Gioacchino Cusimano
Vulnerability maps pollution to hydrocarbon and urban waste pollution in seawater intrusion areas
De acuerdo con un proyecto nacional promovido por el Grupo Nacional Italiano para la Protección contra Riesgos Hidrogeológicos han sido publicados los mapas de vulnerabilidad (1:50.000) de parte del Territorio Italiano, particularmente algunos mapas de Sicilia: Montes Iblei, Moadonie, Sicani y el Monte Etna. Estos mapas se han vuelto documentos públicos para el manejo local del agua subterránea. Algunos fenómenos muy peligrosos han sido reportados en algunas áreas de Sicilia. Intervenciones antrópicas han creado basureros de residuos tóxicos sobre áreas vulnerables. Esta investigación explica las ventajas del uso de mapas de vulnerabilidad en estudio de tipos peligrosos de contaminación par…
Sicula Terra (Sikanie - Terra di Sicilia -Sicily Land)
LIFE AMBIENTE IT 424 GE.CO. Management of urbanization processes of coastal area: from the regional urban plan to botton-up partecipation
Idrogeologia delle Madonie
Groundwater resources assessment of the Sicilian region, Italy
Application of SINTACS method to the aquifers of Piana di Palermo, Siciliy,Italy
Piana di Palermo is characterized by the presence of two different aquifers: one shallow, constituted by calcarenites and the other deep in fractured carbonates. The calcarenitic aquifer presents a low potential compared to the carbonatic aquifer. The chemistry of the water in both aquifers reflects water-rock interaction, seawater intrusion, ionic exchange etc. The application of SINTACS method showed that about 80% of the study area can be classified as of high to very high vulnerability. Piana di Palermo es caracterizada por la presencia de dos acuíferos diferentes: uno somero constituido por calcarenitas y otro profundo en rocas carbonatadas fracturadas. El acuífero calcarenítico presen…
“L’intervention de Organismes intertionaux UNESCO-IAEA, dans l’etude du programme de gestion du risque eau en pays semi-aride. Project Sicile
Depositi di travertino nell'area di Via Colonna Rotta a Palermo
Indagine idrogeochimica di un area intensamente coltivata della Sicilia sud-occidentale
A hydrogechemical and hydrogeological study was carried out in the plain of the Verdura River Ribera, Province of Agrigento) to define the water quality and a model of subterranean circulation. From a hydrogeological point of view, several complexes are present. The piezometric map permitted to understand the underground circulation mechanisms in the main aquifer and the inter-relationships with the surface one. The chemical water analyses showed that the waters belong to two mainly groups: chloride-sulfate earth alkaline and chloride-sulfate alkaline types. The two groups are not completely distinct, in fact some samples have chemical composition in between. The isotope compositions clearl…
Deformazioni attive in Sicilia Centrale: L'Esempio del vulcanismo sedimentario di Caltanissetta
La vulnerabilità alla desertificazione della Sicilia
Contamination of coastal aquifers from intense anthropic activity in southwestern Sicily, Italy.
Geological, hydrogeological and geochemical characterization of aquifers in coastal areas (Ragusa-Donnalucata Area, Sicily, Italy)
Carbonate groundwater systems hosted in coastal areas are of particular concern, for multi-fold reasons. First, in Sicily - as in many other islands – coastal areas are the most densely populated: this increase of anthropogenic pressure considerably raises the potential risks of groundwater contamination. This is even more dangerous considering the fact that groundwater is often the main source of potable water for coastal communities, especially since rivers and ponds near the shore are brackish. Secondly, coastal areas are the sites of potential interactions between the groundwater systems and seawater, the morphology and the location of this interface being a complex function, of groundw…
Trace metals comparison between two volcanic islands (Vulcano anf Lipari, Aeolian islands)
Hydrogeological resource potential and quality in the Trabia and Termini Imerese mountain hydrostructures (north Sicily)
Flooding risk in the urban area of Palermo, Sicily (Italy).
L'acqua nelle regioni: Sicilia - Acque sotterranee
Hydrogeochemistry of a wetland area of south-western Sicily (Italiy)
Vulnerability map of the Nebrodi Mts Area (Sicily)
Gli acquiferi costieri dei Monti di Trabia -Termini Imerese: modalità di circolazione idrica, ruolo del carsismo e vulnerabilità per fenomeni di ingressione marina
Vulnerability of coastal aquifers subjected to anthropogenic activities in south-western Sicily,Italy.
Hydrochemistry and isotopic characteristic of the submarine spring of south-eastern Sicily.
Condizioni di inquinamento e degrado costiero lungo la costa di Augusta e Siracusa
“Operative propoals for resisting the phenomenon of the seawater intrusion along the coast of the eastern Sicily"
Idrogeologia ed idrogeochimica dell'area della Riserva di Monte Conca (Caltanissetta)
Carta della Vulnerabilità integrata degli acquiferi della "Piana di Palermo": note illustrative
In un'ottica di protezione e gestione delle risorse idriche sotterranee cone da DLGs 152/99 ed in conformità alle Linee Guida nazionali (ANPA 2001), viene qui illustrata l'applicazione del metodo SINTACS per la redazione della Carta di Vulnerabilità degli acquiferi soggiacenti l'intera area della "Piana di Palermo". Sono stati inoltre censiti e georeferenziati tutti i CDP (centri di pericolo) e FDP (fonti diffuse di pericolo), riduttori, preventori e soggetti a rischio presenti nell'area, ottenendo così una Carta di Vulnerabilità integrata. Viene, inoltre, descritto l'uso del GIS sia per l'acquisizione e l'elaborazione di singoli parametri, che per la restituzione cartografica finale.