Collection: University Hill Statue Collection



History of art and of architectureCultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritage


The collection started with former Rector Prof. Stanisław Nicieja’s efforts to renovate not only the University buildings but also the immediate surroundings. As Collegium Maius is the highest point of Opole city, University Hill was landscaped and a garden, footpaths and objects/statues were brought after renovation or commissioned. There are two main collections: (1) the historical – the baroque St. Mary’s column, the Dominican column, the statue of St. Christopher, the statue of Peregrinus Opoliensis (14th century), of Christ the Savior, the St. Adalbert’s well, the “Four Seasons” sculpture series by Hendrik Hartmann, “The Lady with the Harp”, “Diana” and “Venus” and (2) the modern – a gallery of figures representing contemporary artists connected to Opole or to Opole’s National Festival of Polish Music organized since 1963, including the songwriter and performer Agnieszka Osiecka, the avant-garde theatrical director Jerzy Grotowski, the musicians Marek Grechuta and Czesław Niemen, the actors and performers Jeremi Przybora I Jerzy Wasowski. There are additional elements to University Hill, such as the papal plaque devoted to John Paul II.\n