (Southern Italy).


To date, there are very few epidemiologic studies on caries disease in 6–7 year old children living in Sicily (Southern Italy). The first permanent molar (FPM) is the most commonly affected tooth in this target population, and a one-unit increase in the number of decayed FPMs is predictive of caries in other teeth and in adulthood. The primary aim of this research is to estimate the prevalence of caries in 6–7 year old schoolchildren living in Palermo and, as a secondary aim, to estimate the prevalence of affected FPMs. It was designed as a cluster cross-sectional survey on 995 children from 16 schools, selected based on their geographical location, in one of the eight city districts. Carie…

caries prevalencesocio-economic conditionchildrenItalySettore MED/28 - Malattie Odontostomatologiche610 Medicine & healthdental cariesocio-economic disparities in healthsocio-economic determinant610 Medicine & healthcaries severitySettore MED/01 - Statistica Medica

Calculus of Variation and Path-Integrals with Non-Linear Generalized Functions


The calculus of variation and the construction of path integrals is revisited within the framework of non-linear generalized functions. This allows us to make a rigorous analysis of the variation of an action that takes into account the boundary effects, even when the approach with distributions has pathological defects. A specific analysis is provided for optimal control actions, and we show how such kinds of actions can be used to model physical systems. Several examples are studied: the harmonic oscillator, the scalar field, and the gravitational field. For the first two cases, we demonstrate how the boundary cost function can be used to assimilate the optimal control adjoint state to th…

FOS: Physical sciencesMathematical Physics (math-ph)[PHYS.MPHY] Physics [physics]/Mathematical Physics [math-ph]Mathematical Physics

Metric Learning in Histopathological Image Classification: Opening the Black Box


The application of machine learning techniques to histopathology images enables advances in the field, providing valuable tools that can speed up and facilitate the diagnosis process. The classification of these images is a relevant aid for physicians who have to process a large number of images in long and repetitive tasks. This work proposes the adoption of metric learning that, beyond the task of classifying images, can provide additional information able to support the decision of the classification system. In particular, triplet networks have been employed to create a representation in the embedding space that gathers together images of the same class while tending to separate images w…

WSItriplet networksembeddingSettore INF/01 - Informaticapatient level accuracymetric learningbreast cancer imagingBreakHisclassification interpretabilityvisualization

pH-Responsive Cyclodextrin-Surfactant Inclusion Complexes: Thermodynamics and Structural Aspects


This thesis presents the investigation of the multilevel assembly of the alkyl oligoethylenoxide carboxylic acids and cyclodextrins. The aim of the work is to combine the short-range host-guest and long-range electrostatic interactions to form highly-ordered supramolecular complexes. The interactions between the components affect their individual response and their properties; therefore, the knowledge of the nature and the influence of their chemical structure is essential to understand the system’s behaviour. Polyoxyethylene alkyl carboxylic acids are an attractive class of surfactants to integrate both inclusion complexes and polyelectrolyte systems due to their pH and thermoresponsivenes…

Inclusion complexThermodynamicSurfactantCyclodextrinPolyelectrolyteSANS.

Persona e fondamenti dello Stato in Giorgio La Pira


The contribution reconstructs the philosophical contribution offered by Giorgio La Pira to the realization of the Republican constitution

Settore M-FIL/03 - Filosofia MoraleDemocracy Person Politics Christianity

Dépenses d’enseignement dans les collèges privés et publics et indice de positionnement social : une analyse spatiale et longitudinale


Introduction En France, depuis 1963, date d’instauration de la carte scolaire, l’affectation des élèves dans un collège est fonction de son lieu de résidence. Ainsi, chaque élève est affecté à un collège public à proximité de son domicile. Par essence, cette méthode d’affectation reproduit au sein des collèges la ségrégation résidentielle. La possibilité d’obtenir des dérogations à cette affectation administrative, l’assouplissement de la carte scolaire de 2007, et la liberté de scolariser so...

mobilité géographiquedisparité régionaleRGCGeographyKNXBDépense d'enseignementJNMÉtablissement d'enseignementEnseignement privéAnalyse longitudinale[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationorientation scolaire-professionnelleIndice de Positionnement SocialEducationSOC015000Enseignement publiccheminement professionnelCollègeEDU015000Enseignement secondaireAnalyse spatialecheminement scolairemesure pour l’emploiPOL013000

Gender-neutral Language in EU Secondary Legislation: The Case of the English Language


English does not have a grammatical gender, thus having an “intrinsic predisposition towards gender-neutral forms” (Poddighe 2020, 3). Most personal nouns do not indicate a specific gender, as in the case of person or engineer. However, there are also personal nouns with lexical gender, such as king or queen (Hellinger 2001). As a result, in English there is a risk of creating sentences that are not gender-neutral. Within the EU, the promotion of the use of a more inclusive language represents an important objective. For this reason, in recent years, various documents containing guidelines on gender-neutral language have been elaborated to encourage members of the EU institutions to adopt a…

EU legislative draftinggender-neutral language corpus-based analysis EU secondary legislation English languageSettore L-LIN/12 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua Inglese

Ordine pubblico, gestazione per altri e diritti dei minori: riflessioni a partire dalla sentenza SS.UU. 30 dicembre 2022, n. 38162


Il contributo esamina la questione della trascrivibilità del certificato di nascita formato all'estero di un bambino nato tramite gestazione per altri da una coppia di uomini e si confronta criticamente con la soluzione della sua contrarietà all'ordine pubblico internazionale formulata dalle sezioni unite civili della Suprema Corte di Cassazione. Anche alla luce della giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo, vengono evidenziati gli elementi che, nell'adozione in casi particolari ex art. 44, lett. d), l. n. 184/1983, si frappongono ad una piena realizzazione del superiore interesse del minore riguardo alla formalizzazione del legame con il genitore intenzionale. Viene quindi…

trascrivibilità del certificato di nascita formato all'esteroordine pubblico internazionalesuperiore interesse del minoregenitore intenzionaleadozione in casi particolariSettore IUS/01 - Diritto PrivatoGestazione per altri

Editorial: CAR T-cells: novel therapeutic approaches in the new era of cancer immunotherapy


Immunotherapy has emerged as one of the most effective treatments capable of overcoming tumor resistance mechanisms due to its ability to modulate the patient’s immune response against cancer. Personalized anti-tumor therapy based on T cells engineered to express a cancer-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) acts directly on the immune system of patients. Specifically, this therapy enhances the recognition of cancer cells by T lymphocytes, thus promoting their elimination. In this Research Topic several aspects of CAR T-cell therapy, with particular emphasis on novel findings aimed at ameliorating the effectiveness of CAR T-cell-based immunotherapy and reducing side effects, are describ…

CAR T-cell cancer immunotherapy side effects tumor microenvironmentddc:610

Global Real-World Outcomes of Patients Receiving Immuno-Oncology Combinations for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma: The ARON-1 Study


Background: Immuno-oncology combinations have achieved survival benefits in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Objective: The ARON-1 study (NCT05287464) was designed to globally collect real-world data on the use of immuno-combinations as first-line therapy for mRCC patients. Patients and methods: Patients aged ≥ 18 years with a cytologically and/or histologically confirmed diagnosis of mRCC treated with first-line immuno-combination therapies were retrospectively included from 47 International Institutions from 16 countries. Patients were assessed for overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall clinical benefit (OCB). Results: A total of 729 patie…

Renal Cell CarcinomaImmunotherapyImmuno-oncology Combinations

A framework for Population Protocols in VANETs


vanetpopulation protocols

Migrants and Practitioners united in a Flipped Classroom. An Interethnic Communication Path for Individual and Community Well-Being


Background. A pilot-training experience focused on the integration of migrants from African coasts in Sicily (South Italy). Specifically, the challenge was to increase awareness of the need to obtain a variety of flexible skills among people who work in the context of the delicate and complex area of migration and multi-cultural community needs. Methods. The methodological choice of the Flipped classroom allows an enhancement of practitioner awareness (pedagogists and psychologists) about migration, enrolled on the course above mentioned which took place in Palermo (Sicily) in 2021. Results. The authors focused on migrants, who, together with teachers, ran all the sessions of the project an…

flipped classroom integration migrants practitioners well-being



Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) are epigenetic compounds that have been recently considered for their promising anti-tumor activity. The aim of this PhD thesis was to elucidate and characterize the anti-tumor effect of the HDAC inhibitor ITF2357 (Givinostat) in melanoma and colon cancer cells that are characterized by oncogenic BRAF mutations. Interestingly, data reported in this thesis demonstrate that ITF2357 exerts a remarkable anti-tumor effect in melanoma cells by inducing a switch from a pro-survival autophagy to caspase-dependent apoptosis. The thesis provides the first evidences that ITF2357 is able to target oncogenic BRAF and oncogenic p53. The ITF2357 decreasing effect on…

p53HDAC inhibitorSettore BIO/10 - BiochimicaAutophagyEpigeneticApoptosisMelanomaColon cancerBRAF

Deep learning techniques for visual object tracking


Visual object tracking plays a crucial role in various vision systems, including biometric analysis, medical imaging, smart traffic systems, and video surveillance. Despite notable advancements in visual object tracking over the past few decades, many tracking algorithms still face challenges due to factors like illumination changes, deformation, and scale variations. This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the visual object tracking problem and discusses the traditional approaches that have been used to study it. We then propose a novel method called Tracking by Iterative Multi-Refinements, which addresses the issue of locating the target by redefining the search…

Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle InformazioniDeep LearningVisual Object TrackingFast LearningReinforcement LearningCNN

The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences


Prey seldom rely on a single type of antipredator defence, often using multiple defences to avoid predation. In many cases, selection in different contexts may favour the evolution of multiple defences in a prey. However, a prey may use multiple defences to protect itself during a single predator encounter. Such “defence portfolios” that defend prey against a single instance of predation are distributed across and within successive stages of the predation sequence (encounter, detection, identification, approach (attack), subjugation and consumption). We contend that at present, our understanding of defence portfolio evolution is incomplete, and seen from the fragmentary perspective of speci…

saaliseläimetvuorovaikutuspredation sequencedefence portfolioantergysynergydefence syndromesecondary defencessaalistuseläintiedetrade-offsintraspecific variationantergy defence portfolio defence syndrome intraspecific variation predation sequence predator cognition secondary defences synergypetoeläimetsynergiapuolustuspredator cognition

Development of a Tumor-Derived Extracellular Vesicle Engineering Protocol for Targeted Chemotherapeutic: A Novel Experimental Model using Malignant P…


Extracellular VesicleTarget TherapyMalignant Pleural Mesothelioma

Colorectal cancer-derived small extracellular vesicles induce TGFβ1-mediated epithelial to mesenchymal transition of normal hepatocytes: new insights…


More than 50% of patients affected by colorectal cancer (CRC) present liver metastasis, which is the most frequent cause of CRC-associated death. Numerous studies have shown that metastatic cascade is the result of complex mechanisms based on two-way interactions between invasive CRC cells and liver resident cells. In recent years, several findings have demonstrated that small extracellular vesicles (SEVs) released by cancer cells play a crucial role in the formation of pre-metastatic niche in the liver, specifically affecting the activities of non-parenchymal cells as Kupffer cells and hepatic stellate cells. However, although hepatocytes (heps) are the most conspicuous in the liver, their…

Liver metastasiTransforming growth factor‑β1 (TGFβ1).Small extracellular vesicleHepatocyteColorectal cancer



Spinal cordHeat shock proteinGlutamate&nbspNeurogenic inflammationRheumatoid Arthritireceptors

Photoreforming of organics in aqueous suspension of Nb2O5/C3N4 composites to obtain H2


Photocatalysis based on the use of semiconductors has gained, during the recent years, increased attention as promising sustainable process for H2 and fine chemicals production, given the possibility of activating such photocatalysts by visible light radiation. The photo-reforming activity in this work has been measured under both UV-LED irradiation and natural sunlight illumination. Moreover, the presence of metallic Pt as co-catalysts has been studied. Carbon nitride (C3N4) based materials are good candidates for solar energy conversions. The choice of C3N4 and Nb2O5 arises from the fact that their heterojunction can lead to lower recombination between the photo-generated electrons and ho…

composite materialsphoto-reformingHydrogen

Catalytic valorisation of Chlorella sp. algae to obtain 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in the presence of Nb2O5 or NbOPO4


Microalgae are interesting biomass able to growth in not-arable lands, in wastewaters or seawaters. There are plenty of species of microalgae and several of them find application in various industrial sectors because they are source of several products in an integrated biorefinery view. In this work two acidic heterogeneous catalysts, namely Nb2O5 and NbOPO4 have been used. Both are commercial products provided by CBMM and they have been physico-chemically characterised. The isomerisation/dehydration reactions proceed through a tandem pathway involving the Lewis and Brønsted acid sites provided by the surface of the acidic solids giving rise to the isomerization of glucose to fructose, foll…

Biomass valorisationheterogeneous catalysisMicroalgae

Energy Communities in urban areas: Comparison of energy strategy and economic feasibility in Italy and Spain


Energy communities using renewable energy sources directly contributes to reduction of climate-change gas emissions and energy consumption in the European Union. In addition, energy communities enable citizens to transform from (passive) consumers to prosumers (active consumers and producers) and to play a proactive role in the deployment of energy transition in urban areas. As the transposition of European rules about energy communities into the national laws of EU Member States is very articulated and differentiated, this study proposes a framework to analyze and compare regulatory and financial instruments. This framework is applied to the analysis of the case of Italy and Spain, as repr…

energy communitiefinancial incentiveeconomic feasibilitySettore ICAR/22 - Estimo

Mediterranean Diet, Sustainability, and Tourism—A Study of the Market’s Demand and Knowledge


Globalization intensified competitiveness among agribusinesses worldwide in recent years. The European Commission focused on enhancing sustainable agriculture and food products’ territorial uniqueness for competing in the international market. The Mediterranean diet (MD) is a model of feeding and lifestyle belonging to the ancient Mediterranean culture, which also embodies a sustainable food system. Therefore, in 2010, UNESCO recognized the MD as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and Sicily (southern Italy) is its official physical site. Despite its worldwide fame, the notion of the MD runs the risk of being mystified because it is described most often as something that does not cor…

agribusiness system marketingMediterranean diet patternsustainable food systemSettore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleAGIL schemesampling surveyfood securityUNESCO heritagecommunication modelquality food productfood policy

Pääkirjoitus: Tutkimustiedon julkaiseminen suomen kielellä on tärkeää


Suomen kielen käyttö tieteellisessä julkaisemisessa on ajankohtainen aihe. Julkaisukulttuurissa on kuluneen kymmenen vuoden aikana tapahtunut selvä muutos. Julkaisutahti on nopeutunut ja julkaiseminen pirstaloitunut. Tutkijoille julkaisukanavaan ja raportointikieleen liittyvien vaihtoehtojen pohtimisesta on tullut tärkeä osa arkea, ja samalla julkaiseminen on voimakkaasti, melko nopeasti ja vähin äänin englanninkielistynyt. Muutosten taustalla eivät kuitenkaan ole yksittäisten tutkijoiden itsenäiset valinnat vaan laajempi tiede- ja korkeakoulupolitiikkaan sekä kansainvälisiin virtauksiin kytkeytyvä ilmiö, jonka kaikkia vaikuttimia ja varsinkaan kaikkia seurauksia ei vielä tunneta. nonPeerRe…

kieli ja kieletsuomen kielikielenkäyttötutkimustietoEsipuheetpääkirjoituksettutkimustiedepolitiikkavaikuttavuusenglannin kielikansainvälistyminentieteellinen julkaisutoiminta

Healthcare Professional Communication on Sexual Health: A Report from the Italian Working Group on Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer


Background: Sexual function is an important concern for adolescent and young adult (AYA) with cancer. The aim of this study was to explore the attitude of Italian health care professionals who deal with AYA patients with cancer toward sexual health communication. Materials and methods: A 11-question survey was developed by the AIOM (Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Medica) and AIEOP (Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica) AYA workgroup and sent to AIOM and AIEOP members. Results: The sample comprised 360 respondents, 54.2% AIEOP and 45.8% AIOM members. Eighty percent were physicians, 14.5% nurses, 4.7% psychologists, and 0.8% other professionals. Medical oncologists are mo…

educationsexual healthadolescents and young adults

Il progetto di Archeologia Virtuale ad Alesa Arconidea


The Virtual Archaeology project at Alesa Arconidea · Virtual Archeology is the field of application that finalizes the use of information technologies for the knowledge, enhancement and communication of the archaeological heritage. It deals with the reconstruction of artifacts, buildings, landscapes of the past through three-dimensional models, hypertexts and multimedia solutions. The goal of Virtual Archeology is to promote the development of formalized investigation procedures and methodologies to acquire, represent, process and communicate data while producing new information and research tools that go beyond traditional forms and bring a contribution to the progress of the studies and p…

Virtual Archaeology Alesa Arconidea Virtual Reconstruction

Racialized immigrants becoming part of the city : connecting migration, space and race : commentary to van Liempt


Building on Ilse van Liempt’s (2023) lecture, this commentary addresses the connection and shift between forced displacement and local emplacement by addressing what becoming part of the city means for racialized immigrants. By bringing forward the notion of racialization I hope to contribute to a growing body of literature discussing how malleable and productive the concept of race – albeit erased and relegated to the past – keeps on shaping conversations about and across Europe. Connecting migration, space and race offers a particularly rich context in which to have this discussion because, as all three elements are mutually constructive, addressing them together exposes some of the compl…
