Raffaela Anastasio

Residual vein thrombosis to establish duration of anticoagulation after a first episode of deep vein thrombosis: the Duration of Anticoagulation based on Compression UltraSonography (DACUS) study

Abstract Residual vein thrombosis (RVT) indicates a prothrombotic state and is useful for evaluating the optimal duration of oral anticoagulant treatment (OAT). Patients with a first episode of deep vein thrombosis, treated with OAT for 3 months, were managed according to RVT findings. Those with RVT were randomized to either stop or continue anticoagulants for 9 additional months, whereas in those without RVT, OAT was stopped. Outcomes were recurrent venous thromboembolism and/or major bleeding. Residual thrombosis was detected in 180 (69.8%) of 258 patients; recurrent events occurred in 27.2% of those who discontinued (25/92; 15.2% person-years) and 19.3% of those who continued OAT (17/88…

research product

PO-55 The persistence of residual vein thrombosis, after an episode of deep vein thrombosis, and the risk of new overt cancer

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Serial 2-Point Ultrasonography Plus D-Dimer vs Whole-Leg Color-Coded Doppler Ultrasonography for Diagnosing Suspected Symptomatic Deep Vein Thrombosis

Context Patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis ( DVT) of the lower extremities are usually investigated with ultrasonography either by the proximal veins ( 2-point ultrasonography) or the entire deep vein system ( whole- leg ultrasonography). The latter approach is thought to be better based on its ability to detect isolated calf vein thrombosis; however, it requires skilled operators and is mainly available only during working hours. No randomized comparisons are yet available evaluating the relative values of these 2 strategies. Objective To assess if the 2 diagnostic strategies are equivalent for the management of symptomatic outpatients with suspected DVT of the lower extremities.…

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Home therapy for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in cancer patients

Outpatient treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has become a common practice in uncomplicated patients. Few data are still present in patients with comorbidity (such as cancer) or concomitant symptomatic pulmonary embolism. Cancer patients with DVT are often excluded from home treatment because they have a higher risk of both bleeding and recurrent DVT. We tested the feasibility and safety of the Home Treatment (HT) program for acute DVT a PE in cancer patients. Patients were treated as outpatients unless they required admission for other medical problems, were actively bleeding or had pain that requires parenteral narcotics. Outpatient treatment was with low molecular weight heparin (LM…

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Cancer-Related Venous Thrombosis: Residual Vein Thrombosis Improves Screening for Occult Cancer.

Abstract Background. Clinical advantages of extensive screening for occult cancer in patients with idiopathic Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is still debated since this approach improves early detection of cancer but not cancer-related mortality. Recently, we have demonstrated that patients with Residual Vein Thrombosis (RVT), 3 months after DVT, have a high risk for cancer in the subsequent 2 years (Siragusa S et al. Blood2005;106(11):OC262). At the present it is unknown whether RVT assessment may be used to select patients, with idiopathic DVT, who require screening for occult cancer. Objective of the study. We conducted a prospective study evaluating whether a RVT-based screening for cancer …

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The Persistance of Residual Vein Thrombosis, after an Episode of Deep Vein Thrombosis, and the Risk of New Overt Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

Background. We have recently demonstrated that the presence of Residual Vein Thrombosis (RVT), UltraSonography (US)-detected at the 3rd month after an episode of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) of the lower limbs, is an independent risk factor for developing recurrent Venous Thromboembolism (VTE). The management of DVT patients by detection of RVT may, therefore, represent a simple and reproducible method for establishing the individual risk of recurrence and for tailoring the optimal duration of Oral Anticoagulants (OA) (Siragusa S et al. Blood 2003;102(11):OC183a). At the present, it is unknown whether RVT may also identify patients at increased risk for cancer and/or cardiovascular disease (C…

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Thrombophilia in women with unexplained fetal loss

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Residual vein thrombosis estabilishes the optimal duration of oral anticoagulants for the treatment od DVT

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Gastrointestinal bleeding due to angiodysplasia in patients with type 1 von Willebrand disease: report on association and management

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Successful treatment of acquired haemophilia with FEIBA and Retuximab

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Residual vein thrombosis assessment estabilishes the optimal duration of oral anticoagulants in patients with idiopatic or provoked deep vein thrombosis. a randomized, controlled trial

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Objective Assessment of Pulmonary Embolism Can Be Deferred without Increased Risk

Abstract Background. Management of patients with suspected Pulmonary Embolism (PE) is problematic if diagnostic imaging is not available. Pretest Clinical Probability (PCP) and D-dimer (D-d) assessment were shown to be useful to identify those high risk patients for whom empirical, protective anticoagulation is indicated (Siragusa S et al. Arch Intern Med2004;164:2477–82). Objective of the study. In consecutive patients with suspected PE, we evaluated whether PCP and D-d assessment, together with the use of low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs), allow objective appraisal of PE to be deferred for up to 72 hours. Methods. In case of deferment of diagnostic imaging for PE, patients identified …

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The persistence of residual vein thrombosis, after an episode of deep vein thrombosis, and the risk of new overt cancer.

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Successful treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding with recombinant factor VIIa after kidney transplantation in patients with pancytopenia.

Abstract Hemostatic disorders can often complicate transplantation procedures. Moreover, antihemmorhagic drugs may not efficiently control bleeding that occurs in such cases. We report on a patient who underwent kidney transplantation complicated by bone marrow aplasia and gastric bleeding who was succesfully treated with recombinant activated FVII (Novoseven). In May 2005, a 53-year-old man affected by chronic renal insufficiency underwent kidney transplantation. At the beginning of June, laboratory tests showed progressive reduction in the blood cell count with anemia, granulocytopenia, and thrombocytopenia related to the development of marrow insufficiency. We commenced transfusion thera…

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Deferment of Objective Assessment of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Without Increased Risk of Thrombosis

Background: Treatment of patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) is problematic if diagnostic imaging is not immediately available. Pretest clinical probability (PCP) and D-dimer assessment can be used to identify patients for whom empirical protective anticoagulation is indicated. To evaluate whether PCP and D-dimer assessment, together with the use of low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs), allow objective appraisal of DVT and PE to be deferred for up to 72 hours, patients with suspected DVT and PE were prospectively examined. Methods: Patients identified with a high PCP or a moderate PCP with positive D-dimer test results received a protective full-do…

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Residual Vein Thrombosis Assessment Establishes the Optimal Duration of Oral Anticoagulants in Patients with Idiopathic or Provoked Deep Vein Thrombosis: a Randomized, Controlled Trial

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The risk of recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with increased plasma homocysteine levels is reduced by short but not long-term therapy with folate and B vitamins.

Hyperhomocysteinemia is considered an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis, atherothrombosis and Venous ThromboEmbolism (VTE) [1], [2] and [3]. Normal total plasma homocysteine concentrations range from 5 to 15 μmol/L in the fasting state. Hyperhomocysteinemia is classified as moderate (homocysteine concentration, 15 to 30 μmol/L), intermediate (> 30 to 100 μmol/L), and severe (> 100 μmol/L) on the basis of concentrations measured during fasting. Although severe hyperhomocysteinemia is rare, mild hyperhomocysteinemia occurs in approximately 5% to 7% of the general population. In this case, patients are typically asymptomatic until the third or fourth decade of life when premature Cor…

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Gastrointestinal bleeding due to angiodysplasia in patients with type 1 von Willebrand disease: report on association and management

research product

Residual vein thrombosis assessment establishes the otpimal duration of oral anticoagulants in patients with idiopathic or provoked deep vein thrombosis

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Residual vein thrombosis assessment estabilishes the optimal duration of oral anticoagulants in patients with idiopatic or provoked deep vein thrombosis

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Limited versus extended ultrasonography for the diagnosis of clinically suspected deep vein thrombosis

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Deferral of assessment of pulmonary embolism

We evaluated a simplified algorithm for safely postponing diagnostic imaging for pulmonary embolism (PE). At the index visit, patients were identified as being at high or low risk of PE; the former received full dosage low molecular weight heparin while the latter were left untreated until performance of diagnostic imaging (max 72 hours). During this period, no thromboembolic events occurred in low-risk patients (0/211, 0.% [upper 95% CI 0.9%]); only one event occurred in those at high-risk (1/125, 0.8% [upper 95% CI, 1.2]). Our study demonstrates that diagnostic imaging for PE can be safely deferred for up to 3 days.

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Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism can be treated at home in cancer patients

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Genotypic and phenotypic factors in ischemic stroke in young adults

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Persistance of residual vein thrombosis after an episode of deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs and the risk of new cancer and cardiovascular disease.

8531 Background: In patients with a first episode of idiopathic or provoked Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), the presence of Residual Vein Thrombosis (RVT), detected by UltraSonography (US) at the 3rd month from the index DVT, is an independent risk factor for developing recurrent Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in the subsequent 2 years. Its absence can safely permit to stop Oral Anticoagulants (OA). At the present, it is unknown whether RVT may also identify patients at increased risk for developing cancer and/or cardiovascular disease (CD). In patients with previous DVT of the lower limbs, we conducted a prospective study for evaluating the correlation between RVT findings and the risk of new c…

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Managing cancer patients with acute venous thromboembolism: exploring safe alternatives to hospitalisation

Acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common and potentially fatal complication that frequently occurs in cancer patients. Few data are currently available about the optimal management of this category of high-risk patients. In clinical practice, physicians have to deal with many problems related to cancer patients with acute VTE. For instance, cancer patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are frequently admitted to the hospital since their high rate of recurrent thrombotic events and/or bleeding-related therapy; however, most of them would prefer alternatives to prolonged hospitalisation. Then, it is not clearly whether data coming from a non-cancer population (such as that regarding t…

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Gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with von Willebrand disease; how long we can wait for surgery?

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Evaluation of patients with thrombotic stroke by methionine loading oral curve

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Curva da carico orale di metionina nella valutazione di pazienti affetti da patologia trombotica

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Peri-operative bridgning therapy with low molecular weight heparin in patients requiring interruption of long-term oral anticoagulant therapy

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