Jimmy Linton

De la préhistoire aux temps modernes dans les alpages d’Anterne et Pormenaz. Une approche de l’occupation de la moyenne montagne entre les Fiz et les Aiguilles Rouges. Résultats du programme de sondages

International audience

research product

Lithic Management in the Chassey Culture Neolithic

The integrated technological approach of the lithic industries in Southern France Chassey culture and neighbouring cultures is a way to highlight a complex organisation of space. The development of long distance diffusion networks of lithic products from western Provence creates interdependence between producing-exporting sites and receiving-consuming sites. The analysis of their functioning, from raw material sources until remote consuming sites, is undergone on various scales (from supra-regional to local), through lithic technology and use wear analysis.

research product

Production, gestion et utilisation des outillages lithiques du Chasséen méridional

Is the opposition between specialized and non specialized productions a key to characterizethe lithic assemblages from the southern Chassey Culture ? The former have been used to define the culture itself and to build up theories based on craft specialization to approach the social organization of these Neolithic groups. Our first studies about the latter show that they reveal specific technical activities conducted at the site or that they are useful to build up interpretation on both site functions and social organization.We base our study on a corpus of sites localized in the south of France–from Alpes-Maritimes to Lot–between 4300 and 353500 BC cal. Different site function are here repr…

research product

L’occupation du Néolithique final de Trémonteix (Puy-de-Dôme) et ses assemblages de mobilier

In the heart of Auvergne (Puy-de-Dôme), the Late Neolithic settlement of Trémonteix is established beneath the Côtes de Clermont-Ferrand, a vast basalt plateau that dominates the north of the actual agglomeration. Within the framework of a rescue archaeology, an excavation conducted by Inrap, over 2588 m2 and has delivered several features and revealed a number of terraced constructions, dug into the bank of an ancient river bed. These are sheltered spaces (building 1) and artisanal activity zones, documented by pits and remains of occupation levels that were rich in finds. These constructions provided various pottery types, worked flint, an abundance of mainly domestic animal remains, work…

research product

Variabilité des techniques de récolte et traitement des céréales dans l'occident méditerranéen au Néolithique ancien et moyen : facteurs environnementaux, économiques et sociaux

La reconstitution des techniques agricoles préhistoriques constitue un élément fondamental pour lacompréhension du processus d'expansion de l'agriculture en Méditerranée occidentale. Dans le cadred'un projet européen rassemblant des tracéologues et des carpologues espagnols et français, nousavons, dans une première phase, étudié les méthodes de récolte des céréales pratiquées durant leNéolithique en Espagne et dans le Sud de la France, du Néolithique ancien au Néolithique moyen.L'étude des outils de récolte a permis de distinguer trois aires distinctes. Le Sud-Est de l'Espagne estcaractérisé par des faucilles courbes avec des éléments insérés obliquement dans le manche. EnCatalogne, Langued…

research product

Les activités pratiquées dans l’enceinte de Bellevue

International audience

research product

La tombe A de la nécropole de Fontaine-le-Puits (Savoie), un dépôt funéraire exceptionnel de la transition Néolithique moyen / final

International audience

research product

Un exemple d'utilisation des productions lithiques dans la région du Grand-Pressigny au Néolithique final. Analyse tracéologique de l'outillage en silex du Foulon (Abilly, Indre-et-Loire, fouilles F. Berthouin)

International audience

research product

L’enceinte de Bellevue dans son contexte

research product

Installation et réinstallation des Chasséens dans le vallon de Cazan (Vernègues, Bouches-du-Rhône)

National audience; Installation et réinstallation des Chasséens dans le vallon de Cazan (Vernègues, Bouches-du-Rhône)

research product

L’habitat du Néolithique final de Quinssaines, Le Bournadiau : approche spatiale et fonctionnelle d'un site au Nord-Ouest de l'Allier.

A late Neolithic settlement was explored during excavations in the northeast of the Allier département, at Bournadiau near Quinsaines, in 2007. Despite erosion, the excavation revealed a ditch and traces of two buildings. The ceramic assemblage and the stone tool industry, partly imported from Grand Pressigny, illustrate the contacts between the inhabitants and the cultural groups from Western-Central (Artenac) and Northern France (Gord). An unusual deposit of seventeen Grand Pressigny flint objects, discovered in the foundations of a small building, provides information about the redistribution process of such products and shows that the site probably functioned in collaboration with the G…

research product

Le Néolithique du Morvan : état des connaissances

The region of Morvan, in particular the granitic massif, forms a very large geographic area of which the prehistoric remains largely unknown. The situation regarding the zone lying between Morvan massif and the adjacent Serein, Arroux, A leine and Yonne valleys is very different. The lithic industry of several sites in Upper Morvan has demonstrated a first inhabitation during the Mesolithic and several hill sites occupied from the Middle Neolithic and during the Final Neolithic, including a probable enclosure on Mont Beuvray. Complementary studies in the A rroux Valley confirm a large expansion of the habitat and the erection of menhirs during the Middle Neolithic. Discoveries relating to t…

research product

The status of the Pressignian flake: Reflections on diffusion and use patterns of knapping waste during the Final Neolithic

research product


research product

Quantifying cereal-reaping microwear on flint tools : an experimental approach

International audience; From the earliest Neolithic in the Near East to the last Chalcolithic cultures in Western Europe, certain flint tools have been used as sickles to harvest cereals. Such harvesting tools can be identified through use-wear analyses, because cutting herbaceous plants produces specific wear-traces on the working edge of flint blades. The aim of this work is to explore harvesting-driven microwear variability and, more particularly, intensity of use as a governing factor. To achieve this objective, an experiment was designed consisting in the production of flint replicas to be used as harvesting tools, in various controlled conditions. A simple, cost-effective method of qu…

research product

Un dépôt de deux poignards en silex du Grand Pressigny à « La Pièce de Prézault - La Varenne », commune de Parçay-sur-Vienne (Indre-et-Loire)

National audience

research product

Quantifying Cereal-Reaping Microwear On Flint Tools: An Experimental Approach

From the earliest Neolithic in the Near East to the last Chalcolithic cultures in Western Europe, certain flint tools have been used as sickles to harvest cereals. Such harvesting tools can be identified through use-wear analyses, because cutting herbaceous plants produces specific wear-traces on the working edge of flint blades. The aim of this work is to explore harvesting-driven microwear variability and, more particularly, intensity of use as a governing factor. To achieve this objective, an experiment was designed consisting in the production of flint replicas to be used as harvesting tools, in various controlled conditions. A simple, cost-effective method of quantifying wear-traces by…

research product