G. Zhang
Observation of light-by-light scattering in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector
This Letter describes the observation of the light-by-light scattering process, γγ→γγ, in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV. The analysis is conducted using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.73 nb−1, collected in November 2018 by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Light-by-light scattering candidates are selected in events with two photons produced exclusively, each with transverse energy EγT>3 GeV and pseudorapidity |ηγ|<2.4, diphoton invariant mass above 6 GeV, and small diphoton transverse momentum and acoplanarity. After applying all selection criteria, 59 candidate events are observed for a background expectation of 12±3 events. The observed excess of events…
Energy-energy correlations in hadronic final states from Z0 decays
We have studied the energy-energy angular correlations in hadronic final states from Z0 decay using the DELPHI detector at LEP. From a comparison with Monte Carlo calculations based on the exact second order QCD matrix element and string fragmentation we find that Λ(5)/MS = 104-20 +25 (stat.)-20 +25(syst.)-00 +30(theor.) MeV, which corresponds to αs(91 GeV) = 0.106± 0.003 (stat.)±0.003(syst.)-0.000 +0.003(theor.). The theoretical error stems from different choices for the renormalization scale of αs. In the Monte Carlo simulation the scale of αs as well as the fragmentation parameters have been optimized to described reasonably well all aspects of multihadron production.
Search for Z0 decays to two leptons and a charged particle-antiparticle pair
Based on a sample equivalent to 365 000 hadronic Z0 decays, the search in DELPHI data for pairs of leptons accompanied by a pair of charged particles is described. A total of 11 events were found in the electron channel, 9 in the muon channel and 7 in the tau channel. Results on lepton pairs with a radiated photon are also presented. The data from all channels are compatible with the expectations from standard processes. However, one event was found in the tau channel with an unusually high mass of the charged particle pair.
Comparison of Fragmentation Functions for Jets Dominated by Light Quarks and Gluons from pp and Pb+Pb Collisions in ATLAS
Charged-particle fragmentation functions for jets azimuthally balanced by a high-transverse-momentum, prompt, isolated photon are measured in 25 pb^{-1} of pp and 0.49 nb^{-1} of Pb+Pb collision data at 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurements are compared to predictions of Monte Carlo generators and to measurements of inclusively selected jets. In pp collisions, a different jet fragmentation function in photon-tagged events from that in inclusive jet events arises from the difference in fragmentation between light quarks and gluons. The ratios of the fragmentation functions in Pb+Pb events to that in pp events are used to e…
Production of strange particles in the hadronic decays of the Z0
Abstract An analysis of the production of strange particles from the decays of the Z 0 boson into multihadronic final states is presented. The analysis is based on about 90 000 selected hadronic Z 0 decays collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP in 1990. K s 0 , K ∗± , Λ( Λ ) and Ξ − ( Ξ + ) have been identified by their characteristic decays. The measured production cross sections are compared with predictions of the Lund Monte Carlo tuned to data at PEP/PETRA energies.
Measurements of four-lepton production in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search is presented for a high-mass Higgs boson in the , , , and decay modes using the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The search uses proton-proton collision data at a centre-o ...
The ATLAS Data Acquisition and High Level Trigger system
Journal of Instrumentation 11(06), P06008 (2016). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/06/P06008
Decay studies in the A∼225 Po-Fr region from the DESPEC campaign at GSI in 2021
The HISPEC-DESPEC collaboration aims at investigating the struc-ture of exotic nuclei formed in fragmentation reactions with decay spectroscopymeasurements, as part of the FAIR Phase-0 campaign at GSI. This paper reportson first results of an experiment performed in spring 2021, with a focus on beta-decaystudies in the Po-Fr nuclei in the 220 < A <230 island of octupole deformationexploiting the DESPEC setup. Ion-beta correlations and fast-timing techniques arebeing employed, giving an insight into this difficult-to-reach region. peerReviewed
Search for top squarks decaying to tau sleptons in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for direct pair production of top squarks in final states with two tau leptons, b-jets, and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is based on proton-proton collision data ...
Observation of electroweak W±Z boson pair production in association with two jets in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
An observation of electroweak W±Z production in association with two jets in proton–proton collisions is presented. The data collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015 and 2016 at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1fb−1 . Events containing three identified leptons, either electrons or muons, and two jets are selected. The electroweak production of W±Z bosons in association with two jets is measured with an observed significance of 5.3 standard deviations. A fiducial cross-section for electroweak production including interference effects and for a single leptonic decay mode is measured to be σWZjj−EW=0.57−0…
Search for dark matter in association with a Higgs boson decaying to two photons at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for dark matter in association with a Higgs boson decaying to two photons is presented. This study is based on data collected with the ATLAS detector, corresponding to an integrated lumino ...
Measurements ofW±Zproduction cross sections inppcollisions ats=8 TeVwith the ATLAS detector and limits on anomalous gauge boson self-couplings
This paper presents measurements of W(+/-)Z production in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The gauge bosons are reconstructed using their leptonic decay modes into electrons and m ...
Search for flavor-changing neutral currents in top quark decays t→Hc and t→Hu in multilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Flavor-changing neutral currents are not present in the Standard Model at tree level and are suppressed in loop processes by the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix; the corresponding ...
Measurement of the lifetime of tau-lepton
The tau lepton lifetime is measured with the L3 detector at LEP using the complete data taken at centre-of-mass energies around the Z pole resulting in tau_tau = 293.2 +/- 2.0 (stat) +/- 1.5 (syst) fs. The comparison of this result with the muon lifetime supports lepton universality of the weak charged current at the level of six per mille. Assuming lepton universality, the value of the strong coupling constant, alpha_s is found to be alpha_s(m_tau^2) = 0.319 +/- 0.015(exp.) +/- 0.014 (theory). The tau lepton lifetime is measured with the L3 detector at LEP using the complete data taken at centre-of-mass energies around the Z pole resulting in τ τ =293.2 ± 2.0 (stat) ± 1.5 (syst) fs . The c…
The GALILEO γ-ray array at the Legnaro National Laboratories
Abstract GALILEO, a new 4 π high-resolution γ -detection array, based on HPGe detectors, has been developed and installed at the Legnaro National Laboratories. The GALILEO array greatly benefits from a fully-digital read-out chain, customized DAQ, and a variety of complementary detectors to improve the resolving power by the detection of particles, ions or high-energy γ -ray transitions. In this work, a full description of the array, including electronics and DAQ, is presented together with its complementary instrumentation.
Search for light resonances decaying to boosted quark pairs and produced in association with a photon or a jet in proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
This Letter presents a search for new light resonances decaying to pairs of quarks and produced in association with a high- pT photon or jet. The dataset consists of proton–proton collisions with an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb −1 at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Resonance candidates are identified as massive large-radius jets with substructure consistent with a particle decaying into a quark pair. The mass spectrum of the candidates is examined for local excesses above background. No evidence of a new resonance is observed in the data, which are used to exclude the production of a lepto-phobic axial-vector Z′ boson.
Feasibility and physics potential of detecting $^8$B solar neutrinos at JUNO
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) features a 20 kt multi-purpose underground liquid scintillator sphere as its main detector. Some of JUNO's features make it an excellent location for 8B solar neutrino measurements, such as its low-energy threshold, high energy resolution compared with water Cherenkov detectors, and much larger target mass compared with previous liquid scintillator detectors. In this paper, we present a comprehensive assessment of JUNO's potential for detecting 8B solar neutrinos via the neutrino-electron elastic scattering process. A reduced 2 MeV threshold for the recoil electron energy is found to be achievable, assuming that the intrinsic radioactive …
A search for neutral higgs particles in Z$^0$ decays
Abstract The search in DELPHI data for neutral Higgs bosons is described. No candidate for the Standard Model Higgs is seen in Z0 decays to H 0 ν ν , H 0 μ + μ − or H0τ+τ− after selections that proved efficient for finding simulated H0. One remaining candidate for Z0 → H0e+e− is consistent with background. Together with our earlier studies, these results restrict the H0 mass to be above 38 GeV/c2 at the 95% confidence level. No signal is found for decays of Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model neutral Higgs bosons to τ+τ−. Limits are obtained for their decays to produce four jets.
Search for the t and b' quarks in hadronic decays of the Z0 boson
We present a search for the third generation up type quark t and a possible fourth down type quark b' in hadronic Z0 decays observed in DELPHI at the LEP collider. For any scenario with a decay through the charged current or into a charged Higgs with a mass at least 6 GeV/c2 below the t and 3 GeVc2 below the b' mass, we set a lower limit for the t quark mass at 44.0 GeV/c2 and for the b' mass at 44.5 GeV/c2. For specific scenarios the mass limits are slightly higher, e.g. for charged current decays the limits are 44.5 and 45.0 GeV/c2 respectively, where all limits are given at a 95% confidence level. © 1990.
Measurement of jet charge in dijet events froms=8 TeVppcollisions with the ATLAS detector
The momentum-weighted sum of the charges of tracks associated to a jet is sensitive to the charge of the initiating quark or gluon. This paper presents a measurement of the distribution of momentum ...
Evidence for B$^{0}_{s}$ meson production in Z$^0$ decays
Seven unambiguous events out of a sample of 270 000 Z0 decays, contain in tile same jet a D(s) meson and a muon at large transverse momentum relative to the et axis. These events are direct evidence for B(s)0 meson production in hadronic Z0 decays. The production rate of these events, relative to all hadronic Z0 decays is ( 18 +/- 8) x 10(-5) this number including the relevant branching fractions of the B(s)0 and D(s). The value of the B(s)0 meson lifetime relative to the average B meson lifetime is measured to be 0.8 +/- 0.4.
A Search for Sleptons and Gauginos in Z0 Decays
Using a data sample corresponding to 10 000 hadronic Z0 decays, we have searched for the production of sleptons and gauginos in the two-prong decays of Z0. No candidate remains after straightforward selections. For neutralinos, we use selection methods developed in our previous search for neutral Higgs particles. The negative results are translated into improved mass limits and parameter constraints on the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model.
Measurement of the differential cross-section of highly boosted top quarks as a function of their transverse momentum ins=8 TeVproton-proton collisions using the ATLAS detector
The differential cross-section for pair production of top quarks with high transverse momentum is measured in 20.3 fb(-1) of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The measur ...
Search for heavy charged scalars in Z$^0$ Decays
Using a sample of Z0's corresponding to about 12 000 events, we have searched for the production of charged scalars, primarily charged Higgs particles, decaying into c̄scs̄, τν+jets, and τντν. The average detection efficiency is 20%. No candidate was found in the leptonic modes. Masses in the range up to 30-36 GeV/c2 are excluded, extending the mass domain covered by previous e+e- machines.
Measurement of the Inelastic Proton-Proton Cross Section at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
This Letter presents a measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section using 60 μb^{-1} of pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy sqrt[s] of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Inelastic interactions are selected using rings of plastic scintillators in the forward region (2.07 10^{-6}, where M_{X} is the larger invariant mass of the two hadronic systems separated by the largest rapidity gap in the event. In this ξ range the scintillators are highly efficient. For diffractive events this corresponds to cases where at least one proton dissociates to a system with M_{X}>13 GeV. The measured cross section is compared with a range of theoretical predictions. When extrapolated…
A Measurement of the Bbbar Forward-backward Asymmetry Using the Semileptonic Decay Into Muons
Measurement of inclusive production of light meson resonances in hadronic decays of the Z0
A study of inclusive production of the meson resonances ρ0, K*0 (892), f{hook}0 (975) and f{hook}2 (1270) in hadronic decays of the Z0 is presented. The measured mean meson multiplicity per hadronic event is 0.83 ± 0.14 for the ρ0 0.64 ± 0.24 for the K*0 (892), 0.10 ± 0.04 for the f{hook}0 (975) in the momentum range p > 0.05pbeam (xp > 0.05) and 0.11 ± 0.05 for the f{hook}2 (1270) for xp > 0.1. These values and the corresponding differential cross sections ( 1 σhadr) dσ dxp for the vector mesons are in good agreement with the predictions of the JETSET 7.3 PS and HERWIG 5.4 models. The f{hook}2 (1270) production is overestimated by HERWIG but its xp-shape is correctly reproduced. T…
Search for the Production of a Long-Lived Neutral Particle Decaying within the ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter in Association with a Z Boson from pp Collisions at s=13 TeV
This Letter presents a search for the production of a long-lived neutral particle (Zd) decaying within the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter, in association with a standard model (SM) Z boson produced via an intermediate scalar boson, where Z→+ (=e, μ). The data used were collected by the ATLAS detector during 2015 and 2016 pp collisions with a center-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 36.1±0.8 fb-1. No significant excess of events is observed above the expected background. Limits on the production cross section of the scalar boson times its decay branching fraction into the long-lived neutral particle are derived as a function of …
A measurement of material in the ATLAS tracker using secondary hadronic interactions in 7 TeV pp collisions
Knowledge of the material in the ATLAS inner tracking detector is crucial in understanding the reconstruction of charged-particle tracks, the performance of algorithms that identify jets containing b-hadrons and is also essential to reduce background in searches for exotic particles that can decay within the inner detector volume. Interactions of primary hadrons produced in pp collisions with the material in the inner detector are used to map the location and amount of this material. The hadronic interactions of primary particles may result in secondary vertices, which in this analysis are reconstructed by an inclusive vertex-finding algorithm. Data were collected using minimum-bias trigger…
A comparison of jet production rates on the Z0 resonance to perturbative QCD
The production rates for 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-jet hadronic final states have been measured with the DELPHI detector at the e+e- storage ring LEP at centre of mass energies around 91.5 GeV. Fully corrected data are compared to O(αs 2) QCD matrix element calculations and the QCD scale parameter ΛMS is determined for different parametrizations of the renormalization scale μ2. Including all uncertainties our result is αs(MZ 2)=0.114±0.003[stat.]±0.004[syst.]±0.012[theor.] .
Search for resonances in the mass distribution of jet pairs with one or two jets identified as b-jets in proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Searches for high-mass resonances in the dijet invariant mass spectrum with one or two jets identified as $b$-jets are performed using an integrated luminosity of $3.2$ fb$^{-1}$ of proton--proton collisions with a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No evidence of anomalous phenomena is observed in the data, which are used to exclude, at 95% credibility level, excited $b^{*}$ quarks with masses from 1.1 TeV to 2.1 TeV and leptophobic $Z'$ bosons with masses from 1.1 TeV to 1.5 TeV. Contributions of a Gaussian signal shape with effective cross sections ranging from approximately 0.4 to 0.001 pb are also excluded in the mass…
Search for heavy resonances decaying to a photon and a hadronically decaying Z/W/H boson in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
This Letter presents a search for the production of new heavy resonances decaying into a Higgs boson and a photon using proton-proton collision data at √ s = 13 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb − 1 . The analysis is performed by reconstructing hadronically decaying Higgs boson ( H → b ¯ b ) candidates as single large-radius jets. A novel algorithm using information about the jet constituents in the center-of-mass frame of the jet is implemented to identify the two b quarks in the single jet. No significant excess of events is observed above the expected background. Upper limits are set on the production cross-s…
Search for Higgs bosons produced via vector-boson fusion and decaying into bottom quark pairs in s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
A search for the b (b) over bar decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson produced through vector-boson fusion is presented. Three mutually exclusive channels are considered: two all-hadronic channel ...
A measurement of the tau lifetime
The tau lepton lifetime is measured using four different methods with the DELPHI detector. Three measurements using one prong decays are combined, accounting for correlations, resulting in tau(tau) = 298 +/- 7 (stat.) +/- 4 (syst.) fs while the decay length distribution of three prong decays gives tau(tau) = 298 +/- 13 (stat.) +/- 5 (syst.) fs. The combined result is tau(tau) = 298 +/- 7 fs. The ratio of the Fermi coupling constant from tau decay relative to that from muon decay is found to be 0.985 +/- 0.013, compatible with lepton universality.
Search for new phenomena in dijet events using 37 fb−1 of pp collision data collected at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Dijet events are studied in the proton-proton collision dataset recorded at root s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015 and 2016, corresponding to integrated lumino ...
Measurement of the suppression and azimuthal anisotropy of muons from heavy-flavor decays in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector
ATLAS measurements of the production of muons from heavy-flavor decays in root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions and root s = 2.76 TeV pp collisions at the LHC are presented. Integrated luminositie ...
High-ET isolated-photon plus jets production in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
The dynamics of isolated-photon plus one-, two- and three-jet production in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV are studied with the ATLAS detector at the LHC using a data set with an ...
Performance of the upgraded PreProcessor of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger
The PreProcessor of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger prepares the analogue trigger signals sent from the ATLAS calorimeters by digitising, synchronising, and calibrating them to reconstruct transverse energy deposits, which are then used in further processing to identify event features. During the first long shutdown of the LHC from 2013 to 2014, the central components of the PreProcessor, the Multichip Modules, were replaced by upgraded versions that feature modern ADC and FPGA technology to ensure optimal performance in the high pile-up environment of LHC Run 2. This paper describes the features of the newMultichip Modules along with the improvements to the signal processing achieved.
Study of Open-Charm Decays and Radiative Transitions of the X(3872)
The processes X(3872)→D*0D¯0+c.c.,γJ/ψ,γψ(2S), and γD+D− are searched for in a 9.0 fb−1 data sample collected at center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.278 GeV with the BESIII detector. We observe X(3872)→D*0D0¯+c.c. and find evidence for X(3872)→γJ/ψ with statistical significances of 7.4σ and 3.5σ, respectively. No evident signals for X(3872)→γψ(2S) and γD+D− are found, and the upper limit on the relative branching ratio Rγψ≡{B[X(3872)→γψ(2S)]}/{B[X(3872)→γJ/ψ]}<0.59 is set at 90% confidence level. Measurements of branching ratios relative to decay X(3872)→π+π−J/ψ are also reported for decays X(3872)→D*0D0¯+c.c.,γψ(2S),γJ/ψ, and γD+D−, as well as the non-D*0D0¯ three-body decays π0…
Combination of the Searches for Pair-Produced Vectorlike Partners of the Third-Generation Quarks at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
A combination of the searches for pair-produced vectorlike partners of the top and bottom quarks in various decay channels (T -> Zt/Wb/Ht, B -> Zb/Wt/Hb) is performed using 36.1 fb(-1) of pp ...
Search for Higgs andZBoson Decays toϕγwith the ATLAS Detector
A search for the decays of the Higgs and Z bosons to a ϕ meson and a photon is performed with a pp collision data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.7 fb^{-1} collected at sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. No significant excess of events is observed above the background, and 95% confidence level upper limits on the branching fractions of the Higgs and Z boson decays to ϕγ of 1.4×10^{-3} and 8.3×10^{-6}, respectively, are obtained.
Measurement of the correlation between the polar angles of leptons from top quark decays in the helicity basis ats=7 TeVusing the ATLAS detector
A measurement of the correlations between the polar angles of leptons from the decay of pair-produced t and (t) over bar quarks in the helicity basis is reported, using proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1) at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 7 TeV collected during 2011. Candidate events are selected in the dilepton topology with large missing transverse momentum and at least two jets. The angles theta(1) and theta(2) between the charged leptons and the direction of motion of the parent quarks in the t (t) over bar rest frame are sensitive to the spin information, and the distribution of …
Study of ordered hadron chains with the ATLAS detector
The analysis of the momentum difference between charged hadrons in high-energy proton-proton collisions is performed in order to study coherent particle production. The observed correlation pattern agrees with a model of a helical QCD string fragmenting into a chain of ground-state hadrons. A threshold momentum difference in the production of adjacent pairs of charged hadrons is observed, in agreement with model predictions. The presence of low-mass hadron chains also explains the emergence of charge-combination-dependent two-particle correlations commonly attributed to Bose-Einstein interference. The data sample consists of 190 μb-1 of minimum-bias events collected with proton-proton colli…
A measurement of the mean lifetimes of charged and neutral B-hadrons
The decays of B-hadrons have been reconstructed using the charged particles recorded in the DELPHI silicon microstrip detector. The sum of the charges of the secondaries determines the charge of the B-hadron parent. Some 232 114 multihadronic Z0 decays recorded during the 1991 run of LEP at centre-of-mass energies between 88.2 GeV and 94.2 GeV yield 253 B-hadron candidates with well-measured charge. From these the mean lifetimes of neutral and charged B-hadrons are found to be 1.44 +/- 0.21(stat.) +/- 0.14(syst.) ps and 1.56 +/- 0.19(stat.) +/- 0.13(syst.) ps respectively. The ratio of their lifetimes is 1.09(-0.23)+0.28 (Stat.) +/- 0.11 (syst.). Under some assumptions on the abundance and …
Measurement of the Z$^0$ branching fraction to b quark pairs using the boosted sphericity product
Abstract From a sample of about 120 000 hadronic Z 0 decays, using a technique based on a separation of the different event categories in the boosted sphericity product, the fraction of b b decays has been measured to be 0.219 ± 0.014 (stat)± 0.019 (syst). Using the DELPHI determination of the hadronic Z 0 width, this corresponds to a partial width τ b b = 378 ± 42 MeV (in good agreement with the standard model prediction of ∼-380 MeV). Combining this measurement with the determinations based on events with high p t leptons gives an estimate for the branching ratio of b into leptons at LEP of (11.2 ± 1.2)%, consistent with previous determinations.
Amplitude analysis and branching-fraction measurement of Ds+ → KS0 K-π+π+
Search for supersymmetry in events with four or more leptons in s=13 TeV pp collisions with ATLAS
Results from a search for supersymmetry in events with four or more charged leptons (electrons, muons and taus) are presented. The analysis uses a data sample corresponding to 36.1 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions delivered by the Large Hadron Collider at s=13 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Four-lepton signal regions with up to two hadronically decaying taus are designed to target a range of supersymmetric scenarios that can be either enriched in or depleted of events involving the production and decay of a Z boson. Data yields are consistent with Standard Model expectations and results are used to set upper limits on the event yields from processes beyond the Standard Model. Exclu…
Searches for heavy neutrinos from Z decays
We have searched for possible fourth family heavy neutrinos, pair produced in Z0 decays, in a sample of about 112 000 hadronic Z0 final states collected with the DELPHI detector. For all mixing matrix elements we exclude a new Dirac neutrino lighter than 44.5 GeV at a 95% confidence level, if the neutrino couples to the electron or muon family, and lighter than 44.0 GeV, if the neutrino couples to the tau family. Depending on the values of the mixing element and to which lepton family the neutrino couples, we obtain mass limits up to 46.2 GeV. For all mixing matrix elements we exclude a new Majorana neutrino lighter than 39.0 GeV, if it couples to the electron or the muon family, and lighte…
Observation of Centrality-Dependent Acoplanarity for Muon Pairs Produced via Two-Photon Scattering in Pb+Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
This Letter presents a measurement of γγ→μ^{+}μ^{-} production in Pb+Pb collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 0.49 nb^{-1}. The azimuthal angle and transverse momentum correlations between the muons are measured as a function of collision centrality. The muon pairs are produced from γγ through the interaction of the large electromagnetic fields of the nuclei. The contribution from background sources of muon pairs is removed using a template fit method. In peripheral collisions, the muons exhibit a strong back-to-back correlation consistent with previous measurements of muon pair production in ultrap…
Search For Light Neutral Higgs Particles Produced In Z0-decays
A search for the neutral Higgs boson in Z0-decays has been performed using the DELPHI detector at the Large Electron Positron collider (LEP) at CERN. We looked for the decay of Z0 into a neutral Higgs particle and a pair of fermions. No events fulfilled the criteria for H0-production. Our results, which are based on an integrated luminosity of 530 nb-1, exclude a minimal Standard Model Higgs boson with a mass in the range 210 MeV/c2 to 14 GeV/c2 at 95% confidence level.
Surgeons' fear of getting infected by COVID19: A global survey
During the last three months, COVID- 19 pandemic had led to a serious backlog of operations globally, and plans for restarting operation are imperative. Recommendations for surgical activities were studied, aiming to protect the surgical staff from being infected. In the meantime, it is also important to give attention to the surgeon’s personal feeling during work. We conducted a survey to investigate global surgi- cal practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the surgeon’s personal feeling was also investigated in the sur- vey. In this special letter, we performed multivariate analysis to explore factors that associated with surgeon’s fear of getting infected by COVID-19.
Search for the rare semi-leptonic decay J/ψ → D−e+ ν e + c.c.
Abstract Using 10.1 × 109J/ψ events produced by the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) at a center-of-mass energy $$ \sqrt{s} $$ s = 3.097 GeV and collected with the BESIII detector, we present a search for the rare semi-leptonic decay J/ψ → D−e+νe + c.c. No excess of signal above background is observed, and an upper limit on the branching fraction ℬ(J/ψ → D−e+νe + c. c.) < 7.1 × 10−8 is obtained at 90% confidence level. This is an improvement of more than two orders of magnitude over the previous best limit.
Combination of Searches for Invisible Higgs Boson Decays with the ATLAS Experiment
Dark matter particles, if sufficiently light, may be produced in decays of the Higgs boson. This Letter presents a statistical combination of searches for H → invisible decays where H is produced according to the standard model via vector boson fusion, Z(ℓℓ)H, and W/Z(had)H, all performed with the ATLAS detector using 36.1 fb⁻¹ of pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV at the LHC. In combination with the results at √s = 7 and 8 TeV, an exclusion limit on the H → invisible branching ratio of 0.26(0.17-0.05+0.07) at 95% confidence level is observed (expected).
Observation and Measurement of Forward Proton Scattering in Association with Lepton Pairs Produced via the Photon Fusion Mechanism at ATLAS
The observation of forward proton scattering in association with lepton pairs (eþe− þ p or μþμ− þ p) produced via photon fusion is presented. The scattered proton is detected by the ATLAS Forward Proton spectrometer, while the leptons are reconstructed by the central ATLAS detector. Proton-proton collision data recorded in 2017 at a center-of-mass energy of ffiffiffi s p ¼ 13 TeV are analyzed, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 14.6 fb−1. A total of 57 (123) candidates in the ee þ p (μμ þ p) final state are selected, allowing the background-only hypothesis to be rejected with a significance exceeding 5 standard deviations in each channel. Proton-tagging techniques are introduced f…
Search for invisible Higgs boson decays in vector boson fusion at s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
We report a search for Higgs bosons that are produced via vector boson fusion and subsequently decay into invisible particles. The experimental signature is an energetic jet pair with invariant mass of O(1)TeV and O(100)GeV missing transverse momentum. The analysis uses 36.1 fb −1 of pp collision data at s=13TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. In the signal region the 2252 observed events are consistent with the background estimation. Assuming a 125GeV scalar particle with Standard Model cross sections, the upper limit on the branching fraction of the Higgs boson decay into invisible particles is 0.37 at 95% confidence level where 0.28 was expected. This limit is interpreted in H…
Measurement of the tt¯ production cross section in the τ+jets final state in pp collisions at s=8 TeV using the ATLAS detector
A measurement of the inclusive pp -> t (t) over bar + X production cross section in the tau + jets final state using only the hadronic decays of the tau lepton is presented. The measurement is p ...
Search for pair production of neutral Higgs bosons in Z$^0$ decays
The pair production of the lightest scalar Higgs boson, h, and a pseudoscalar Higgs boson, A, was searched for in a data sample containing 10 000 hadronic Z0 decays. The search involved both leptonic and purely hadronic decay channels of each Higgs boson. No signal was found, and limits on the Higgs boson masses, in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model, ar reported up to 35 GeV/c2 at 95% CL, for both tan β > 1 and tan β < 1, where tan β is the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the two Higgs doublets.
A study of intermittency in Hadronic Z$^0$ Decays
The correlations in rapidity in hadron production from e+e- annihilation near the Z0 resonance were studied by means of the method of factorial moments, using data taken with the DELPHI detector at LEP. The parton shower hadronization model was found to be in quantitative agreement with the data, in contrast with previous results at lower energies. © 1990.
Multiplicity fluctuations in hadronic final states from the decay of the Z0
An analysis of the fluctuations in the phase space distribution of hadrons produced in the decay of 78829 Z0 has been carried out, using the method of factorial moments. The high statistics collected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP during 1990 allowed studies of the event sample both globally and in intervals of p(t) and multiplicity, and for different jet topologies and for single jets. A large contribution to the factorial moments of the one-dimensional data on rapidity with respect to the event axis comes from hard gluons. Details of factorial moments in two and three dimensions are presented. Influences of resonance decays have been studied by Monte Carlo simulation: one-dimensional fac…
Classification of the hadronic decays of the Z$^0$ into b and c quark pairs using a neural network
A classifier based on a feed-forward neural network has been used for separating a sample of about 123 500 selected hadronic decays of the Z 0 , collected by DELPHI during 1991, into three classes according to the flavour of the original quark pair: u u +d d +s s (unresolved), c c and b b . The classification has been used to compute the partial widths of the Z 0 into b and c quark pairs. This gave Γ c c /Γ h = 0.151 ± 0.008 ( stat. ) ± 0.041 ( syst. ) , Γ b b /Γ h = 0.232±0.005 ( stat. )±0.017 ( syst. ) .
Comparison between energy balance and mass balance models for actual evapotranspiration assessment
The assessment of the water needs for a specific crop has a fundamental importance in the management of water resources. The application of empirical models able to retrieve estimates of the actual evapotranspiration (ETa) to assess the need for water could give a valid tool for the planning of water supply, avoiding unnecessary water losses. In this context, two independent models for estimating actual evapotranspiration were compared. The first model is based on an energy balance and uses remotely sensed data and ancillary data from weather stations to assess the ETa. The second model also uses remotely sensed data and climatic data on a daily basis from a weather network. Field measureme…
A precise measurement of the Z resonance parameters through its hadronic decays
A measurement of the cross section for e+e-→ hadrons using 11 000 hadronic decays of the Z boson at ten different center-of-mass energies is presented. A three-parameter fit gives the following values for the Z mass MZ, the total width ΓZ, the product of the electronic and hadronic partial widths ΓeΓh, and the unfolded pole cross section σ0: MZ = 91.171 ± 0.030 (stat.) ± 0.030 (beam) GeV, ΓZ = 2.511 ± 0.065 GeV, ΓeΓh = 0.148 ± 0.006 (stat.) ± 0.004 (syst.) GeV2, σ0 = 41.6 ± 0.7 (stat.) ± 1.1 (syst.) nb, Good agreement with the predictions of the standard model is observed. From a two-parameter fit the number of massless neutrino generations is found to be Nv = 2.91 ± 0.26. Thus the hypothes…
Observation of Electroweak Production of a Same-Sign W Boson Pair in Association with Two Jets in pp Collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
This Letter presents the observation and measurement of electroweak production of a same-sign W boson pair in association with two jets using 36.1 fb^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt[s]=13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis is performed in the detector fiducial phase-space region, defined by the presence of two same-sign leptons, electron or muon, and at least two jets with a large invariant mass and rapidity difference. A total of 122 candidate events are observed for a background expectation of 69±7 events, corresponding to an observed signal significance of 6.5 standard deviations. The measured fiducial s…
Measurement of photon?jet transverse momentum correlations in 5.02 TeV Pb + Pb and pp collisions with ATLAS
Jets created in association with a photon can be used as a calibrated probe to study energy loss in the medium created in nuclear collisions. Measurements of the transverse momentum balance between isolated photons and inclusive jets are presented using integrated luminosities of 0.49 nb−1 of Pb + Pb collision data at TeV and 25 pb−1 of pp collision data at TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Photons with transverse momentum GeV and are paired with all jets in the event that have GeV and pseudorapidity . The transverse momentum balance given by the jet-to-photon ratio, , is measured for pairs with azimuthal opening angle . Distributions of the per-photon jet yield as a function…
Experimental study of the triple-gluon vertex
Abstract In four-jet events from e+e− →Z0 →multihadrons one can separate the three principal contributions from the triple-gluon vertex, double gluon-bremsstrahlung and the secondary quark-antiquark production, using the shape of the two-dimensional angular distributions in the generalized Nachtmann-Reiter angle θ NR ∗ and the opening angle of the secondary jets. Thus one can identify directly the contribution from the triple-gluon vertex without comparison with a specific non-QCD model. Applying this new method to events taken with the DELPHI-detector we get for the ratio of the colour factor Nc to the fermionic Casimir operator C F : N c C F = 2.55 ± 0.55 ( stat. ) ± 0.4 ( fragm. + models…
Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
Measurements are presented of the cross section ratios Rℓ = σℓ(e+e-→ℓ+ℓ -)/σhh(e+e-→hadrons) for ℓ = e, μ and τ using data taken from a scan around the Z0. The results are Re = (5.09±0.32±0.18)%, Rμ = (4.96±0.35±0.17)% and Rτ,=(4.72±0.38± 0.29)% where, for the ratio Re, the t-channel contribution has been subtracted. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of lepton universality and test this hypothesis at the energy scale s ∼ 8300 GeV2. The absolute cross sections σℓ(e+e-→ℓ +ℓ-) have also been measured. From the cross sections the leptonic partial widths Γe = (83.2±3.0±2.4) MeV, (ΓeΓμ) 1/2=(84.6±3.0±2.4) MeV and (ΓeΓτ) 1/2=(82.6±3.3±3.2) MeV have been extracted. Assuming lepton un…
Combination of searches for heavy resonances decaying into bosonic and leptonic final states using 36 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Searches for new heavy resonances decaying into different pairings of W, Z, or Higgs bosons, as well as dirffiffiffiectly into leptons, are presented using a data sample corresponding to 36.1 fb(-1 ...
Measurements of tt¯ differential cross-sections of highly boosted top quarks decaying to all-hadronic final states in pp collisions at s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector
Measurements are made of differential cross-sections of highly boosted pair-produced top quarks as a function of top-quark and t (t) over bar system kinematic observables using proton-proton collis ...
A Measurement of Sin2-theta-w From the Charge Asymmetry of Hadronic Events At the Z0 Peak
Abstract View references (24)The weak mixing angle has been measured from the charge asymmetry of hadronic events with two different approaches using the DELPHI detector at LEP. Both methods are based on a momentum-weighted charge sum to determine the jet charge in both event hemispheres. In a data sample of 247 300 multihadronic Z0 decays a charge asymmetry of 〈QF〉 - 〈QB〉 = -0.0076±0.0012(stat.)±0.0005(exp. syst.)±0.0014(frag.) and a raw forward-backward asymmetry of Araw FB = -0.0109±0.0020(stat.)±0.0010(exp. syst.)±0.0017(frag.) have been measured. This result corresponds to a value of sinθeff=0.2345±0.0030(exp.)±0.0027(frag.) ,sin2θMS=0.2341±0.0030(exp.)±0. 0027(frag.) and to sin2θW=1-m…
Impact of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients in global surgical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has changed the global surgical care. Patients infected with COVID-19 may present without typical symptoms, and such asymptomatic patients may potentially trigger in-hospital outbreaks by transmitting the disease to health care providers and other hospitalized patients. Further, asymptomatic COVID-19 patients have worse postop- erative outcomes with an unexpectedly high morbidity and mortality, reaching 20⋅5 per cent deaths. However, we do not have objective global data on this issue. In an attempt to clarify the current global surgical practice under the COVID-19 pandemic particularly focusing on the preoperative screening of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients, we …
Search for scalar quarks in Z0 decays
A search has been made for pairs of scalar quarks (squarks) produced in e+e- annihilations at LEP (√s≃MZ0), and decaying into a standard quark and a neutral, non-interacting, stable, massive particle (the lightest supersymmetric particle, LSP). The search has been conducted for differences in the mass of the squark and LSP of 2 GeV/c2 and above. Up squarks with masses below 42 GeV/c2 and down squarks below 43 GeV/c2 were excluded. Six squark flavours degenerate in mass were excluded below 45 GeV/c2.
Multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum in $e^+e^-$ annihilations at LEP energies
A strong increase of the mean transverse momentum [p(t)] with the number of charged particles n(ch) is observed in e+e- annihilations into hadrons at LEP energies, The effect resembles correlations observed in hadron-hadron interactions. In e+e- annihilations the [p(t)] and n(ch) correlations can be accounted for by gluon radiation.
Charged particle multiplicity distributions in restricted rapidity intervals in Z0 hadronic decays.
The multiplicity distributions of charged particles in restricted rapidity intervals in Z0 hadronic decays measured by the DELPHI detector are presented. The data reveal a shoulder structure, best visible for intervals of intermediate size, i.e. for rapidity limits around ±1.5. The whole set of distributions including the shoulder structure is reproduced by the Lund Parton Shower model. The structure is found to be due to important contributions from 3-and 4-jet events with a hard gluon jet. A different model, based on the concept of independently produced groups of particles, "clans", fluctuating both in number per event and particle content per clan, has also been used to analyse the pres…
Observation of Long-Range Elliptic Azimuthal Anisotropies ins=13and 2.76 TeVppCollisions with the ATLAS Detector
ATLAS has measured two-particle correlations as a function of relative azimuthal-angle, $\Delta \phi$, and pseudorapidity, $\Delta \eta$, in $\sqrt{s}$=13 and 2.76 TeV $pp$ collisions at the LHC using charged particles measured in the pseudorapidity interval $|\eta|$<2.5. The correlation functions evaluated in different intervals of measured charged-particle multiplicity show a multiplicity-dependent enhancement at $\Delta \phi \sim 0$ that extends over a wide range of $\Delta\eta$, which has been referred to as the "ridge". Per-trigger-particle yields, $Y(\Delta \phi)$, are measured over 2<$|\Delta\eta|$<5. For both collision energies, the $Y(\Delta \phi)$ distribution in all multiplicity …
Determination of 55-155-155-1in second order QCD from hadronic Z decays
Distributions of event shape variables obtained from 120600 hadronic Z decays measured with the DELPHI detector are compared to the predictions of QCD based event generators. Values of the strong coupling constant αs are derived as a function of the renormalization scale from a quantitative analysis of eight hadronic distributions. The final result, αs(MZ), is based on second order perturbation theory and uses two hadronization corrections, one computed with a parton shower model and the other with a QCD matrix element model. © 1992 Springer-Verlag.
Mechanism and time of deformation and metamorphism of mylonitic orthogneisses from the Shagou Shear Zone, Qinling Belt, China
Abstract The Shagou Shear Zone south of Xian (Shaanxi Province) is a branch of the Shangdan Fault Zone in the Qinling Belt and documents ductile deformation that affected granitoid rocks. Mylonitization took place under conditions of the lower amphibolite facies at temperatures of ca. 530°C, followed by a phase of stagnation, still under the same metamorphic conditions. The last deformation was a weak event during retrogressive greenschist metamorphism. The emplacement of the granitoid precursors of the mylonite is dated at 211 ± 8 Ma by the U/Pb zircon method, much younger than Nd model ages of 1.2–1.3 Ga, which indicates the involvement of older continental crust, probably in an active co…
Measurement of the production cross section for a Higgs boson in association with a vector boson in the H → WW⁎ → ℓνℓν channel in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A measurement of the Higgs boson production cross sections via associated WH and ZH production using H -> WW* -> l nu l nu decays, where l stands for either an electron or a muon, is presente ...
Transverse momentum, rapidity, and centrality dependence of inclusive charged-particle production in sNN=5.02 TeV p+ Pb collisions measured by the ATLAS experiment
Measurements of the per-event charged-particle yield as a function of the charged-particle transverse momentum and rapidity are performed using p+Pbp+Pb collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of sqrt (SNN) = 5.01 TeV. Charged particles are reconstructed over pseudorapidity |η|<2.3|η|<2.3 and transverse momentum between 0.1 GeV0.1 GeV and 22 GeV22 GeV in a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1 μb−11 μb−1. The results are presented in the form of charged-particle nuclear modification factors, where the p+Pbp+Pb charged-particle multiplicities are compared between central and peripheral p+Pbp+Pb collisions as well as to charged-p…
Measurement of the partial width of the decay of the Z0 into charm quark pairs
A determination of the partial width Γc̄ of the Z0 boson into charm quark pairs is presented, based on a total sample of 36 900 Z0 hadronic decays measured with the DELPHI detector at the LEP collider. The production rate of cc events is derived from the inclusive analysis of charged pions coming from the decay of charmed meson D*+-→D0π+ and D*-→D̄0π- where the π± is constrained by kinematics to have a low pT with respect to the jet axis. The probability to procedure these π± from D*± decay in cc events is taken to be 0.31±0.05 as measured at √S = 10.55 GeV. The measured relative partial width Γ∞/Γh = 0.162± 0.030(stat.) ± 0.050(syst.) is in good agreement with the standard model value of 0…
Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356
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Search for scalar leptoquarks from Z$^0$ decays
We have searched for pair produced scalar leptoquarks each decaying to a quark and a charged lepton in a sample of 116 000 hadronic Z0 events produced at LEP. No candidate was detected and cross section and branching ratio limits are set for the above process at 95% CL. Mass limits are found to be about 42 GeV/c2 depending only slightly on the models used and a coupling times branching ratio exclusion line is drawn for a scalar leptoquark with a free coupling. We have also probed the mass region above 45 GeV/c2 for a singly produced scalar leptoquark and set limits on the cross section and the coupling lambda(2)/4-pi up to 60 GeV.
Study of the material of the ATLAS inner detector for Run 2 of the LHC
The ATLAS inner detector comprises three different sub-detectors: the pixel detector, the silicon strip tracker, and the transition-radiation drift-tube tracker. The Insertable B-Layer, a new innermost pixel layer, was installed during the shutdown period in 2014, together with modifications to the layout of the cables and support structures of the existing pixel detector. The material in the inner detector is studied with several methods, using a low-luminosity root s = 13 TeV pp collision sample corresponding to around 2.0 nb(-1) collected in 2015 with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. In this paper, the material within the innermost barrel region is studied using reconstructed hadronic in…