Kosti Tapio
Nanodevices by DNA based gold nanostructures
In this thesis DNA based structures were utilized to create gold nanostructures for nanosensing and nanoelectronic applications. In the past, both of these fields have been dominated by the conventional lithography methods, e.g., electron beam lithography and UV-lithography, but more recently scaling down the components by these techniques has become increasingly more complex and costly. Especially in the micro- and nanoelectronics, the increase in the component density and thus computational power would require fabrication of sub-10-nm components, which is challenging for the top-down approaches. Aforementioned developments have led researchers to seek alternative methods to fabricate these…
Elongation and plasmonic activity of embedded metal nanoparticles following heavy ion irradiation
Shape modification of embedded nanoparticles by swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation is an effective way to produce nanostructures with controlled size, shape, and orientation. In this study, randomly oriented gold nanorods embedded in SiO2 are shown to re-orient along the ion beam direction. The degree of orientation depends on the irradiation conditions and the nanorod's initial size. SHI irradiation was also applied to modify spherical metallic nanoparticles embedded in Al2O3. The results showed that they elongate due to the irradiation comparably to those embedded in SiO2. Metallic nanostructures embedded in dielectric matrices can exhibit localized surface plasmon (LSP) modes. The elongat…
Large-Scale Formation of DNA Origami Lattices on Silicon
In recent years, hierarchical nanostructures have found applications in fields like diagnostics, medicine, nano-optics, and nanoelectronics, especially in challenging applications like the creation of metasurfaces with unique optical properties. One of the promising materials to fabricate such nanostructures has been DNA due to its robust self-assembly properties and plethora of different functionalization schemes. Here, we demonstrate the assembly of a two-dimensional fishnet-type lattice on a silicon substrate using cross-shaped DNA origami as the building block, i.e., tile. The effects of different environmental and structural factors are investigated under liquid atomic force microscopy…
Aluminum Plasmonics: Fabrication and Characterization of Broadly Tunable Plasmonic Surfaces for Plasmon Molecule Strong-Coupling and Fluorescence Enhancement
Our work based on previous studies [1, 2] confirms, that simple aluminum nanostructures can be utilized as effective plasmonic resonators over a broad range of frequencies and wavelengths. The nanostructured surfaces, fabricated by electron-beam lithography demonstrated relatively narrow-band resonances and are suitable for various plasmonic applications ranging from metal enhanced fluorescence to strong-coupling [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] experiments. We represent data for molecule-plasmon coupling near the strong coupling limit and demonstrate that these aluminum structures do act as fluorescence increasing substrates. In this work, we used two different types of dyes. We studied the narrow band j-a…
Itsejärjestäytyvä DNA-kultananopartikkeli-rakenne yhden elektronin transistorina
Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin kultananopartikkelien ja itsejärjestäytyvän DNA-järjestelmän soveltuvuutta nanoteknologian komponenttina. Työssä yhdistetään funktionalisoituja kultapartikkeleita jo valmiiksi tutkittuun itsejärjestäytyvään DNA-rakenteeseen työnimeltään BAB. Se muodostuu kolmen TX-tiilen ketjusta, johon suunnittelin kandidaatin tutkinnossani kiinnityskohdat kultapartikkeleille. Yhdistämällä kultapartikkelit ja BAB-rakenne saadaan muodostettua kolmen partikkelin ketju, ja tällä rakenteella pyritään muodostamaan yhden elektronin transistori: Toiminta yhden elektronin transistorina pyrittiin havainnoimaan Coulombin saarron avulla mittaamalla differentiaalista konduktanssia sekä …
Synthesis of nanostructured protein–mineral-microcapsules by sonication
We propose a simple and eco-friendly method for the formation of composite protein–mineral-microcapsules induced by ultrasound treatment. Protein- and nanoparticle-stabilized oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions loaded with different oils are prepared using high-intensity ultrasound. The formation of thin composite mineral proteinaceous shells is realized with various types of nanoparticles, which are pre-modified with Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and subsequently characterized by EDX, TGA, zeta potential measurements and Raman spectroscopy. Cryo-SEM and EDX mapping visualizations show the homogeneous distribution of the densely packed nanoparticles in the capsule shell. In contrast to the results re…
Metallic Nanostructures Based on DNA Nanoshapes
Metallic nanostructures have inspired extensive research over several decades, particularly within the field of nanoelectronics and increasingly in plasmonics. Due to the limitations of conventional lithography methods, the development of bottom-up fabricated metallic nanostructures has become more and more in demand. The remarkable development of DNA-based nanostructures has provided many successful methods and realizations for these needs, such as chemical DNA metallization via seeding or ionization, as well as DNA-guided lithography and casting of metallic nanoparticles by DNA molds. These methods offer high resolution, versatility and throughput and could enable the fabrication of arbit…
Characterization of Emergence of the Coulomb Blockade in a Pearl-Like DNA-AuNP Assembly
Due to its superior self-assembly properties and vast functionalization pos-sibilities DNA has long been one of the most promising candidates forfabrication of nanoscale electrical components using molecular buildingblocks. There exist already many demonstrations on optical devices based onorganizing metallic nanoparticles (NP) via DNA self-assembly, but despite thepromises only few DNA based electrical devices or studies have been realizedso far. Here we study the gold NP conjugated and metallized DNA TX-tile-structure, which we recently showed to exhibit the room temperature Coulombblockade, the pre-requisition for a single electron transistor. The properties ofthe obtained Coulomb blocka…
Toward Single Electron Nanoelectronics Using Self-Assembled DNA Structure
DNA based structures offer an adaptable and robust way to develop customized nanostructures for various purposes in bionanotechnology. One main aim in this field is to develop a DNA nanobreadboard for a controllable attachment of nanoparticles or biomolecules to form specific nanoelectronic devices. Here we conjugate three gold nanoparticles on a defined size TX-tile assembly into a linear pattern to form nanometer scale isolated islands that could be utilized in a room temperature single electron transistor. To demonstrate this, conjugated structures were trapped using dielectrophoresis for current-voltage characterization. After trapping only high resistance behavior was observed. However…
One-step large-scale deposition of salt-free DNA origami nanostructures
AbstractDNA origami nanostructures have tremendous potential to serve as versatile platforms in self-assembly -based nanofabrication and in highly parallel nanoscale patterning. However, uniform deposition and reliable anchoring of DNA nanostructures often requires specific conditions, such as pre-treatment of the chosen substrate or a fine-tuned salt concentration for the deposition buffer. In addition, currently available deposition techniques are suitable merely for small scales. In this article, we exploit a spray-coating technique in order to resolve the aforementioned issues in the deposition of different 2D and 3D DNA origami nanostructures. We show that purified DNA origamis can be …
A DNA-nanoparticle actuator enabling optical monitoring of nanoscale movements induced by an electric field.
Merging biological and non-biological matter to fabricate nanoscale assemblies with controllable motion and function is of great interest due to its potential application, for example, in diagnostics and biosensing. Here, we have constructed a DNA-based bionanoactuator that interfaces with biological and non-biological matter via an electric field in a reversibly controllable fashion. The read-out of the actuator is based on motion-induced changes in the plasmon resonance of a gold nanoparticle immobilized to a gold surface by single stranded DNA. The motion of the gold nanoparticle and thus the conformational changes of the DNA under varying electric field were analyzed by dark field spect…
Custom-shaped metal nanostructures based on DNA origami silhouettes.
The DNA origami technique provides an intriguing possibility to develop customized nanostructures for various bionanotechnological purposes. One target is to create tailored bottom-up-based plasmonic devices and metamaterials based on DNA metallization or controlled attachment of nanoparticles to the DNA designs. In this article, we demonstrate an alternative approach: DNA origami nanoshapes can be utilized in creating accurate, uniform and entirely metallic (e.g. gold, silver and copper) nanostructures on silicon substrates. The technique is based on developing silhouettes of the origamis in the grown silicon dioxide layer, and subsequently using this layer as a mask for further patterning…
Plasmonic nanostructures through DNA-assisted lithography
DALI combines DNA origami with conventional top-down fabrication for creating designer high-resolution plasmonic nanostructures.
Surface Characteristics Control the Attachment and Functionality of (Chimeric) Avidin
The physical adsorption (physisorption) of proteins to surfaces is an important but incompletely understood factor in many biological processes and is of increasing significance in bionanotechnology as well. Avidin is an important protein because of strong avidin–biotin binding, which has been exploited in numerous applications. We have undertaken thorough experimentation on the physisorption of avidin, to chemically different flat surfaces of Si and graphite and also to the curved version of the latter, on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) of different diameters. The difference in the behavior of avidin on Si versus graphite is drastic; on Si, avidin deposits as single globular tetramer…
DNA-Based Enzyme Reactors and Systems
During recent years, the possibility to create custom biocompatible nanoshapes using DNA as a building material has rapidly emerged. Further, these rationally designed DNA structures could be exploited in positioning pivotal molecules, such as enzymes, with nanometer-level precision. This feature could be used in the fabrication of artificial biochemical machinery that is able to mimic the complex reactions found in living cells. Currently, DNA-enzyme hybrids can be used to control (multi-enzyme) cascade reactions and to regulate the enzyme functions and the reaction pathways. Moreover, sophisticated DNA structures can be utilized in encapsulating active enzymes and delivering the molecular…
Influence of Nitrogen Doping on Device Operation for TiO 2 -Based Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Photo-Physics from Materials to Devices
International audience; Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells (ssDSSC) constitute a major approach to photovoltaic energy conversion with efficiencies over 8% reported thanks to the rational design of efficient porous metal oxide electrodes, organic chromophores, and hole transporters. Among the various strategies used to push the performance ahead, doping of the nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (TiO 2) electrode is regularly proposed to extend the photo-activity of the materials into the visible range. However, although various beneficial effects for device performance have been observed in the literature, they remain strongly dependent on the method used for the production of the metal o…
Creation of ordered 3D tubes out of DNA origami lattices
Funding Information: Funding from the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation (J.J.T. and A.K./M.V.-R.) and the Academy of Finland (#330584 and #350797 J.J.T./#308992 A.K. and A.K.N./#330896 M.V.-R.) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also acknowledge the provision of facilities and technical support by Aalto University at OtaNano - Nanomicroscopy Center (Aalto-NMC). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry. Hierarchical self-assembly of nanostructures with addressable complexity has been a promising route for realizing novel functional materials. Traditionally, the fabrication of such structures on a large scale has been achievable using top-down methods but with the cost of…
Improved antifouling properties and selective biofunctionalization of stainless steel by employing heterobifunctional silane-polyethylene glycol overlayers and avidin-biotin technology
AbstractA straightforward solution-based method to modify the biofunctionality of stainless steel (SS) using heterobifunctional silane-polyethylene glycol (silane-PEG) overlayers is reported. Reduced nonspecific biofouling of both proteins and bacteria onto SS and further selective biofunctionalization of the modified surface were achieved. According to photoelectron spectroscopy analyses, the silane-PEGs formed less than 10 Å thick overlayers with close to 90% surface coverage and reproducible chemical compositions. Consequently, the surfaces also became more hydrophilic, and the observed non-specific biofouling of proteins was reduced by approximately 70%. In addition, the attachment of E…