J Andersen

Considerations from the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP) concerning STR nomenclature

(1) The nomenclature of any STR follows from comparison with a control allelic ladder; availability of reference allelic ladders is central to any scheme. The components of an allelic ladder should be sequenced. (2) The DNA commission recommended a nomenclature based upon the number of repeat sequences present in an allele. Whereas this method is suitable for typing simple STRs, complex hypervariable repeats such as ACTBP2 do not conform to a simple repeating structure. We propose that designation of complex STR repeats such as ACTBP2, D11S554 and APOAI1 follows from the size of specific alleles. Because the size is dependant upon the primers utilised, the size is not definitive (it may als…

research product

Report of the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP): an investigation of the complex STR loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA (FGA).

This paper describes a collaborative exercise which was intended to demonstrate whether uniformity of DNA profiling results could be achieved between European laboratories using two complex short tandem repeat (STR) loci. The loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA (FGA) were chosen because they are commonly used by different European laboratories. D21S11 has approximately 14 common alleles (f > 0.001), whereas HUMFIBRA has 19 common alleles. Laboratories were asked to test seven blood stains, one of which was a known control, and to report the results to the coordinating laboratory. The exercise demonstrated that complex STRs were amenable to standardisation.

research product

Report on the second EDNAP collaborative STR exercise

This report describes an inter-laboratory exercise completed on behalf of the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group. The exercise is one in a series designed to identify STR loci which could be used for harmonisation between participating European forensic science laboratories. Participants were asked to identify the alleles present in five bloodstains at the STR loci HUMTHO1 and HUMVWFA31/A. Two of the stains were prepared from mixtures of two different blood samples. There were no special instructions and each laboratory was requested to use the methodology normally employed for crime case investigations. All participating laboratories achieved the same results for both loci. In addition, …

research product

Direct search for light gluinos

We present the results for a direct search for light gluinos through the appearance of $\eta\rightarrow 3\pi^{0}$ with high transverse momentum in the vacuum tank of the NA48 experiment at CERN. We find one event within a lifetime range of $10^{-9}-10^{-3}$s and another one between $10^{-10}-10^{-9}$s. Both events are consistent with the expected background from neutrons in the beam, produced by 450 GeV protons impinging on the Be targets, which interact with the residual air in the tank. From these data we give limits on the production of the hypothetical $g\widetilde{g}$ bound state, the $R^0$ hadron, and its $R^0\rightarrow\eta\widetilde{\gamma}$ decay in the $R^0$ mass range between 1 a…

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