Hubert Boizard
Huit fermes de grande culture engagées en production intégrée réduisent les pesticides sans baisse de marge
International audience; Le Grenelle de l’Environnement a affiché l’objectif d’une réduction de 50 %, d’ici 2018, de l’usage de pesticides par l’agriculture. Pour que cette réduction soit possible, il ne suffira plus d’ajuster, comme le propose l’agriculture raisonnée, les intrants à la diversité des situations agronomiques à l’aide d’observation des cultures et d’outils d’aide à la décision : il faut entreprendre une reconception des systèmes de culture, en mobilisant en amont différents moyens de réduction des populations de bio-agresseurs, pour réduire le besoin de traiter (Meynard et Girardin, 1991). La question est de savoir si cela sera réalisable en pratique et compatible avec la rentab…
Dynamics of changes in the soil organic matter, functional diversity and C and N fluxes after shift in agricultural practices of an annual crops rotation under conventional agriculture
International audience; Introduction and objectives Agricultural practices (e.g. crop rotation, tillage) lead to profound changes in soil properties, ecosystem structure (e.g. biodiversity) and functioning (e.g. ecosystem services). Whereas this has been very often characterized in the medium and long terms, little is known so far about how fast soil properties respond to changing practices at the time scale (year to several years) in which farmers take their decision in the management of their crops. In agricultural systems, increasing consideration is given to soil biodiversity, whose role has long been overlooked by agronomists, but whose preservation in now recognized as key for maintai…
Morphological characterisation of soil structure in tilled fields: from a diagnosis method to the modelling of structural changes over time
Characterisation of soit structure within the tilled layer of cultivated fields is crucial because the importance of this soil characteristic on the biological, chemical and physical properties of the soil and its repercussions on water cycle, root growth and functioning. We present in this paper a method for field characterisation of soil structure. This method, practised since the 1970s, was designed for field diagnosis of the effects of cropping systems on soil structure. It is based on a stratification of the observation face of a pit dug perpendicular to the direction of tillage and traffic: spatial compartments are distinguished, according to the nature of the mechanical stresses they…
Les organismes du sol comme indicateurs du fonctionnement des sols en grandes cultures
International audience
Agricultural advances
CT3 ; Département E.A. ; SOFIA; Agricultural advances