Aimoini monachi, qui antea Annonii nomine editus …
Aimoinus <monaco di Fleury m. 1010 ca.>
First edition edited by J. Nicot of the text written by the Benedictine monk Aimone, which tells the story of the Franks from their origins up to 654.
Ancient history, medieval historyhistory Franks Middle AgesAnnales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante…
Camden, William <1551-1623>
History of Queen Elizabeth's reign in an annalistic style, grouping events by year.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyElizabeth I English historiography Elizabethan ageArtis historicae penus octodecim scriptorum tam v…
Baudouin, François <1520-1573>
Collection of works by 19 authors (18 in the title) on the theory and methodology of history. The first volume includes 8 authors.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyhistoriography ars historica sixteenth-century cultureAugustini Barbosae, ... Iuris ecclesiastici unive…
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
Treatise on canon law dealing with ecclesiastical persons, places and matters.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law clergy Catholic Church jurisprudenceAugustini Barbosae, ... Iuris ecclesiastici unive…
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
Treatise on canon law dealing with ecclesiastical persons, places and matters.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law clergy Catholic Church jurisprudenceAugustini Barbosæ, i.v.d. Lusitani, ... Collectan…
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
Canon law work that includes canonical sources from both ancient and modern authors. The second volume contains the third and fourth books of decretals.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law decretals canonical sourcesAugustini Barbosæ, i.v.d. Lusitani, ... Collectan…
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
Canon law work that includes canonical sources from both ancient and modern authors. The fifth volume contains the Decretum Gratiani.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law decretals canonical sources Decretum gratianiAugustini Barbosæ, i.v.d. Lusitani, ... Collectan…
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
Canon law work that includes canonical sources from both ancient and modern authors. The third volume contains the fifth book of decretals.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law decretals canonical sourcesAugustini Barbosæ, i.v.d. Lusitani, ... Collectan…
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
Canon law work that includes canonical sources from both ancient and modern authors. The fourth volume contains the sixth book of decretals (Boniface VIII), the "Clementines" and the "Extravagantes" decretals.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law decretals canonical sourcesAugustini Barbosæ, i.v.d. Lusitani, ... Collectan…
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
Canon law work that includes canonical sources from both ancient and modern authors. The first volume contains the first two books of decretals.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law decretals canonical sourcesAugustini Barbosæ, i.v.d. Lusitani, ... Selectae …
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
Canon law work that includes canonical sources from both ancient and modern authors. The sixth volume contains author's interpretations of some conflicting rules.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law decretals canonical sourcesBullae, privilegia, et instrumenta Panormitanae M…
Mongitore, Antonino <1663-1743>
Collection of bulls, privileges and documents of the metropolitan church of Palermo from 1083 to 1729.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationPalermo Church ecclesiastical privilegesC. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae libri trigi…
Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Gaius 61 ca.-114 ca.
Edition of Pliny's Naturalis historia, a naturalistic treatise wich is a summa of ancient scientific knowledge, created on the basis of the Aldine archetypes.
Ancient history, medieval historynatural science encyclopedic knowledge PlinyCanones et decreta sacrosancti oecumenici et gene…
Concilio di Trento <1545-1563>
Faithful chronicle of the 25 sessions following one another in the three phases of the Council of Trent and of the established statutes and decrees.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationCouncil of Trent Catholic Church religionCaroli Sigonii De rep. Hebraeorum libri 7. ... in…
Sigonio, Carlo <1524-1584>
Handbook on the political and religious institutions of ancient Israel.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationJudaism Israel politics religionChristiani Matrimonii Institutio per Des. Erasmum…
Erasmus Roterodamus <1466-1536>
The author re-evaluates the concept of conjugal love: marriage is the mystical union of two souls, the expression of an emotional understanding between spouses. He also suggests a mitigation of the norms on the indissolubility of marriage: if there is conflict between the spouses, for the salvation of their souls he considers the possibility, as extrema ratio, of dissolving their marriage.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationChristian marriage divorce sacramentCommentarius historicus, et dogmaticus De sacrame…
Juénin, Gaspard <1650-1713>
Commentary by the French theologian Juénin on the sacraments of Catholic religion.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationdogmatic theology sacraments Catholic religionConstitutioni prammaticali del Regno di Sicilia f…
Sicilia <Regno>
Collection of laws issued by the Kingdom of Sicily during the government of the viceroy Marcantonio Colonna.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicsKingdom of Sicily viceroy Colonna lawConsultationes canonicae in quibus … Iacobi Pigna…
Pignatelli, Giacomo <1625-1698>
This work includes legal advice and opinions on canon law, to be used in ecclesiastical courts as a repertoire of real causes.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law Catholic Church jurisprudenceDella guerra di Fiandra, descritta dal cardinal B…
Bentivoglio, Guido <1579-1644>
Historical work, in eloquent style, that tells the story of the religious war in the Netherlands against Philip II. It is divided into two parts: the first one goes up to 1577, the second one starts from year 1578.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyFlanders religious war Philip IIDella guerra di Fiandra, descritta dal cardinal B…
Bentivoglio, Guido <1579-1644>
Historical work, in eloquent style, that tells the story of the religious war in the Netherlands against Philip II. It is divided into two parts: the first one goes up to 1577, the second one starts from year 1578.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyFlanders religious war Philip IIDionysii Alexandri F. Halicarnassen Antiquitatum …
Dionysius Halicarnassensis 60? a.C.-ca. 10
Historical work that attributes paramount importance to rhetoric. By reworking the ancient sources (annalists in particular), it traces in its 10 books the history of Rome from its origins to the tyranny of the decemvirs.
Ancient history, medieval historyRoman history rhetoric ancient sourcesEpitome historiae ecclesiasticae. De conversionib…
Pappus, Johannes <1549-1610>
Compendium of ecclesiastical history on the conversions of peoples, the persecutions of the Church, heresies and ecumenical councils.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationecclesiastical history Catholic Church CatholicismFelicis, et fidelissimæ urbis Panormitanæ selecta…
Del Vio, Michele <1650-1707>
Collection of some privileges of the city of Palermo issued between 1140 and 1704.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicsPalermo privileges lawGeorgii Trapezuntii Rhetoricorum libri quinque. I…
Georgius Trapezuntius <1395-1484>
Specialist work that analyzes the various aspects of rhetoric in a technical and preceptual way, referring to the Ciceronian lesson.
Ancient history, medieval historyrhetoric ars oratoria CiceroGli elogi vite brevemente scritte d'huomini illus…
Giovio, Paolo <1483-1552>
The author draws a portrait of the great men of history and literature of the Medieval and Renaissance eras.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historybiography military biography medieval and Renaissance literatureHistoire du Concile de Trente, de Frà Paolo Sarpi…
Sarpi, Paolo <1552-1623>
French translation of the work of Venetian theologian and historian Paolo Sarpi, who reconstructs the history of the Council of Trent and criticizes its outcome.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationCouncil of Trent Catholic Church religionHistoire du roy Henry le Grand. Composée par Mess…
Perefixe, Hardouin de <1605-1670>
Story of the life and reign of Henry IV of Bourbon, also called The Great, king of France from 1589 to 1610.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historybiography Henry IV of Bourbon FranceHistoria della perdita e riacquisto della Spagna …
Rogatis, Bartolomeo de <1596-1656>
The work tells the story of the Muslim conquest of Spain starting in 711 and of the following Christian Reconquista by the Spanish. The second part of the work deals with the Reconquista.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historySpain Islamic conquest ReconquistaHistoriarum compendium, quod incipiens à Nicephor…
Iohannes Scylitzes <fl. 1081>
A compendium of stories about the reigns of Byzantine emperors, from Nicephorus I (d. 811) to Isaac I Comnenus (d. 1061).
Ancient history, medieval historyhistory Byzantine Empire Eastern EmpireIacobi Bidermani e Societate Iesu Utopia seu sale…
Bidermann, Jakob <1578-1649>
Through this collection of satirical pieces of prose, set in a fictional land whose people have abandoned all arts and sciences to indulge in pleasures, the author, a member of the Society of Jesus, celebrates the ideal State.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationsatire ideal State JesuitsIacobi Menochii iurisconsulti Papiensis divini at…
Menochio, Giacomo <1532-1607>
Juridical work about the arbitrariness and power of judges, especially in the most difficult legal questions, for which there are no certain rules.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicsjurisprudence judicial power lawIl libro del cortegiano del conte Baldassar Casti…
Castiglione, Baldassarre <1478-1529>
Treatise describing the qualities of the perfect courtier through a conversation between renowned personalities, depicting at the same time an ideal model of sixteenth-century court society.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historycourtier courtly society sixteenth centuryIoan. Francisci Buddei ... Orationes binae, alter…
Buddeus, Johann Franz <1667-1729>
Three orations: the first on the defects to be corrected in academic youth, the second on the different opinions expressed on the University of Jena (where the author taught theology), the third on the origin of theology teaching
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationprayer university of Jena theologyIoan. Francisci Buddei Th.D. et P.P. Miscellanea …
Buddeus, Johann Franz <1667-1729>
Third volume of a sacred miscellany of dissertations and considerations on theology, the history of Church and various religious controversies.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationsacred miscellany theology ecclesiastical historyIoseph Cumiae Siculi, Catinensis, iurisconsulti c…
Cumia, Giuseppe <1531ca.-1593ca.>
A commentary on the Ritus magnae regiae curiae..., the law Alfonso IV the Magnanimous (1446) promulgated, which reformed the judicial procedures in the courts of the island which were part of the Kingdom of Sicily.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicsjurisprudence law Kingdom of SicilyIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The third volume contains books VII, VIII and IX.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The third volume contains books VII, VIII and IX.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings.The seventh volume contains book XVI.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The eighth volume contains books XVII, XVIII and XIX.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The fourth volume contains books X, XI and XII.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings.The seventh volume contains book XVI.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The sixth volume contains books XIV and XV.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The fifth volume contains book XIII.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates e…
Bingham, Joseph <1668-1723>
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The fifth volume contains book XIII.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligious history Christianity Church Christian antiquitiesIstorie del suo tempo di Mons. Paolo Giovio da Co…
Giovio, Paolo <1483-1552>
Renaissance work about the world known in that time, focusing particularly on italian events, with a geographic table of the mentioned places.The first part covers the period from 1494 to 1517.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyhistory geography ItalyIusti Lipsii De bibliothecis syntagma
Lipsius, Justus <1547-1606>
Brief treatise that following a chronological order traces the history of ancient libraries, from the Egyptian ones to those of Imperial Rome.
Ancient history, medieval historylibrary history ancient librariesJo. Baptistae De Luca … Commentaria ad Constituti…
De Luca, Giovanni Battista <1614-1683>
Commentaries by jurist De Luca on the legislation decided by Pope Innocent XI which excluded women from intestate succession. The work also includes a treatise on church pensions.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law inheritance law ecclesiastical pensionsJoannis de Laet Antwerpiani Notae ad dissertation…
Laet, Johannes de <1593-1649>
De Laet's critical confutation of Hugh Grotius treatise which argued that Native Americans came from Norway, Ethiopia and China.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyNative Americans North America originsJoannis de Laet Antwerpiani Notae ad dissertation…
Laet, Johannes de <1593-1649>
De Laet's critical confutation of Hugh Grotius treatise which argued that Native Americans came from Norway, Ethiopia and China.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyNative Americans North America originsJoannis de Laet Antwerpiani Responsio ad disserta…
Laet, Johannes de <1593-1649>
De Laet's response to Hugo Grotius who, resentful about De Laet's confutation on his previous work, had published a second treatise in an attempt to refute De Laet's arguments.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyNative Americans North America originsJohannis Pauli Lancelotti JCti Perusini Instituti…
Lancellotti, Giovanni Paolo <1522-1590>
Systematic treatment of canon law divided in four parts, according to the model of the Justinian corpus.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law juridical science lawJohannis Pauli Lancelotti JCti Perusini Instituti…
Lancellotti, Giovanni Paolo <1522-1590>
Systematic treatment of canon law divided in four parts, according to the model of the Justinian corpus.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationcanon law juridical science lawLa vie d'Olivier Cromwel. Par Gregoire Leti
Leti, Gregorio<1630-1701>
Fictional biography of Oliver Cromwell's life. The second volume begins with the execution of King Charles I and ends with the restoration of monarchy after his death.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyCromwell biography EnglandLa vie d'Olivier Cromwel. Par Gregoire Leti
Leti, Gregorio <1630-1701>
Fictional biography of Oliver Cromwell's life. The first volume reaches up to the defeat of the royal army by the army led by Cromwell (1648).
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyCromwell biography EnglandLettere dell'ill.re signore don Antonio di Guevar…
Guevara, Antonio de <m. 1545>
Collection of religious letters by the Spanish Catholic bishop Antonio de Guevara (1480-1545).
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationepistolary letters holy ScripturesLettere dell'ill.re signore don Antonio di Guevar…
Guevara, Antonio de <m. 1545>
Collection of religious letters by the Spanish Catholic bishop Antonio de Guevara (1480-1545).
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationepistolary letters holy ScripturesLettere dell'ill.re signore don Antonio di Guevar…
Guevara, Antonio de <m. 1545>
Collection of religious letters by the Spanish Catholic bishop Antonio de Guevara (1480-1545).
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationepistolary letters holy ScripturesLettere dell'ill.re signore don Antonio di Guevar…
Guevara, Antonio de <m. 1545>
Collection of religious letters by the Spanish Catholic bishop Antonio de Guevara (1480-1545).
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationepistolary letters holy ScripturesM Tullii Ciceronis De philosophia volumen secundu…
Cicero, Marcus Tullius <106 a.C.-43 a.C.>
Second part of the collection of philosophical works of Cicero published by Manuzio, wich includes De natura deorum, De divinatione, De fato, De legibus, De universitate, De petitione consulatus ad Marcum fratrem.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationCicero philosophy Roman religion lawM. Henrici Kippingi Ad epitomen Historiæ ecclesia…
Kipping, Heinrich <1623 ca.-1678>
With the addition of new sources, this work is proposed as a supplement to Johannes Pappus's epitome of church history.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationecclesiastical history Catholic Church CatholicismNicolai Leonici Thomaei De varia historia libri t…
Leonico Tomeo, Nicolai 1456-1531
Erudite miscellany in which the author, drawing on his readings of the classics, deals with the most disparate topics of ancient history.
Ancient history, medieval historyancient history Greek history classical literatureOde di Pindaro antichissimo poeta, e principe de'…
Pindarus <518 a.C. ca. - 438 a.C. ca.>
Tuscan translation of Pindar's odes, containing erudite observations and a rich critical apparatus (largely borrowed from the Latin edition by Schmidt of 1616).
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyPindar translation Greek poetryOnvphrii Panvinii Veronensis De ludis circensibus…
Panvino, Onofrio <1529-1568>
This work depicts the world of Roman circus shows, depicting agonal games as well as ceremonies and sacred rites linked to the various celebrations.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationhistory of Rome Roman circuses agons sacred ritesPanegirici sacri di Paolo Segneri della Compagnia…
Segneri, Paolo <1624-1694>
Panegyrics dedicated to the great characters of the Catholic pantheon.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationpanegyric Catholic Church Italian ChurchPastoralis solicitudinis, sive, de officio, et po…
Barbosa, Agostinho <1590-1649>
In this text, jurist and theologian Barbosa explains what the tasks and role of parish priests are and how their ministry should be animated by "pastoral solicitude".
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationpastoral ministry Christian doctrine religionPausaniæ De veteris Græciæ regionibus commentarii.
Pausanias 110 ca.-180 ca.
Latin translation of the Periegesis of Pausanias, in which the topographical description of the Greek regions is narrated with an antiquarian and erudite taste, with long historical and geographical excursuses.
Ancient history, medieval historyGreece periegesis history geographyPetri Danielis Huetii episcopi Abrincensis Demons…
Huet, Pierre Daniel <1630-1721>
In this text, French theologian Huet supports the thesis of a universal diffusion of the evangelical message and argues that its traces are even in myths and beliefs.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationreligion theology ChristianityPhilippi a Limborch SS. Theologiae inter remonstr…
Limborch, Philippus van <1633-1712>
Exposition of the theology of the Remonstrant professors of the Amsterdam seminar (Episcopus and Courcelles), aimed at the practice of Christian pietas, tolerance and peace.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationRemonstrant theology Arminian Church Low CountriesPhilostrati Lemnii senioris Historiae de vita Apo…
Philostratus, Flavius 170-245 ca.
The book contains two works. The first one is a fictional and edifying biography, of mystical nature, of the life of Apollonius of Tyana. The second one is a confutation of Hierocles' work who considered Apollonius more divine than Jesus Christ.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationbiography Apollonius of Tyana Jesus Christ religionPolybii Megalopolitani Historiarvm libri priores …
Polybius ca. 205-120? a.C.
Latin translation of the first five books of the Histories of Polybius, followed by an epitome of the following books up to the seventeenth. These first 17 books tell with a didactic purpose the story of the rise of Rome, from the first Punic war (264 BC) to the end of the second Macedonian war (197 BC).
Ancient history, medieval historyRoman history didactics politics warPracticarum quæstionum rerumque in supremis Belga…
Christynen, Paul van <1553-1631>
Commentary on Belgian laws through the judgments of the Belgian supreme courts. The second volume is about judgments based on the Justinian Code.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicscivil law Belgium law jurisprudencePracticarum quæstionum rerumque in supremis Belga…
Christynen, Paul van <1553-1631>
Commentary on Belgian laws through the judgments of the Belgian supreme courts.The first volume is about various cases discussed in the courts on a daily basis.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicscivil law Belgium law jurisprudencePromptuarium universi Iuris Civilis: hoc est, Ind…
Compagnie des libraires de Lyon <Lione> 650
Handbook of the Corpus iuris civilis, containing a general index of the entire Justinian corpus.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicsCorpus iuris civilis Justinian code legislative corpusQ. Curtii Rufi, Historia Alexandri Magni. Cum not…
Curtius Rufus, Quintus <I sec. d.C.>
Editio variorum of Quintus Curtius Rufus Historiae Alexandri Magni, with comments and annotations by various specialists. It is the story of the life and career of Alexander the Great.
Ancient history, medieval historybiography Hellenistic historiography Alexander the GreatRegni Siciliae Capitula novissime accuratiori dil…
Ramondetta Sammartino, Raimondo <1522-1583>
Collection of the laws of the Kingdom of Sicily by the jurisconsult Ramondetta.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicscapitula law Kingdom of SicilySacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Lancetta, Ciriaco <m. 1725>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from April 14, 1704 to December 13, 1709, taken from the autographs of Ciriaco Lancetta, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Lancetta, Ciriaco <m. 1725>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from December 10, 1696 to April 11, 1704, taken from the autographs of Ciriaco Lancetta, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Lancetta, Ciriaco <m. 1725>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from January 13, 1710 to December 10, 1714, taken from the autographs of Ciriaco Lancetta, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Lancetta, Ciriaco <m. 1725>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from January 13, 1719 to July 4, 1721, taken from the autographs of Ciriaco Lancetta, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Lancetta, Ciriaco <m. 1725>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from August 1, 1721 to July 2, 1723, taken from the autographs of Ciriaco Lancetta, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Lancetta, Ciriaco <m. 1725>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rotafrom from January 11, 1715 to December 12, 1718, taken from the autographs of Ciriaco Lancetta, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Molines, José de <1645-1717>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from June 28, 1686 to December 11, 1693, taken from the autographs of José de Molines, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Molines, José de <1645-1717>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from January 11, 1700 to December 15, 1704, taken from the autographs of José de Molines, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Molines, José de <1645-1717>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from January 11, 1694 to December 14, 1699, taken from the autographs of José de Molines Molines, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Molines, José de <1645-1717>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from January 11, 1705 to April 23, 1708, taken from the autographs of José de Molines, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendiss…
Molines, José de <1645-1717>
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from April 23, 1708 to August 3, 1711, taken from the autographs of José de Molines, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacra Rota court of the Holy See Roman Curia jurisprudenceSaggi di morale del signor di Chanteresme, traspo…
Nicole, Pierre <1625-1695>
Second volume of a monumental work of moral reflection, among the most famous of XVII and XVIII centuries, in which the author expresses his beliefs, inspired by an anti-mystical intellectualism and Augustinian anthropology.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationtheology Christian ethics moral workSicilia sacra disquisitionibus: et notitiis illus…
Pirri, Rocco <1577-1651>
The second volume of Pirri's work on Sicilian churches deals with the bishoprics of Sicily which are no longer extant.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSicilian churches Sicilian bishopricsSicilia sacra disquisitionibus: et notitiis illus…
Pirri, Rocco <1577-1651>
In the first volume, royal historian Pirri talks about the origins of the metropolitan churches of Palermo, Messina and Monreale, opening the work with a detailed chronology of the kings of Sicily.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationkings of Sicily Sicilian metropolitan churches Palermo Messina MonrealeSicilia sacra disquisitionibus: et notitiis illus…
Pirri, Rocco <1577-1651>
In the first volume, royal historian Pirri talks about the origins of the metropolitan churches of Palermo, Messina and Monreale, opening the work with a detailed chronology of the kings of Sicily.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationkings of Sicily Sicilian metropolitan churches Palermo Messina MonrealeSiciliae sacrae, in qua sicularum abbatiarum, ac …
Pirri, Rocco <1577-1651>
The fourth volume of Pirri's Siciliae sacrae speaks of Sicilian abbeys and priorships.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSicily abbeys prioratesSiciliæ sacræ celeberrimi abbatis Netini d. Rocch…
Mongitore, Antonino <1663-1743>
This work is an integration and correction to the work of Rocco Pirri on Sicilian churches.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSicily churches bishopricsStatus particularis regiminis S.C. majestatis Fer…
Elzevier 650
Description of the government of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg. It also includes a story by D. Eremita about the legation received by Rudolph II in 1609.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyFerdinand II of Habsburg Rudolf II of Habsburg Holy Roman EmpireValerii Maximi Dictorum, factorumque memorabilium…
Valerio Massimo I sec. a.C.-I sec. d.C.
Moralizing collection of memorable facts and sayings, divided into 95 sections, each divided in two parts, one dedicated to Roman exempla, the other to foreigners.
Ancient history, medieval historyLatin literature didactic prose rhetoric exemplaVeteres renovatae Longobardorum leges, tribus lib…
Bohier, Nicolas <1469-1539>
Edition by the jurist Nicolas Boerius of the legislative corpus of the Lombards, with notes by the author and comments by Carlo da Tocco.
Legal studies, comparative law, law and economicsLombards legislative corpus civil lawVetus et nova Ecclesiae disciplina circa benefici…
Ludovico Thomassino <1619-1695>
Work on ecclesiastical discipline regarding benefices and beneficiaries. The second volume deals with clerics, bishops and the various benefices.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationecclesiastical benefices ecclesiastical discipline clergy canon lawVetus et nova Ecclesiae disciplina circa benefici…
Ludovico Thomassino <1619-1695>
Work on ecclesiastical discipline regarding benefices and beneficiaries. The first volume deals with ecclesiastical hierarchy and religious congregations.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationecclesiastical benefices ecclesiastical discipline clergy canon lawVetus et nova Ecclesiae disciplina circa benefici…
Ludovico Thomassino <1619-1695>
Work on ecclesiastical discipline regarding benefices and beneficiaries. The third volume deals with ecclesiastical goods and their distribution and use.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationecclesiastical benefices ecclesiastical discipline clergy canon law[Sicilia sacra in qua episcopatuum nunc florentiu…
Pirri, Rocco <1577-1651>
The author lists and describes the bishoprics that are in Sicily (Agrigento, Patti, Cefalù, Mazara) and in the islands of Malta and Lipari.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationchurches Sicilian bishoprics Lipari Malta[Sicilia sacra in qua episcopatuum nunc florentiu…
Pirri, Rocco <1577-1651>
The author lists and describes the bishoprics that are in Sicily (Catania, Syracuse, Agrigento, Patti, Cefalù, Mazara) and in the islands of Malta and Lipari.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationchurches Sicilian bishoprics Lipari MaltaĒmer-eniauto-genea-chorographias nucleus, insigni…
Bucelinus, Gabriel <1599-1681>
Chronological compendium of universal sacred and profane history, with calendars, list of popes and Roman emperors, genealogical tables and a small atlas of Europe with 15 maps.
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationuniversal history genealogy calendarCollection of Agricultural Entomology
The Entomology collection consists of a series of purely educational and informative materials, and another strictly scientific one. Created over the years, by the union of the various collections that belonged to the Institute's professors, it now contains more than 160 entomological drawers and other scientific material.
Population biology, population dynamics, population geneticsCollection of Electrical, Electronics and Informa…
The collection, currently in the process of being reordered, contains a large number of instruments and equipment that have made the history of electronics and electricity. Most of them come from the Royal School of Engineering of Palermo, but now they are part of the DEIM Department.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyCollection of Historical Informatics Devices
The collection consists of more than 30 informatics devices of great historical and scientific importance, mostly coming from the former University Computing Centre. They represent the ancestors of the modern computers, witness of decades of Computer Science.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyCollection of Historical Instruments of Chemistry
Many of the ancient laboratory equipments, used by the chemists of the University of Palermo, have been collected in a setting, that preserves traces of the prestigious school of chemistry established by Stanislao Cannizzaro during his stay in Palermo, whose researches were avant-garde, in the national and international field.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyCollection of Historical Instruments of Physics
This huge collection of instruments (about 500) has been collected over time since 1811, when the physicist Domenico Scinà obtained the chair of Experimental Physics. The collection includes pieces from different branches of Physics, such as mechanics, calorimetry, acoustics, electromagnetism and optics.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyCollection of Human Anatomy
Numerous anatomical finds, of great historical value, collected over the last three centuries of activity and study, are witness to the methods and instruments used in teaching one of the key subjects for the preparation of every future doctor.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyCollection of Human Physiology
A singular and precious collection of scientific equipment (kymographs, myographs, scales etc.), preserved into ancient fume hoods appropriately restored, reflects the already advanced experimental research, conducted in Palermo in the field of Human Physiology, between the late 19th and early 20th century.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyCollection of Mineralogy
The collection of Mineralogy preserves one of the richest and oldest group of minerals present today in Sicily. The beautiful finds from the Sicilian chalky-sulphur series, the rocks and decorative stone materials, the fine Sicilian amber, the precious and ancient instruments of study and research, are the elements of this small but meaningful collection.
Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrologyCollection of Psychotechnical Instruments
This collection contains some instruments of Psychotechnics, also used from the former University Institute of Psychology, since the early postwar years. These highly valuable equipment, carefully cataloged, are in the process of being reorganized, to be placed in a suitable exhibition structure.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyCollection “Lagumina”
“The Sicily told by cartographers” is an exhibition project set up in December 2014, in the spaces of the former Steri Prison, thanks to the sensitive support of Antonio Lagumina, who has created a significant collection of maps of Sicily from the 16th to the 19th century, through long and exciting research conducted over many decades.
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyHistorical MapsCollections of the Engineering Department
This peculiar collection includes instruments and equipment property of the old departments, recently merged into the DICAM Department. There are materials used for studies and tests of structural engineering, geotechnics, hydraulics, science and technology of materials.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyMediterranean Picture Gallery (Quadreria)
This is a contemporary art collection, whose artworks, acquired or donated to the University of Palermo during the 20th century, are the expression of a painting matured in the Mediterranean area. There are many canvases by prestigious artists such as Guttuso, De Pisis, Garajo, Giambecchina, Rosai, Cordio, Ceccotti, Martorelli, Catalano.
History of art and of architecturePicture GalleryScientific Collections of the Architecture Depart…
The historical and documentary materials, coming from the collections of architects and artists, constitute a cultural heritage of great scientific and artistic value. The heterogeneity of sources and the different origins make the collection of great interest, especially for a possible future expansion and further valorization.
History of art and of architecture“Grande Abatellis” and the “Quadreria della Regia…
In the "Sala Gerbasi” (also called “Sala delle Capriate”) at the Steri has been set up the new picture gallery of the University, thanks to the “Grande Abatellis” Project within the Valorization Agreement, which aims to make available part of the collections in the deposits of the Regional Gallery of Palazzo Abatellis.
History of art and of architectureCultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritagePicture galleryChiaromonte Palace
Chiaromonte Palace, known as “Steri”, is one of the iconic places of the city of Palermo. It holds seven centuries of art and history of Sicily. It is the first example of the new architectural style, that appeared in Sicily at the beginning of the 14th century, the style precisely called “chiaromontano”. The palace, after several uses, is now the seat of the Rectorate.
History of art and of architectureSecular and aristocratic buildingsConvent of Sant'Antonino
This old Franciscan convent, near the central railway station, was built in the 18th century and later converted into an army barracks. In 2004 it was acquired from the University and today hosts the University Language Centre, a laboratory of basic and applied research, dedicated to innovative materials, and a museum of industrial archaeology. This latter preserves, indeed, the spaces and machinery dedicated to the manufacture of bread, and its gem is the giant solid wood mill that has been preserved almost intact.
Medieval and post-medieval archaeologiesIndustrial ArcheologyCrypt of the Repentite
The crypt came to light by chance in 2005, during some renovation works of an old religious complex in via Divisi and is currently intended for University Departments. It is still intact in its original beauty. Burial place for the “Repentite”, it preserves a valuable 17th century altar, almost intact.
History of art and of architectureReligious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacred and Religious buildingsFossa della Garofala
Fifteen hectares of green, a strip of Conca d'Oro, the wide plain on which the city of Palermo extends, saved from the urbanization of the western part of the city, it is the legacy of an elegant garden wanted by Louis Philippe duke of Orlèans, in the 19th century. Today it houses the experimental fields of the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.
Conservation biologyAgricultural fieldsMonumental Complex of the Steri
This complex of historical buildings of great value, occupies an area between Piazza Marina and via Scopari. It is the headquarters of executive and administrative activities of the University. It is made up of Chiaromonte Palace, the Prison of the Penitenziati, the Chapel of Sant'Antonio Abate, the former Palace of Regio Lotto.
History of art and of architectureSecular and aristocratic buildingsMuseo Geologico “Gaetano Giorgio Gemmellaro”
The Museum's patrimony consists of over 600.000 fossils divided into numerous collections. You can stand out some collections about Geological history of Sicily with fossils that span a time interval of over 270 million years and geological and paleontological collections from all over the world. The museum holds over a thousand holotypes (unique specimens on which the fossil species have been established). The exhibition area is divided into three floors. Among the exhibits you can appreciate a gypsum crystal containing a drop of water from the Mediterranean of 6 million years ago and the oldest human skeleton of Homo sapiens found in Sicily dated Upper Paleolithic.
Geology, tectonics, volcanologyGeologyMuseo della Radiologia
The Radiology Museum is one of the few of its kind in the world. The different sections dedicated to the origins of radiology and to the scientists who have permitted its evolution, allow breathing an atmosphere of scientific and cultural integration that comes from a real synergy between the historical elements and the modern ones, used during the daily activity of the structure.
Medical technologies and tools (including genetic tools and biomarkers) for prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseasesMedicine RadiologyMuseo della Specola
The Museo della Specola is located on the top of the Torre Pisana (or Torre di Santa Ninfa) of the Palazzo dei Normanni, on the site that housed the ancient observatory (Specola Panormitana), established in 1790 at the behest of King Ferdinand I of Bourbon. In this place, on January 1st 1801, the Theatine father Giuseppe Piazzi, first director of the observatory, discovered the first asteroid, Ceres (today classified as a dwarf planet). The entire structure, with most of its original furnishings and instruments, was completely restored in the 1990s and the Museum was inaugurated in 2001. It includes the original premises of the Observatory, such as the Circular Room (hosting the famous Ramsden Circle, the telescope used by Piazzi for his studies), the Gallery of Mobile Instruments, the Me…
History of science and technologies, environmental historyMuseo di zoologia “P.Doderlein”
The Zoology Museum preserves several thousands of Invertebrate and Vertebrate specimens. Established in the second half of the 19th century, it is an important conservation centre for Sicilian and Mediterranean zoological material. Thanks to its peculiar structure, it gives visitors the same atmosphere in which zoology scientists worked in the second half of the 19th century.
Conservation biologyZoologyMuseo storico dei Motori e dei Meccanismi
The energy is neither created nor destroyed but is transformed. To carry out this process and get the form of energy from time to time more useful, many machines were invented, whose development and whose applications have had significant effects in the scientific, economic and social. From the Industrial Revolution onwards, the use of machines has spread everywhere, in the energy sector, industry, transport, household etc. Understand the history and prospects of development therefore it means to enrich their scientific and cultural heritage. The Museum houses important collections of engines, mechanisms, industrial, scientific and educational that, since the founding of the Royal Application School for Engineers (second half of the nineteenth century), were acquired and used over time in…
History of science and technologies, environmental historyEngines and mechanism museumOratory of the Falegnami
This precious chapel, incorporated in the Convent of the Teatini, former headquarter of the University of Palermo in via Maqueda, is the reconstruction of the oratory destroyed during the realization of the portico, in the main building. Closed to the public and to worship for many years, it was reopened as University Chapel in 2009.
History of art and of architectureReligious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacred and Religious buildingsOrto Botanico
The University of Palermo’s Botanical Garden is one of the most important Italian academic institutions. This enormous outdoor museum can boast over 200 years of activity and is responsible for the study and diffusion of innumerable plant species in Sicily, in Europe and throughout the Mediterranean basin, many of which come from tropical and subtropical regions. Today, the Garden is particularly noteworthy for the large variety of species and the expressivity of the many floras it hosts.
Conservation biologyBotanical GardenPrison of the Penitenziati
This 16th century building for a long time housed the Inquisition prisons and then the Royal Court. It collects several graffiti, living proof of the dark and terrible time of Inquisition, thanks to the meticulous work of the Palermitan ethnologist Giuseppe Pitrè, that brought them to light at the beginning of the 20th century.
History of art and of architectureReligious studies, ritual; symbolic representationInquisition buildingsS. Antonio Abate Church
This small and elegant chapel, dedicated to S. Antonio Abate, whose devotees were the crusaders coming back from Holy Places, was commissioned by Manfredi I. It is in fact the private chapel of the Chiaramonte family. Among its peculiarities, high on a wall, there is the discovery of a Christ face portray similar to that one painted on a roof beam of the Sala Magna of the Steri.
History of art and of architectureReligious studies, ritual; symbolic representationSacred and Religious buildingsUB
Atlas photographique de la lune
Maurice Loewy, Pierre Puiseux
History of science and technologies, environmental historyAstronomical instrumentation and data, e.g. telescopes, detectors, techniques, archives, analysesSciences astronomyConclusiones ex universa philosophia depromptae… …
Ludovic Nicquevard, Grégoire Huret.
History of philosophyDIJON university BurgundyDevises pour les tapisseries du roy
Charles Perrault, Jacques Bailly
History of art and of architectureEarly modern, modern, and contemporary historyHistory of art historyHistoire naturelle des oiseaux.
Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon
History of science and technologies, environmental historyEnvironmental Biology, Ecology and EvolutionScience Ornithology BurgundyKeinen kacho gafu.
History of art and of architectureJapan history of artLa tour de trois cents mètres.
Gustave Eiffel
History of art and of architectureCities; urban, regional and rural studiesHistory of art urbanism of ParisObservations sur l’histoire naturelle, sur la phy…
Jacques-Fabien Gautier-Dagoty
History of art and of architectureHistory of science and technologies, environmental historyHistory of sciences history of artTesauro spiritual…
Guillaume Le Signerre, saint Bonaventure
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationBook studiesReligion book historyTraitté de la peinture.
Léonard de Vinci. Roland Fréart.
Cultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritageHistory of art and of architectureHistory and theory of artCampus art work
Our campus has an open-air museum: Kirili, Agam, Arman ... Rare in the French landscape
History of art and of architectureDr. Zittel’s palaeontological wallcharts
About 100 palaeontological wallcharts, end of the 19th century. Fossils representations and a few artist views (drawings).
Macroevolution and paleobiologypalaeontolgy science of EducationPaleontological collections
Since 1830, UB has kept collections of paleontology. The latest estimates are around 1 million fossils and 11.000 types and published specimens. Only the types and published fossils are digitized and accessible on the website Explore-Recolnat. Recolnat is the national infrastructure of natural history collections.
Macroevolution and paleobiologyPaleontologyPatrimoine Scientifique et Technique Contemporain
Contemporary scientific heritage: science in the making in partnership with the Musée des Arts et Metiers in Paris
History of science and technologies, environmental historyRegistration for the protection of historical mon…
History of art and of architectureCultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritageformer Burgundian art museum “Musée d’art bourgui…
Thousand ancient glass slides, end of the 19th century. Antic (Egypt, Sicily…) and Burgundian monuments photographic views.
History of art and of architectureCultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritagephotographic views of monuments (antiquities around the world ; monuments of BurgundyUO
Biblia Sacra Veteris et Novi Testamenti
[per Thomam Gvarinvm]
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationBible old printsHistorische Beschreibung der Stadt Alten Stettin …
Friedeborn, Paul (1571-1637)
Ancient history, medieval historyOld prints history of cities history of PomeraniaList króla Stanisława Augusta do wielkiego sekret…
Stanisław August Poniatowski (King of Poland ; 1732-1798)
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyHistory 18th cent French Letters manuscriptNicolai Heneli[i] [...] Silesiographia Hoc est Si…
Henel von Hennenfeld, Nicolaus (1582-1656)
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyOld prints marginaliaOpera Wergiliana docte et familiariter exposita; …
Vergilius Maro, Publius (70-19 a.C.)
Classics, ancient literatureOld prints Vergilius Maro Publius Aeneis Bucolica GeorgicaColeoptera collection
A Coleoptera collection contains more than 20,000 specimens. Most of them are Curculionoidea, but also many others different families, from Europe, New Caledonia and Thailand. The Collection is partly digitalized as a part of BioMap project https://baza.biomap.pl/en/db. Most specimens are preserved as dry samples in vials or in alcohol.
Population biology, population dynamics, population geneticsentomologyCretaceous Fossils Collection
The Cretaceous collection of fossils (ammonites, nautiloids, inoceramids, echinoids, sponges etc.) from the Turonian-Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) interval have been collected from two quarries in Opole area: Odra and Folwark. Some parts of material exhibited at the Museum of UO, some described as Master’s thesis, some published or will be published in the near future in scientific papers.
Macroevolution and paleobiologypalaeobiologyDiptera collection
A Diptera collection contains more than 2,000 specimens of Ephydridae, mainly from Poland. Not yet digitalized.
Population biology, population dynamics, population geneticsentomologyFlora of Middle Asia collection
The collection of vascular plants from Middle Asia (mainly Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan with some from Uzbekistan). It consists of approx. 15,000 specimens with ca. 6,000 identified. They were collected during 2006-2021 in almost all vegetation types and habitats of the Global Hotspot of Biodiversity “Mountains of Central Asia”. The collection was used to comparative studies on several groups of species and is the voucher collection for a number of ecological studies.
Conservation biologybotanyFlora of Opole Silesia collection
A collection of vascular plants from Poland that comprises mainly Opole Silesia region. Additionally there are stored collections of A. Nowak, E. Kuźniewski from Sudety Mts., Carpathians, Croatia, Romania and the Czech Republic. The number of stored specimens exceeds 13,000.
Conservation biologybotanyHistorical coin collection
The collection of 61 cons dating back from late medieval times was discovered in Byczyna (Opole region) during archeological examinations of a cemetery near a local evangelical church of St Nicholas. The excavations were conducted in 2009-2014 and revealed 1087 graves in a regular pattern. The coins were connected to a ritual that required leaving a coin with a deceased body to ensure the passage to the other world. The 54 coins were precisely dated (the oldest dating to the 1330s and the newest to 1750s), with the remailing specimens too damaged to identify. They are described in academic and popular publications by dr. Magdalena Przysiężna-Pizarska
Medieval and post-medieval archaeologieshistory archeologyRodło Archive Collection
The Rodło Archive collection is one of the most valuable collections in the Library of the University of Opole. Some of the documents date back to the first years of the Union’s of Poles in Germany activity. It was the Polish organization in Germany, existing since 1922.The Archive was established on the initiative of Edmund Osmańczyk (Polish journalist, political scientist and politician, activist of the Polish minority in Germany ) and his assistant Helena Lehr. The time limit of the Archive is 1960 / 1970–1990. In 1999, the resource was donated to the University of Opole by Helena Lehr. Since then, it has been stored and made available in the reading room of the UO Main Library. Archival materials are divided into series. There is an extensive collection of press clippings, photographs…
The Study of the Human PastCultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritagelocal historyTriassic Fossils Collection
A collection of vertebrate remains from the famous Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian) deposits of Krasiejów. Excavations are carried out at the site since the early 2000s. In the UO collection, hundreds of specimens are held, including fossils assigned to different groups of fishes, temnospondyl amphibians (Cyclotosaurus, Metoposaurus), and reptiles, mostly gharial-like Paleorhinus/Parasuchus and armored Stagonolepis. UO collection includes also microvertebrate remains – isolated teeth and scales. \nIn the future, the digital collection will be enlarged to include also Middle Triassic findings from the vicinity of Opole, like vertebrate-bearing findings from Gogolin.
Macroevolution and paleobiologypalaeobiologyTrue Bugs Collection (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
A true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) collection at the University Opole contains several thousand specimens, including more than a hundred types representing mainly three families, i.e. Cydnidae (burrowing bugs), Tingidae (lace bugs) and Dinidoridae. The collection covers almost all zoogeographical regions of the World, but mostly concentrates on tropical Africa, Australia, the Oriental Region and the Palaearctics.
Population biology, population dynamics, population geneticsentomologyUniversity Hill Statue Collection
The collection started with former Rector Prof. Stanisław Nicieja’s efforts to renovate not only the University buildings but also the immediate surroundings. As Collegium Maius is the highest point of Opole city, University Hill was landscaped and a garden, footpaths and objects/statues were brought after renovation or commissioned. There are two main collections: (1) the historical – the baroque St. Mary’s column, the Dominican column, the statue of St. Christopher, the statue of Peregrinus Opoliensis (14th century), of Christ the Savior, the St. Adalbert’s well, the “Four Seasons” sculpture series by Hendrik Hartmann, “The Lady with the Harp”, “Diana” and “Venus” and (2) the modern – a gallery of figures representing contemporary artists connected to Opole or to Opole’s National Festiv…
History of art and of architectureCultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritageSmall architecture epitaphs and statuesCollegium Maius Building\nUniversity of Opole Rec…
The Museum of University of Opole houses historical (1970) and current (2021) insignia of the rector’s office: chains, rings and scepters made of silver and decorated with precious stones. A frequent decorative motif is the eagle of the Piast dynasty(the first royal house of Poland) wearing a crown. It also stores commemorative medals in bronze or patinated bronze (size from 6 to 9 cm in diameter) that commemorate various jubilees – the University inauguration in 1994, the University tenth and twentieth anniversaries in 2004 and 2014 respectively. It also exhibits originals and replicas of oil paintings of University rectors in ceremonial robes. It is also possible to see the commemorative portraits of all University of Opole Honorary Doctors (Polish and foreign scholars, intellectuals, l…
Cultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritageReligious studies, ritual; symbolic representationEuropean Centre of \nPalaeontology
A European research and education centre of palaeontology/palaeobiology, located in a palaeontological pavilion at Krasiejów near Opole. By now, Krasiejów has become a famous locality where Upper Triassic sedimentary rocks are exposed that have yielded large numbers of fossils, mostly vertebrates but also invertebrate and plant taxa. The Opole area is also well known for its Late Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian) marine fossils, mostly invertebrates, but rare vertebrate remains and plants have also been recorded. Close to Opole, Middle Triassic (Germanic facies, Muschelkalk) deposits are widely distributed as well, with profuse vertebrate and invertebrate fauna and ichnofossil assemblages. A number of quarries with Jurassic and Carboniferous rocks are situated in the region. In short, this …
Macroevolution and paleobiologypalaeontologyLate medieval cemetery
The cemetery is localized in Byczyna (Opole region) near a local evangelical church of St Nicolaus, between Wolności Street, Długa Street and Wolności Square. The cemetery dates back to from early 11th century to 16th century. During excavations conducted in 2009-2014 there were 1087 graves in different state of decay. The bone remains were transferred to the Polish Academy of Science institute as mandated by law.
Archaeological methods and theory, history of archaeologyarcheologyMappa Geographica Exactissima, Continens Imperato…
A map of the Silesian region by Pieter II Schenk (1693-1775), dated to around 1760. Its size is 48,7 cm on 56,8 cm, it is framed by the scale and accompanied bythe legend
Early modern, modern, and contemporary historyhistorical cartographyMuseum of University of Opole
The idea of creating Muzeum Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, a space for storing, documenting, and exhibiting the mementoes, relics and works of art was initiated in 2012 by the Rector of the University, prof Stanisław Sławomir Nicieja. Being a biographical historian, and acting with the sense of responsibility for securing and preserving the heritage of the first institution of higher education in Opole, he decided to start storing the exhibits that testify to the scientific and cultural past of the university and can serve as data for new research and creative initiatives. There are three permanent exhibitions – one devoted to the history of the University – “Alma Mater Opoliensis”, the second to “Palaeontological Trasures of Opole region,” and one is an outdoor walk of the “University Hill” wi…
The Study of the Human PastHistory of art and of architectureCultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritageMacroevolution and paleobiologyhistory ethnography palaeontology architectureSt. Wojciech’s (Adalbert’s) Chapel
The chapel is part of the former Dominican monastery complex situated on a limestone hill overlooking the historical centre of Opole, adjacent to the building of Collegium Maius of University of Opole. The chapel was built in 1663. It commemorates the patron saint of the Opole-Silesia region. Photos of the outside are available on the website. The interior is refurbished with modern sacral elements and decorations and can be entered through the Museum of University of Opole.
History of art and of architectureReligious studies, ritual; symbolic representationarchitectureJGU
Brevier Adalberts von Sachsen
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationEarly modern, modern, and contemporary historyReligionDie Cronica van der hilliger Stat va[n] Coelle[n]
Ancient history, medieval historyEarly modern, modern, and contemporary historyHistoryNew atlas consisting of some curious astronomical…
Physical geography, geomorphologyEarly modern, modern, and contemporary historyGeographyBotanical Garden
Mainz University Botanic Garden is a scientifically curated collection of living plants. Its mission is to serve university research, student teaching and to inform the general public in many ways. The Botanic Garden cultivates a broad spectrum of plant diversity. Its collections are fully transparent and digitally accessible. They are in accordance with national and international conventions on the protection and sustainable use of biological diversity. \nCurrently, the Garden's collections encompasses 8283 plant species and horticultural varieties belonging to 2567 genera and 301 families from all over the world. The Garden mission is to contribute to the research and conservation of plant diversity and to display the amazing diversity of plant life. \nThe 5407 photos currently included…
Conservation biologyCollection of living plantsClemens Brentano Collection
A collection of letters written by the poet Clemens Brentano and by members of his family
Philology; text and image studiesLiteratureCoin Collection
The numismatic collection of Ancient History is based on the coin collection of the former chair holder Hans-Ulrich Instinsky (1907-1973). In 1974 and 1984, the Department of Ancient History was able to purchase 368 specimens from his private collection. Since the private collection covered all ancient epochs, it was possible in this way to provide a comprehensive overview for teaching purposes. The "Instinsky Collection" thus represents the foundation of the now including nearly 1,000 coins, which spans a time frame from the 6th century BC to the 6th century AD.\nAlthough the focus is primarily on the coins of the Principate, coins of the Greek poleis and Hellenism are also strongly represented, as are coins of the Roman Republic and Late Antiquity. The collection also has a few Persian …
Archaeology of early literate societies and early civilizationsNumismatic collection of Ancient HistoryEthnographic Collection
The department’s ethnographic collection cares for about 2,700 ethnographic objects, mainly from Central and West Africa, but also from Australia, Papua New Guinea and other parts of Oceania. They represent the areas of technology and material culture, and a range of activities including religious practices, hunting and warfare, music, art, and household. This diverse and striking collection is comprised of a wide range of objects, including weapons, basket, musical instruments, textiles and religious objects, such as the outstanding power figure from the Chiloango River collected by R. Visser in the late 19th century.\nThe collection was started in 1950 by Erika Sulzmann, who, in 1948, became the first lecturer in anthropology at the newly established Institut für Völkerkunde at the JGU,…
Cultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritageEthnographic objects from Central and West Africa Australia Papua New Guinea other parts of OceaniaGeoscience Collection
Collection of about 50.000 geological, paleontological and mineralogical objects.
Geology, tectonics, volcanologyGeologyIndology Collection
Collection of ca. 250 bronze statues of Indian Gods.
Cultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritageIndian GodsUVeg
Claudii Ptolomei Cosmographie
Ptolemeu, Claudi (90-168)
Physical geography, geomorphologyHistory of science and technologies, environmental historyGeography CosmographyEthica ad Nicomachum
Aristòtil (384 aC-322 aC)
Ethics and its applications; social philosophyHistory of philosophyEthicsExpositio Psalmo[rum] beati Augustini
Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona (354-430)
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationPreachingFrancisci Philelfi satyrarum hecatostichon
Filelfo, Francesco (1398-1481)
Philology; text and image studiesTheory and history of literature, comparative literatureSatirical composition PhilologyGeneral floor plan of the Estudio General
Antonio Martorell
History of art and of architectureArchitecture PlanLibrary façade project (plan)
Joaquín Martínez
History of art and of architectureLo procés de les olives e disputa dels jòvens hi …
Bernat Fenollar; Narcís Vinyoles; Johan Moreno; Jaume Gassull; Baltasar Portell
Theory and history of literature, comparative literatureLiterary workNomina et virtutes balneorum Putheoli et De balne…
Petrus, de Ebolo; Arnau de Vilanova
Medieval and post-medieval archaeologiesHistory of science and technologies, environmental historyMedieval medicine BathsObres o Trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria
Various Authors
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationTheory and history of literature, comparative literaturePoetry ReligionProject for the completion of the cloister and ac…
Sebastián Monleón
History of art and of architectureArchitecture PlanProject for the main façade of the General Studio…
Antonio Martorell
History of art and of architectureArchitecture PlanPublii Vergilii Maronis Opera
Virgili Maró, Publi (70-19 a.C.)
Classics, ancient literatureTheory and history of literature, comparative literaturePoetry PhilologyRector's staircase project (plan)
Javier Goerlich
History of art and of architectureRegiment de la cosa pública
Eiximenis, Francesc (1327?-1409)
Political and legal philosophyPolitical sciences Political ethicsRenovation project of the theater or auditorium o…
Sebastián Monleón
History of art and of architectureArchitecture PlanTirant lo Blanc
Martorell, Joanot; Galba, Martí Joan de
Theory and history of literature, comparative literatureChivalric novelManuscripts: 2.134; Incunabula: 448; Printed (150…
The Study of the Human PastCultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritageJYU
Missale Aboense
Religious studies, ritual; symbolic representationEarly modern, modern, and contemporary historyReligionJyväskylä University Museum
The University Museum collects, preserves, studies and exhibits items related to the past and present of the University of Jyväskylä, cultural history and the diversity of nature.
Conservation biologyCultural history, intellectual historyCultural History of the University & Natural HistorySeminaarinmäki Campus
The Seminaarinmäki campus is currently under consideration for the European Heritage Label. It would be the first site in Finland to receive the label, if the application is successful.
History of art and of architectureold university campusUL
f.ex. Philosophische Gedanken uber wichtige Gegen…
Gotthard Friedrich Stender
Collection of books by Gotthard Friedrich Stender
Theory and history of literature, comparative literatureCollection of Classical Philology books
The collection contains about 3860 copies, of which 1560 copies. - in ancient Greek, about 1000 copies. - in Latin [2]. In addition to works in original languages, the collection includes scientific literature and translations into foreign languages, mainly in German, as well as in French and Italian - about 1300 copies. The books were published in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. early stage, most represented in the 19th century. What makes the collection special is also a number of rare and ancient editions - the book of Horace poetry in Latin and Italian published in 1682, a selection of Tacita works in several volumes published in 1772, the collection of letters written by Cicero in French in 1801. Many books were published in the then most popular publishing house of Teubner (B.G. …
Philology; text and image studiesDescription de l'Égypte ou Recueil de observation…
The library's collection contains a unique collection of original engravings "Description of the Egyptian ou. In Egypt during the French Army Expedition "2nd edition, published in Paris from 1821 to 1829. Large-format engravings depict pyramids, temples, sculptures and bas-reliefs, hieroglyphics, plants, animals, cities and their maps.\nThe collection of historically illustrative and artistically valuable engravings was created by French scientists during Napoleon's Egyptian expedition from 1798 to 1801. The engravings are the result of the collaboration of more than 150 famous scientists and researchers from various fields who accompanied Napoleon on an expedition to Egypt. Later, with the help of about 2,000 artists, cartographers, typists, as well as 400 engravers, the currently known …
History of art and of architectureEarly modern, modern, and contemporary historyOriginal engravingsHistorical collection of the library of the Facul…
The historical collection of the library of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia has been formed by combining the collections of various institutions and gifts from lecturers. The collection includes the libraries of the Hydrobiology Station of the University of Latvia, the libraries of the Institute of Systemic Zoology of the University of Latvia, the library of the Institute of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, as well as historical gifts, for example. J. Lūša library, doc. L. Āboliņš books. The collection was significantly expanded after the Second World War, when faculty members returned their books to the library before emigrating.\nThe volume of the collection is about 4000 copies. The books are mainly in German, as well as in Russian, French, Latvian, etc. languages…
Environmental Biology, Ecology and EvolutionBiologyParchment collection
The parchment collection of the Library of the University of Latvia contains a total of 9 liturgical and 8 secular texts. Parchments were made between the 14th and 17th centuries - both individual documents and fragments of books, where different types of writing were used. Parchment sheets also vary in size, from octave pocketbooks to large folio bindings. These are secular and liturgical texts in Latin, German and Spanish.
Ancient history, medieval historyEarly modern, modern, and contemporary historyparchmentsThe digital collection of the Library of the Univ…
Parchments (17); books 1900 - 1999 (289), 1800 - 1899 (146), 1700 - 1799 (7), 1660 - 1699 (2); Folia Geographica (1929-1938) [5]; Engravings from the collection „Description de l’Egypte” [35]
The Study of the Human PastBaldone Observatory
Baldone Observatory - an object of national significance and the only base of professional optical astronomical observations in Latvia - is currently the basic structure of the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Latvia. The Schmidt Telescope, a unique large-field instrument, is the largest in the Baltics and the twelfth largest telescope of such a system in the world. The telescope is designed for both direct and spectral observations of celestial bodies. Baldone Observatory is the only professional observatory in Latvia, which deals with observations in the optical range.
History of science and technologies, environmental historyAstronomical instrumentation and data, e.g. telescopes, detectors, techniques, archives, analysesastronomical observatoryBotanical Garden
The Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia is the oldest botanical garden in Latvia, and its most important activities are: 1) research and provision of the study process; 2) formation of public environmental awareness in order to promote the preservation of biological diversity. The garden's approximately 15-hectare open-air area and greenhouses provide accommodation for around 5,600 plant taxa, while offering visitors a beautiful place for walks and cultural recreation, as well as the opportunity to learn about the diversity of vegetation. The Botanical Garden contains following plant collections: Greenhouses, Azaleas, Arboretum, Ornamental plants, Flora of Latvia, Protected plants, Plant beds. There is also Tropical Butterfly House. The list of seeds: Index Seminum.
Conservation biologyBotanical gardenLU Muzejs
The botanical and mycological collection contains the herbarium of the University of Latvia and other materials related to botany, mycology, their research and researchers.\nThe collection of human pathology contains macropreparations of pathologically altered human organs, micropreparations, mulch preparations and posters of pathologically altered organs.\nThe collections of Friedrich Cander and Latvian astronomy contain the legacy of Friedrich Cander, the tools of the Time Service, the archive of the history of Latvian astronomy, the collection of meteorites and other materials related to the universe and astronomy.\nThe geological collections contain materials on Latvian geology, rocks and fossils of living organisms, evidence of the history of geological research and the role of the U…
Conservation biologyMedical technologies and tools (including genetic tools and biomarkers) for prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseasesGeology, tectonics, volcanologyDiverse collectionsThe historical building of the University of Latv…
Building of the Riga Polytechnic (1862-1896) and Riga Polytechnic Institute (1896-1918). The architect of the main building is Gustav Hilbig. A particularly interesting object of interest is the Student Punishment Cell/Detention Center, which allows an insight into the life of students of the Riga Polytechnic and the Riga Polytechnic Institute (circa 1875-1905) in the Russian Empire (1721-1918). The cell has a historical but also a legendary aura. The pen writings on the walls preserve the authentic historical evidence of student life in the 19th and 20th centuries. These testimonies were left by students and members of German-Baltic, Polish, Russian and Latvian student corporations who once studied here. Another interesting sight of the building is the astronomical tower, specially desig…
History of art and of architecturearchitectureUL Botanical Garden Branch – Rhododendron Breedin…
Established in 1980, July 1, the nursery covers 11.8 ha of pine forest near Riga, the village of Spilve, Babīte municipality. The founder of the nursery is Rihards Kondratovičs (1932–2017) academic, Dr. habil. biol. professor, breeder of rhododendrons, the head of the nursery until 2017. He studied the genus of rhododendrons for 60 years. This is the only specialised rhododendron nursery in Baltic states. The nursery shows a remarkable collection of rhododendrons with 76 wild species and 269 cultivars, 112 of which are created at “Babīte” nursery and registered in the International Cultivar Register of the Royal Horticultural Society, United Kingdom. Every year in the blooming time – May and June – the nursery attracts about 25 000 visitors.
Conservation biologyBotanical garden specialized on rhododendronsuia
UiA's Art Collection
UiA's art collection is home to the Wennesland Collection, the largest collection of Beat Art outside of the USA.
Studies of Cultures and ArtsArt especially Beat ArtNatural History Museum and Botanical Garden
The only natural history museum in southern Norway with zoological, botanical and geological collections and a botanical garden with over 2000 different plants.
Conservation biologyNatural history and garden