Germana Di Maida

Area Marina Protetta Isole Egadi: Percorsi Naturalistici ed archeologici

research product

Genetic variability of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in Mediterranean transition zone

research product

Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia. Standardizzazione di descrittori biotici in Posidonia oceanica e nelle comunità meiobentoniche di fondi mobili e predisposizione di criteri per il posizionamento di reti di sorveglianza della qualità dell’acqua (D. Lgs. 152/99 e Direttiva 2000/60/UE)

research product

The Stagnone of Marsala lagoon

The Stagnone of Marsala is an oligotrophic lagoon situated on the western coast of Sicily. The area has been under study since the mid-nineteenth century. Research has focused on its physiographic, chemical-physical, biological, ecological features and, particularly, on submerged vegetation. Its main biotic component, a meadow of Posidonia oceanica, is distributed among peculiar reef formations inside and outside the lagoon, which are extremely interesting from an ecological and environmental point of view. The seagrass grows near to its thermal and salinity tolerance level in the inner lagoon, where it is partially replaced by Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera meadows. Algal assembla…

research product

Vulnerability of Posidonia oceanica meadow inside a coastal lagoon (Stagnone di Marsala – Western Sicily)

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Uso di sistemi acustici ad alta risoluzione nel monitoraggio del limite inferiore di Posidonia oceanica nel Golfo di Palermo

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Lavori per il potenziamento delle opere marittime esistenti per la messa in sicurezza del porto di Castellammare del Golfo (ai sensi del’art. 5 della L.R. 21/98) riguardante i lavori di prolungamento della diga foranea e delle opere interne d’accosto e di arredo portuale.

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The use of high-resolution seismo-acoustic echosounder imaging for estimation carbon sink in P. oceanica dead matte

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Genetic discontinuities within the Mediterranean basin. Post-glacial recolonization patterns and recent current regime

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Stato di Qualità Ecologica (EcoQ) delle acque costiere in Mediterraneo mediante l’indice biotico POSIX (POSidonia IndeX)

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Serie storiche della composizione isotopica (δ13C e δ15N) di Posidonia oceanica L. (Delile) in un’area interessata da emissioni idrotermali

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Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile come indicatore di impatto urbano nel Golfo di Palermo (Sicilia)

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Biodegradable anchor modular system for transplanting Posidonia oceanica cuttings

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Effect of explosive shallow hydrothermal vents on δ13C and growth performance in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica

1. Explosive volcanic submarine activity is expected to affect seagrass communities due to sudden and dramatic changes in the physical and chemical features of sea water and sediments, with possibly large ecosystem effects. However, seagrass response to the harsh environmental conditions that arise due to explosive volcanism is as yet unexplored as it is not easy to predict when and where an eruption will occur. Here, we investigate the uptake of hydrothermal carbon within the seagrass Posidonia oceanica by the analysis of d13C and growth rates in tissue laid down before and after an exceptional and massive hydrothermal gas release in the Aeolian Islands (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). 2. Hydro…

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Posidonia oceanica living in enclosed coastal lagoon as model for testing the effect of climate change on organism near their limit of thermal tolerance

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Influence of hydrothermal vents on phytobenthic communities in the Aeolian Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea): preliminary results

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Le macroalghe bentoniche di substrato duro del mesolitorale e dell’infralitorale superiore del Golfo di Palermo: prime considerazioni

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Attività di supporto per la redazione del piano di Tutela della Acque (di cui all’art. 44 del D. Lgs. 11 maggio 1999 n. 152 e s.m.i.). Fase di analisi: classificazione dello Stato Ecologico e dello Stato Ambientale dei corpi idrici superficiali. Laghi naturali ed artificiali

research product

Detection and mapping of Posidonia oceanica dead matte by high-resolution acoustic imaging

A high-resolution echosounder was used to acquire seismo-acoustic records of P. oceanica dead matte patches in the Gulf of Palermo. Seismo-acoustic profiling enabled detection of dead matte structures that are invisible to visual inspection, being hidden by variable layers of sandy sediment. The thickness of the dead matte measured reaches a maximum of 2.2 m. The mean volume of the matte per unit area of seabed surface (MEIx) varies from 0.2 to 2.2 m 3 /m 2 , with an average value of 1.6 m 3 /m 2 and a total volume estimated at 73,000 m 3 . From literature data and from the volume of dead matte calculated in the present work we estimated that total carbon accumulated in the matte is about 2…

research product

Uso del Sistema Sonar Multi-Beam (MBSS) per la cartografia delle comunità bentoniche

research product

Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia.

research product

Effect of explosive shallow hydrothermal vents on δ13C and growth performance in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica

Summary 1. Explosive volcanic submarine activity is expected to affect seagrass communities due to sudden and dramatic changes in the physical and chemical features of sea water and sediments, with possibly large ecosystem effects. However, seagrass response to the harsh environmental conditions that arise due to explosive volcanism is as yet unexplored as it is not easy to predict when and where an eruption will occur. Here, we investigate the uptake of hydrothermal carbon within the seagrass Posidonia oceanica by the analysis of δ13C and growth rates in tissue laid down before and after an exceptional and massive hydrothermal gas release in the Aeolian Islands (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). …

research product

Seagrass meadows at the extreme of environmental tolerance: the case ofPosidonia oceanicain a semi-enclosed coastal lagoon

Atoll-like structures of the endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica were encountered in the innermost area of the Stagnone di Marsala, a semi-enclosed coastal lagoon along the western coasts of Sicily. The area is characterized by limited water exchange with the open sea and by a marked seasonal variation of water salinity and temperature, reaching beyond the theoretical tolerance limits of the species. In the present study we determined the genetic composition of the atoll-like structures, as well as the growth performance and flowering rate of these stands. We also assessed whether and to what extent the atoll-like structures are genetically isolated from plants growing in mead…

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Recupero di fondali a matte morta nel Golfo di Palermo mediante riforestazione con Posidonia oceanica

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Elementi in tracce in Posidonia oceanica in un’area fortemente industrializzata.

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Spatial and temporal distribution of Posidonia oceanica flowering in Sicilian and surrounding islands coasts.

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Caratterizzazione morfologica preliminare di fasci abortiti in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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Genetic variability of Posidonia oceanica meadow inside the Stagnone di Marsala lagoon.

research product

Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia.Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia

research product

Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia. Stato ecologico delle coste siciliane e inquinanti inorganici ed organici nei sedimenti delle aree a rischio ambientale (D. Lgs. 152/99).

research product

Discriminating between Posidonia oceanica meadows and sand substratum using multibeam sonar

Abstract Di Maida, G., Tomasello, A., Luzzu, F., Scannavino, A., Pirrotta, M., Orestano, C., and Calvo, S. 2011. Discriminating between Posidonia oceanica meadows and sand substratum using multibeam sonar. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68: 12–19. High-resolution, multibeam sonar (MBS) (455 kHz) was used to identify two typologies of seabed 8 m deep: Posidonia oceanica meadow and sandy substratum. The results showed that the heterogeneity of the architecture of the P. oceanica canopy and the relatively simple morphology of a sandy substratum can be detected easily by statistical indices such as standard deviation or range-of-beam depth. Based on these indices, an automated classification…

research product

Impatto dell’urbanizzazione costiera sulla distribuzione batimetrica di Posidonia oceanica.

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Compatibilità geologico-strutturale ed ambientale delle opere di adeguamento e completamento dell’impianto di depurazione sito in località Omo Morto (Ustica) e realizzazione della condotta sottomarina di scarico

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Un sistema integrato per ottimizzare le operazioni di monitoraggio e verità-mare

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Analisi delle performance di crescita di Posidonia oceanica attraverso l’uso di modelli lineari generalizzati misti (GLMM)

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Seagrasses along the Sicilian coasts

All seagrass species known from the Mediterranean basin have been recorded along the Sicilian coast, where studies have been carried out at a very local scale and information is fragmented or confined to the grey literature. The objective of this article is to summarise and evaluate current knowledge on seagrass species on the Sicilian coasts, providing an overview of species distribution, genetic diversity, biology and ecology, based on the literature and unpublished data. Most literature studies have been carried out on Posidonia oceanica meadows because of their wide distribution, complexity and ecological importance. In this study, the analyses carried out on P. oceanica structural and …

research product

Tecnica di reimpianto mediante supporto biodegradabile.

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Criteri di posizionamento delle stazioni per il monitoraggio del limite inferiore delle praterie di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile.

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Indici ed indicatori biotici in Posidonia oceanica nella valutazione e controllo degli habitat marini costieri.

research product

Attività di supporto per la redazione del piano di Tutela della Acque (di cui all’art. 44 del D. Lgs. 11 maggio 1999 n. 152 e s.m.i.). Fase di analisi: classificazione dello Stato Ecologico e dello Stato Ambientale dei corpi idrici superficiali. Corsi d’acqua

research product

Influenza del substrato su crescita dei rizomi e biometria fogliare di Posidonia oceanica

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Sincronizzazione spaziale di serie storiche di crescita in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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Mapping Posidonia oceanica lower limit combining high resolution instruments (SSS and MBS)

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Genetic patterns of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in the Mediterranean Sea: the Sicily channel transition zone.

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Organismi perforatori delle scaglie di Posidonia oceanica nel Mediterraneo sud-occidentale.

research product

A new multivariate Biotic Index to assess Ecological Quality status of Mediterranean coastal waters

research product

Modelling the relationship between sexual reproduction and rhizome growth in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

The relationship between flowering and growth performance of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in meadows distributed along the south-eastern coast of Sicily (Italy) was investigated by means of a statistical model (generalized linear mixed model) combined with the lepidochronological analysis. Over a 28-year period, 67 floral stalk remains were observed. The highest flowering index was recorded in lepidochronological year 1998 (10.1%) and the Inflorescence Frequency per age showed a clear decrease corresponding to 15-year-old shoots. The sexual reproductive event had positive effects on rhizome elongation (cm year−1) and leaf production (no. leaves year−1) in the same flowering year, whilst n…

research product

Attività di supporto per la redazione del piano di Tutela della Acque (di cui all’art. 44 del D. Lgs. 11 maggio 1999 n. 152 e s.m.i.). Fase di analisi: classificazione dello Stato Ecologico e dello Stato Ambientale dei corpi idrici superficiali. Acque marine costiere

research product

Reference growth charts for Posidonia oceanica seagrass: An effective tool for assessing growth performance by age and depth

Abstract Growth performance of rhizomes has become among the most used descriptors for monitoring Posidonia oceanica seagrass dynamics and population status. However, ability to detect any change of growth in space or in time is often confounded by natural age-induced decline. To overcome this problem, we have produced reference growth charts, which in other areas are universally recognized as a very powerful tool for comparing growth of living beings during their ontogeny. Reference growth charts involving different P. oceanica growth performance measures (speed of growth and primary production of rhizomes) have been built using proper statistical frameworks (GLMM, Segmented and Quantile R…

research product

Le fanerogame marine in Sicilia

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Un sistema integrato di telerilevamento e modellistica idrodinamica per il monitoraggio delle praterie a Posidonia oceanica

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Eventi riproduttivi sessuati in Posidonia oceanica lungo le coste della Sicilia.

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Spatial variability of bathymetric distribution of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile lower limits

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Curve di crescita di riferimento nel monitoraggio di Posidonia oceanica: alcune stime preliminari

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Tecnica di reimpianto mediante griglie metalliche

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Recupero dei fondali degradati del Golfo di Palermo: studio preliminare di riforestazione con Posidonia oceanica

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Analisi dei pattern di distribuzione di Posidonia oceanica lungo gradienti batimetrici

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Genetic isolation of Posidonia oceanica in a western Sicily coastal lagoon

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Analisi della ripartizione batimetria del limite inferiore delle praterie di Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile lungo le coste siciliane

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Confondimento dell’età nell’analisi degli effetti di perturbazioni antropiche su variabili biometriche di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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Cambiamenti climatici e declino della prateria di Posidonia oceanica in una laguna costiera mediterranea.

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Multibeam Sonar System for Detecting Seabed Features

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Selezione di aree per il reimpianto di Posidonia oceanica mediante modello multicriteriale ed impianti pilota

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Effetti dell’impatto antropico su Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile lungo le coste tirreniche della Sicilia.

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Compatibilità ambientale delle attività inerenti il completamento delle opere marittime esistenti per la messa in sicurezza del porto di Isola delle Femmine ai sensi dell’art. 5 della l.r. 21/98.

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Distribuzione dei borers nelle praterie di Posidonia oceanica della Sicilia

research product

Shoot age as a confounding factor on detecting the effect of human-induced disturbance on Posidonia oceanica growth performance

Abstract The response of orthotropic rhizome elongation and primary production of Posidonia oceanica to anthropogenic perturbations and potential confounding effects of shoot age were assessed using a Linear Multilevel Model (LMM). This model examined the confounding effect of age by comparing the estimates of impact and variance components obtained by excluding and including Age as an explanatory variable. Age had a negative effect on rhizome elongation and primary production with an annual decrease of 0.6 mm y − 1 and 7 mg dw y − 1 respectively. According to the LMM when age effect was omitted, the differences between disturbed and control locations in rhizome elongation and primary produ…

research product

Praterie di Posidonia ocenica e qualità dell’ambiente marino lungo le coste della Sicilia.

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Struttura morfologica di fasci abortiti in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile.

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Variazioni spaziali e temporali delle performance di crescita nelle praterie di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile: fattore endogeno vs. fattori esogeni

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Estimating Posidonia oceanica shoot length by using Multibeam Sonar System

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Impatto dell’urbanizzazione costiera sulla distribuzione batimetrica di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile.

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Registration of past submarine massive outgassing events in Posidonia oceanica L. (Delile) through stable carbon isotopes

research product