Vincent Boggio
Food intake evolution between 2 and 3 years : results from a longitudinal study
National audience
Le développement de la gustation chez l'enfant
National audience
A quelles saveurs les nourrissons sont-ils exposés dans la première année de vie ?
International audience; Résumé Les consommations alimentaires des jeunes enfants sont influencées par leurs préférences alimentaires, lesquelles sont en partie déterminées par l'attirance pour les différentes saveurs (sucrée, salée, acide, amère et umami). Les expériences alimentaires précoces pourraient moduler cette attraction. Or aucun travail n'avait jusqu'à présent décrit les saveurs de l'alimentation des nourrissons au cours de la première année. Tel est l'objectif de cette étude. Les caractéristiques de l'alimentation de 76 nourrissons ont été consignées par leurs parents pendant une semaine par mois au cours de la première année. Ce suivi a conduit à recenser 2902 aliments a priori …
Haro sur l'apéro, ou quels sont les pièges pour manger trop ?
A prospective study of food variety seeking in childhood
International audience
Comparison of repeated exposure, flavour-flavour learning, and flavour-nutrient learning to increase artichoke intake in weaning infants
Expert panel; International audience
Effects of electromyostimulation and strength training on muscle soreness, muscle damage and sympathetic activation.
Electromyostimulation (EMS) is known to develop muscular strength and hypertrophy. The aim of this study was to compare EMS exercise-induced damage with concentric (CONC) exercise-induced damage. Twelve male athletes were randomly assigned to concentric exercise (five sets of 6 voluntary contractions) or to EMS (30 contractions of 6 s duration, 20 s rest between contractions) on day 0 (D0). The load was 80% of the maximal isometric force. Criterion measures of plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, and subjective ratings of muscle soreness and urinary catecholamines, were assessed 1 day before and for 3 days after exercise. Among the members of the EM…
Effet d’une éducation sensorielle sur les préférences et les comportements alimentaires d’enfants âgés de 8 à 10 ans
National audience
A prospective study of food variety seeking in childhood, adolescence and early adult life
Publication Inra prise en compte dans l'analyse bibliométrique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur les Fruits, les Légumes et la Pomme de terre. Période 2000-2012. http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/256699; International audience; This prospective study of food variety seeking among children was conducted between 1982 and 1999, with a follow-up in 2001–2002. Two- to three-year-old children were given a free choice of lunch foods in a nursery canteen. Their food choices were recorded and used to calculate early variety seeking scores, globally and by food group (vegetables, animal products, dairy products, starchy foods and combined dishes). The same subjects (n=339) were contacted in 2…
Le rassasiement sensoriel spécifique
National audience
A prospective study of food preferences in childhood
Abstract This study has evaluated the impact of food choices at 2–3 years old on food preferences later in life, by following up the same subjects. Early preferences were estimated through recordings of food choices conducted in a nursery canteen in children aged 2–3, from 1982 to 1999. The children were free to choose the composition of their lunch from among a varied offering of eight dishes. The same subjects ( n =341) were contacted in 2001–2002 and so their ages varied from 17–22 ( n =91), 13–16 ( n =68), 8–12 ( n =99) to 4–7 ( n =83). Their present preference for the 80 foods most frequently presented at the nursery canteen was assessed through a questionnaire. Five food categories we…
Les perceptions gustatives chez l'enfant
As soon as the end of gestation, the gustatory system is stimulated by the taste-active compounds carried by the amniotic fluid and its maturation continues until mid-childhood. Facial expressions and relative ingestion methods show that the newborn can discriminate the various taste qualities (bitter, salty, sour, sweet and umami). The range of individual responses is wide. Neonatal reactions to sweet and umami are generally considered to express pleasure. The bitter and sour stimulations lead to hedonically negative reactions. The response to salt taste is less characteristic. Overall, the attraction towards sweet and the rejection of bitter and sour tastes become more pronounced during c…
Modèle linéaire mixte et analyse longitudinale des choix alimentaires
National audience
Evolution of food liking between 2/3 and 19 years old : patterns for cheeses are stable
International audience
La langue du goût
http://www.medecine-et-enfance.net/; National audience
Comprendre la formation précoce des préférences alimentaires : l'étude OPALINE.
www.opaline-dijon.fr/ ; Equipe de recherche OPALINE : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (R. Bouhalassa, C. Chabanet, S. Crevoisier, F. Durey, V. Feyen, S. Issanchou, S. Jacob, C. Lange, C. Laval, S. Monnery Patris, S. Nicklaus, C. Pédron, J. Piérard, P. Schlich, B. Schaal, C. Schwartz, E. Szleper, M. Visali) + Faculté de Médecine de Dijon - Université de Bourgogne (V. Boggio) + Université de Paris X (N. Rigal) + Centre d'études de Physiologie Appliquée (L. Marlier) + Unité de sociologie rurale (C. Wisner-Bourgeois) + Unité de Neurobiologie de l'olfaction et de le prise alimentaire (M. Taouis, D. Gripois)
A prospective study of food liking in childhood
International audience
Parental practices perceived by children using a French version of the Kids’ Child Feeding Questionnaire
WOS:000293677900024; International audience; About 18% of 6-11-year-old French children are overweight, of whom 3.3% are obese. Parental feeding practices, especially restriction and pressure-to-eat, seem to promote overeating in children. Since no tool was available for the perception of parental feeding practices of French children, our aim was to validate a French version of the Kids'Child Feeding Questionnaire (KCFQ, Carper, Orlet Fischer, & Birch, 2000), and to determine the relationship between KCFQ's dimensions and children's standardised body mass index (BMI z-scores). The questionnaire was completed by 240 normal-weighted or overweight children between the age of 9 and 11. The vali…
Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in early childhood: impact of parental feeding practices.
Résumé présenté lors du 20e congrès international de nutrition à Grenade (Espagne) du 15 au 20 septembre 2013; absent
Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in preschool children: evolution over 1 year and impact of an intervention focusing on internal cues
Invited communication in final symposiumInvited communication in final symposium; absent
La formation des préférences alimentaires
Chapitre 21; National audience
Taste of Fat and Obesity: Different Hypotheses and Our Point of View
Obesity results from a temporary or prolonged positive energy balance due to an alteration in the homeostatic feedback of energy balance. Food, with its discriminative and hedonic qualities, is a key element of reward-based energy intake. An alteration in the brain reward system for highly palatable energy-rich foods, comprised of fat and carbohydrates, could be one of the main factors involved in the development of obesity by increasing the attractiveness and consumption of fat-rich foods. This would induce, in turn, a decrease in the taste of fat. A better understanding of the altered reward system in obesity may open the door to a new era for the diagnosis, management and treatment of th…
Favoriser l'acceptation de légumes chez l'enfant. Comparaison des stratégies d'exposition répétée, d'association flaveur-flaveur et d'association flaveur-nutriment
La consommation de légumes étant inférieure aux recommandations nutritionnelles, et particulièrement chez les enfants, mieux comprendre les facteurs qui favorisent leur acceptation est essentiel. Différentes stratégies visant à favoriser l’acceptation d’aliments sont décrites. Il s’agit de l’exposition répétée (RE), de l’association flaveur-flaveur (AFF) et de l’association flaveur-nutriment (AFN). La présente étude a pour objectifs de comparer l’efficacité de ces trois stratégies, de mesurer la stabilité de leurs effets, et d’expliquer par l’histoire alimentaire de chacun les différences individuelles d’acceptation de légumes. Une purée d’artichaut (légume cible, généralement peu apprécié)…
Les recherches sur le goût aux frontières de la recherche biomédicale
Présentation orale (29 p.) à l'attention des pouvoirs publics; Les recherches sur le "goût" telle que menées au Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation font appel à des sujets humains pour mener les expérimentations. Pour autant, peut-on dire que ce sont des recherches "pratiquées sur l'être humain en vue du développement des connaissances biologiques ou médicales" (Article L1121-1 du Code de Santé Publique) ? Et doit- on dans ce cas déposer les protocoles auprès des comités de protection de personnes et de l'autorité compétente ? La réponse à cette question dépend à la fois de l'objectif de la recherche, de la place du sujet, des notions de de "procédure supplémentaire" et de risq…
Les peu mangeurs et les beaucoup mangeurs.
Impact of adiposity, age, sex and maternal feeding practices on eating in the absence of hunger and caloric compensation in preschool children
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Between the ages of 3 and 5 years, children may become less responsive to internal cues of satiation and more responsive to external cues, which may induce overeating and lead to weight gain. This study aimed to compare eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) and caloric compensation in 3- to 6-year-old children, and to relate the measurements with children's adiposity, age, sex and maternal feeding practices. METHODS: According to a within-subject three sequential condition design, food intake in children (n=236) was measured at lunch during three sessions, once a week. The same meal (565 kcal) was offered at each session. The first session (control) was only composed …
Food choice of very young children : the role of energy density and sensory properties of foods
International audience
Consommation alimentaire des nourrissons et des enfants en bas âge en France en 1997
Resume En 1981 et 1989, deux enquetes nationales decrivaient l'evolution de la consommation alimentaire des nourrissons francais. En 1997, une troisieme enquete a ete realisee par les memes equipes suivant la meme methode. Population et methodes L'echantillon, representatif, est constitue de 660 enfants de 1 a 30 mois. La quantite de chaque aliment ingere par chaque enfant a ete relevee pendant 3 jours. On a calcule la valeur energetique de la ration, l'apport en protides, lipides, glucides, mineraux, vitamines et acide linoleique, la repartition des apports entre les repas de la journee et le pourcentage de l'energie provenant des differents aliments. Resultats De 1989 a 1997, la part des …
Comparison of repeated exposure, flavor-flavor learning, and flavor-nutrient learning to increase artichoke intake in weaning infants
International audience
Food intake regulation in children: relation to age
National audience
Les enfants s'arrêtent-ils de manger lorsqu'ils n'ont plus faim ? Lien entre la régulation de la prise alimentaire, l'âge, le genre et la corpulence
Food choices at lunch during the third year of life: high selection of animal and starchy foods but avoidance of vegetables
Aim: The objective was to show patterns of food selection by 2- to 3-y-old children for a wide variety of foods in a self-service cafeteria and to assess the effect of individual variables (gender, BMI, mode of feeding after birth and rank in sibship). Methods: In a nursery self-service canteen, food choices at lunch made by children (n=418, 24–36 mo; 109 observations per child on average) were recorded by trained assistants who monitored portion size. An offer of eight dishes (animal products, starchy foods, combination dishes, vegetables and dairy products), excluding dessert-type foods, was proposed. Choice level was calculated for each food. Analysis of variance was used to compare choi…
Food choices at lunch during the third year of life: Increase in energy intake but decrease in variety
Aim: Modelling the evolution between the ages of 2 and 3 y of the energy intake and the variety of free food choices at lunch time in relation to children's and context variables. Methods: One-year follow-up from 2 to 3 y old. In a nursery canteen, food choices at lunch were recorded by trained assistants who monitored portion size. Energy intake and food variety were estimated. Three hundred and ninety-five children were studied, for 112 meals and over 10 mo on average. Mixed models of analysis of variance were used to take into account the longitudinal character of the data. Results: From 2 to 3 y, energy intake increased. Variety decreased during the first 7 mo and then remained constant…