Irma Kakkuri
Aikuisen lukivaikeuksisen luetun ymmärtämisen ja kirjoittamisen perustaitojen arviointi ja opettaminen
Pöllövaarin kirjoittamisinto : kielellisen tietoisuuden harjaannuttamisohjelma
The covariation between parental and expert evaluations of early language skills
This study investigated the potential interrelationship between parental (maternal) and expert assessments of the expressive and receptive language skills of 12- to 18-month-old children. The language activities of 27 children were monitored by their mothers (MCDI scale: Lyytinen, 2000. Varhaisen kommunikaation ja kielen kehityksen arviointimenetelma. Jyvaskylan yliopiston lapsitutkimuskeskus ja Niilo Maki Instituutti. Jyvaskyla: Yliopistopaino. [An assessment tool for early communication and language development] Jyvaskyla: University Press) and trained researchers (Bayley Scales III: Bayley, 2006. Bayley III Scales of Infant Development. Administration Manual. San Antonio, TX: Psychologic…
Accelerating early language development with multi-sensory training
This paper reports the outcome of a multi-sensory intervention on infant language skills. A programme titled ‘Rhyming Game and Exercise Club’, which included kinaesthetic–tactile mother–child rhyming games performed in natural joint attention situations, was intended to accelerate Finnish six- to eight-month-old infants’ language development. The participants were 20 infants (10 training group children and 10 control children). Their cognitive skills and both receptive and expressive language skills (Bayley Scales III) were tested three times (pre-, post- and follow-up assessments). The groups differed significantly in receptive language skills at the baseline, in favour of the controls. Th…