Richard Chbeir
RSS Merger
Guest Editorial
Ninth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2013, Kyoto, Japan, December 2-5, 2013
International audience
Toward Approximate GML Retrieval Based on Structural and Semantic Characteristics
International audience; GML is emerging as the new standard for representing geographic information in GISs on the Web, allowing the encoding of structurally and semantically rich geographic data in self describing XML-based geographic entities. In this study, we address the problem of approximate querying and ranked results for GML data and provide a method for GML query evaluation. Our method consists of two main contributions. First, we propose a tree model for representing GML queries and data collections. Then, we introduce a GML retrieval method based on the concept of tree edit distance as an efficient means for comparing semi-structured data. Our approach allows the evaluation of bo…
Foto2Events: From Photos to Event Discovery and Linking in Online Social Networks
International audience; — Online social networking has become the predominant activity in the digital world thanks to multimedia data (mainly photos) sharing (e.g., photos now represent 93% of the top posts on Facebook). Discovering events where users are involved using their own posts and those shared by their friends would be of great importance. In this paper, we address this issue by providing an original approach able to detect, enrich and also link user's events using photos shared within his online social networks. Using metadata, our approach provides a multi-dimensional gathering of similar photos using their temporal, geographical, and social facets. To validate our approach, we i…
Towards semantic-based RSS merging
Merging information can be of key importance in several XML-based applications. For instance, merging the RSS news from different sources and providers can be beneficial for end-users (journalists, economists, etc.) in various scenarios. In this work, we address this issue and mainly explore the relatedness relationships between RSS entities/ elements. To validate our approach, we also provide a set of experimental tests showing satisfactory results. © 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Towards an XML Adaptation/Alteration Control Framework
International audience
Adding Knowledge Extracted by Association Rules into Similarity Queries
International audience; In this paper, we propose new techniques to improve the quality of similarity queries over image databases performing association rule mining over textual descriptions and automatically extracted features of the image content. Based on the knowledge mined, each query posed is rewritten in order to better meet the user expectations. We propose an extension of SQL aimed at exploring mining processes over complex data, generating association rules that extract semantic information from the textual description superimposed to the extracted features, thereafter using them to rewrite the queries. As a result, the system obtains results closer to the user expectation than i…
Signal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing
Detecting Inference Channels in Private Multimedia Data via Social Networks
International audience; Indirect access to protected information has been one of the key challenges facing the international community for the last decade. Providing techniques to control direct access to sensitive information remain insufficient against inference channels established when legitimate data reveal classified facts hidden from unauthorized users. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature to meet indirect access prevention. However, those addressing the inference problem when involving multimedia objects (images, audio, video, etc.) remain few and hold several drawbacks. In essence, the complex structure of multimedia objects makes the fact of detecting indirect a…
Towards a Novel Approach to Multimedia Data Mixed Fragmentation
International audience; Distributed multimedia applications have emerged at an increasing rate during the last decade in several domains (video conferencing, e-health, virtual meeting rooms, etc). This has created several new challenging problems related to the data integration and fragmentation, user-oriented and adaptive interfaces, real time and network performances, etc. In this paper, we focus on the problem of data(base) fragmentation in a multimedia context. We recall in this respect that data fragmentation consists of reducing irrelevant data accesses by grouping data frequently accessed together in dedicated segments. We mainly address the issue of query and predicate implication r…
CSTST 2008: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology
Edition des actes de la conférence, publiés par l'ACM
Semantic-based Merging of RSS Items
Merging XML documents can be of key importance in several applications. For instance, merging the RSS news from same or different sources and providers can be beneficial for end-users in various scenarios. In this paper, we address this issue and explore the relatedness measure between RSS elements. We show here how to define and compute exclusive relations between any two elements and provide several predefined merging operators that can be extended and adapted to human needs. We also provide a set of experiments conducted to validate our approach. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.
Novel Indexing Method of Relations Between Salient Objects
Since the last decade, images have been integrated into several application domains such as GIS, medicine, etc. This integration necessitates new managing methods particularly in image retrieval. Queries should be formulated using different types of features such as low-level features of images (histograms, color distribution, etc.), spatial and temporal relations between salient objects, semantic features, etc. In this chapter, we propose a novel method for identifying and indexing several types of relations between salient objects. Spatial relations are used here to show how our method can provide high expressive power to relations in comparison to the traditional methods.
XA2C Framework for XML Alteration/Adaptation
XML has crossed the borders of software engineering and has spread to other areas such as e-commerce, identification, information storage, instant messaging and others. It is used to communicate crucial data over these domains. Thus, allowing non-expert programmers to manipulate and control their XML data is essential. In the literature, this issue has been dealt with from 3 perspectives: (i) XML alteration/adaptation techniques requiring a certain level of expertise to be implemented and are not unified yet, (ii) mashups, which are not formally defined yet and are not specific to XML data, and (iii) XML-oriented visual languages based on structural transformations and data extraction mainl…
User profile matching in social networks
International audience; Inter-social networks operations and functionalities are required in several scenarios (data integration, data enrichment, information retrieval, etc.). To achieve this, matching user profiles is required. Current methods are so restrictive and do not consider all the related problems. Particularly, they assume that two profiles describe the same physical person only if the values of their Inverse Functional Property or IFP (e.g. the email address, homepage, etc.) are the same. However, the observed trend in social networks is not fully compatible with this assumption since users tend to create more than one social network account (for personal use, for work, etc.) w…
Integrating user preference to similarity queries over medical images datasets
International audience; Large amounts of images from medical exams are being stored in databases, so developing retrieval techniques is an important research problem. Retrieval based on the image visual content is usually better than using textual descriptions, as they seldom gives every nuances that the user may be interested in. Content-based image retrieval employs the similarity among images for retrieval. However, similarity is evaluated using numeric methods, and they often orders the images by similarity in a way rather distinct from the user's intention. In this paper, we propose a technique to allow expressing the user's preference over attributes associated to the images, so simil…
Privacy preserving via tree augmented naïve Bayesian classifier in multimedia database
International audience; In this paper, we propose a novel technique for privacy preserving in multimedia databases. Our technique is based on a multimedia co-occurrence matrix and a tree augmented naive Bayesian classifier (TAN) to detect possible data associations making confidential multimedia objects at risk.
Automatic Temporal Formatting of Multimedia Presentations Using Dynamic Petri Nets.
An efficient authoring tool would provide support for automatic temporal formatting and modeling of multimedia presentations. Automatic temporal formatting is a process of converting the given presentation specifications into a required temporal format. This paper presents an algorithm that can convert a temporal layout into a dynamic petri net (DPN )w hich can represent iterative and interactive presentation components effectively. The prototype of the authoring tool extracts the temporal layout from any given SMIL file representation and uses the proposed algorithm to automatically convert it into a DPN. The DPN generated automatically at compile-time helps the run-time components in effe…
CLEARMiner: a new algorithm for mining association patterns on heterogeneous time series from climate data
International audience; Recently, improvements in sensor technology contributed to increasing in spatial data acquisition. The use of remote sensing in many countries and states, where agricultural business is a large part of their gross income, can provide a valuable source to improve their economy. The combination of climate and remote sensing data can reveal useful information, which can help researchers to monitor and estimate the production of agricultural crops. Data mining techniques are the main tools to analyze and extract relationships and patterns. In this context, this paper presents a new algorithm for mining association patterns in Geo-referenced databases of climate and satel…
Building Semantic Trees from XML Documents
International audience; The distributed nature of the Web, as a decentralized system exchanging information between heterogeneous sources, has underlined the need to manage interoperability, i.e., the ability to automatically interpret information in Web documents exchanged between different sources, necessary for efficient information management and search applications. In this context, XML was introduced as a data representation standard that simplifies the tasks of interoperation and integration among heterogeneous data sources, allowing to represent data in (semi-) structured documents consisting of hierarchically nested elements and atomic attributes. However, while XML was shown most …
Relating RSS News/Items
Merging related RSS news (coming from one or different sources) is beneficial for end-users with different backgrounds (journalists, economists, etc.), particularly those accessing similar information. In this paper, we provide a practical approach to both: measure the relatedness, and identify relationships between RSS elements. Our approach is based on the concepts of semantic neighborhood and vector space model, and considers the content and structure of RSS news items. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
RSS Merger
Extensible User-Based XML Grammar Matching
International audience; XML grammar matching has found considerable interest recently due to the growing number of heterogeneous XML documents on the web and the increasing need to integrate, and consequently search and retrieve XML data originated from different data sources. In this paper, we provide an approach for automatic XML grammar matching and comparison aiming to minimize the amount of user effort required to perform the match task. We propose an open framework based on the concept of tree edit distance, integrating different matching criterions so as to capture XML grammar element semantic and syntactic similarities, cardinality and alternativeness constraints, as well as data-ty…
XCDL: an XML-oriented visual composition definition language
International audience; XML data flow has reached beyond the world of computer science and has spread to other areas such as data communication, e-commerce and instant messaging. Therefore, manipulating this data by non expert programmers is becoming imperative. On one hand, Mashups have emerged a few years ago, providing users with visual tools for web data manipulation but not necessarily XML specific. Mashups have been leaning towards functional composition but no formal languages have yet been defined. On the other hand, visual languages for XML have been emerging since the standardization of XML, and mostly relying on querying XML data for extraction or structure transformations. These…
SITIS 2012 Foreword
Management and interaction with multimodal information content
[Chbeir, Richard] Univ Bourgogne, CNRS, LE2I, Dept Comp Sci, F-21000 Dijon, France. [Coninx, Karin] Univ Hasselt, Expertise Ctr Digital Media EDM, BE-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium. [Ferri, Fernando; Grifoni, Patrizia] CNR, Inst Res Populat & Social Policies, Rome, Italy.
THE IMAGE PROTECTOR A Flexible Security Rule Specification Toolkit
International audience; The tremendous sharing of multimedia objects on the web shed the light on several privacy concerns related in essence to the safe publishing of end users' personal data. Providing techniques to protect multimedia objects faces several difficulties due to multimedia objects' heterogeneous and complex structure on one hand, and on the other hand, the wide range of information that could be used to describe their content. In this paper, we present a flexible security rule specification toolkit for multimedia objects. Our toolkit is based on a security model and a core ontology in which we populate the model's related information and multimedia objects data. To specify s…
Eighth International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, SITIS 2012, Sorrento, Naples, Italy, November 25-29, 2012
International audience
Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies
The future of the World Wide Web depended on its ability to understand and automatically process content to enable computers and people to work in cooperation. New advanced techniques and intelligent approaches are required more than ever to transform the Web into a universal reasoning and semantic-driven computing machine. The Web intelligence discipline attempts to deal with this challenge by exploits information technologies and artificial intelligence approaches to design next generation of web-empowered systems and services. The Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies" book provides valuable references and cuttingedge technologies for: undergraduate and postgraduate s…
Enforcing role based access control model with multimedia signatures.
International audience; Recently ubiquitous technology has invaded almost every aspect of the modern life. Several application domains, have integrated ubiquitous technology to make the management of resources a dynamic task. However, the need for adequate and enforced authentication and access control models to provide safe access to sensitive information remains a critical matter to address in such environments. Many security models were proposed in the literature thus few were able to provide adaptive access decisions based on the environmental changes. In this paper, we propose an approach based on our previous work [B.A. Bouna, R. Chbeir, S. Marrara, A multimedia access control languag…
Algebraic Properties to Optimize kNN Queries
International audience; New applications that are being required to employ Database Management Systems (DBMSs), such as storing and retrieving complex data (images, sound, temporal series, genetic data, etc.) and analytical data processing (data mining, social networks analysis, etc.), increasingly impose the need for new ways of expressing predicates. Among the new most studied predicates are the similarity-based ones, where the two commonest are the similarity range and the k-nearest neighbor predicates. The k-nearest neighbor predicate is surely the most interesting for several applications, including Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) and Data Mining (DM) tasks, yet it is also the mos…
Guest Editors' Introduction: Multimedia Metadata and Semantic Management
This special issue assesses the current status and technologies and describes major challenges and proper solutions for effective multimedia production and management related to evolving Semantic Web strategies. The included articles, which cover different facets of the semantic management of multimedia and multimedia metadata from retrieval and processing to consumption and presentation, represent a step forward in research targeted at improving aspects of the semantic metadata life cycle.
MEDES '11: International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 21-24, 2011
International audience
12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2016, Naples, Italy, November 28 - December 1, 2016
International audience
Bridging Sensing and Decision Making in Ambient Intelligence Environments
Context-aware and Ambient Intelligence environments represent one of the emerging issues in the last decade. In such intelligent environments, information is gathered to provide, on one hand, autonomic and easy to manage applications, and, on the other, secured access controlled environments. Several approaches have been defined in the literature to describe context-aware application with techniques to capture and represent information related to a specified domain. However and to the best of our knowledge, none has questioned the reliability of the techniques used to extract meaningful knowledge needed for decision making especially if the information captured is of multimedia types (image…
An overview on XML similarity: Background, current trends and future directions
In recent years, XML has been established as a major means for information management, and has been broadly utilized for complex data representation (e.g. multimedia objects). Owing to an unparalleled increasing use of the XML standard, developing efficient techniques for comparing XML-based documents becomes essential in the database and information retrieval communities. In this paper, we provide an overview of XML similarity/comparison by presenting existing research related to XML similarity. We also detail the possible applications of XML comparison processes in various fields, ranging over data warehousing, data integration, classification/clustering and XML querying, and discuss some…
Identifying Algebraic Properties to Support Optimization of Unary Similarity Queries
International audience; Abstract. Conventional operators for data retrieval are either based on exact matching or on total order relationship among elements. Neither ofthem is appropriate to manage complex data, such as multimedia data, time series and genetic sequences. In fact, the most meaningful way tocompare complex data is by similarity. However, the Relational Algebra, employed in the Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS),cannot express similarity criteria. In order to address this issue, we provide here an extension of the Relational Algebra, aimed at representingsimilarity queries in algebraic expressions. This paper identies fundamental properties to allow the integration…
Tenth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2014, Marrakech, Morocco, November 23-27, 2014
International audience
14th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2018
International audience; The SITIS conference is dedicated to research on the technologies used to represent, share and process information in various forms, ranging from signal, image, and multimedia data to traditional structured data and semi-structured data found in the web.SITIS spans two inter-related research domains that increasingly play a key role in connecting systems across network centric environments to allow distributed computing and information sharing. SITIS 2018 aims to provide a forum for high quality presentations on research activities centered on the following main tracks.The track titled "Signal Image & Vision Technologies" (SIVT) focuses on recent developments in digi…
Editorial Preface
Special issue on context-aware and mobile multimedia databases and services
International audience
A novel XML document structure comparison framework based-on sub-tree commonalities and label semantics
International audience; XML similarity evaluation has become a central issue in the database and information communities, its applications ranging over document clustering, version control, data integration and ranked retrieval. Various algorithms for comparing hierarchically structured data, XML documents in particular, have been proposed in the literature. Most of them make use of techniques for finding the edit distance between tree structures, XML documents being commonly modeled as Ordered Labeled Trees. Yet, a thorough investigation of current approaches led us to identify several similarity aspects, i.e., sub-tree related structural and semantic similarities, which are not sufficient…
XML document-grammar comparison: related problems and applications
10.2478/s13537-011-0005-1; International audience; XML document comparison is becoming an ever more popular research issue due to the increasingly abundant use of XML. Likewise, a growing interest fosters the development of XML grammar matching and comparison, due to the proliferation of heterogeneous XML data sources, particularly on the Web. Nonetheless, the process of comparing XML documents with XML grammars, i.e., XML document and grammar similarity evaluation, has not yet received the attention it deserves. In this paper, we provide an overview on existing research related to XML document/grammar comparison, presenting the background and discussing the various techniques related to th…
Semantic to intelligent web era
International audience; The Web has known a very fast evolution: going from the Web 1.0, known as Web of Documents where users are merely consumers of static information, to the more dynamic Web 2.0, known as social or collaborative Web where users produce and consume information simultaneously, and entering the more sophisticated Web 3.0, known as the Semantic Web by giving information a well-defined meaning so that it becomes more easily accessible by human users and automated processes. Fostering service intelligence and atomicity (the ability of autonomous services to interact automatically), remains one of the most upcoming challenges of the Semantic Web. This promotes the dawn of a ne…
Semantic aware RSS query algebra
International audience; Existing XML query algebras are not fully appropriate to retrieve RSS news items mainly due to three reasons: 1) RSS is text rich and its content is dependent on the wording and verbification of the author, thus semantic aware operators are needed; 2) news items are dynamic and consequently time oriented retrieval is needed; 3) a news item may evolve through time, or overlap with other news items and hence identifying relationships between items is also needed. In this paper, we aim to solve these issues by providing a dedicated RSS algebra based on semantic-aware operators that consider RSS characteristics. The provided operators are application domain specific and …