Carolyne Dürr
Effect of environmental conditions on Alopecurus myosuroides germination - I : Effect of temperature and light
International audience
Effects of seed production and storage conditions on blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) germination and shoot elongation
Abstract Blackgrass is a common winter annual grass weed in autumn-sown crop rotations in Atlantic European countries. Control with a minimum amount of herbicides in integrated cropping systems would be facilitated by modeling the effect of cropping systems on its demography. To develop the submodel relating weed seed bank to emerged seedlings, laboratory experiments were conducted to analyze and quantify seed germination and shoot elongation. These processes were studied as a function of environmental conditions during seed production (nitrogen availability, water deficit, plant density, and crop) and of seed characteristics (seed weight, harvest date, storage length, and dry-stored/soil-b…
AlomySys: Modelling black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) germination and emergence, in interaction with seed characteristics, tillage and soil climate. II. Evaluation
International audience; Weed emergence models are increasingly necessary to evaluate and design cropping systems. The model AlomySys was developed for a frequent and harmful weed, i.e. Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. [Colbach, N., Dürr, C., Roger-Estrade, J., Caneill, J., 2005a. How to model the effects of farming practices on weed emergence. Weed Res. 45, 2–17; Colbach, N., Dürr, C., Roger-Estrade, J., Chauvel, B., Caneill, J., 2005b. AlomySys: modelling blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) germination and emergence, in interaction with seed characteristics, tillage and soil climate. I. Construction. Eur. J. Agronomy] and is based on sub-models predicting (a) soil environment (climate, s…
Prediction of germination rates of weed species: Relationships between germination speed parameters and species traits
International audience; In fields, the timing of weed emergence flushes is mostly related to the timing and rate of seed germination, which depend on seed dormancy level, soil temperature and water potential conditions as well as soil tillage and crop sowing date. Seed germination parameters are essential in weed dynamics models to account for the effects of soil conditions on weed demography. Since these parameters are difficult to measure, our objective was to test the possibility of estimating them from easily accessible information. Seed germination parameters (germination lag-time, time to mid-germination and mid-germination rate) were measured or collected from the literature for 25 w…
Effect of environmental conditions on Alopecurus myosuroides germination - II : Effect of moisture conditions and storage length
International audience
Modelling black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) germination and emergence, in interaction with seed characteristics and movements and soil climate
National audience
Modelling black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) germination and emergence, depending on seed characteristics, seed movements and soil climate
International audience
Modélisation des effets des systèmes de culture sur les flux géniques entre plantes cultivées et repousses : cas du colza et de la betterave
National audience