Laurent Pichon

The impact of tumor nitric oxide production on VEGFA expression and tumor growth in a zebrafish rat glioma xenograft model.

International audience; To investigate the effect of nitric oxide on tumor development, we established a rat tumor xenograft model in zebrafish embryos. The injected tumor cells formed masses in which nitric oxide production could be detected by the use of the cell-permeant DAF-FM-DA (diaminofluorophore 4-amino-5-methylamino-2'-7'-difluorofluorescein diacetate) and DAR-4M-AM (diaminorhodamine-4M). This method revealed that nitric oxide production could be co-localized with the tumor xenograft in 46% of the embryos. In 85% of these embryos, tumors were vascularized and blood vessels were observed on day 4 post injection. Furthermore, we demonstrated by qRT-PCR that the transplanted glioma ce…

research product

Inhibition of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 expression induces CHOP-dependent cell death in human cancer cells.

Background Cancer cells present a sustained de novo fatty acid synthesis with an increase of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) production. This change in fatty acid metabolism is associated with overexpression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (Scd1), which catalyses the transformation of saturated fatty acids into monounsaturated fatty acids (e.g., oleic acid). Several reports demonstrated that inhibition of Scd1 led to the blocking of proliferation and induction of apoptosis in cancer cells. Nevertheless, mechanisms of cell death activation remain to be better understood. Principal Findings In this study, we demonstrated that Scd1 extinction by siRNA triggered abolition of de nov…

research product

Trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid induced cell death in human colon cancer cells through reactive oxygen species-mediated ER stress

Dietary conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are fatty acid isomers with anticancer activities produced naturally in ruminants or from vegetable oil processing. The anticancer effects of CLA differ upon the cancer origin and the CLA isomers. In this study, we carried out to precise the effects of CLA isomers, c9,t11 and t10,c12 CLA, on mechanisms of cell death induction in colon cancer cells. We first showed that only t10,c12 CLA treatment (25 and 50μM) for 72h triggered apoptosis in colon cancer cells without affecting viability of normal-derived colon epithelial cells. Exposure of colon cancer cells to t10,c12 CLA activated ER stress characterized by induction of eIF2α phoshorylation, splicing…

research product

Un nouveau dispositif d'accueil et d'accompagnement des étudiants entrants à l'université : les enseignants-référents

Cet article est inclus dans la rubrique "récits d'expérience", où des formateurs peuvent présenter et analyser des formations dont ils ont été à l'initiative, ou simplement partie prenante, mais aussi adresser des questions au monde de la recherche, ce qui pourrait favoriser de futurs dossiers, numéros ou débats. Nous leur proposons un espace où pourrait se développer un "genre professionnel" de la formation, très peu visible pour l'instant, mais qui peut d'ores et déjà fortement s'appuyer sur les pratiques en vigueur. En ligne sur : http://ife.ens-lyon.fr/editions/revues/recherche-et-formation/pdf/un-nouveau-dispositif-daccueil-et-daccompagnement-des-etudiants-entrants-a-luniversite; Natio…

research product

Aider les étudiants par un module de mise à niveau des acquis disciplinaires : Un effet sur les performances aux examens des participants sélectionnés ?

Document de travail du CIPE; Partant d'un questionnement sur les effets d'un dispositif de remise à niveau disciplinaire sur la réussite aux examens des étudiants entrants à l'université dans le cadre du Plan Réussite en Licence à l'université de Bourgogne, cet article montre l'existence d'effets différents selon le bagage scolaire des étudiants et il souligne les impacts d'un tel programme sur la persévérance dans les études. Les résultats sur la participation réinterrogent sur les processus de sélection des étudiants choisis par l'équipe pédagogique pour suivre ce programme.

research product

Proposer des révisions intersessions aux étudiants de 1ère année : quelles relations avec la réussite aux examens ?

This paper assesses a revision programme proposed to unsuccessful students between the two examination sessions within the framework of the "Plan réussite en Licence" in first year at the University of Burgundy, both in terms of student participation and links with achievement. The low participation of students is not associated with particular student profiles. An analysis of the students' future shows that student participation in the revision programme led to a lower drop-out risk during the second examination session and greater success, but only as regards the examinations of the 2nd semester. It should also be noted that student participation also has positive effects in the mid-term …

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