Frédérique Bertoncello
ArchaeDyn. Dynamique spatiale du peuplement et ressources naturelles : vers une analyse intégrée dans le long terme, de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge,. ACI Espaces et territoires (contrat ET28, 2005-2007)
Rapport de fin de contrat d'ACI
Information Spatiale et Archéologie
L'information archéologique est spatiale par nature. Quels que soient l'échelle (fouille, habitat, ville, région), le contexte (urbain, rural), le thème (peuplement, territoires, matières premières, réseaux d'échanges, culture matérielle...) ou la démarche (terrain, documentation), la localisation est une donnée fondamentale et la production de documents (carto) graphiques est une constante. Pour autant, si le positionnement dans l'espace est un préliminaire indispensable, il ne constitue pas à lui seul une réflexion sur la dimension spatiale des questions archéologiques. L'application des méthodes de l'analyse spatiale est intervenue en archéologie dès les années 1970. Elle est maintenant …
Peuplement et territoire dans la longue durée : retour sur 25 ans d'expérience
Like geographers, who focus on factors of attractionto understand where humans settled and how settlements are spread over space, archaeologists aim to characterize the various types of settlements and settlement patternsto reconstruct settlement choices made by past communities. This long-standing project is carried out by a team using a quantitative and spatial approach.
Estimating “land use heritage” to model changes in archaeological settlement patterns
International audience; In this paper, we present a method to calculate a “land use heritage map” based on the concept of “memory of landscape”. Such a map can be seen as one variable among others influencing site location preference, and can be used as input for predictive models. The computed values equate to an index of long-term land use intensity. We will first discuss the method used for creating the land use heritage map, for which kernel density estimates are used.We will then present the use of these land use heritage maps for site location analysis in two study areas in SE France. Earlier analyses showed that the influence of the natural environment on settlement location choice i…
Contextes spatiaux et transformations du système de peuplement : approche comparative et prédictive
International audience; Contextes spatiaux et transformations du système de peuplement : approche comparative et prédictive
Considering variations among regional case studies : settlement pattern and land use dynamic during antiquity
International audience
Using the concept of spatial contexts for the prediction of archaeological rural settlement
Hillforts in France (22th c. BC-1st c. AD): a draft of current thinking
Introducing the Human Factor in Predictive Modelling: a Work in Progress
International audience; In this paper we present the results of a study into integrating socio-cultural factors into predictive modelling. So far, predictive modelling has largely neglected the social and cultural dimensions of past landscapes. To maintain its value for archaeological research, therefore, it needs new methodologies, concepts and theories. For this study, we have departed from the methodology developed in the 1990s during the Archaeomedes Project. In this project, cross-regional comparisons of settlement location factors were made by analyzing the environmental context of Roman settlements in the French Rhône Valley. For the current research, we expanded the set of variables…
Des contextes spatiaux aux processus transformation de l'habitat rural : l'apport de la modélisation prédictive
International audience; Des contextes spatiaux aux processus transformation de l'habitat rural : l'apport de la modélisation prédictive
Formalization of scientific process and conceptual modelling for the study of territorial and products distribution dynamics (ArchaeDyn II programme)
International audience; The ArchaeDyn team has investigated territorial dynamics by comparing areas over long time spans between the Neolithic and Modern times. Datasets on various themes have been shared and indicators and analytical models produced. This paper presents both the formalization of the scientific process used in the ArchaeDyn programme and a conceptual model of the systems and components so that synchronic and diachronic comparisons can be made. The aim is to clarify the transition from an archaeological feature (a site or an artefact) or a recording unit (survey area) as the input, to the characterization of spaces describing a system as the output. The approach is described…
Les établissements de hauteur défendus protohistoriques en France (XXIIe-Ier siècles av. J.-C.)
A review of current knowledge is proposed based on updated data for 1330 fortified sites on high ground. These, for the most part, have been explored on too limited an area to understand their precise nature and status. Generally, they are located on spurs and cover a very small area, particularly in the Southeast. Only a quarter of them exceed 7 ha. The size of the fortifications is also an essential criteria, but it was only possible to address it from one clue – the length: the range of disparities are very wide there also; but, we note that this length doubles on average at the end of the Iron Age. The materials of the ramparts reveal trends: earth dominates in the northwest half, stone…
Structures du peuplement et organisation des territoires en Gaule Centrale et Gaule du Sud. Réflexions pour une confrontation interrégionale (programme Archaedyn)
International audience; Structures du peuplement et organisation des territoires en Gaule Centrale et Gaule du Sud. Réflexions pour une confrontation interrégionale (programme Archaedyn)