Marcello Cadelo

Arteriosclerosi ed artrite reumatoide: ruolo della terapia biologica

research product

Disfunzione diastolica in pazienti affetti da artrite reumatoide:ruolo della terapia con anti-TNF

research product

Artropatia sclerodermica ed artrite reumatoide: non evidenza di overlap

research product

Efficacia e sicurezza del trattamento con inibitori del TNF in pazienti affetti da spondilite anchilosante: uno studio osservazionale a 2 anni.

research product

Aterosclerosi e artrite reumatoide: ruolo della twerapia biologica

research product

Associazione tra spondiloartrite e gammopatia monoclonale: tre casi clinici

research product

The Bronchodilatory effect of deep inspiration (DI) in subjects with pulmonary fibrosis

research product

Ruolo della terapia con aspirina e con immunoglobuline endovena nella poliabortività associata a sindrome da anticorpi anti-fosfolipidi

research product

Implementation of A Year-Long Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in A 227-Bed Community Hospital in Southern Italy

Background: Healthcare-Acquired Infections (HAIs) are serious healthcare complications affecting hospital stay, in-hospital mortality, and costs. Root cause analysis has identified the inappropriate use of antibiotics as the main causative factor in the expansion of multi-drug-resistant organisms (MDRO) in our hospital. An Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) program was implemented to optimize antibiotic use, limit the development of resistance, improve therapeutic efficacy and clinical outcomes, and reduce costs. Methods: The stewardship strategies were: antimicrobial oversight on “critical” antibiotics; the development of hospital guidelines on antibiotic selection with the production of a co…

research product

Athersoclerosis in females patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a two years follow-up

research product

Malattia di KiKuchi-Fujimoto e lupus eritematoso sistemico: quale connessione ?.

research product

Iniezione locale di infliximab nel trattamento della dattilite

research product

Atherosclerosis in females patients with rheumatoid arthritis; a two years follow-up.

research product

Artropatia sclerodermica ed artrite reumatoide non evidenza di overlap

research product

Terapia delle uveiti

research product

Valutazione mediante hrct delle specifiche alterazioni polmonari nelle diverse forme cliniche di sclerosi sistemica

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research product

Efficacia e sicurezza di infliximab nelle spondiloartriti indifferenziate: follow-up a 2 anni

research product

Atherosclerosis in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a two years of follow up

research product

Disfunzione diastolica in pazienti affetti da artrite reumatoide: ruolo della terapia con anti-TNFα

research product

Vasculiti dei piccoli vasi.


research product

pentoxifylline inhibits vgamma9/vdelta2 t lymphocyte activation of patients with active behçet's disease

The aim ofthis study is to evaluate the in vitro effect ofpentoxifylline (PTX) on T Vy9No21ymphocyte function in Beheet's disease (DO). We investigated the effect of PTX on Vy9No2 T cell expansion and expression of TNFRII receptor and perforin content before and after PTX addition by means of FACS analysis lymphocyte cultures from patients with active and inactive DO and healthy subjects. The addition of PTX at a concentration of 1 mg/ml determined a significant inhibition of cell expansion, a down regulation of TNF receptor expression and inhibited the PMA-induced degranulation of perforin. Taken together these data indicate that PTX is capable of interfering with Vy9No2 T cell function in…

research product

Impatto del trattamento precoce con infliximab + methotrexate ed alte dosi di prednisone (PDN) vs infliximab (IFX) + methotrexate (MTX) e basse dosi di steroide nella very early rheumatoid arthritis (VERA): contributo casistico

research product

Rapida induzione di remissione di un caso di malattia di Vogt Koyanagi Harada recidivante dopo terapia con Infliximab

research product

The level of solubile granzyme A is elevated in the plasma and in the Vγ9/Vδ2 T cell culture supernatants of patients with active Behçet's disease.

research product

Atherosclerosis in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis; a two years follow-up

research product

Impatto del trattamento precoce con infliximab + methotrexate (MTX) ed alte dosi di prednisone (PDN) vs infliximab (IFX)+methotrexate (MTX) e basse dosi di steroide nella very early rheumatoid arthritis (VERA): contributo casistico

research product