S. Bönig

Evolution of quadrupole collectivity in N=80 isotones toward the Z=64 subshell gap: The B(E2;2+1→0+1) value of 142Sm

It was shown that the evolution of the B(E2; 2+ 1 → 0+ 1 ) values in N = 80 isotones from Te to Nd is affected by the underlying subshell structure. This manifests itself in the observation of the local suppression of the B(E2) value at Z = 58 with respect to the neighboring nuclei 136Ba and 140Nd. To investigate this shell sensitivity toward the Z = 64 subshell gap, the B(E2; 2+ 1 → 0+ 1 ) value of the unstable nucleus 142Sm was measured utilizing the projectile Coulomb excitation technique. The radioactive ion beam (RIB) experiment was performed at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The B(E2) value of 32 (4) W.u. reflects the impact of the π(1g7/2 2d5/2) subshell closure at Z = 64 with resp…

research product

Local suppression of collectivity in theN=80isotones at theZ=58subshell closure

) transition strengths [1] and thenumber of nucleons in the valence shell. The global behaviorof these quantities between the major shells as a function ofthe nucleon number is well understood in the frameworks ofboth collective and microscopic models. One could expect thatthese general trends in the collective properties between themajorshellsaremodulated bythesubshellstructure.However,it is usually thought that the pairing correlations with anenergy scale of about 2 MeV, smear out and dissolve thesubshell structure as long as the separation energies betweenthe subshells are only about a few hundred keV.The recently observed evolution of the isovectorquadrupole-collective valence-shell exc…

research product

Deformation and mixing of coexisting shapes in neutron-deficient polonium isotopes

Coulomb-excitation experiments are performed with postaccelerated beams of neutron-deficient Po196,198,200,202 isotopes at the REX-ISOLDE facility. A set of matrix elements, coupling the low-lying states in these isotopes, is extracted. In the two heaviest isotopes, Po200,202, the transitional and diagonal matrix elements of the 2+1 state are determined. In Po196,198 multistep Coulomb excitation is observed, populating the 4+1,0+2, and 2+2 states. The experimental results are compared to the results from the measurement of mean-square charge radii in polonium isotopes, confirming the onset of deformation from Po196 onwards. Three model descriptions are used to compare to the data. Calculati…

research product

Structure of low-lying states in 140Sm studied by Coulomb excitation

The electromagnetic structure of 140Sm was studied in a low-energy Coulomb excitation experiment with a radioactive ion beam from the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The 2+ and 4+ states of the ground-state band and a second 2+ state were populated by multistep excitation. The analysis of the differential Coulomb excitation cross sections yielded reduced transition probabilities between all observed states and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment for the 2+ 1 state. The experimental results are compared to large-scale shell model calculations and beyond-mean-field calculations based on the Gogny D1S interaction with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian formalism. Simpler geometric and alge…

research product

Collective 2$^{+1}$ excitations in$^{206}$Po and$^{208,210}$Rn

In the present study, $B(E2; 2^{+}_{1}\rightarrow 0^{+}_{1})$ values have been measured in the 208,210Rn and 206Po nuclei through Coulomb excitation of re-accelerated radioactive beams in inverse kinematics at CERN-ISOLDE. These nuclei have been proposed to lie in, or at the boundary of the region where the seniority scheme should persist. However, contributions from collective excitations are likely to be present when moving away from the N=126 closed shell. Such an effect is confirmed by the observed increased collectivity of the $2^{+}_{1}\rightarrow 0^{+}_{1}$ transitions. Experimental results have been interpreted with the aid of theoretical studies carried out within the BCS-based QRP…

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Identification of a millisecond isomeric state inCd81129via the detection of internal conversion and Compton electrons

Abstract The decay of an isomeric state in the neutron-rich nucleus 129 Cd has been observed via the detection of internal conversion and Compton electrons providing first experimental information on excited states in this nucleus. The isomer was populated in the projectile fission of a 238 U beam at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN. From the measured yields of γ -rays and internal conversion electrons, a multipolarity of E 3 was tentatively assigned to the isomeric transition. A half-life of T 1 / 2 = 3.6 ( 2 ) ms was determined for the new state which was assigned a spin of ( 21 / 2 + ) , based on a comparison to shell model calculations performed using state-of-the-art reali…

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Beta decay and isomer spectroscopy in the 132Sn region: New results from EURICA

A. Jungclaus et al.; XX International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications (Varna2013); Open Access. 4 pags.; 1 fig.

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Lifetime measurements of excited states in $^{162}$W and $^{164}$W and the evolution of collectivity in rare-earth nuclei

International audience; Lifetimes of the first excited 2+ states in the extremely neutron-deficient $^{162}$W and $^{164}$W nuclei have been measured using the recoil distance Doppler shift technique. Experimental B(E2) data for the isotopic chains of hafnium, tungsten, and osmium, from the midshell region near the β-stability line towards the N=82 closed shell and the most neutron-deficient nuclides, are compared with predictions of nuclear deformations and 21+→0g.s.+ reduced transition strengths from different classes of state-of-the-art theoretical model calculations. The results reveal striking differences and deficiencies in the predictive power of current nuclear structure models.

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βdecay of semi-magicCd130: Revision and extension of the level scheme ofIn130

This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under contract FPA2011-29854-C04 and the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under Contract No. FPA2014-57196-C5- 4-P, the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under Grant No. PROMETEO/2010/101, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (NRF-2014S1A2A2028636, 2016K1A3A7A09005579), the Priority Centers Research Program in Korea (2009-0093817), OTKA Contract No. K-100835, JSPS KAKENHI (Grant No. 25247045), the European Commission through the Marie Curie Actions call FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF under Contract No. 300096, the US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physic…

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Coulomb excitation of re-accelerated 208Rn and 206Po beams

In the present study, B( E2; 2(+)-> 0(+) ) values have been measured in the Rn-208 and Po-206 nuclei through Coulomb excitation of re-accelerated radioactive beams in inverse kinematics at CERN-ISOLDE. The resulting B(E2; 2(+)-> 0(+)) in 208Rn is similar to 0.08 e(2)b(2). These nuclei lie in, or at the boundary of the region where seniority scheme should persist. However, contributions from collective excitations may be present when moving away from the N = 126 shell closure. To date, surprisingly little is known of the transition probabilities between the low-spin states in this region.

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Nuclear structure of Te isotopes beyond neutron magic number N=82

15 pags., 10 figs., 4 tabs.

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Lifetime measurements in 166Re : Collective versus magnetic rotation

WOS: 000371740600004

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Yrast 6+Seniority Isomers of136,138Sn

Delayed γ-ray cascades, originating from the decay of (6⁺) isomeric states, in the very neutron-rich, semimagic isotopes (136,138)Sn have been observed following the projectile fission of a ²³⁸U beam at RIBF, RIKEN. The wave functions of these isomeric states are proposed to be predominantly a fully aligned pair of f(7/2) neutrons. Shell-model calculations, performed using a realistic effective interaction, reproduce well the energies of the excited states of these nuclei and the measured transition rates, with the exception of the B(E2;6⁺→4⁺) rate of ¹³⁶Sn, which deviates from a simple seniority scheme. Empirically reducing the νf(7/2)(2) orbit matrix elements produces a 4₁⁺ state with alm…

research product

Determination of the B(E3, 0+ → 3−)-excitation strength in octupole-correlated nuclei near A ≈224 by the means of Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE

The IS475 collaboration conducted Coulomb-excitation experiments with postaccelerated radioactive 220Rn and 224Ra beams at the REX-ISOLDE facility. The beam particles (Ebeam ≈ 2.83 MeV/u) were Coulomb excited using 60Ni, 114Cd, and 120Sn scattering targets. De-excitation γ-rays were detected employing the Miniball array and scattered particles were detected in a silicon detector. Exploiting the Coulomb-excitation code GOSIA for each nucleus several matrix elements could be obtained from the measured γ-ray yields. The extracted 3−||Ê3||0+ matrix element allows for the conclusion that, while 220Rn represents an octupole vibrational system, 224Ra has already substantial octupole correlations i…

research product

Single-particle and collective excitations in the transitional nucleus 166Os

The mean lifetimes of the lowest energy 2(+), 8(+) and 9(-) states in Os-166 have been measured using the recoil distance Doppler-shift method in conjunction with a selective recoil-decay tagging t ...

research product

First observation ofγrays emitted from excited states south-east ofSn132: Theπg9/2−1⊗νf7/2multiplet ofIn83132

For the first time, the γ decay of excited states has been observed in a nucleus situated in the quadrant south-east of doubly magic Sn132, a region in which experimental information so far is limited to ground-state properties. Six γ rays with energies of 50, 86, 103, 227, 357, and 602 keV were observed following the β-delayed neutron emission from Cd85133, populated in the projectile fission of a U238 beam at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN within the EURICA project. The new experimental information is compared to the results of a modern realistic shell-model calculation, the first one in this region very far from stability, focusing in particular on the π0g9/2-1 - ν1f7/2 pa…

research product

The structure of low-lying states in ${}^{140}$Sm studied by Coulomb excitation

The electromagnetic structure of $^{140}$Sm was studied in a low-energy Coulomb excitation experiment with a radioactive ion beam from the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The $2^+$ and $4^+$ states of the ground-state band and a second $2^+$ state were populated by multi-step excitation. The analysis of the differential Coulomb excitation cross sections yielded reduced transition probabilities between all observed states and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment for the $2_1^+$ state. The experimental results are compared to large-scale shell model calculations and beyond-mean-field calculations based on the Gogny D1S interaction with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian formalism. Simpler …

research product

Recoil-decay tagging spectroscopy of 162 74 W 88

Excited states in the highly neutron-deficient nucleus 162W have been investigated via the 92Mo(78Kr, 2α) 162W reaction. Prompt γ rays were detected by the JUROGAM II high-purity germanium detector array and the recoiling fusion-evaporation products were separated by the recoil ion transport unit (RITU) gas-filled recoil separator and identified with the gamma recoil electron alpha tagging (GREAT) spectrometer at the focal plane of RITU. γ rays from 162W were identified uniquely using mother-daughter and mother-daughter-granddaughter α-decay correlations. The observation of a rotational-like ground-state band is interpreted within the framework of total Routhian surface (TRS) calculations, …

research product

The Miniball spectrometer

The Miniball germanium detector array has been operational at the REX (Radioactive ion beam EXperiment) post accelerator at the Isotope Separator On-Line facility ISOLDE at CERN since 2001. During the last decade, a series of successful Coulomb excitation and transfer reaction studies have been performed with this array, utilizing the unique and high-quality radioactive ion beams which are available at ISOLDE. In this article, an overview is given of the technical details of the full Miniball setup, including a description of the γ-ray and particle detectors, beam monitoring devices and methods to deal with beam contamination. The specific timing properties of the REX-ISOLDE facility are hi…

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Observation of a $\gamma$-decaying millisecond isomeric state in $^{128}$Cd$_{80}$

A. Jungclaus et al. -- 6 pags., 5 figs., 2 tabs. -- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 4.0

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1p3/2Proton-Hole State inSn132and the Shell Structure AlongN=82

5 pags. ; 3 figs. ; PACS numbers: 23.40.-s, 21.10.Pc, 27.60.+j, 21.60.Cs ; Taprogge, J., et al.

research product

Excited states in the proton-unbound nuclide 158Ta

Excited states in the neutron-deficient odd-odd proton-unbound nuclide 158Ta have been investigated in two separate experiments. In the first experiment, 166Ir nuclei were produced in the reactions of 380 MeV 78Kr ions with an isotopically enriched 92Mo target. The α-decay chain of the 9+ state in 166Ir was analyzed. Fine structure in the α decay of the 9+ state in 162Re established a 66 keV difference in excitation energy between the lowest-lying 9+ and 10+ states in 158Ta. Higher-lying states in 158Ta were populated in the reactions of 255 MeV 58Ni ions with an isotopically enriched 102Pd target. Gamma-ray decay paths that populate, depopulate, and bypass a 19− isomeric state have been id…

research product

Lifetime measurements in 166Re : Collective versus magnetic rotation

Lifetimes of excited states in the neutron-deficient odd-odd nucleus 166Re have been measured for the first time using the recoil distance Doppler-shift method. The measured lifetime for the (8−) state; τ = 480 (80) ps, enabled an assessment of the multipolarities of the γ rays depopulating this state. Information on electromagnetic transition strengths were deduced for the γ -ray transitions from the (9−), (10−), and (11−) states, and in the case of the (10−) and (11−) states limits on the B(M1) and B(E2) strengths were estimated. The results are compared with total Routhian surface predictions and semiclassical calculations. Tilted-axis cranking calculations based on a relativistic mean-f…

research product

Spectroscopy of Low-lying States in $^{140}$Sm

International audience; Electromagnetic transition strengths and spectroscopic quadrupole moments for Sm-140 were measured by means of multi-step Coulomb excitation with radioactive beam at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. A complementary experiment was performed at the Heavy Ion Laboratory in Warsaw to assign spins for non-yrast states using the angular correlation technique. Based on the new experimental data previous spin assignments need to be revised.

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Studies of pear-shaped nuclei using accelerated radioactive beams

There is strong circumstantial evidence that certain heavy, unstable atomic nuclei are ‘octupole deformed’, that is, distorted into a pear shape. This contrasts with the more prevalent rugby-ball shape of nuclei with reflection-symmetric, quadrupole deformations. The elusive octupole deformed nuclei are of importance for nuclear structure theory, and also in searches for physics beyond the standard model; any measurable electric-dipole moment (a signature of the latter) is expected to be amplified in such nuclei. Here we determine electric octupole transition strengths (a direct measure of octupole correlations) for short-lived isotopes of radon and radium. Coulomb excitation experiments we…

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Isomer and beta decay spectroscopy in the132Sn region with EURICA

A. Jungclaus et al.; 4 págs.; 1 fig.; Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 2.0

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Evolution of proton single-particle states in neutron-rich Sb isotopes beyond N=82

11 pags., 8 figs., 2 tabs.

research product

Lifetime measurements of excited states in W162 and W164 and the evolution of collectivity in rare-earth nuclei

Lifetimes of the first excited 2(+) states in the extremely neutron- deficient W-162 and W-164 nuclei have been measured using the recoil distance Doppler shift technique. Experimental B(E2) data f ...

research product