A. Zingone
YOLK SAC deL TESTICOLO. Raro caso con metastasi retroperitoneale
Gli Autori riportano un caso di tumore primitivo del testicolo (Yolk Sac Tumor) e metastasi gigante retroperitoneale e sindrome virilizzante associata
Carenze conoscitive, spunti per la ricerca, priorità
In January 1991 a Protocol for diagnosis and treatment of Germ Cell Tumours (GCT) in children was activated in 15 Italian Paediatric Centres.
TERATOMI SACRO-COCCIGEI: Osservazioni su 25 casi
Gli Autori presentano i dati relativi ad uno studio retrospettivo su 25 casi di Teratoma sacrococcigeo, osservati tra il 1980 ed il 1988.
YOLK SAC DEL TESTICOLO: Raro Caso con Metastasi Gigante Retroperitoneale
The authors restorate a case of primary testis tumor (Yolk Sac Tumor) and giant retroperitoneal metastasis clinically evident as a voluminous abdominal mass (23 cm) and associated virilizing syndrome. the diagnostic and therapeutic procedure performed is described.
GERM CELL TUMOURS: A Report of 72 Cases
The Authours report a prospective Study of the diagnosis and treatment of Germ Cell Tumours in children since January 1991.
Leukemic ophthalmopathy: a report of 21 pediatric cases.
A multicentric retrospective study on leukemic ophthalmopathy (LO) is reported. It includes 21 patients, 16 males and 5 females, with acute leukemia (AL) observed in 10 SIOP centers. LO developed in three patients at the time of diagnosis of AL; five patients were in first complete remission (three off therapy); four patients were in second or third remission; and nine were in combined relapse. Most frequent symptoms were blurred vision, photophobia, and ocular pain. Two patients with acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia died before treatment; another underwent bone marrow transplantation; one patient with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy die…