Maria Sabatino
Analisi dei dissesti che interessano le coperture regolitiche in un’area del territorio di Petralia Soprana (Sicilia centrosettentrionale).
Note illustrative alla carta geomorfologica della tavoletta Contessa Entellina.
Human activities often interfere with the natural evolution of the environment, even more so when any rule or criterion of respect for the environment or urban planning is followed. This, in addition to perturb the natural system, determines conditions for geological and environmental risks, particularly when acting on vulnerable areas, poorly suited for urbanization. In the present study, risk conditions for the site of Alcamo Marina, in the territory of the town of Alcamo (TP), are analyzed, which are determined due both to the geomorphologic setting of the territory and to a large number of human interventions. carried out under an irrational approach since the 70s, in this stretch of co…
The goal of this work is to illustrate a methodology aimed at planning a monitoring network in urban areas affected by hydrogeological instability phenomena. The monitoring network will provide a continuous collection of data and their transmission through a Global Position System (GPS) to a central collecting and processing office. The monitoring of an area prone to high landslide risk, as could be any urban area (the town of Poggioreale in our study case), should take into consideration the collection of data relevant both for the knowledge of the landslide features as well as for the planning of reclamation action. At the same time it would also seem opportune to collect data relating to…
Hydrogeological hazards and weather events: Triggering and evolution of shallow landslides
Abstract Landslides are the most intense and serious manifestations of the degradation of slopes and they are the main causes of geological hazard when they, directly or indirectly, involving towns and infrastructures. They are a global environment problem; there are several examples that have produced untold damages and loss of human lives in many parts of the world. In 1920 the landslides mobilization, as a result of a strong earthquake in China, in the province of Kansu, killed 200,000 people; in 1938 fast debris flow, triggered by heavy rainfalls in Japan, caused the death of 600 people; in 1963 in Italy the Vajont disaster caused the death of 1,899 people, as a result of a landslide lo…
Interazione tra processi geomorfologici che coinvolgono il suolo e condizioni di rischio geoambientale
Lo studio dei fenomeni di instabilità superficiale risulta di particolare interesse in quanto molto spesso tale tipologia di dissesto produce gravi danni alle strutture antropiche e, talvolta, anche perdite di vite umane. Nonostante la modesta massa di terreno mobilizzata, queste frane possiedono una elevata pericolosità dovuta principalmente alla loro forza d’urto; i danni più frequenti riguardano le strade ed i relativi muri in calcestruzzo o in pietra che subiscono forti spinte laterali che ne provocano il ribaltamento. In alcuni casi possono causare anche gravi lesioni agli edifici, sfondando i muri posti sulla traiettoria della massa in movimento, provocando anche delle vittime; esempi…
Lineamenti geomorfologici dell’area di Chiusa Sclafani (Sicilia occidentale).
Geothermal exploration of shallow resources and for the deep regional assessment of Sicily: the role of geological and hydrogeological data
The study area is located in the western sector of the Sicanian Mounts where the superimposition, consequence of the Miocene and Lower Pliocene tectonic transpressive phases, of different geologic bodies, having vergence to the southern quadrants, can be observed. In this area, the neo-autochthonous deposits are given by marly-clayey sediments of middle-upper Pliocene, pertaining to the “Marnoso-arenacea” Formation of the Belice Valley, and by Pleistocene calcarenites. The recent extensional tectonic crisis (neotectonics) have further dissected and dismembered the original structural edifice, involving also the Pleistocene calcarenites, which show tectonic displacements mainly NE – SW orien…
Proposte metodologiche per la valutazione del potenziale di geoscambio: il Progetto VIGOR
In the framework of VIGOR Project, a national project coordinated by the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG) and sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE), dedicated to the evaluation of geothermal potential in the regions of the Convergence Objective in Italy (Puglia, Calabria, Campania and Sicily), is expected to evaluate the ability of the territory to heat exchange with the ground for air conditioning of buildings. To identify the conditions for the development of low enthalpy geothermal systems collected and organized on a regional scale geological and stratigraphic data useful for the preparation of a specific thematic mapping, able to represent in a …
The 1968 Belice valley earthquake
1. Inquadramento geologico e geomorfologico
Vengono descritti i caratteri geologici e geomorfologici del territorio comunale di Contessa Entellina (PA), i cui risultati sono sintetizzati in una carta geologica, una carta geomorfologica e una carta litologica.
Sicily: geological, structural and morphological features
The study area lies in the westernmost part of the Sicani Mountain range where a superposition of SE-trending, stacked, geological bodies crops out. this structure is the result of transpressive tectonic phases of Miocene and Lower Pliocene age. The neo-autochthon outcrops are made up of clay–marly deposits of the Middle–Upper Pliocene, and of calcarenites of Pleistocene age. The extensional Quaternary tectonic phases later dissected and dismembered the original structure, thus involving the calcarenites that show clear, mainly NE–SW oriented dislocations. Such calcarenites, which have a total thickness of about 80 metres, overlap the Belice marly-arenaceous formation. This determined favou…
Foglio 619, Santa Margherita di Belice
VIGOR: Sviluppo geotermico nelle Regioni della Convergenza. Progetto VIGOR – Valutazione del Potenziale Geotermico delle Regioni della Convergenza, POI Energie Rinnovabili e Risparmio Energetico 2007-2013
Elementi di litologia e geomorfologia
Water resource assessment in karst and fractured aquifers of Termini Imerese-Trabia Mts. (Northern central Sicily, Italy).
The carbonatic siliciclastic Mesozoic reliefs of Termini Imerese-Trabia Mts. (Northern central Sicily) were selected in order to investigate groundwater resources, as these fissured to karstic aquifers are used for potable water supply. These reliefs, part of the Sicilian Apennine Chain, consist of a tectonic units (deformed and emplaced during the Miocene-Pleistocene, and collapsed during the Plio-Pleistocene) mostly formed by clayey pelagic limestones (Sicilidi domain) overthrusting Meso-Cenozoic carbonate and silicoclastic rocks (Imerese Basin, Late Triassic-Early Oligocene) and terrigenous covers (Numidian Flysch, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene). The evolution of karstic network and subsu…
Atlante dei Centri Abitati Instabili della Sicilia. Vol II - Provincia di Palermo
Note illustrative alla carta geomorfologica della Tavoletta Menfi (Sicilia occidentale)
The present note is to describe the morphogenetic processes and the relative landforms that were recognized in the area represented by the 1: 25,000 scale IGMI topographic map named Tavoletta Menfi (Serie 25/V F. 266 IV NO). The geomorphological map was realized by using the classic methodology based on direct geological and geomorphological field surveys, integrating the acquired data with the analysis of 1:18,000 scale aerial photos taken in 1997. From the geological point of view the examined area is characterized by the outcropping of carbonate and terrigenous sediments. The great part of the territory is affected by landslide phenomena, of different sizes and activity degree, that show…