Museo Geologico “Gaetano Giorgio Gemmellaro”



Geology, tectonics, volcanology


The Museum's patrimony consists of over 600.000 fossils divided into numerous collections. You can stand out some collections about Geological history of Sicily with fossils that span a time interval of over 270 million years and geological and paleontological collections from all over the world. The museum holds over a thousand holotypes (unique specimens on which the fossil species have been established). The exhibition area is divided into three floors. Among the exhibits you can appreciate a gypsum crystal containing a drop of water from the Mediterranean of 6 million years ago and the oldest human skeleton of Homo sapiens found in Sicily dated Upper Paleolithic.

http://www.museogeologia.unipa.it/en/index.html\nVirtual tour: http://www.museogeologia.unipa.it/virtual-tour.html\nVideos: https://it-t.facebook.com/pg/museo.gemmellaro/videos/?ref=page_internal