Giuseppe Barbera

Past and present role of the Indian-fig prickly-pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller, Cactaceae) in the agriculture of sicily

Of prickly-pear cacti occurring in Sicily, the most widespread and economically important is Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller. In Sicily it has, since its introduction, played an important role in the exploitation of marginal areas. The Sicilian experience is described with reference to the historical outlines and the present intensive production of late fruit. Information on historical and actual uses of the plant and its products (flowers, cladodes, fruits) is given.

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Traditional olive groves in the Mediterranean cultural landscapes: history, functions, future

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Sistemi e paesaggi

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Monument trees as witnesses of local potential vegetation and landscape evolution

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Multi-criterial approaches for the inventory and the evaluation of traditional cultural landscapes

The Mediterranean environment is characterized by an high variability in ecological features and by a rich biodiversity, whose interaction has generated complex agro-forestry systems. The resulting cultural landscapes can represent a remarkable trait of Italian landscape. Nonetheless, since several decades they are at risk mainly owing to the consequences of cultural intensification, that has turn out in new cultural models, i.e. specialized high density agronomic plantation, or in a progressive abandonment of agricultural land. In order to prevent the degradation or loos of these particular ecosystems, it becomes a priority to adopt measures for their preservation and promotion. Regardless…

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L'isola e il lago: la Buhayra della Favara nella Conca d'oro di Palermo.

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Il paesaggio agrario delle isole circumsiciliane.

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Giardini del paradiso

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In mostra la grande diversità degli agrumi mediterranei

Tra scienza, bellezza, curiosità, a Palermo una grande mostra dedicata al patrimonio genetico degli agrumi ha raccolto decine di tipologie di frutti e reperti artistici legati alle prime forme di agrumicoltura industriale siciliana.

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Hot dips and high temperature conditioning to improve shelf quality of late-crop cactus pear fruit (Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill.)

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I paesaggi agrari tradizionali dell’arboricoltura dell’Etna.

Il cono vulcanico etneo rappresenta il principale rilievo e contemporaneamente la formazione geologica più giovane della Sicilia. Posto su un banco argilloso sottomarino, domina tutta la parte orientale dell’Isola ed è visibile anche dai rilievi occidentali. Delimitato geograficamente dalle valli dell’Alcantara a Nord, del Simeto a Sud e a Ovest e dal Mar Ionio a Est, rappresenta uno degli ambiti regionali più facili e netti da identificare e definire in virtù della particolare genesi geolitologica, della sua evoluzione storica e degli elementi naturali che l’hanno caratterizzata nel tempo; tutti aspetti che hanno contribuito a definirne l’attuale assetto paesaggistico. In questo contributo…

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Umanesimo della pietra/Humanism of the stone

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Trasformazioni del paesaggio e conservazione degli habitat nella zona umida di Vendicari (Sicilia)

Il sito Natura 2000 “Vendicari” (ITA090002) si colloca in un più ampio sistema di zone umide costiere della Sicilia Sud-orientale. La particolarità di questi ambienti è legata alla presenza di lagune costiere e di formazioni vegetali che generalmente si trovano a contatto con esse. Questi ambienti costituiscono l’habitat per diverse specie, nonché esclusivi punti di sosta per molti uccelli migratori. Queste aree, un tempo più estese in Sicilia, durante il secolo scorso sono state sottoposte a disturbi e trasformazioni ambientali e paesaggistiche con conseguente riduzione della biodiversità. Le cause che hanno determinato maggiormente tali trasformazioni sono legate allo sfruttamento agricol…

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Analisi sistemica del paesaggio agrario tradizionale dell’albero in ambiente mediterraneo

Il paesaggio coltivato dell’albero rappresenta una fisionomia distintiva di vaste aree territoriali italiane, dalle zone di montagna a quelle costiere. Le diverse tipologie di coltivazioni agrarie arboree si sono evolute rapidamente negli ultimi decenni in termini di assortimenti varietali e di modelli di impianto, portando ad una specializzazione e polarizzazione delle coltivazioni nelle aree a maggiore vocazione produttiva e gestibili con maggiore sostenibilità ambientale e economica. I paesaggi agrari tradizionali (PAT) dell’albero rappresentano, di contro, delle realtà residuali e resilienti a cui vengono riconosciuti funzioni multiple e valori complessi. Scopo della ricerca è stata l’a…

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I paesaggi a terrazze in Sicilia: metodologie per l'analisi, la tutela e la valorizzazione

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La selvicoltura in Sicilia: problemi e prospettive

In spite of their little surface, natural sicilian forests and reforestation are strongly heterogeneous due to environmental factors and anthropic activities. In Sicily forest surface was enriched by forestation activities that have been largely widespreaded in the last century. Also reforestations are mixed in terms of species in forest plantation. However, forestry use had not clear and continuous addresses because of lack of policy forestry in the time. For example, executive forest planning was deficient and very little plans have been drawn up. According to EU and national legislation, forest may be seen not only such as an environmental resource but also as an economic opportunity. Re…

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Analisi dei cambiamenti dell’uso del suolo nei siti Natura 2000 “Bosco S. Adriano” e “Vendicari”

Population and the economic activities increases, are the main and most important causes of the impoverishment of land and marine ecosystems of the planet. Within this context, the land use and vegetation cover data, and those on the transition between the different land use categories, are among the most required information necessary for the individuation of the sustainable management strategies of environmental and landscape resources. The same information is also necessary to control the efficacy of the environmental politics and the environmental integration instances of specific field politics (agriculture, industry, tourism, ect). In fact, one of the main themes is landscape transfor…

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The Almond "Museo Vivente F. Monastra":from genetic resources rescue to germplasm collection

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I paesaggi dell’arboricoltura da frutto tradizionale: complessità sistemica e multifunzionalità.

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Fertility index, flowering aspects and pomological traits on almond genotypes from differente areas

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Tenuta Reale "La Favorita"

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Agroforestry Systems of Mt Etna, Italy: Biodiversity Analysis at Landscape, Stand and Specific Level.

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Effect of cladode shading on growth and ripening of fruits of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indicaL. Miller)

SummaryFruiting cladodes of O. ficus-indica were covered with shade nets at different stages of the fruit development period to study the effect of the time and duration of shade on fruit growth, ripening time and harvest quality. Shading the fruiting cladodes 0, 15 and 30 d after full bloom (DAB) for a period of 15, 30, 45, 60 or 75 d significantly reduced fruit growth and ultimate harvest size. The longer the shading period the greater was the reduction of harvest fruit size. The greatest reduction of fruit growth (30%) occurred when the fruiting cladodes were shaded from bloom to harvest. Differences in growth rate beween fruits on shaded or sunlit cladodes begun to appear at 30 DAB and …

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Recovery and valorisation of an historical fruit orchard: the Kolymbetra in the Temple Valley of Agrigento.

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I sistemi frutticoli tradizionali nella valorizzazione del paesaggio

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I sistemi e i paesaggi dell'olivo in Italia

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Metodologie per una tutela e valorizzazione dei sistemi agroforestali delle aree protette in Sicilia

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I paesaggi agrari tradizionali. Un percorso per la conoscenza

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Agricoltura e paesaggio nella Sicilia arabo-normanna

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Olivi, limoni , vite e altro ancora.

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I Paesaggi Agrari Tradizionali: Introduzione.

Il volume propone un percorso di studio dei Paesaggi Agrari Tradizionali (PAT), seguendo alcune tracce interpretative dei processi di trasformazione che hanno modificato il paesaggio agrario italiano e il suo ruolo ambientale, culturale, economico e sociale. Tali temi sono trattati attraverso un approccio segnatamente interdisciplinare, inteso come presupposto indispensabile all’analisi, alla comprensione e all’interpretazione delle dinamiche evolutive dei contesti rurali. Gli autori del volume, nell’ambito del lavoro condotto dalle singole unità di ricerca, hanno contribuito in modo coordinato e complementare alla definizione del percorso teorico e metodologico, pur all’interno di riferime…

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Il Ficus di Villa Garibaldi

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Palermo’s landscape was characterized by centuries of wonder. The contemporary city has swallowed up a large part of it. It’s still surviving an exceptional scenery of the landscape of an area more than twenty times higher than that of the historical city. Today, a few surviving urban green areas also have a role in countering the increase of “heat island”, phenomenon that manifests itself with average temperatures of 3-5° C higher than those of the surrounding green areas, and that involves the growth of energy consumption for summer air conditioning of buildings. Green urban areas also play an important role with regard to hydrogeology and provide a vast reservoir of biodiversity. With th…

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Tuttifrutti. Viaggio tra gli alberi da frutto mediterranei tra scienza e letteratura.

Un libro che parla delle principali specie arboree da frutto del Mediterraneo considerandone la storia e i caratteri della sua natura, i suoi valori simbolici e percettivi. Venti specie (albicocco, arancio, carrubo, castagno, ciliegio, fico, ficodindia, limone, mandarino, mandorlo, melo, melograno, nespolo, noce, nocciolo, pero, pesco, pistacchio, susino ) considerate sotto i principali aspetti colturali e culturali con riferimento alla loro introduzione e diffusione e alle problematiche ambientali e culturali derivanti dalla loro diffusione.

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The Halaesa landscape (III B.C.): the origin of the traditional polycultural Mediterranean landscape

The entire Mediterranean basin is characterized by landscape patterns whose compositions result from countless, long and complex cultural and historical processes. This paper traces the historic and “agri-cultural” processes that have characterized these complex agricultural systems and landscapes in order to better define: • the concept of a traditional rural Mediterranean landscape (TML); • the concept and importance of the complex-forms of polycultural (coltura promiscua) systems and landscapes, by following the historic development of this landscape; • their most important structural characters, configuration and bio-diversity at the landscape level, because of its environmental complex…

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The Mediterranean area represents one of the most suitable and diversified environments for horticultural crops, being this propriety well expressed in the commonly accepted definition of “Mediterranean cultivated garden”. In Italy, fruit crops have been in the past introduced and expanded in different environments depending on the species and adaptability to the physiographic characteristics of the regions. The climate and the diversity of environmental contexts, the specificity of soils, the plasticity of the cultivated genotypes, have allowed a tight and typical relationship among land and farmers. Since the past centuries olive and fruit orchards, vineyards and Citrus plantations have r…

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Gli impatti degli impianti eolici sulla componente biotica e le misure di mitigazione

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The "prodigious" cypress of San Benedetto il Moro

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The importance of terracing in the traditional cultural landscapes: the case study of Sicily (Italy)

The landscapes formed by agricultural terraces are the natural result of the encounter between the characteristics of an environment and the creative force and genius of man, the slow evolution of this relationship between nature and culture, a collective project that balanced the need for producing with the resources available and the native character of the environment. These cultural processes produced a great variety of landscapes. However, they are not supported or confirmed by common inventories allowing to identify and classify the typical Main Traditional Landscape (MTL) within which very important is the role carried out by terraces and related man-made structures, both for natural…

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Paesaggio culturale dei sistemi tradizionali: l'olivo in Italia

We used a new sedimentary record to reconstruct the Holocene vegetation and fire history of Gorgo Basso, a coastal lake in south-western Sicily (Italy). Pollen and charcoal data suggest a fire-prone open grassland near the site until ca 10,000 cal yr BP (8050 cal BC), when Pistacia shrubland expanded and fire activity declined, probably in response to increased moisture availability. Evergreen Olea europaea woods expanded ca 8400 to decline abruptly at 8200 cal yr BP, when climatic conditions became drier at other sites in the Mediterranean region. Around 7000 cal yr BP evergreen broadleaved forests (Quercus ilex, Quercus suber and O. europaeo) expanded at the cost of open communities. The …

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Gli alberi nel paesaggio agrario: tipologie, prodotti e funzioni nell'evoluzione del paesaggio italiano

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Diversità paesaggistica e multifunzionalità dei sistemi agro-forestali dell’Etna

Il paesaggio dell’Etna è un complesso di paesaggi ricchi e diversissimi grazie alla estrema variazione di quote ed esposizioni che da sempre condizionano attività umane e crescita degli organismi; il cono vulcanico etneo rappresenta il principale rilievo e contemporaneamente la formazione geologica più giovane dell’Isola. Tra la fascia basale, maggiormente soggetta ad intesificazioni colturali e quella montana a carattere forestale domina la fascia pedemontana caratterizzata da un’importante valenza paesaggistica e biologica. Allo scopo di prevenire la degradazione o peggio ancora la perdita di questi particolari agroecosistemi è necessario colmare le lacune conoscitive sulla classificazion…

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Introduzione all’edizione italiana

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I paesaggi a terrazze in Sicilia: metodologie per l’analisi, la tutela e la valorizzazione

Con questo volume, il settimo della collana “Studi e Ricerche”, ARPA Sicilia, nel continuare a promuovere la ricerca delle Università Siciliane, ha inteso favorire e stimolare la conoscenza di realtà territoriali che hanno via via assunto una significativa valenza sia in ambito nazionale che in un contesto mediterraneo più ampio: il continuo abbandono dei terreni agricoli ed agro-forestali terrazzati, fenomeno che ha determinato nel tempo mutazioni sociali e territoriali tutt’altro che trascurabili, imprimendo sensibili variazioni ai caratteri dei relativi paesaggi tradizionali interessati. Le preoccupazioni relative alla loro scomparsa e degrado sono fondate su ragioni insieme ambientali, …

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Il ruolo delle aree protette siciliane nella conservazione del patrimonio delle specie legnose d’interesse forestale ed agrario

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Increasing Cold Tolerance of Cactus Pear Fruit by High-Temperature Conditioning and Film Wrapping

Pre-storage high-temperature conditioning (HTC, 38 °C, and 95% RH for 24 h) and individual film wrapping (IFW) with a perforated polyolefinic heat-shrinkable film were used as individual treatments or in combination to mitigate chilling injury of first crop cactus pear cv ‘Gialla’. The fruit was stored for 21 days at either 2 or 8 °C (CS) plus 1 week of simulated marketing conditions (SMC) at 20 °C. The reduction in peel disorders and decay in HTC-treated fruit stored at 2 °C was comparable to that detected in control fruit stored at 8 °C. IFW was more efficient than HTC in reducing peel disorders, almost completely inhibited weight loss, and preserved freshness in fruit st…

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Il paesaggio dell'Oreto: multifunzionalità e influenze dell'agricoltura tradizionale

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Research strategies for the improvement of cactuspear (Opuntia ficus-indica) fruit quality and production

Abstract Cactus pear ( Opuntia ficus-indica L.) is cultivated worldwide for fruit production either in the subsistence agriculture of dryland areas or as a cash crop. However, little horticultural research has been devoted to this species so far. Research needs related to reproductive biology as well as productivity and orchard management are outlined. A better knowledge of the environmental influence on reproductive biology and fruit quality, the control of fluctuations in plant cropping, as well as the reduction of seed number and size, are the major challenges for future research. Cactus pear will transcend the ethnical markets only if adequate marketing strategies can be promoted and fr…

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Il paesaggio degli agrumi in Sicilia

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Mapping traditional cultural landscapes in the Mediterranean area using a combined multidisciplinary approach: Method and application to Mount Etna (Sicily; Italy)

Traditional cultural landscapes (TCLs) are prominent in Mediterranean countries. The abundance of this landscape type, however, is not reflected by broad-scale inventories and mapping tools. The aim of this paper is to highlight the need for a multidisciplinary approach to landscape analysis, with special reference to the Mediterranean area. We propose an integrated method that combines deductive and inductive processes to define and map TCLs in a study area (Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy). We also develop a procedure to characterize the primary components of these landscapes as a reference to be used in cultural-landscape descriptions. For mapping purposes, three different scales of analysis w…

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Riscoprire il paesaggio agrario della Valle dei Templi tra miti, storia, letteratura e tradizione

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I cambiamenti d'uso del suolo nella Conca d'Oro dal “secolo degli agrumi” a oggi.

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Riconoscere e interpretare i paesaggi dei sistemi arborei tradizionali: i casi studio della maremma laziale e del monte Etna

Starting from the Sixteen’s of the past century it occurred in Italy, although with differences among the plane areas and the marginal hill or mountain ones, a deep transformation in the physiognomy of arboriculture following new architecture and new management criteria developed for an industrialized agriculture. Indeed, some traditional agricultural landscapes have maintained their functional and structural complexity. The present study refers to an interdisciplinary methodology developed for identifying and mapping the traditional landscapes through an approach based on multitemporal analysis of land use maps, visualization of land use persistences and evaluation of their representativen…

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The Halaesa landscape (III B.C.) as ancient example of the complex and bio-diverse traditional Mediterranean polycultural landscape.

Southern Europe and the whole Mediterranean area are distinguished by landscape types whose characters result from countless, long and complex cultural and historical processes that developed in an equally complex and varied environment. The Mediterranean rural landscape would keep these same distinctive characteristics until the crisis of the mixed-crops, and the phenomena of urbanization in the nineteen-sixties/ seventies. This paper identifies the characteristics of the Mediterranean polycultural and polyspecific (coltura promiscua) landscape, characterized by the presence of trees (both wild and cultivated), starting from a historical overview of the central Mediterranean. The analysed …

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A short analysis the role of vegetation in reducing the summer energy demand of buildings

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Sistemi agrari

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Il giardino di Pantelleria. Colture arboree e sapienza tecnica.

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How a traditional agricultural protection structure acts in conditioning the internal microclimate: a statistical analytical approach to Giardino Pantesco (Pantelleria Island - Italy)

This work aims to analyze the traditional agricultural technique of the Giardino Pantesco, typical of the isle of Pantelleria (Sicily, Italy). With this particular technique a single citrus tree is encircled by a drywall of volcanic rocks allowing it to grow even in the island's unfavorable meteorological conditions. This technique has been analyzed by placing one instrumental array inside the Giardino and one outside and by measuring different environmental variables. The aim of the work is therefore to understand what is the drywall's effect on the tree by analyzing the time series produced by the sensors, using cross-correlation techniques and reducing the series' autocorrelation, so tha…

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L'orto di Goethe nella Valle dei Templi - una riproposizione delle colture tradizionali della campagna di Girgenti

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Il giardino della Fawara

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An Inventory Approach to the Assessment of Main Traditional Landscapes in Sicily (Central Mediterranean Basin)

EU policy for the conservation of cultural landscapes is of particular importance for a region such as Sicily (Italy) which is the site of many Mediterranean traditional cultural landscapes as well as new landscapes created by contemporary agriculture. Such variety of landscape, however, is not supported or confirmed by specialised inventories that identify and classify the typical Main Traditional Landscape (MTL). On the basis of these considerations, the objective of the present paper is to draw up a preliminary inventory and present a brief characterisation of MTLs in Sicily, in line with the multidisciplinary experiences and approaches implemented at European and national levels. In def…

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Il paesaggio

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L'uso tradizionale della vegetazione nel regolare il microclima.

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Inventario dei paesaggi a terrazze in Sicilia

La tutela del paesaggio si pone sempre più all’attenzione della pianificazione territoriale. I pae-saggi agrari tradizionali siciliani, soprattutto quelli caratterizzati dalla presenza di terrazzamenti sono in particolare da molti anni soggetti a processi di degrado, abbandono e modificazioni. In assenza di precise informazioni relative all’incidenza ed alle caratteristiche delle aree terraz-zate e nella prospettiva di iniziative volte alla loro tutela e valorizzazione, nel 2006 con il supporto di Arpa Sicilia è stato eseguito l’inventario delle aree terrazzate in Sicilia. Dall’inventario cartografico è emersa una superficie regionale terrazzata complessiva di 69.604 ha (il 2,71 % dell’inte…

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Dalla parte del paesaggio. In “Speciale eolico”

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Edilizia sostenibile e greening urbano nella riduzione delle emissioni di gas climalteranti


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Classificare i paesaggi culturali tradizionali: criteri metodologici e applicazione

The Italian peninsula is characterized by a high presence of Traditional Landscapes. “Traditional” refers to those landscapes that have a long history, a slow change, in agreement with the environmental factors. However, this high landscape richness is not supported by widespread inventory tools. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary in landscape analysis. Differences come out comparing the few existing inventories at national and sub-national levels in Italy based on holistic criteria, due to the number and type of thematic layers used in the analysis. Moreover, more sectorial approaches exist in the agronomic anf forestry field, often analysing and detecting landscape agro-forestry un…

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Gli orientamenti strategici e le azioni previste per il Psn. Dossier “Paesaggio e Territorio”

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Il giardino della Zisa

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La tutela e la valorizzazione del paesaggio colturale dei sistemi tradizionali dell’olivo in Italia.

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Gli alberi e la nostra storia, tra miti e leggende

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Alle radici del Piano

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Ecophysiology and fruit production of cultivated cacti

Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill.) is cultivated in wide range of environments with the consequence of large differences in crop potential, orchard system and management. These differences may be related to temperature and rainfall range (water availability) but also to the day/night length and, of course, to soil characteristics. Cactus pear can be utilized in the subsistence and in the market oriented agricultural systems of semi-arid areas. It is able to supply fruit, forage, folder and vegetables in specialized plantations or in multipurpose ones. Fruits can be harvested from July to November in the Northern hemisphere-Mediterranean Basin, California and Mexico-and from January…

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Landscape structure, resilience and ecogeographic relations between agro-forestry and forestry landscapes of Sicily: quantitative approaches

Landscape ecology provides a wide spectrum of useful techniques for quantitative analysis of the land-mosaic patterns, on the basis of areal, linear and punctual parameters. According to the scale of analysis, data collection can be costly and time-consuming; this is especially true in areas with a very heterogeneous land-mosaic patterns and landscape-types for environmental variability and cultural reasons. Aims of this work are: 1) to assess the land-mosaic complexity of the traditional agricultural and agro-forestry landscapes (PAfT) of Sicily; 2) to highlight interfaces and structural gradients between main forest areas and closed PAfTs. These aims have the main purpose to pinpoint agri…

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I giardini dell’Islam

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The effect of different amounts of cladode removal on reflowering of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica(L.) Miller)

SummaryThe removal of the spring flush of flowers and cladodes at bloom promotes reflowering in cactus pear. Studies were conducted to investigate the influence of different amounts of spring flush cladode removal (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%) on cactus pear reflowering. A positive linear correlation between the severity of spring flush cladode removal and the degree of reflowering was found. Primary (spring flush) and secondary (second flush) cladodes showed the same fertility in the year after formation. Two year old cladodes showed a significantly lower fertility and have only a marginal effect on plant yield.

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La complessità del paesaggio agrario del “giardino mediterraneo” a partire dalla tavola di Alesa

The Mediterranean is characterized by landscapes as result from long and complex historical processes in a varied environment. An identification and clarification of the role of the “Mediterranean Garden” (MG) in the Traditional Mediterranean Landscape (TML) is necessary. The MG is often associated with numerous different agricultural landscapes, due to the long historical process that has led to their identification. This paper identifies the characteristics of the MG’s landscape, starting from a historical overview of Sicily. What emerges is the structural, compositional and functional character of these traditional landscapes and systems, which is complex, multipurpose and often with mix…

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I paesaggi agrari tradizionali dell’albero: il significato moderno di forme d’uso del suolo del passato

Italy represents one of the most suitable environment for fruit trees and vines and since the origin of their domestication and introduction in extremely varying environments, depending on the species adaptability and local culture, a complex mosaic of landscapes has been originated by Nature, farmers or gardeners. In the study of the landscape it must be considered that the relationship between fruit trees or vines and landscapes represents a precious aspect of the Italian culture and has been studied by History, represented in Art and Literature, analyzed by science like Architecture and Agronomy, but at first has been created by Agriculture. Owing to the evolution of the relationship lan…

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Il Genoard e la Cuba

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Studio della multifunzionalità dei sistemi viticoli: valenza ecologico-ambientale, storico-culturale e paesaggistica dei vigneti della Gallura.

La scelta fra mantenimento, estirpazione o ristrutturazione dei vigneti rappresenta sempre più frequentemente una difficile valutazione imprenditoriale. A fronte di tanti modelli viticoli rinnovati sotto il profilo del materiale vegetale, dell’impiantistica e della tecnica di gestione, molte superfici vitate, particolarmente in alcune aree territoriali, sono soggette a una graduale erosione, con indubbia perdita di diversità biologica e ambientale, mentre potrebbero di contro rappresentare modelli produttivi validi sotto il profilo economico, biologico, culturale e ambientale. Lo studio condotto in Sardegna ha voluto analizzare la variabilità dei modelli viticoli rappresentativi di alcune f…

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Inventario dei paesaggi a terrazze in Sicilia

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Le siepi e la biodiversità dei sistemi agrari e agroforestali.

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La Favara o Maredolce

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The Traditional Mediterranean Polycultural Landscape as Cultural Heritage: Its Origin and Historical Importance, Its Agro-Silvo-Pastoral Complexity and the Necessity for Its Identification and Inventory

Today, the Mediterranean is characterized by landscape patterns whose compositions result from countless, long and complex cultural and historical processes. However, the pressure on these landscapes and their rapid transformation into more modern forms call out for a better knowledge of the more complex forms of traditional land use and relative landscapes. In this context, an identification and clarification of the role of such mixed and complex forms of agro-forestry systems and landscapes, named “giardino Mediterraneo” (“Mediterranean garden”) is necessary. This term is often applied to and associated with numerous different agricultural and agro-forestry systems as well as to numerous …

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Tra utilità e bellezza:il giardino di agrumi della Kolymbetra nella Valle dei Templi

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Boschi nel paesaggio, paesaggio dei boschi. Risorse forestali nel paesaggio tradizionale.

La variabilità e la ricchezza di caratteri ambientali di un territorio rappresentano il substrato potenziale sul quale le diverse influenze culturali nel corso del tempo hanno modellato forme ed espressioni diverse di paesaggio. Affinché ci sia ricchezza e variabilità di paesaggi, un territorio sufficientemente ampio deve quindi mostrare variabilità in termini fisiografici, climatici, litologici, pedologici, vegetazionali, dell’uso del suolo agrario, storici, culturali.

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I paesaggi del catalogo: Sicilia.

La centralità mediterranea, la diversità dei caratteri ecologici territoriali, la grande biodiversità, l’incontro millenario con le più importanti civiltà agrarie e con il loro patrimonio di piante, animali, tecniche, costumi e rapporti sociali hanno determinato in Sicilia l’affermarsi di una pluralità di paesaggi agrari e agroforestali, spesso opposti per la contrapposizione degli elementi che li definiscono. Il contrasto tra le montagne, le colline interne, le aree costiere, tra l’agricoltura del latifondo e quella del giardino mediterraneo, tra il terreno nudo del maggese e quello coperto dagli alberi emerge evidente non solo negli aspetti ambientali e produttivi ma:anche nella percezion…

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La Conca d’oro: trasformazione di un paesaggio agrario e riflessi sulla sostenibilità.

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The Italian Almond Industry: New Perspectives and Ancient Tradition

The almond industry in Italy presents a high degree of structural variability that is determined by the jeopardized coexistence of old, traditional orchards and new plantations that differ each other not only in terms of age but also mainly in terms of orchard system. Apulia and Sicily still remain the most important production areas where the 90% of the almond orchards are concentrated. In this southern part of Italy, almond and its derivatives still remain really important. In the last two decades, the Italian almond industry did not show a regular trend, neither with respect to production nor to acreage. An innovative almond industry revealed its consistency year after year since 2000: s…

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The recovery of the buhayra of the Favara in the Conca d'oro of Palermo and the vegetation in the area of Zeus's temple in the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento

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