Collection: Historical collection of the library of the Faculty of Biology



Environmental Biology, Ecology and Evolution


The historical collection of the library of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia has been formed by combining the collections of various institutions and gifts from lecturers. The collection includes the libraries of the Hydrobiology Station of the University of Latvia, the libraries of the Institute of Systemic Zoology of the University of Latvia, the library of the Institute of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, as well as historical gifts, for example. J. Lūša library, doc. L. Āboliņš books. The collection was significantly expanded after the Second World War, when faculty members returned their books to the library before emigrating.\nThe volume of the collection is about 4000 copies. The books are mainly in German, as well as in Russian, French, Latvian, etc. languages. Most of the collection consists of books and periodicals on zoology: the famous German scientist H.G. Bronn (H.G. Bronn, 1800-1862), works of the Swiss biochemist and physiologist E. Abderhalden (1877-1950), LU lecturer N.G. Lebedinsky's (N.G. Lebedinsky, 1888-1941) textbooks, works of the University of Latvia professor zoologist E. Strand (1876-1947).\nIn the historical collection, along with the valuable 19th century at the end of the 20th century. Books on the field of biology published at the beginning of the 17th century also contain colorful, rich illustrations of the 17th century. late and 18th century. expenses. The authors of the books are the most famous naturalists, biologists, entomologists and zoologists of that time, whose activities have contributed to the development of various branches of biological science. The collection includes the French naturalist Buffon (Georges Louis Leclerc, Count of Buffon, 1707-1788), the German naturalist Bloha (Marcus Elieser Bloch, 1723-1799), Rosmesler (Emil Adolf Roßmäßler, 1806-1867), and Okena (Lorenz Oken, 1779-1851), German ornithologist Johann Matthäus Bechstein (1757-1822), German concheologist Martin (Friedrich Wilhelm Martini, 1729-1780), Swedish naturalist Sven Nilsson (1787-1883), French zoologist Dumeril (André Marie Constant Duméril, 1774-1860) and other researchers, with excellent, color-engraved and hand-painted illustrations by masters such as Jacob Sturm (1771-1848), considered the best German botanical and entomological museum at the time. publication engraver. The authors of many books have illustrated their own publications, for example, the German entomologist Rezel von Rosenhof (August Johann Rösel von Rosenhof, 1705-1759). The books describe and illustrate the flora and fauna of different European regions, as well as Russia.\nThe collection also includes works by Johann Melchior Gottlieb Beseke (1746-1802), a German ornithologist and the first rector of the Mitava Gymnasium (Academia Petrina), including a book published in 1792 with descriptions and drawings of birds living in Latvia.