E. Perinati
TES microcalorimeter for IXO: From focal plane to anticoincidence detector
The high resolution spectroscopy provides a unique technique to extract fundamental information in X-ray Astrophysics and Cosmology. In order to exploit at the best the capability of carrying out spectroscopy of faint sources, great care must be taken to reduce the background in the main detector. In this paper, we will present the working principle of a TES (Transition Edge Sensor) Microcalorimeter, its application for fine spectroscopy and a novel anticoincidence technique , based itself on a TES detector. Recent results from the first sample of the IXO-anticoincidence detector will be also shown.
Development of a TES based Cryo-Anticoincidence for a large array of microcalorimeters
The employment of large arrays of microcalorimeters in space missions (IXO, EDGE/XENIA)[1][2][3], requires the presence of an anticoincidence detector to remove the background due to the particles, with a rejection efficiency at least equal to Suzaku (98%) [1]. A new concept of anticoincidence is under development to match the very tight thermal requirements and to simplify the design of the electronic chain. The idea is to produce a Cryo-AntiCoincidence (Cryo-AC) based on a silicon absorber and read by a TES (Transition-Edge Sensor). This configuration would ensure very good performances in terms of efficiency, time response and signal to noise ratio. We present the results of estimations,…
Planar Technology for NDT-Ge X-Ray Microcalorimeters: Absorber Fabrication
We have investigated the electroplating process to deposit thick uniform films of tin on a Ge wafer coated with Spin‐On Glass, in order to fabricate the absorbers for Ge microcalorimeter arrays. Here we discuss some technological details and propose two alternative metal bilayer to be used as seed for the electroplating.
XIPE: the x-ray imaging polarimetry explorer
XIPE, the X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer, is a mission dedicated to X-ray Astronomy. At the time of writing XIPE is in a competitive phase A as fourth medium size mission of ESA (M4). It promises to reopen the polarimetry window in high energy Astrophysics after more than 4 decades thanks to a detector that efficiently exploits the photoelectric effect and to X-ray optics with large effective area. XIPE uniqueness is time-spectrally-spatially- resolved X-ray polarimetry as a breakthrough in high energy astrophysics and fundamental physics. Indeed the payload consists of three Gas Pixel Detectors at the focus of three X-ray optics with a total effective area larger than one XMM mirror bu…
ORIGIN: metal creation and evolution from the cosmic dawn
Herder, Jan-Willem den et al.