Laila Nordstrand Berg
Categorizing and assessing multi-campus universities in contemporary higher education
Multi-campus universities are not a new phenomenon per se, but they have become an increasing feature of contemporary higher education systems all over the world. In the case of Northern Europe, multi-campus universities are the consequence of contraction patterns resulting from overcapacity, fragmentation and rising competition. This paper has two main objectives. First, to take stock of the existing scientific literature on multi-campus universities and, on that basis, develop a novel conceptual framework for categorizing such systems, with focus on the level of autonomy and profile enjoyed by the individual campuses composing a given system or university. Second, we provide new empirical…
Managers' identities: Solid or affected by institutional logics and organizational amandments?
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Does It Really Matter? Assessing the Performance Effects of Changes in Leadership and Management Structures in Nordic Higher Education
AbstractUniversities are public organisations, which operate in a highly institutionalised environment. They are heavily dependent on public resources. As such, universities are susceptible to shifts in governance arrangements but are also far from being passive recipients of reform agendas. They face demands from multiple internal constituencies (academics, administrators, students, managers) and from a variety of external stakeholders. This chapter explores the interplay between governance arrangements resulting from policy shifts and university dynamics. It sets the stage for the book, asking the following research questions: (1) what characterises changes in governance regimes in Nordic…
National Performance-Based Research Funding Systems : Constructing Local Perceptions of Research?
AbstractIn recent years, performance-based research funding systems (PRFSs) have been introduced in all of the Nordic countries. In this chapter, we compare these systems and explore how their introduction is reflected within universities. Through interviews with academics, managers and administrators, we study how the performance measures of these systems are used at the university level and how that affects research activities. The results indicate that the introduction of PRFSs at the national level have had significant effects at the institutional level. The PRFSs contribute to the institutionalisation and consolidation of research metrics as the main way to describe research performanc…
The Changing Roles of Academic Leaders: Decision-Making, Power, and Performance
AbstractMajor reforms in the Nordic countries have increased the formal autonomy of higher education institutions (HEIs) to make decisions over their own activities, both academic core tasks and managerial/administrative activities. The issue addressed in this chapter is how these changes have affected the role of the academic leader. Across the four countries, we see clear signs of change regarding academic leadership comprising a mix of institutional logics in the interviews: the professional, collegial traditional academic leadership, which is based on rotating systems, election among peers, and collegial decision-making, has been complemented with, and in some places replaced by, a mana…
The Responsible University in Southeast Asia : A Tale of the Transition from an Elite to a Mass Higher Education System
AbstractAs is the case in the Nordic countries, universities in Southeast Asia are expected to act in a responsible manner by fostering greater participation in higher education across different social groups and by promoting regional development. To date, however, few studies have investigated such important aspects within the context of emerging economies undergoing considerable political, social and economic changes. Our study setting is Indonesia, a country with large socio-economic asymmetries that is undergoing the historical transition from an elite to a mass higher education system. The chapter provides evidence of the roles played by different types of universities located in speci…
Strategic mergers in the public sector: comparing universities and hospitals
Responses to the Global Financial Crisis - Lessons From the Public Sector in the Nordic Countries
Tilpasninger og erfaringer i lederrolla i sykehus
Masteroppgave i offentlig politikk og ledelse 2007 - Høgskolen i Agder, Kristiansand Ledelse i helsevesenet er i fokus i denne oppgava og ulike aspekter belyses. Dette gjøres på bakgrunn av de NPM-påvirkningene som har prega helsevesenet gjennom ulike reformer. Jeg ser på hvilke betydninger kjønn har ved ledelse i sykehus, videre studeres legenes og sykepleiernes lederrolle og jeg ser på hvordan disse påvirkes av NPM-ideene og sist så ser jeg på hvilke effekter disse ideene har på ledernes identitet. Betydning av kjønn ved ledelse: Når jeg studerer konsekvenser for kjønn i sykehus etter reformene har jeg gjort følgende funn: o Ledelsesreformen åpna opp for at flere yrkesgrupper enn leger ku…
Nordic Higher Education in Flux: System Evolution and Reform Trajectories
AbstractThis chapter provides a brief description of how the four national systems included in this study—Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden—are currently organised and structured. In doing so, it illuminates several specific features such as the types and sizes of the institutions, enrolment patterns, performance measures, and funding. In addition, the chapter gives a snapshot of how higher education systems have evolved historically by shedding light on policy dynamics from the late 1990s to 2013, the baseline period for the FINNUT comparative study, the research project that provides the basis for this edited volume. This is followed by a section describing the aim, methods, theoretica…
“Hot Case-workers and Squint-eyed Whores” - Sexual Harassment of Norwegian Social- and Health Care Students in Practical Training
Sexual harassment is a societal challenge. Youth, women, students, and health care professionals are some of the groups most at risk for experiencing sexual harassment. In this study, we examine how higher education institutions and practice institutions handle sexual harassment and how students in practical training experience and cope with sexual harassment. A survey and in-depth interviews were conducted among nursing students and social work students at one Norwegian university. Our results indicate that students experience sexual harassment during practice that is an obligatory part of training, that guidance and follow-up are often lacking, and that they experience negative consequenc…