Päivi Tynjälä
Opiskelijavalintojen kehittäminen kasvatustieteessä : tutkimus- ja kehityshankkeen loppuraportti
Työelämän asiantuntijuus ja korkeakoulupedagogiikka
”Korkeakouluopetuksen yksi ydinkysymys on se, millaista on asiantuntijuus, jota korkeasti koulutetuilta yhteiskunnan jäseniltä odotetaan. Tämän päivän asiantuntijatyölle on ominaista, että siinä yhdistyvät perinteiset akateemiset hyveet, kuten tieteellinen ajattelu, ja nykypäivän yhteiskunnan toiminnassa keskeisiksi nousevat verkostoitumis- ja sosiaaliset taidot. Keskeinen kysymys korkeakouluopetuksen kehittämisessä onkin se, miten voimme kehittää sellaista pedagogiikkaa, joka samanaikaisesti edesauttaa tieteellistä ajattelua ja yleisiä työelämän taitoja”, kirjoittaa professori Päivi Tynjälä. – Päivi Tynjälän virkaanastujaispuhe Jyväskylän yliopistossa 7.5.2008.
Study orientations in different tutoring environments: university language students' first two years
This study investigates the study orientations of students in a two‐year follow‐up in two Finnish universities that had different tutoring systems. Both universities offered tutoring of first‐year students by senior students, but one also offered tutoring by staff members. The study orientations of students were assessed on the basis of their responses to 77 statements covering four domains: learning approaches, conceptions of learning, regulation processes, and general study orientations. Results showed that students tutored by staff (n = 70) were more self‐regulated and put greater emphasis on practical knowledge and cooperation in learning than did students who did not have staff tutorin…
Stories of professional development in physiotherapy education
This study examines graduating physiotherapy students’ narratives related to their professional development. The data comprised interviews with 33 graduating physiotherapy students. The data were analyzed using the narrative analysis approach. As a result, five different story models were identified. The descriptive story models were named: 1) “Study path dominated by life changes”; 2) “Realizing the connection between physiotherapy theory and practice”; 3) “Self-regulated and practical-oriented learning path”; 4) “Becoming a critical developer”; and 5) “Multiprofessional working towards expertise”. In students’ stories, there appeared different turning points that illustrated especially me…
Konstruktivistisen ja perinteisen oppimisympäristön vertailu yliopistossa
Opetuksen laatu on ollut viime vuosina yleinen puheenaihe maamme yliopistoissa ja korkeakouluissa. Asiaan ovat kiinnittäneet huomiota kaikki keskeiset tahot: yliopisto-opettajat ja heidän etujärjestönsä, opiskelijajärjestöt, työnantajien edustajat sekä yliopistojen ulkopuoliset arvioitsijat. Vallitsee yksimielisyys siitä, että opetuksen kehittäminen ja opetuksen arvostuksen lisääminen on yliopistoyhteisön keskeisiä tehtäviä. – Päivi Tynjälän väitöskirja ”Towards expert know-ledge? A comparison between a constructivist and a traditiona! learning environment in university” tarkistettiin 21.6.1999 Jyväskylän yliopistossa. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori Erno Lehtinen Turun yliopistosta ja kus…
Models for the development of generic skills in Finnish higher education
This article examines how Finnish universities and other higher education institutes have responded to the challenges posed by rapid changes in the world of work and societies all over Europe, particularly with reference to the development of generic skills. The data were collected by means of individual and group interviews at three Finnish higher education institutes, including two universities and one university of applied sciences. The interviews involved 63 persons in charge of management, development and teaching at these institutes. As a result of the qualitative data analysis, we distinguished four models to represent the development of generic skills, which we named (1) Specialist …
Exploring teachers’ stories of writing : a narrative perspective
This study takes a narrative perspective to examine teachers as writers and autobiographical creative writing as a way for promoting teachers’ professional development. In a creative writing group for Finnish primary and secondary school teachers, the teachers expressed themselves and explored their lives and identities through autobiographical creative writing. The aim of this study was to examine the stories the teachers tell about their relationship to writing and the goals they set for their professional and personal development in the writing group. Through thematic analysis, seven descriptive themes were found in teachers’ narratives of writing. Furthermore, based on the narrative ana…
Critical aspects of student teachers’ conceptions of learning
Abstract The aim of this phenomenographic study was to discover the educationally critical aspects of learning conceptions among health education student teachers (N = 20). The qualitative data consisted of written essays and semi-structured interviews. Six qualitatively distinctive conceptions of learning could be discerned, namely learning as 1) the reproduction of acquired health knowledge, 2) the application of health knowledge, 3) developing personal meanings on health matters, 4) the transformation of individual thinking, 5) personal growth, and 6) collective meaning-making. These qualitatively distinct categories were reflected through three themes, which embodied critical aspects: t…
Arviointi ja palaute oppimista tukemassa
Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelma korostaa arviointia edeltäjäänsä enemmän. Samoin se korostaa oppimisen yhteisöllistä luonnetta. Oppimisen arviointia on siten osattava kehittää ja toteuttaa uudenlaisissa, yhteisöllistä oppimista korostavissa oppimisympäristöissä ja ilmiölähtöisessä opetuksessa. Tässä artikkelissa kuvataan ensin ajankohtaisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla nykytietämystä arvioinnista ja palautteesta. Tämän jälkeen arviointi- ja palautemuotoja tarkastellaan yhteisöllisiä toimintamuotoja ja ilmiöitä korostavassa laajassa opintokokonaisuudessa ja osoitetaan niiden rooli opiskelijoiden oppimiselle. Lomakeaineistoon (N=48, n=29) ja haastatteluihin (n=8) perustuvien analyysien muka…
Professional Learning of Teachers in Ethiopia: Challenges and Implications for Reform
Continuous professional development of teachers is of growing interest globally, as it is considered vital to cope effectively with ongoing changes and to improve the quality of education. This qualitative case study explores potential and actual barriers that hinder teachers’ professional development in Ethiopian schools. Data was collected via interviews and focus group discussions from 37 purposively sampled participants. The study reveals three major challenges in teachers’ development: 1) conceptions and conceptual issues related to teaching, professional development and mentoring, 2) management and leadership, and 3) teachers’ work conditions. The need to reconsider educational change…
Opiskelijan oppiminen työelämäyhteistyössä : pedagoginen näkökulma
Bridging the gap between research and practice : using phenomenographic findings to develop training for career practitioners
AbstractThis study contends that phenomenography offers both a useful research method and practical tools for developing education and training for career practitioners. After introducing the basic principles of phenomenography, the study reviews previous research on its potential in developing pedagogical practices. It explores how the phenomenographic findings were utilized to design an online skills training programme for career practitioners. The study finds that phenomenographic research serves three practical pedagogical purposes: (1) revealing how learners understand certain concepts or phenomena, (2) elucidating how these understandings differ; and (3) identifying critical aspects i…
Factors explaining the learning of generic skills : a study of university students’ experiences
Although generic skills have received widespread attention from both policymakers and educationalists, little is known regarding how students acquire these skills, or how they should best be taught. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify what kinds of pedagogical practices are behind the learning of eight particular generic skills. The data were collected from university students (N = 163, n = 123) via Internet questionnaires. The findings from regression analyses showed that teaching practices involving collaboration and interaction as well as features of a constructivist learning environment and integrative pedagogy predicted the learning of generic skills – such as decision-making …
Student teachers’ ways of experiencing the teaching of health education
The aim of this phenomenographic study was to identify student teachers’ ways of experiencing the teaching of health education, and to determine the aspects that are educationally critical in gaining a deeper understanding of the teaching. Qualitative data (written essays, semi‐structured interviews) were gathered twice during health education teacher training. Teaching was seen as transferring knowledge and skills, supporting the active processing of knowledge, supporting transformation of conceptions, supporting holistic personal growth and building a learning community with the students. The teaching was reflected through five themes: the nature of the knowledge, the source of the knowle…
Entrepreneurship Education with Impact: Opening the Black Box
Entrepreneurship education (EE) has become globally widespread. Governments, universities, and private institutions increasingly deploy resources dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship competencies amongst entrepreneurs as well as in society at large. However, this exponential growth of initiatives did not go hand in hand with a similar development of scholarly research, hence hindering our understanding of the impacts of EE.
Koulutuksen ja työelämän yhteistyö - pedagogisia näkökulmia
Tiedon oppiminen ja tiedon käyttäminen eivät ole erillisiä, vaan yhtä ja samaa prosessia. Oppiminen on tilannesidonnaista ja sitä tapahtuu työssä ja työn kautta osallistumalla aitoihin toimintakäytäntöihin. Nykyisin suositellaankin sellaisia pedagogisia järjestelyjä, joissa opiskelijat kohtaavat todellisen elämän ongelmat jo opiskelun alkuvaiheissa ja opiskelevat teoriaa kytkettynä näihin aitoihin arkielämän tilanteisiin.
The role of positive atmosphere on learning generic skills in higher education - Experiences of physical education students
The purpose of this study is to examine what kind of role does positive atmosphere play in learning generic skills. The study was carried out in the final year of Finnish physical education (PE) teacher education where teachers of this study module have developed their pedagogical practices for a long time to foster and maintain the positive learning atmosphere of the course. In this study the learning atmosphere was examined from the perspectives of students addressing the following research questions: (1) How do the students perceive and experience the constructed learning atmosphere? (2) What generic skills do PE students report to learn during the final year study module? (3) What kind …
Engineering students’ conceptions of entrepreneurial learning as part of their education
The purpose of this study was to examine what kinds of conceptions of entrepreneurial learning engineering students expressed in an entrepreneurship course integrated in their study programme. The data were collected during an entrepreneurship course in Estonia that was organised for fourth-year engineering students, using video-recorded group interviews (N = 48) and individual in-depth interviews (N = 16). As a result of the phenomenographic analysis, four qualitatively distinctive conceptions of entrepreneurial learning were discerned. Entrepreneurial learning was seen to involve (1) applying entrepreneurial ideas to engineering, (2) understanding entrepreneurial issues in a new way, (3) …
Konstruktivismista realismiin? "Radikaalin konstruktivistin" mietteitä Tapio Puolimatkan kirjan äärellä
”Näen oppimisen niin monitahoisena, monimutkaisena ja kontekstisidonnaisena ilmiönä, että sen ymmärtämiseen ei mikään teoria, koulukunta tai oppimisnäkemys yksinään riitä, vaan siihen tarvitaan useita näkökulmia”, kirjoittaa Päivi Tynjälä kirjoituksessaan, jossa hän kyseenalaistaa eräitä väittämiä Tapio Puolimatkan teoksessa ”Oppimisen teoria. Konstruktivismista realismiin” (Tammi 2002). Konstruktivismia on aiemmin analysoitu seikkaperäisemmin tässä lehdessä Reijo Miettisen palkitussa artikkelissa ”Konstruktivistinen oppimisnäkemys ja esineellinen toiminta” numerossa 4/2000. – Päivi Tynjälä kyseenalaistaa artikkelissaan eräitä väittämiä Tapio Puolimatkan teoksessa "Oppimisen teoria. Konstru…
Työelämäpedagogisia malleja
Monipuolinen pedagogiikka tukee työelämätaitojen kehittymistä
Promoting Cooperation between Educational Institutions and Workplaces : Models of Integrative Pedagogy and Connectivity Revisited
This theoretical review reflects on the development and application of the Integrative Pedagogical model as well as the Connective model investigating the organisation of learning in the interface between educational institutions and workplaces. The article explores the aspects that these two models emphasise, and identifies similarities and differences between them. Key studies on these approaches were reviewed to accomplish the task. The review shows how integrative pedagogy takes the individual’s learning as its starting point and how educators can support students by encouraging them to combine theoretical knowledge, experience and self-regulation in learning. While this model is pedago…
University Applicants’ Critical Thinking Skills: The Case of the Finnish Educational Sciences
This study investigates the quality of the critical thinking skills of applicants (n = 77) seeking entry to the faculty of educational sciences in a Finnish university and how these skills are associated with the applicant’s age, previous higher education experience, and matriculation and entrance examination scores. The data consist of the applicants’ responses to problem-solving tasks and their matriculation and entrance examination scores. Critical thinking skills were measured with comparison and argumentation tasks. The results indicate that comparison of the texts and analysis of the arguments they contained were more difficult tasks than putting forward arguments both for and against…
Factors related to study success in engineering education
Recent studies on student learning in higher education have paid attention to the relationships between characteristics of the learning environment and students' study orientations and study success. The purpose of the present paper is to examine these relationships in university level engineering education. The data were collected from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, by means of an Internet survey (n=394). Grade point average, credits per semester and students' qualitative evaluation of their learning outcomes were used as indicators of study success. The findings of the study indicate that students' perceptions of their learning environment were related to their study orie…
Systems thinking and adult cognitive development
This chapter explores the links between scientific systems approaches and adult cognitive development. First, it describes the premises and basic concepts of systems thinking. It then continues to give an overview of the history of systems approach and the development of the main models and theories from its roots, which lie in the natural sciences. This is followed by an examination of the three systems paradigms, namely, Closed Systems, Open Systems, and Dynamic Systems and their implications to research and operational interests, in addition to their explanatory power in today’s world. Second part of the chapter focuses on describing the intersections between the Dynamic Systems paradigm…
Students’ self-reported learning outcomes after a business start-up education program
The aim of the present study is to examine the breadth of influence of a business plan-based entrepreneurship education. This task is implemented by examining students’ (n = 227) self-reported learning outcomes concerning entrepreneurial skills, attitudes and abilities after education. In addition to proposing a classification of the self-reported learning outcomes, this study explores how these outcomes are related to the background characteristics of those taking part in an education program, and of the companies involved. Based on this study, four main areas of self-reported learning outcomes were found: (i) working-life key skills, (ii) management skills, (iii) entrepreneurial empowerme…
Työelämätaitojen kehittämisen mallit korkeakoulutuksessa
Yliopistojen sisällä käydään keskustelua humboltilaisen sivistysyliopistoihanteen ja muuttuneiden yhteiskuntasuhteiden yhteensopivuudesta. Haastajiksi ovat nousseet työvoimakompetenssit. Artikkelin kirjoittajat erottavat tutkimissaan korkeakouluissa kolme työelämäntaitojen kehittämisen mallia, jotka he nimeävät spesialistimalliksi, integratiiviseksi malliksi ja verkostoituneen kulttuurin malliksi.
Transformations Toward Mature Thinking: Challenges for Education and Learning
In this chapter, adult cognitive development and its transformation are explored in the context of a rapidly changing postmodern world. This chapter presents and describes three models of adult cognitive development and their educational implications. The models presented are Basseches’ model of dialectical thinking, Kuhn’s model of epistemological development, and Baxter Magolda’s model of the development of self-authorship. These models are described in greater detail because they present advanced forms of adult cognitive development but also because of the challenge they pose to educational practices. These models open possibilities for understanding educational practices and learning es…
Peer-group mentoring as a tool for teacher development
Abstract: Peer-group mentoring (PGM) is a new model designed to support the professional development of teachers in Finland. This study examines the experiences of mentees participating in PGM and potential differences in the experiences of teachers in general education and vocational education. It also addresses the mentees perceptions of the results of PGM with regard to the professional, personal and social dimensions of professional development. Quantitative research methods were used. An online survey was completed by 69 teachers in general education and 47 teachers in vocational education (n = 116). The results showed that the participants saw PGM as an important tool for professional…
Engineering Students' Experiences in Studying Entrepreneurship
Background Entrepreneurial learning, or the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills, in engineering at the college level has become an important topic. The labor market needs engineers who are prepared to adapt to changing market conditions and enhance innovations that offer new value to customers and society as a whole. An entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge, skills, and attitudes are closely related to innovation and creativity as enablers of entrepreneurial actions that are essential to prepare students for a successful professional life. Purpose This study sought to examine how engineering students experience studying entrepreneurship in a course that is based on a socio-constructivist vie…
Towards expert knowledge? A comparison between a constructivist and a traditional learning environment in the university
Abstract This research monograph examines the potential of constructivist learning environments for developing prerequisites of expert knowledge during university studies. Drawing on recent theories of the development of expert knowledge and on the constructivist view of learning, an experiment was conducted in an educational psychology course. The primary purpose of the study was to compare the learning outcomes of students who studied the course material in a constructivist learning environment with those of students who learned it under traditional teaching and studying conditions. Students in the constructivist learning environment acquired more diversified knowledge. In addition, a the…
Learning at the interface of higher education and work : Experiences of students, teachers and workplace partners
Connectivity between education and workplaces is often seen as a central element in preparing students for the future labour market. This chapter presents findings from a study that examined strengthening the connectivity between Finnish higher education institutions and workplaces. The study focused on 11 work-related study modules where students carried out commissioned assignments or projects from companies or public sector organisations. The data were collected by interviewing 88 students, 35 teachers, and 17 workplace partners. Theory-driven and data-driven qualitative analyses focused on how students, teachers and workplace partners described the presage, process and product factors o…
Transitions to Working Life: Securing Professional Competence
This chapter examines the transition from education to work as a critical phase of professional career and the development of professional competence Literature on transition to working life has identified several challenges that many graduates meet in the early stages of their career such as: threat of unemployment, inadequate knowledge and skills, decreased self-efficacy and increased stress, instability of professional identity, newcomers’ role and position in a work community, early attrition and changing occupation. The importance of workplace learning in supporting graduates as they transit to the workplace is influential in assisting graduates deal with these challenges. This chapter…
Narratives of professional development in a teachers’ creative writing group
This paper explores teachers’ experiences of professional development in a creative writing group. The data was collected in a teachers’ creative writing group and consist of semi-structured interviews and creative writing assignments. Reflexive thematic analysis and narrative analysis were applied to compose a nonfiction piece that describes the teachers’ experiences of a ‘year of creative writing’. Within the nonfiction piece, four themes were presented as findings of the study: social aspects, personal and emotional aspects, writer identity aspects, and pedagogical aspects. The results suggest that utilising creative writing methods in qualitative research can raise otherwise hidden voic…
Tutkinto takana : yliopistojen kandipalautekyselyn sekä maisterien ja tohtorien uraseurantakyselyjen 2018, 2019 ja 2020 tulokset
Professional expertise, integrative thinking, wisdom, and phronēsis
This chapter examines adult thinking from the perspective of professional expertise and phronēsis, that is, practical wisdom. It first describes differences between experts and novices, and presents three conceptualisations of the development of expertise. This is followed by an analysis of the form of adult thinking referred to as integrative thinking, and phronēsis. The relationship of these two with expertise is examined. The analysis shows that professional expertise requires holistic thinking involving the ability to integrate or conciliate various and even conflicting perspectives in order to find new solutions to problems. Furthermore, the role of emotions and ethical reflection is e…
Writing as a Learning Tool
How learning is understood in everyday schooling and conceptualized in research varies a great deal, as does the way in which writing is used for enhancing learning. This paper reviews recent research conducted mainly in Europe, North Arrierica, and Australia to outline what kind of challenges research is facing at the moment. The paper begins with examining how the concept of learning is defined in everyday use and in research. It considers the analysis of learning conceptions important because the way that learning is understood greatly determines how writing is used as a tool for learning. Second, it analyzes the theoretical basis for using writing as a learning tool--theories are divide…
Traditional studying for examination versus constructivist learning tasks: Do learning outcomes differ?
ABSTRACT Students' learning outcomes on an educational psychology course which involved studying three textbooks were compared between a constructivist class without a final examination and a traditional class concluding with an examination. The constructivist group (n = 16) studied the coursebooks with the help of writing assignments, discussed their assignments in groups and wrote an essay. The control group (n = 23) read the books on their own, attended lectures and took an examination. Learning outcomes were investigated (1) as the students' subjective learning experiences; (2) as changes in the students' learning conceptions; and (3) as measured by a traditional examination in which th…
The development and alignment of pedagogical conceptions of health education
Abstract This study examined the development and alignment of conceptions of health education as a subject, and of its teaching and learning, among Finnish health education student teachers (n = 20). Longitudinal phenomenographic data (essays, interviews) were collected at two time points during health education studies, and at one time point after the participants had gained 1–3 years of work experience. The proportion of participants expressing the most sophisticated pedagogical conceptions decreased during teacher training, but increased after the gaining of work experience. Moreover, fewer than half of the participants expressed pedagogical conceptions that advanced in broad alignment w…
Johdanto: Miksi työelämäpedagogiikkaa?
TEL@work: Toward integration of theory and practice
This paper examines technology-enhanced learning at work in the context of the integrative pedagogy model. The basic idea behind this model is to create learning environments whereby the four basic elements of professional expertise (ie, theoretical, practical, self-regulative and sociocultural knowledge) can be integrated. The paper illustrates two basic ways of applying the model in technology-enhanced learning at work. First, examples of how to make use of existing technologies, especially social media, to empower learning at work is presented, and second, an instance of the way the model is used in the design of specific technologies for enhancing collaborative learning in the work cont…
Inter-generational learning of teachers: what and how do teachers learn from older and younger colleagues?
Abstract: This paper examines how and what teachers learn from their older and younger colleagues. Data were gathered from interviews and written reports from 27 Belgian and Finnish teachers. Thematic qualitative analysis was used. The results revealed differences in what teachers learn from older and younger colleagues. Teachers reported learning innovative teaching methods and ICT skills from younger colleagues, whereas practical information, classroom management skills, self-regulation and community building were learned mainly from older colleagues. Attitudes regarding teaching and different ways of being a teacher were learned from both younger and older colleagues alike. Similarities …
Opetussuunnitelmatyön 2018-2020 arviointi Jyväskylän yliopistossa
Students’ Experiences of Reflective Writing as a Tool for Learning in Physiotherapy Education
The purpose of this study was to examine physiotherapy students’ experiences of reflective writing. The students (n = 32) were asked to video record their practical activities at school and at workplaces, and to write reflective journals on their experiences. The research data about students’ experiences of reflective writing were collected by interviewing the students. The data were analyzed phenomenographically. The findings revealed four qualitatively different experiences of reflective writing: 1) writing as a useless task; 2) writing as a tool for deepening understanding; 3) writing as a tool for self-reflection; and 4) writing as a tool for professional development. These categories d…
Writing, Learning And The Development Of Expertise In Higher Education
This chapter combines the issue of writing to learn with recent views of the development of prerequisites of professional expertise during higher education. The knowledge-intensive or symbolicanalytic work characteristic of today's professional jobs challenges educationalists to develop instructional methods that integrate domain-content learning with practising the general skills needed in today’s working life. It is argued here that constructivist and social constructivist views of learning offer promising starting points for developing instruction of this kind. Different traditional and novel fonns of writing are discussed from the viewpoint of these constructivist approaches and experti…
University-wide, top-down curriculum reform at a Finnish university: perceptions of the academic staff
This study examines academic staff’s perceptions of a university-wide, top-down curriculum reform in terms of the management of the reform, the support provided by the university’s administration, and the utilisation of the university’s guidelines. Differences between faculties are also scrutinised. The study was conducted at a multidisciplinary public research university in Finland using the survey method. The data (n = 394) consisted of academic staff’s responses to multiple-choice and open-ended questions. Correlation coefficients, exploratory factor analyses, and a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were utilised to analyse the quantitative data. Responses to the open-ended questions …
Student teachers' ways of experiencing the objective of health education as a school subject: A phenomenographic study
Abstract The aim of this phenomenographic study was to identify student teachers' (N = 20) ways of experiencing health education as a school subject, using semi-structured interviews and essays. The findings indicated that the target phenomenon was discussed through the general objective of the subject in five ways: health education as 1) a context for delivering theoretical knowledge, 2) a channel for providing pupils with practical knowledge and skills to contribute to health-related choices, 3) a means to promote pupils' self-regulative knowledge and independent thinking, 4) a context for personal growth, and 5) a means for developing responsible behavior in society. The hierarchically-o…
Engineering Students' Experiences in Studying Entrepreneurship
Background: Entrepreneurial learning, or the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills, in engineering at the college level has become an important topic. The labor market needs engineers who are prepared to adapt to changing market conditions and enhance innovations that offer new value to customers and society as a whole. An entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge, skills, and attitudes are closely related to innovation and creativity as enablers of entrepreneurial actions that are essential to prepare students for a successful professional life. Purpose: This study sought to examine how engineering students experience studying entrepreneurship in a course that is based on a socio-constructivist v…
Liikunta-alan tutkintokoulutuksen merkitykset valmistuneiden elämänkertomuksissa : fenomenografinen analyysi
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla, millaisia laadullisesti erilaisia merkityksiä liikunta-alan tutkinnon suorittaneet antoivat alan tutkintokoulutukselle urateemaisissa elämänkertomuksissaan. Kertomusten avulla oli mahdollista tavoittaa koulutukselle annetut merkitykset suhteessa uran muotoutumisen monitahoisuuteen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 60 liikuntaneuvoja-, liikunnanohjaaja- (AMK tai YAMK) tai liikuntatieteiden maisteri -tutkinnon vuosina 2004–2015 suorittanutta henkilöä, jotka vastasivat avoimeen kirjoituskutsuun. Kutsussa osallistujia pyydettiin kirjoittamaan tutkimusta varten oma urateemainen elämäntarinansa. Kertomusaineisto analysoitiin fenomenografisesti etsimällä tekste…
Developing social competence and other generic skills in teacher education : applying the model of integrative pedagogy
The purpose of the study was to examine how social competence and other generic skills can be developed in teacher education using a pedagogical model called Integrative Pedagogy. This model is based on the idea of integrating the four basic components of expertise: Theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, self-regulative knowledge, and sociocultural knowledge. The subjects of the study were 95 student-teachers. The data were collected with questionnaires. In addition to social skills, the student-teachers reported learning of domain-specific skills, generic academic skills, skills for acting creatively in different situations and development of independence. We conclude that the model o…
Introducing Team Learning in a Developing Economy : Students’ Experiences of Experiential Entrepreneurship Education in Namibia
Entrepreneurship is considered to be a driving force behind nations’ economic development, and entrepreneurship education’s role is essential in shaping entrepreneurial attitudes, skills and culture. The objective of this study was to investigate students’ experiences of entrepreneurship education in a developing economy, especially as regards learning in and through teams. The research project was conducted in Namibia, where the challenges to breaking out of poverty are huge. Methodologically, the study was based on qualitative thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews (2009–2014) of higher education students ([Formula: see text]) taking part in an action-based, experiential entrepr…
Taitava Keski-Suomi -tutkimus Osa 1, Työssäoppiminen Keski-Suomessa
Field-Specific Educational Practices as a Source for Students' Vocational Identity Formation
Although work-related identity research has undergone considerable expansion in recent years, vocational identity among students remains a neglected area. However, initial vocational education plays a crucial role in the process of lifelong learning. Accordingly, this chapter discusses students' vocational identity formation during their vocational education and training. As recent findings on vocational or professional identity emphasise its context-based or sociocultural construction, [the authors] examined students' vocational identity formation in two different fields: one) technology and transport, and two) social services and health care. [The authors'] quantitative data indicate that…
Onko metodilla väliä? Kokemuksia organisaation kehittämisen arvioinnista
Artikkelissaan kirjoittajat tarkastelevat organisaation kehittämiseen liittyvää tutkimusta tutkimusmetodisesta näkökulmasta. He päätyvät esittämään esittelemänsä empiirisen tutkimuksen pohjalta, että hedelmällisin ratkaisu organisaation kehittämisen tutkimukseen voisi monesti olla yhdistelmämetodinen lähestymistapa, jossa tehdään sekä kvantitatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia analyysejä ja tarkastellaan niitä toisiinsa suhteuttaen. – Artikkelissa tarkastellaan työministeriön alaisen TYKES-ohjelman Osaamisen johtamisen oppimisverkosto-hankkeen TOIVO:n (työelämän osaamisen ja ihmisten oppimisverkosto) vaikutuksia kolmessa hankkeeseen osallistuneessa työorganisaatiossa. peerReviewed
Teachers as writing students: narratives of professional development in a leisure-time creative writing community
The authors explored five in-service teachers’ experiences of professional development (PD) in Studies in Writing (30 ECTS programme at a Finnish open university) they participated in during their leisure time. Data consist of the teachers’ creative writings and semi-structured interviews. Reflexive thematic analysis was employed to holistically determine how the participants associated the creative writing community with their PD. The following themes were created: (1) Me as a writer, (2) Teaching and pedagogy, and (3) Writing and emotions. To illustrate these findings, three creative narratives were composed based on data excerpts. These ethnodramatic dialogues gave voice to the teachers’…
Workplace Learning from the Organizational Point of View
The focus of this chapter is on workplace learning from the organizational point of view. The chapter reviews multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research literature on learning organization starting from the seminal works by Argyris and Schön, and Senge, and continuing with the studies of the development of measuring characteristics of learning organization by Marsick and Watkins. The relationship between individual and organizational learning is discussed. Also concepts other than learning organization have been used in research studies in order to describe learning taking place in organizations. The concepts such as knowledge creation, expansive learning and innovative knowledge co…
Higher education teachers’ descriptions of their own learning: a quantitative perspective
In this large-scale study, higher education teachers’ (n = 1028) descriptions of their own learning are examined with quantitative analyses. The study follows up an earlier qualitative study that, using a phenomenographic approach, identified four different ways in which teachers at Finnish universities of applied sciences described their own learning. The purpose of the present study was to find out how teachers’ descriptions were divided into the categories formed in the previous study and to examine whether teachers’ descriptions of their learning differ according to their position, gender and age. The results show that most teachers described their learning as an individual activity. Di…
Developing education students' conceptions of the learning process in different learning environments
Abstract Changes in conceptions of the learning process of 31 educational psychology students were examined in a constructivist and in a traditional learning environment. The study was carried out in a course which dealt with theories of learning and development and consisted of three text books. At the beginning of the course all students wrote a short essay, “My conception of learning”, after which the participants were divided in two groups. The traditional learning group studied the books individually, listened to the lectures and took an exam while the constructive learning group worked with different writing assignments, discussed the topics in groups and wrote an extensive essay inst…
Ammatillinen koulutus kansallisten arviointien näkökulmasta : synteesi arvioinneista 2006-2010
Tämä raportti tiivistää yhteen Koulutuksen arviointineuvoston vuosina 2006–2010 tekemien ammatillisten koulutuksen arviointien keskeisimmät tulokset ja havainnot. Raportti esittää vastaukset neljään seuraavaan kysymykseen: Miten koulutuksen järjestäjät ovat profiloituneet Koulutuksen arviointineuvoston organisoimissa ammatillisen koulutuksen arvioinneissa; mitkä ovat arvioinneittain toistuvat yhteiset piirteet sekä arviointikohtaiset erityispiirteet; mitä vaikutuksia arvioinneilla on ollut koulutuksen järjestäjille ja kansalliselle tasolle; ja miten toimivia arvioinneissa sovelletut arviointimallit, -tavat ja -prosessit ovat olleet ja miten arviointia ja sen organisointia tulisi kehittää? R…
Integrative Pedagogy in Practicum
The chapter introduces a model of integrative pedagogy in teaching practicum within a Finnish context. The aim of this action research project is to integrate educational theory and practice in teaching practicum with a view to promote student teachers professional autonomy. In the Integrative Pedagogy Model, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and self-regulation (reflective and metacognitive skills) are merged. The empirical part of the chapter is based on the content analysis of the experiences of students and their supervising teachers. The results show that an exceptional sense of community is being achieved in this kind of teaching practicum.
Connectivity and Transformation in Work-Related Learning – Theoretical Foundations
Characteristics of Workplace Learning Among Finnish Vocational Students
In Finnish VET, students’ work experience is explicitly defined as workplace learning, instead of the practice of already learnt skills. Therefore, vocational students’ learning periods in the workplace are goal-oriented, guided and assessed. This paper examines the characteristics of students’ workplace learning and compares them with the characteristics of employees’ workplace learning. The data were collected with an Internet questionnaire from final-year vocational students (N = 3106). In total, 1603 students (52 %) answered the questionnaire. The data were analysed using quantitative methods. The results indicate that features typical of employees’ workplace learning can also be found …
Students' experiences of workplace learning in Finnish VET
The Finnish vocational education and training system underwent remarkable transformations at the turn of the century. One of the biggest changes was introducing compulsory and guided on-the-job learning periods in all study programmes. In this article, students’ experiences of on-the-job learning and in particular of integrating school-based and work-based learning and guidance of students are examined. Data were gathered by an Internet questionnaire of final-year students at vocational institutes in the City of Helsinki (N=1282). The questionnaire was answered by 41 % of the students. In general, students were satisfied with connecting school-based and work-based learning and guidance in v…
Transformation Of Individual Learning Into Organisational And Networked Learning In Vocational Education
The Finnish vocational education and training system has traditionally been largely school-based with the inclusion of only short practice periods in students’ study programmes. In 2001 the system was reformed, new 3-year study programmes were introduced in all fields of study, and workplace learning (WPL; at least 6 months) became a compulsory part of all vocational study programmes. WPL is defined as systematically guided and assessed learning that takes place in authentic work environments. Thus, workplaces have to provide guidance and support for student learning and to participate in a tripartite assessment. At the beginning of the workplace learning period the student, the teacher and…
Finnish model of peer-group mentoring: review of research.
This article reviews research on the Finnish model of peer‐group mentoring (PGM). The theoretical foundation of the model is based on the constructivist theory of learning, the concept of autonomy in teaching profession, peer learning, and narrative identity work. The model has been disseminated nationwide in the educational sector to promote professional development of teachers and educational staff, mainly in primary and secondary education, but also in early childhood education and higher education. The thematic review is based on 46 peer‐reviewed publications about PGM in Finland in 2009–2019. Research has focused on the following main themes: (1) general aspects and characteristics of …
TEL@work: Toward integration of theory and practice
This paper examines technology-enhanced learning at work in the context of the integrative pedagogy model. The basic idea behind this model is to create learning environments whereby the four basic elements of professional expertise (ie, theoretical, practical, self-regulative and sociocultural knowledge) can be integrated. The paper illustrates two basic ways of applying the model in technology-enhanced learning at work. First, examples of how to make use of existing technologies, especially social media, to empower learning at work is presented, and second, an instance of the way the model is used in the design of specific technologies for enhancing collaborative learning in the work cont…
Writing as a Learning Tool: An Introduction
This introductory chapter begins with a brief historical account of the writing-to-learn movement, emphasising especially the significance of the cognitive revolution for the development of both teaming research and writing research. The next section considers those theories of the writing process which have had the most profound impact on writing-to-learn, theories of writing as problem solving. Further on, theories and views of learning are discussed as essential determinants of approaches to writing as a learning tool. it is emphasised that current constructivist and social constructivist views imply the use of writing activities requiring transformations of knowledge, social interaction…
Virtues of Mentors and Mentees in the Finnish Model of Teachers’ Peer-group Mentoring
This study investigated participants’ conceptions of the ideal mentor and mentee in the Finnish model of peer-group mentoring (PGM). Existing mentoring research emphasises dyadic practices, yet there is a lack of investigation of participants’ roles in group mentoring. The main concepts of this inquiry were dispositions (habitus) and virtues drawing on the theory of practice architectures and Aristotelian virtue philosophy. Methodologically, the study can be identified as philosophical-empirical inquiry that utilises a narrative and hermeneutical approach to analyse qualitative data from 30 respondents. As its central finding, the study identified a set of core characteristics that describe…
To stay or to leave? Career story models of Finnish sports graduates
Previous research has revealed the challenges of sports graduates. Of particular concern is the question of how sports graduates navigate these difficulties in the job market. This study sought to understand the modern careers of sports graduates by describing different career story models among sports degree graduates. Life story data collection was employed to capture the various influences affecting career paths. The data consisted of 59 career life stories collected from Finnish sports degree graduates who were recruited through an open writing invitation. Data were analysed with the narrative method. Five typical career story models were identified among Finnish sports degree graduates…
Työpaikalla tapahtuva oppiminen ammatillisessa peruskoulutuksessa : arviointiraportti
The Core of Professional Growth in Work-Related Teacher Education
This paper presents a Glaserian grounded theory study of adult students’ holistic professional growth in a two-year tailored, work-related, teacher qualification program in physical education. The data consisted of reflective learning diaries, interviews and the written texts of 20 adult students. The data analysis followed the stages of Glaserian grounded theory analysis with substantive and theoretical coding processes carried out using the constant comparative method. The article presents the emotional core and its properties (criticality, ethicality and empowerment) of physical education teacher students’ professional growth. In addition, the article introduces a substantive theory of a…
Modelling competences and anticipating the future competence needs in the forest sector
This explorative study examined practices of competence modelling in the forest sector organisations and how organisations anticipate changes in competence needs in the future. Semi-structured in-depth interviews (n=10) were conducted amongst forest sector experts in Finland and data was analysed by thematic analysis. The findings showed that the practices of modelling competences were diverse, most frequently used ones being superior-subordinate review discussions and quantitative competence surveys. In addition to these formal systems, informal modelling, especially on the team level and in smaller companies was also frequent. Organisations used competence modelling for several human reso…
Ilmapiirillä on väliä oppimisessa
Oppijan turvallisen olon on sanottu olevan kaiken oppimisen edellytys. Tämän vahvistavat myös viimeaikaiset tutkimukset: ilmapiiri vaikuttaa oppimiseen jopa oppijan kykyjä merkittävämmin. Oppimisympäristön ilmapiiriin onkin alettu kiinnittää yhä enemmän huomiota opetus- ja oppimistilanteiden järjestämisessä. nonPeerReviewed
How can a learning network support organisational development?
The purpose of this study is to examine the development processes within a network project, The Learning Network of Knowledge Management. The study focuses on the impact of the network on two participating companies. The following research questions were addressed: (a) how did participation in a learning network support professional development of individuals; (b) how did it advance clarifying the mission, collaboration and work roles of teams; (c) how did organisational practices and processes develop as a result of the network project? The data were collected with interviews. The findings showed that the starting points, processes and results differed in two organisations. Both companies …
Integrating theory and practice? Employees’ and students’ experiences of learning at work
The integration of theory and practice has been recognised as one of the key questions in the development of professional expertise and vocational competence. In this study the question of how theory and practice meet each other during professional development was approached from the point of view of two different groups of learners: employees with varying length of work experience and university students taking a working life project course. Altogether 18 employees and 51 students were interviewed, after which transcribed interviews were qualitatively categorised. The opinions expressed by the informants indicate that work‐based learning is not a unified phenomenon but varies in different …
Pedagogical practices predicting perceived learning of social skills among university students
The aim of this study was to examine what kinds of pedagogical practices predict perceived learning of university students’ social skills in classes where these skills are not set as learning outcomes. Data were collected from students of various disciplines by means of a questionnaire and then analysed using regression analysis. Students’ learning of social skills was explained by pedagogical factors related to 1) the modes of teaching and learning, 2) the features of the constructivist learning environment, 3) the features of the integrative pedagogy, and 4) the circumstances pertaining to the atmosphere of the learning environments involved in their studies. Factors belonging to three of…
Stories of professional development in physiotherapy education
This study examines graduating physiotherapy students' narratives related to their professional development. The data comprised interviews with 33 graduating physiotherapy students. The data were analyzed using the narrative analysis approach. As a result, five different story models were identified. The descriptive story models were named: 1) "Study path dominated by life changes"; 2) "Realizing the connection between physiotherapy theory and practice"; 3) "Self-regulated and practical-oriented learning path"; 4) "Becoming a critical developer"; and 5) "Multiprofessional working towards expertise". In students' stories, there appeared different turning points that illustrated especially me…
Opetussuunnitelmatyön 2015-2017 arviointi Jyväskylän yliopistossa
Upskilling of Academics' Pedagogical Professionalism : Trainers’ and Participants’ Experiences of University Pedagogical Courses
How does university teachers’ pedagogical training meet topical challenges raised by educational research? A case study from Finland
Through a literature review, this study identified research themes related to university pedagogy and examined how these themes appear in the curricula of university pedagogy courses and in the experiences of the participants and trainers of these courses at a Finnish research university. The literature review produced a multidimensional model of the relationships between identified themes, which can be used as an analytical tool for examining pedagogical training. Analysis of the courses revealed a need to broaden the understanding of the course contents and practices and their alignment to global, societal, and labour-market needs. peerReviewed
Running a hybrid: mingling in-service and pre-service teachers in peer-mentoring groups
his study examines a hybrid form of the Finnish Peer-Group Mentoring (PGM) merging student teachers and in-service teachers of different career stages in group meetings facilitated by an educated mentor. Experiences of the in-service participants were studied by interviewing them, and the data were analysed through thematic analysis. Four main themes were identified: 1) Enjoying group activities, 2) Personal professional development, 3) Attaching to the professional community and 4) Developing the teacher profession. The study shows that the hybrid model of peer-group mentoring enables opportunities for teacher learning that benefit both schools and teacher education institutions. peerRevie…
Prerequisites for the successful group mentoring of first-year university students: a case study
In this article we present a case study on a group mentoring practice proven successful in earlier studies in terms of student self-regulation and collaboration. The purpose of our study was to unc...
Students’ experiences of reflective writing in physiotherapy education
band through the big fingers and the first toes and instructed them to extend the band as much as possible (band exercise). Each exercise was to be performed on alternate days. Before exrcise, we obtained MR imaging using Achieva 3.0T MRI (Philips Medical Systems, Best, Netherland). The imaging technique was T2 star (repetition time, 500ms; echo time, 0.703ms; field-of-view, 480mm). After scanning, participants performed each exercise in the MRI machine. For a duration of 5min, each exercise was performed at an interval of 10 s; MRI was conducted immediately after exercise. The OsiriX imaging software was used for analysis, and we circled region of interest (ROI) multifidus muscles and the …
Student teachers' experiences of participating in mixed peer mentoring groups of in-service and pre-service teachers in Finland
This article examines from the student perspective a new Finnish model of teacher development that uses the peer group mentoring (PGM) method for combining pre-service and in-service teacher education. Reflective reports of student teachers (N = 19) who participated in PGM were analyzed using the phenomenographic method. The results show that students' experiences varied from considering the activity as (1) a coffee break or (2) peer-support, to seeing it as (3) identity construction or (4) a way of participating in a professional community. In further development of the model more emphasis should be placed on the integration of theory and practice. peerReviewed
Physiotherapy students’ conceptions of skill at the beginning of their Bachelor studies
Skills have recently received widespread attention in education policy documents and discussions. This article reports the results of research on Bachelor’s degree physiotherapy students’ conceptions of skill at the beginning of their studies. The aim of the present study was to examine how beginning students understand skill, and the focus was on conceptions of skill in general rather than on any particular skills. The participants of the study were 35 physiotherapy students. The data were gathered within the first two weeks of their university studies. Specifically, requested essays written by the students were analyzed using the phenomenographic approach. The data-driven analysis yielded…
Kirjoja koulutuksen ja työelämän yhteistyöstä sekä työssä oppimisesta. Kirjaesittely
Kirja-arvostelu teoksista Osmo Kivinen, Heikki Silvennoinen & Pia Puustelli (toim.) 1999. Work-based learning. Prospects and challenges. Helsinki: Ministry of Education. ja Pekka Ruohotie, Juhani Honka ja Antti Suvanto (toim). 1999.The Developmental Challenges in the Cooperation of Education and Training and Working Life. Helsinki: EDITA. nonPeerReviewed
Factors promoting vocational students’ learning at work: study on student experiences
In order to promote effective pedagogical practices for students’ work-based learning, we need to understand better how students’ learning at work can be supported. This paper examines the factors explaining students’ workplace learning (WPL) outcomes, addressing three aspects: (1) student-related individual factors, (2) social and structural features of workplace and (3) educational practices related to the organising of WPL periods. The data were collected from final-year vocational students (N = 3106, n = 1603) via an Internet questionnaire. The findings from regression analysis showed that students’ WPL outcomes cannot be seen merely as consequences of student-related individual factors…
Changing World: Changing Pedagogy
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the requirements of the rapidly changing world of work with regard to vocational competences and professional expertise, as well as their pedagogical implications for vocational and higher education. The first part of the chapter deals with recent macro-level trends in the working world in terms of the development of a knowledge society and a network society. On the basis of a brief literature review, a summary of required generic professional competences is presented. The second part focuses on the pedagogical implications of the changing world. First, traditional pedagogical practices which provide little contribution to the development of the kin…
Perspectives into learning at the workplace
Abstract The article presents a thematic review of the recent research on workplace learning. It is divided into two main sections. The first section asks what we know about learning at work, and states four propositions: (1) the nature of workplace learning is both different from and similar to school learning; (2) learning in the workplace can be described at different levels, ranging from the individual to the network and region; (3) workplace learning is both informal and formal; and (4) workplaces differ a lot in how they support learning. The second section focuses on workplace learning that is related to formal education. Different models of organising work experience for students an…
‘Ain't nothin' like the real thing’. Motivation and study processes on a work-based project course in information systems design
Background. Advocates of the project method claim that project-based learning inspires student learning. However, it has been claimed that project-based learning environments demand quite a bit of self-regulation on the part of the learner. Aims. Consequently, it was tested whether students scoring low in self-regulation of learning experienced ‘friction’, an incompatibility between student self-regulation and the demands posed by the learning environment. This would be manifest in cognitive processing and motivation. Samples. The target group consisted of 58 mainly third-year Finnish university students taking a mandatory project course in information systems design. During the project cou…
Patterns of university teachers’ approaches to teaching, professional development and perceived departmental cultures
Many studies have been conducted about academics’ approaches to teaching, professional development and perceived departmental culture, but their interconnectedness has been considered to a lesser extent. The research presented here examined these patterns comparatively by disciplinary fields and years of teaching experience. Three inventories were filled in by 1141 academics from one Finnish and two Hungarian universities. Based on a hierarchical cluster analysis, four patterns emerged: (1) Experimenters with diverse teaching approaches; (2) Experimenters perceiving their department’s culture as most supportive and collaborative; (3) Individualistic knowledge-focused teachers; and (4) Stude…
Applying phenomenography in guidance and counselling research
This paper examines phenomenography as a viable qualitative approach in guidance and counselling research. A phenomenographic study maps the qualitatively different ways in which people experience a specific phenomenon and helps researchers to describe the aspects that make one way of experiencing a certain phenomenon qualitatively distinct from another. This paper presents an overview of phenomenographic research, encompassing theoretical, methodological and practical considerations. The application of this approach in guidance and counselling studies is illustrated with examples. peerReviewed
Dimensions of Professional Growth in Work-Related Teacher Education
This article conceptualises adult learners’ professional growth in a tailored, work-related, teacher-qualification programme in physical education. The study data consisted of the reflectivelearning diaries of 20 adult learners during a 2-year tertiary and work-related teacher-qualification programme. The data were analysed using data-driven open coding analysis, which was conducted using the constant comparative method of the grounded theory approach. This article presents the horizontal dimensions (egocentric learner, researching professional and expert within society) and the vertical dimensions (transforming self-image, expanding professional self-expression and widening agency) of the …
A Brief History of the Peer-Group Mentoring Model in Finland: Struggling for Space in a Contested Niche
The aim of this article is to introduce and reflect on the development of mentoring in Finland as implemented in the form of the Peer-Group Mentoring (PGM) model. Firstly, the main characteristics and principles of the PGM model are introduced, after which experiences from implementing the model are analysed based on a literature review. We examine the following research questions: (1) How have the mentoring practices of newly qualified teachers developed towards the PGM model within the educational ecosystem in Finland? (2) How has the PGM model found its relational space (‘ecological niche’) in this ecosystem? and (3) How has PGM been experienced by mentors and mentees in terms of profess…
The Acquisition of Professional Expertise—a challenge for educational research
This article examines the acquisition of professional expertise from the educational viewpoint and outlines emerging approaches to research on expertise. The starting points are the need to reflect the nature and content of expertise in the changing world and the aim to understand the preconditions for integrating the viewpoints of working life and education in developing prerequisities for expertise in educational contexts. The section after the Introduction briefly reviews how expertise has been conceptualized in recent research. The next section deals with the role of higher education in developing expertise from the viewpoint of constructivist approaches in research on learning. Then cu…
Study guidance experiences, study progress, and perceived learning outcomes of Finnish university students
In recent decades, the massification and diversification of higher education have generated new challenges for the guidance of university students. The present study focuses on students’ experiences of guidance in relation to their study progress and perceptions of their learning outcomes. The data (n = 4916) were collected from 2010–2013 through yearly Internet surveys whose targeted respondents were the students of a Finnish University. According to the results, general study guidance was a very strong predictor of students’ self-assessed development of their academic and generic skills as well as working life orientation. It also decreased the probability of slow progress in studies. Sig…
Työelämäpedagogiikka käsitteenä ja tutkimuskohteena
Validation of a modified version of the Experiences of Teaching and Learning Questionnaire
Providing teaching-learning environments that foster university studentsö learning is an essential task of higher education. Valid and reliable tools for assessing them are therefore needed. This study investigates the measurement properties of a modified version of the Experiences of Teaching and Learning Questionnaire (ETLQ). Two independent data-sets (N = 1637 and N = 1711) were collected from Finnish university students. Confirmatory factor analyses resulted in a modified measurement model for the ETLQ, consisting of 11 factors. The first three factors assessing the teaching-learning environment – Teaching for Understanding, Disciplinary Understanding and Supportive Teaching – were indi…
Pedagogical Perspectives in Higher Education Research
Higher education pedagogy is a fairly young research field, stemming from early research during the 1970s and growing widely since the 1990s. The following sections present firstly main research lines focusing on student learning and secondly those examining teaching and teachers. peerReviewed
E‐learning at work: theoretical underpinnings and pedagogical challenges
PurposeFirst, to explore the application of e‐learning as a medium for workplace learning, as a form of adult learning and organisational learning from a theoretical point of view, second, to review empirical studies on recent solutions to pedagogical problems encountered in workplace learning in general and in e‐learning in particular, and finally, to consider the challenges facing the further development of e‐learning solutions targeted at the workplace.Design/methodology/approachThe paper reviews theories of adult learning, workplace learning and organisational learning and brings out main pedagogical implications of these theories from an e‐learning point of view. Some empirical studies…
Higher education teachers' descriptions of their own learning : large scale study of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences
In this large-scale study, higher education teachers’ descriptions of their own learning were examined with qualitative analysis involving application of principles of phenomenographic research. This study is unique: it is unusual to use large-scale data in qualitative studies. The data were collected through an e-mail survey sent to 5960 teachers at universities of applied sciences in Finland. The number of respondents was 1622. Four hierarchically structured categories of learning were found: individual learning, collegial learning, team learning and innovative partnership learning. The role of teachers in higher education demands innovative partnership learning: being active at the socie…
Jyväskylän yliopiston henkilöstön pedagogisten koulutusten (YPE, TACE, APO) arviointi ja kehittämismahdollisuudet : arvioinnin loppuraportti
Jyväskylän yliopiston koulutusneuvosto hyväksyi 22.4.2020 henkilöstön pedagogisten koulutusten kehittämiskohteet ja toimenpiteet. Vararehtorin Marja-Leena Laakson päätöksellä 24.8.2020 Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos otti vastaan tehtävän toteuttaa toimenpide 2.1, pedagogisten koulutusten sisältöjä ja kokonaisrakennetta koskeva arviointitutkimustyö. Professori Päivi Tynjälä asetti 24.8.2020 pedagogisten koulutusten arviointitutkimustyöryhmän. Työryhmän tehtävinä oli olemassa olevien kokonaisuuksien ja rakenteiden arviointi suhteessa ajankohtaiseen korkeakouluopetuksen ja -oppimisen tutkimukseen, yliopiston strategiaan ja koulutuksen kehittämisohjelmaan, korkeakoulutuksen ja tutkimuksen VISIO 203…
Exploring Teachers' Motivation for Teaching and Professional Development in Ethiopia : Voices from the Field
Teachers’ work, learning, and professional development are central to any effort aiming at improving schools. Consequently, teachers must consider themselves as a lifelong learner, engage in continuous professional learning and apply that learning to improve student learning and achievement. This article explores teachers’ motivation for teaching and professional development in secondary schools in Ethiopia. Data were collected via interviews and focus group discussions from 32 teachers. The analysis of the collected information revealed low salary and the absence of link between performance and reward as major motivational challenges for teachers. The identified motivational challenges wer…
Taitava Keski-Suomi -tutkimus Osa 2, Työelämäyhteistyö ammatillisessa koulutuksessa ja työyhteisöjen oppiminen
New Technology, Writing And Learning
The participants involved in most previous studies on writing have written their texts by hand but writing with the aid of a computer is much more prevalent today. This chapter specifically examines the effects of new technology on writing and, by implication, on writing to learn, and presents examples how technology has created new possibilities for using writing for purposes of learning. The chapter is divided into four main parts. Part one briefly introduces the chapter. Part two considers the nature of writing in terms of interactions between planning, writing and editing. Part three examines how computer aided writing changes these processes. Here individual and collaborative writing a…
Graduating Physiotherapy Students’ Conceptions of their own Competence
A competence-oriented approach has recently emerged in higher education and thus far, not much attention has been paid to how “competence” itself is understood in education. The purpose of this study was to examine how graduating physiotherapy students perceive their competence at the end of their studies. The data comprised interviews with 33 graduating physiotherapy students. The data were analysed with the phenomenographic approach. The findings indicated that graduating students had different and wide-ranging conceptions of what competence in physiotherapy entails and what their own competence covers. The descriptive categories – mastering core skills, understanding the theoretical basi…