Mari Huhtala

The 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory: Factorial Validity Across Organizations and Measurements of Longitudinal Data

The present study tested the factorial validity of the 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory (BBI-9) 1) . The BBI-9 is comprised of three core dimensions: (1) exhaustion at work; (2) cynicism toward the meaning of work; and (3) sense of inadequacy at work. The study further investigated whether the three-factor structure of the BBI-9 remains the same across different organizations (group invariance) and measurement time points (time invariance). The factorial group invariance was tested using a cross-sectional design with data pertaining to managers (n=742), and employees working in a bank (n=162), an engineering office (n=236), a public sector organization divided into three service areas: admin…

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Applying the Identity Status Paradigm to Managers’ Moral Identity

We investigated the applicability of the identity status paradigm in identifying different stages of moral identity maturity among managers, focusing on how they solve moral conflicts in the context of work. Researchers conducted two theory-driven studies. Study 1 was based on focus group discussions among 16 managers, while Study 2 was based on open-ended questionnaire items from 180 managers. Both studies supported the hypothesized identity statuses. The status named diffusion included a lack of commitment to moral values and associated with avoiding moral questions at work. In foreclosure, extrinsic (e.g., organizational) values were adopted and applied to personal decision-making. Manag…

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Moral Conflicts as a Motor of Moral Identity Development at Work: Self-Awareness and Micro Processes in Weekly Experiences

Based on the identity process model, we investigated developmental differences in moral identity between leaders by analyzing their personal experiences of and reactions to actual moral conflicts at work. Using a longitudinal (16-week) qualitative design, we collected weekly moral conflict stories from ten leaders. First, after an inductive exploratory analysis we found that the leaders showed different levels of awareness (descriptive, reflective, and evaluative) with regard to how far they were able to identify their own role, values, feelings, and behaviors in each moral conflict. Second, after a theory-driven analysis, the integrated model of the micro processes of identity development …

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Intensified job demands, stress of conscience and nurses' experiences during organizational change

Background:Nurses frequently face ethically demanding situations in their work, and these may lead to stress of conscience. Working life is currently accelerating and job demands are intensifying. These intensified job demands include (1) work intensification, (2) intensified job-related planning demands, (3) intensified career-related planning demands, and (4) intensified learning demands. At the same time, many healthcare organizations are implementing major organizational changes that have an influence on personnel.Aim:The aim of the study was to investigate the association between intensified job demands and stress of conscience, and whether their association is moderated by organizatio…

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Drivers or Drifters? The “Who” and “Why” of Leader Role Occupancy : A Mixed-Method Study

This study investigated the reasons that leaders have given for their leader role occupancy. By using a mixed-method approach and large leader data, we aimed to provide a more nuanced picture of how leader positions are occupied in real life. We examined how individual leadership motivation may associate with other reasons for leader role occupancy. In addition, we aimed to integrate the different reasons behind leader role occupancy into the framework of sustainable leader careers and its two indicators: leader’s health (occupational well-being) and performance (measured indirectly as followers’ occupational well-being). The survey data consisted of 1,031 leaders from various sectors of wo…

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Vastuullisuutta vastalääkkeeksi johtamisallergiaan

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Leader motivation as a building block for sustainable leader careers: The relationship between leadership motivation profiles and leader and follower outcomes

This study investigates leaders' motivation to lead (MTL) as a personal resource for building a sustainable career as a leader. Using a person-centered methodology, we identified different latent profiles of leadership motivation. These motivational profiles were compared with leaders' occupational well-being and leadership-related career intentions, and with follower-rated leader behaviors and LMX relationship quality. The survey data consisted of 1003 Finnish leaders from various sectors of working life. Of these leaders, 233 recruited their followers to participate in this study, resulting in 987 follower participants. Latent Profile Analysis identified four distinctive MTL profiles: 1) …

research product

Eettinen kuormittuneisuus ja sen yhteydet eettiseen organisaatiokulttuuriin kaupunkiorganisaatiossa, suunnittelutoimistossa ja pankissa

The study investigated inter-organisational differences in employees’ ethical strain and their evaluations of the ethical culture of their organisations. The second aim was to investigate associations between the ethical culture of organisations and employees’ experiences of ethical strain. Altogether 3894 employees responded to a web-based questionnaire in May 2011. Ethical strain was assessed by measuring the prevalence of ethical dilemmas (2 items) and the stress related to them (2 items). Ethical culture was measured using the 58-item Corporate Ethical Virtues scale (Kaptein 2008). Ethical strain was found to be highest among employees working in social and health services. Employees in…

research product

Do Older Employees Suffer More from Work Intensification and Other Intensified Job Demands? Evidence from Upper White-Collar Workers

Background: Working life today is characterized by acceleration and intensification due to social, and particularly technological, acceleration affecting the whole of society. These phenomena also affect working life by intensifying job demands, possibly imposing new job stressors on the workforce. At the same time workforce is aging, raising a question how older employees manage to cope with these work life changes. Methods: This study examined intensified job demands and their effects on occupational well-being from the age perspective utilizing Finnish survey data from upper white-collar workers (N = 2,200). Data was analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance and hierarchical reg…

research product


We investigated school psychologists’ experiences of ethical strain (the frequency of ethical dilemmas at work and the stress caused by these dilemmas) and dilemma-related rumination outside working hours. Individual latent profiles were estimated at the study baseline based on these three dimensions. The psychologists’ weekly well-being (vigor, exhaustion, and sleep quality) was compared against their profile during the following three working weeks. The sample included 133 school psychologists, among whom four groups were identified: Low ruminators (39%), an Intermediate group (39%), High ruminators (20%), and Atypical outliers (2%). High ruminators fared least well in terms of weekly wel…

research product

Organisaatiokulttuurin eettisyys suomalaisten johtajien silmin : työhyvinvoinnin näkökulma

Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten johtajien arvioita organisaationsa kulttuurin eettisyydestä. Eettistä organisaatiokulttuuria arvioitiin kahdeksalla kuvaajalla (selkeys, esimiehen esimerkki, johdon esimerkki, toteutettavuus, organisaation tuki, läpinäkyvyys, keskusteltavuus, toiminnan seuraukset) sekä näiden summana. Lisäksi tutkittiin eettisen organisaatiokulttuurin yhteyttä johtajien työhyvinvointiin (työuupumus, työn imu). Ilmiöitä tarkastellessa huomioitiin johtajien erot taustatekijöissä (sukupuoli, ikä, johtotaso, toimiala, yrityksen koko). Tutkimus perustuu syksyllä 2009 toteutettuun kyselytutkimukseen, johon osallistui 902 johtajaa eri puolilta Suomea. Vastaajista yli kaksi k…

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Intensified job demands in healthcare and their consequences for employee well-being and patient satisfaction: A multilevel approach

Contains fulltext : 234355.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Aims: Intensified job demands (IJDs) and their effects on employee burnout, work engagement and patient satisfaction were investigated across different work units and occupational groups in a healthcare setting. Design: A multilevel study. Methods One thousand twenty-four healthcare employees responded to a survey in 2019 and rated their experiences of IJDs, burnout and work engagement. Nine hundred fifty-one patients rated their satisfaction with care received from healthcare staff. Results: Work units and occupational groups who shared more experiences of increased time pressure and multitasking reported higher exhaustion…

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Ethical Culture and Management

An unfortunate marker of the current times is the scale of unethical behavior and corporate corruption committed by business leaders. A powerful antecedent of unethical behavior is organizational culture. This chapter discusses what constitutes and drives an ethical culture. It defines the concept of ethical culture and reviews different approaches that have been used to measure ethical culture in organizations. The Corporate Ethical Virtues model is reviewed in more detail as one example of a reliable and valid way to operationalize ethical organizational cultures. Finally, specific management strategies to maintain and minimize potential threats to an ethical culture are also provided. pe…

research product

Mikä johtamisessa huolestuttaa? : johtajien kokemuksia fokusryhmäkeskusteluissa

Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten johtajien kokemuksia johtamiseen liittyvistä huolista. Lisäksi näitä kokemuksia verrattiin aiemmassa tutkimuksessa kehitettyyn johtamisen huolenaiheiden malliin ja sen kolmeen ulottuvuuteen: huoli epäonnistumisesta, huoli itsen tai muiden vahingoittamisesta sekä huoli työn ja muun elämän epätasapainosta. Tutkimuksen laadullinen aineisto koostui johtajien välisistä fokusryhmäkeskusteluista, joihin osallistui yhteensä 17 johtajaa. Aineistolähtöisen luokittelun tuloksena havaittiin yhteensä 12 erilaista huoliteemaa, joista enemmistö luokiteltiin johtamisen huolenaiheiden mallin kahden alaulottuvuuden alle. Epäonnistumisen huolen alle kuului yksi lu…

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Managers as Moral Leaders : Moral Identity Processes in the Context of Work

AbstractThis qualitative study explores how business leaders narrate their personal ways of recognizing, reasoning, and resolving moral conflicts and what these stories reveal about their moral identity processes within organizational contexts. Based on interviews with 25 business leaders, 4 moral identity statuses were identified: achievement (commitment to a personally meaningful moral value framework that had been established through a period of self-exploration), moratorium (self-exploration of one’s moral value framework that was ongoing), foreclosure (commitment to a given moral value framework that was present with little or no personal self-exploration), and diffusion (neither clear…

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Cross-national and longitudinal investigation of a short measure of workaholism

The present study investigated the factor structure of the 10-item version of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS). The DUWAS-10 is intended to measure workaholism with two correlated factors: working excessively (WE) and working compulsively (WC). The factor structure of the DUWAS-10 was examined among multi-occupational samples from the Netherlands (n=9,010) and Finland (n=4,567) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). CFAs revealed that the expected correlated two-factor solution showed satisfactory fit to the data. However, a second-order factor solution, where WE comprised the first-order factors “working frantically” and “working long hours”, and WC the first-order factors “obsess…

research product

The Associations between Ethical Organizational Culture, Burnout, and Engagement: A Multilevel Study

Purpose – Ethical culture is a specific form of organizational culture (including values and systems that can promote ethical behavior), and as such a socially constructed phenomenon. However, no previous studies have investigated the degree to which employees’ perceptions of their organization’s ethical culture are shared within work units (departments), which was the first aim of this study. In addition, we studied the associations between ethical culture and occupational well-being (i.e., burnout and work engagement) at both the individual and workunit levels. Design/methodology/approach – The questionnaire data was gathered from 2,146 respondents with various occupations in 245 differen…

research product

Why Do Managers Leave Their Organization? : Investigating the Role of Ethical Organizational Culture in Managerial Turnover

The aim of the present longitudinal study was to quantitatively examine whether an ethical organizational culture predicts turnover among managers. To complement the quantitative results, a further important aim was to examine the self-reported reasons behind manager turnover, and the associations of ethical organizational culture with these reasons. The participants were Finnish managers working in technical and commercial fields. Logistic regression analyses indicated that, of the eight virtues investigated, congruency of supervisors, congruency of senior management, discussability, and sanctionability were negatively related to manager turnover. The results also revealed that the turnove…

research product

Long-term patterns of effort-reward imbalance and over-commitment: Investigating occupational well-being and recovery experiences as outcomes

The aim of this study was, first, to identify long-term patterns of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) and over-commitment (OVC), and, second, to examine how occupational well-being (burnout, work engagement) and recovery experiences (psychological detachment, relaxation, mastery and control) differ in these patterns. The study was based on follow-up data with three measurement points (2006, 2008, 2010) collected from Finnish managers (N=298). Latent Profile Analysis resulted in five long-term ERI-OVC patterns: a high-risk pattern (high ERI, high OVC), found in 20% of the participants; a low-risk pattern (low ERI, low OVC), found in 24% of participants; a relatively low-risk pattern (low ERI, mo…

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Virtues that work : ethical organisational culture as a context for occupational well-being and personal work goals

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Ethical managers in ethical organisations? The leadership-culture connection among Finnish managers

PurposeThe main aim of the present study is to discover whether the managers’ self‐evaluations of their ethical leadership style are associated with their assessments of the ethical organisational culture (measured with an eight‐dimensional Corporate Ethical Virtues‐model). It aims to hypothesise that the more ethical the managers evaluate their own leadership style to be, the higher evaluations they give on the ethical culture of their organisation. The underlying assumption is that ethical managers can enhance the ethical culture by behaving in accordance with their own values.Design/methodology/approachThis quantitative research was based on a questionnaire study with 902 respondents thr…

research product

Suomalaisten johtajien itsearvioinnit eettisestä johtamistyylistään ja niiden yhteydet eettiseen organisaatiokulttuuriin

Finnish managers’ self evaluations of their ethical leadership styles and connections to ethical organisational culture The present study analyses managers’ evaluations of their own ethical leadership styles, and the association of these evaluations with the ethicality of their organisation’s culture. The results were based on a questionnaire study with 902 respondents throughout Finland. Sixty-nine point seven percent of respondents were male, ranging from 26 to 69 years old, with an average age of 46. Respondents worked in various managerial levels and business lines, in both large and small organisations. The results showed that managers evaluated both the culture of their organisations …

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Miltä johtotehtävä tuntuisi? : johtotehtävien seurauksiin liittyvät huolenaiheet korkeasti koulutetuilla asiantuntijoilla, niiden selittäjät ja seuraukset

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Johtajien moraalinen identiteetti : miten henkilökohtaiset moraaliset arvot ilmenevät ja kehittyvät organisaatioissa?

Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme, miten johtajien moraalinen identiteetti näyttäytyy organisaatioissa ilmenevissä moraalisissa haasteissa ja millaisia kehityskulkuja identiteeteissä on havaittavissa. Esitämme, että Marcian identiteettistatusparadigmaa voidaan soveltaa myös moraaliseen kehitykseen. Näin ollen myös moraalisen identiteetin kypsyys voidaan määritellä kahden, identiteetin rakentamiseen liittyvän keskeisen prosessin avulla, joita ovat henkilökohtaisten arvojen aktiivinen etsiminen sekä arvoihin sitoutuminen. Lisäksi sovellamme Marcian identiteettitasapainoa horjuttavan tapahtuman käsitettä moraalisiin ongelmatilanteisiin. Empiirisessä osuudessa kuvaamme tunnistettavissa olevia konteks…

research product

School Psychologists' Ethical Strain and Rumination : Individual Profiles and Their Associations with Weekly Well-Being

We investigated school psychologists’ experiences of ethical strain (the frequency of ethical dilemmas at work and the stress caused by these dilemmas) and dilemma-related rumination outside working hours. Individual latent profiles were estimated at the study baseline based on these three dimensions. The psychologists’ weekly well-being (vigor, exhaustion, and sleep quality) was compared against their profile during the following three working weeks. The sample included 133 school psychologists, among whom four groups were identified: Low ruminators (39%), an Intermediate group (39%), High ruminators (20%), and Atypical outliers (2%). High ruminators fared least well in terms of weekly wel…

research product

Johtotehtäviin liittyvien huolenaiheiden yhteydet urasuunnitelmiin ja työtavoitteisiin korkeasti koulutetuilla asiantuntijoilla

Worries about leadership among highly educated professionals: Associations with career aspirations and personal work goals.
 We investigated how highly educated professionals’ worries about leadership roles relate to their career aspirations and personal work goals. Altogether 1151 professionals without leadership positions participated in the survey study. Participants with a high number of leadership-related worries were not planning to pursue leadership positions. Instead, their goals included increasing personal well-being or ending their career. Vice versa, participants with least leadership-related worries strived for career advancement. These findings indicate that worries about…

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Profiles of work intensification among Finnish managers: relationships with well-being and turnover intentions

Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaisia työn intensifikaation eli työn kiihtymisen profiileja voidaan tunnistaa johtajilla ja miten eri profiilien johtajat eroavat toisistaan työhyvinvoinnin ja työnkuvan vaihtoajatusten suhteen. Kyselytutkimuksen otos poimittiin Professoriliiton, Tieteentekijöiden liiton, Suomen Ekonomien ja Tekniikan Akateemisten jäsenrekistereistä. Tutkituista johtajista (N=705) yli puolet (56 %) oli miehiä. Löysimme K-keskiarvojen klusterianalyysin avulla viisi profiilia: 1) Riskiprofiili (voimakas työn intensifikaatio, 31 %), 2) suotuisa profiili (työn- ja urasuunnittelun vaatimukset lisääntyneet kohtuullisesti, 19 %), 3) haitta- ja haastestressoriprofiili (työtahti ja ti…

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The Path from Ethical Organisational Culture to Employee Commitment : Mediating Roles of Value Congruence and Work Engagement

Following the Job Demands-Resources model’s motivational process, this study investigates the role of person-organisation fit and work engagement as mediating processes between ethical culture and employee commitment, where ethical culture is seen as an organisational resource. It was expected that the stronger the ethical values and practices are experienced to be, the more compatible employees feel with the organisation. A good person-organisation fit was further hypothesised to act as a personal job resource for the employees, who would consequently experience higher work engagement leading to stronger affective commitment and less turnover intentions. The study used questionnaire data g…

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Overcommitment as a predictor of effort-reward imbalance: evidence from an 8-year follow-up study.

Objective The effort–reward imbalance (ERI) model includes the personal characteristic of overcommitment (OC) and the job-related characteristics of effort, reward, and ERI, all of which are assumed to play a role in an employee’s health and well-being at work. The aim of the present longitudinal study was to shed more light on the dynamics of the ERI model by investigating the basic hypotheses related to the role of OC in the model, ie, to establish whether an employee’s OC could be a risk factor for an increased experience of high effort, low reward, and high ERI at work. Methods The study was based on 5-wave, 8-year follow-up data collected among Finnish professionals in 2006 (T1, N=747)…

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How perceived changes in the ethical culture of organizations influence the well-being of managers: A two-year longitudinal study.

The first aim of this study was to identify long-term patterns of ethical organizational culture based on the perceptions of 368 Finnish managers over a period of two years. The second aim was to investigate whether there is a difference in the long-term occupational well-being (burnout and work engagement) of managers exhibiting different patterns of ethical culture. Based on latent profile analysis, five different patterns of the strength of ethical culture were identified: moderate, high, increasing, decreasing, and low. The results show that managers exhibiting either the low or decreasing pattern of ethical culture experienced significant changes in their well-being over time. Decreasi…

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Miten autenttisuus ilmenee johtajien eettisessä päätöksenteossa?

Autenttinen johtajuus on itsensä tuntemiseen pohjautuva positiivinen johtajuuden muoto, jossa yksilö pyrkii toimimaan siten, että hän on aito ja rehellinen itselleen. Autenttisessa päätöksenteossa taas korostuvat eettisyys ja omien arvojen mukainen toiminta. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten autenttinen johtajuus ilmenee esimiesten kohtaamissa eettisissä ristiriitatilanteissa ja miten tilanteiden ratkaisuissa näkyy autenttisen päätöksentekoprosessin vaiheita. Tutkittavat esimiehet (n = 25) työskentelivät sekä yksityisissä että julkisissa organisaatioissa, eri johtotasoilla ja eri toimialoilla. Puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla kerättyä aineistoa analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällö…

research product

Longitudinal Patterns of Ethical Organisational Culture as a Context for Leaders’ Well-Being: Cumulative Effects Over 6 Years

AbstractThe aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate the temporal dynamics of ethical organisational culture and how it associates with well-being at work when potential changes in ethical culture are measured over an extended period of 6 years. We used a person-centred study design, which allowed us to detect both typical and atypical patterns of ethical culture stability as well as change among a sample of leaders. Based on latent profile analysis and hierarchical linear modelling we found longitudinal, concurrent relations and cumulative gain and loss cycles between different ethical culture patterns and leaders’ well-being. Leaders in the strongest ethical culture pattern exper…

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Työn tuunaamisen profiilit sosiaali- ja terveysalan organisaatiossa : yhteydet työhyvinvointiin

Työn tuunaaminen on oma-aloitteista työn kehittämistä työn voimavaroja ja vaatimuksia muokkaamalla. Tutkimme, millaisia tuunausprofiileja voidaan löytää kolmesta erilaisesta tuunaustavasta, jotka olivat työn voimavarojen lisääminen, työn vaatimusten lisääminen ja työn vaatimusten optimoiminen. Selvitimme myös, miten työhyvinvointi vaihtelee profiileissa. Sähköiseen kyselyyn osallistui 1 024 sosiaali- ja terveysalan organisaation työntekijää. K-keskiarvojen klusterianalyysin avulla tunnistimme neljä työn tuunaamisen profiilia: aktiiviset tuunaajat (19 %, monipuolinen tuunaaminen), optimoivat tuunaajat (21 %, työn vaatimusten optimointi), passiiviset tuunaajat (27 %, keskimääräistä vähemmän t…

research product

Conflicting personal goals: a risk to occupational well-being?

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating role of goal conflict in the relationship between the contents of managers’ personal work goals and occupational well-being (burnout and work engagement). Eight goal categories (organization, competence, well-being, career-ending, progression, prestige, job change, and employment contract) described the contents of goals. Goal conflict reflected the degree to which a personal work goal was perceived to interfere with other life domains. Design/methodology/approach – The data were drawn from a study directed to Finnish managers in 2009 (n=806). General linear models were conducted to investigate the associations between go…

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Johtotehtäviin liittyvät huolenaiheet korkeasti koulutetuilla johtajilla : selittäjät, seuraukset ja alaisten kokemukset

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The shortened Corporate Ethical Virtues scale

So far, the field of business ethics lacks validated measures for assessing virtues at the organizational level. The aim of this study is to investigate the measurement invariance of a shortened Corporate Ethical Virtues scale. In this manner, we contribute to validating an instrument that is both psychometrically sound and efficient to use. We conducted two survey studies of two independent groups (managers and school psychologists). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the eight‐factor model of the scale, and we found it to be invariant in two different occupational groups. The managers gave higher appraisals of ethical culture than the psychologists did in seven out of the eight dimens…

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Eettisesti haastavat tilanteet ja niiden kuormittavuus johtajien työssä: fokusryhmäkeskusteluiden analyysi

Tässä pilottitutkimuksessa tutkittiin laadullisesti johtajien työssään kokemia eettisesti haastavia tilanteita (sisällöt, kontekstit) sekä niissä koettuja ristiriitakokemuksia. Työtilanteita luokiteltiin laadullisen aineiston pohjalta. Aineisto kerättiin 16 suomalaisen johtajan fokusryhmäkeskusteluista (neljä ryhmää). Tulokset osoittivat, että johtajat kohtasivat usein työssään erilaisia eettisesti haastavia tilanteita suhteessa organisaation sidosryhmiin. Näitä sidosryhmiä olivat organisaation toimintaympäristö eli yhteiskunta, asiakkaat, omistajat sekä henkilöstö (johto, kollegat ja alaiset). Haastavien tilanteiden sisällöt jakautuivat viiteen luokkaan: 1) monimutkaiset työtilanteet, 2) r…

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Illegitimate tasks in health care: Illegitimate task types and associations with occupational well-being.

Aims and objectives: The aims of the study were to identify content categories of unreasonable and unnecessary illegitimate tasks and to investigate how unreasonable and unnecessary tasks relate to occupational wellbeing. Background: Illegitimate tasks are a common stressor among healthcare professionals, and they have been shown to have negative associations with occupational well-being. Despite this evidence, research has not yet uncovered what kinds of tasks healthcare professionals consider illegitimate. Design and method: The data gathered by means of an online survey consisted of 1024 municipal healthcare organisation employees. A theory-driven qualitative content analysis was used to…

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