Jean-marie Jouvard
Modelling nanoparticles formation in the plasma plume induced by nanosecond pulsed lasers
International audience; Nanoparticles formation in a laser-induced plasma plume in the ambient air has been investigated by using numerical simulations and physical models. For high irradiances, or for ultrashort laser pulses, nanoparticles are formed by condensation, as fine powders, in the expanding plasma for very high pairs of temperature and pressure. At lower irradiances, or nanosecond laser pulses, another thermodynamic paths are possible, which cross the liquid-gas transition curve while laser is still heating the target and the induced plasma. In this work, we explore the growth of nanoparticles in the plasma plume induced by nanosecond pulsed lasers as a function of the laser irra…
Tandem laser-gas metal arc welding joining of 20 mm thick super duplex stainless steel: An experimental and numerical study
The present work covers the topic of strains and stresses prediction in case of welded steel structures. Steel sheets of 20 mm thickness made in UR™2507Cu are welded using a laser and gas metal arc welding processes combination. The focused laser beam leads the arc in a Y-shape chamfer geometry. Both sources are 20 mm apart from each other in order to avoid any synergic effect with each other. In order to predict residual strain, a 3D unsteady numerical simulation has been developed in COMSOL finite element software. A volume heat source has been identified based on the temperature measurements made by 10 K-type thermocouples, implanted inside the workpiece. The 50 mm deep holes are drille…
The application of the random balance method in laser machining of metals
International audience; Features peculiar to laser technology offer some advantages over more traditional processes, but, like all processes, it has its limitations. This article studies the limitations of laser machining of metals, and quantifies, through an experimental design method, the influence of operating parameters on productivity and on the quality of the machined surface. Three study materials were used: an aluminium alloy, stainless steel and a titanium alloy. An initial reading of the results indicates that productivity depends mainly on the frequency of the laser pulse and that the aluminium alloy behaves differently from the other two. The quality of the machined surface, jud…
Determination of an empirical law of aluminium and magnesium alloys absorption coefficient during Nd :YAG laser interaction
International audience; Welding laser modelling requires knowledge about relative changes of many thermo-physical parameters involved in the interaction. The absorptivity of the material is one of the most important. In this study, experimental measurements of absorptivity with an integrating sphere on two alloys (aluminium and magnesium) were made. These results were compared with an analytical calculation that takes into account the trapping of the beam by multiple reflections inside the keyhole. Based on a statistical method, an empirical law is proposed connecting absorptivity with the peak power of the laser and the duration of interaction. During the interaction, two distinct phenomen…
The modeling of dissimilar welding of immiscible materials by using a phase field method
A multiphysical model of high power beam welding of immiscible materials is developed to explain the influence of operational parameters and materials properties on resulting morphology by simultaneous solving of heat transfer, fluid flow and mass transfer problems. The introduction of phase field description of the interface motion between two immiscible liquids allows obtaining the cartography of melted zone in function of two key-parameters: the position of heat source relatively to joint line and the welding speed. Due to the short thermal cycle limiting mass transfer, high power beam welding techniques may result in very inhomogeneous melted zones. In this study, the interest is paid t…
Traitement de surface métallique induit par faisceau laser Nd:YAG Q-switch de marquage : modélisation d'un impact laser
International audience; Nous nous intéressons à la modélisation des phénomènes physiques intervenant lors du traitement des matériaux par un faisceau laser Nd:YAG impulsionnel. Deux applications industrielles sont étudiées : le procédé de la texturation par laser et le procédé de coloration de surface par laser.
The simulation of morphology of dissimilar copper–steel electron beam welds using level set method
Abstract In present work, the simulation of morphology and velocity field in dissimilar electron beam welds formed between the metals with limited solubility is described by the example of copper–stainless steel couple. Finite element software COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5 has been employed due to its flexibility in solving of coupled multiphysical problems. The domination of horizontal flows allows reducing the model to two dimensions. Level set method has been used to determine the position of the interface between immiscible components basing on coupled heat transfer and fluid flow pseudo-stationary solution. The evolution of the shape, fluid flow and mixing pattern in function of operational …
Study of surface layers and ejected powder formed by oxidation of titanium substrates with a pulsed Nd:YAG laser beam.
Laser treatment of a titanium surface at certain conditions initiates the formation of titanium oxide layers as well as micro (nano) scale powder ejected from the surface of the substrate. The resultant morphology of the surface as well as the size and the structure of the particles are all strongly dependent on the treatment parameters (laser fluence, pulse frequency, overlap parameter, etc.). In this study, titanium substrates were treated with an industrial pulsed Nd:YAG laser in air, with varying parameters. Surface layers and ejected materials were compared using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The rutile phase of TiO(2) dominate…
29SiH4 and 30SiH4: Dipole moment parameters of the dyad from Stark effect observations with laser sidebands
Abstract The linear Stark effect within the ν 2 ν 4 dyad of 29SiH4 and 30SiH4 has been investigated by applying the infrared sideband technique at microwave modulation frequencies. Two vibration-induced dipole moment parameters have been measured for each isotopomer on natural abundance samples.
Influence of laser–target interaction regime on composition and properties of surface layers grown by laser treatment of Ti plates
Surface laser treatment of commercially pure titanium plates was performed in air using two different Nd : YAG sources delivering pulses of 5 and 35 ns. The laser fluence conditions were set to obtain with each source either yellow or blue surface layers. Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) was used to quantify the amount of light elements in the formed layers. Titanium oxinitrides, containing different amounts of oxygen and nitrogen, were mainly found, except in the case of long pulses and high laser fluence, which led to the growth of titanium dioxide. The structure of the layers was studied by x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, reflectance spectra showed the transition fr…
Dépôts par projection de poudre dans un faisceau laser Nd:YAG : cas des faibles puissances
Ce travail fait suite a celui de F. Lemoine [1]. Il concerne la modelisation des depots realises par projection d'une poudre metallique dans un faisceau laser Nd:YAG. Son originalite concerne notamment l'utilisation de faibles puissances laser (P < 800 W). Dans ce domaine, nous avons montre l'existence, en fonction de la puissance laser, de deux seuils associes a la masse des revetements realises. L'etude theorique est fondee sur le calcul de la fluence (J/cm- 2 ) fournie au substrat et l'utilisation d'un modele de transfert de chaleur a l'interieur de celui-ci. Les hypotheses emises et verifiees sont que: i) le premier seuil correspond a la puissance laser minimale a mettre en oeuvre afin …
The Numerical Challenges in Multiphysical Modeling of Laser Welding with ALE
International audience
Optimisation of TA6V alloy surface laser texturing using an experimental design approach
International audience; Active surfaces of plastic injection moulds are nowadays textured using classical techniques (chemical etching or EDM). Replacement of these technologies by a laser technology introduces a big flexibility: absence of mechanical contact with the tool, decrease of the effluent's volume and a big machining precision, even in the case of the complex forms as injection moulds for example. This paper reports the experimental study of the surface laser texturing of TA6V alloy. The influence of the operating factors on the laser texturing process has been studied using two experimental approaches: Taguchi methodology and response surface methodology (RSM). Empirical models h…
Growth of titanium oxynitride layers by short pulsed Nd:YAG laser treatment of Ti plates: Influence of the cumulated laser fluence.
International audience; Titanium oxynitride layerswere formed by surface laser treatment of Ti plates in air using a Nd:YAG laser source of short pulse duration about 5 ns. The cumulated laser fluence was varied in the 100–1200 J cm2 range and its influence on the composition and the structure of the formed layers was studied by different characterization techniques providing physico-chemical and structural information. It was shown that the laser treatment induces the insertion of light elements as O, N and C in the formed layer with the amount increasing with the laser fluence. The in-depth composition of the layers and the co-existence of different phases were also studied. The way in wh…
The Intensities of Methane in the 3–5 μm Region Revisited
The analysis of the linestrengths of the infrared spectrum of methane (12 and 13) in the 3-5 µm region has been revisited on the basis of new measurements from Fourier transform spectra recorded at Kitt Peak under various optical densities. A simultaneous fit of these new data with previously reported tunable difference-frequency laser data has been done. An effective transition moment model in tensorial form up to the third order of approximation within the Pentad scheme has been used. The standard deviations achieved are very close to the experimental precision: 3 and 1.5%, respectively, for the two sets of data for the (12)CH(4) molecule, representing a substantial improvement with respe…
Wavelength influence on nitrogen insertion into titanium by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation in air
Abstract We studied in this work the influence of the wavelength (532 vs. 1064 nm) on the insertion of nitrogen in titanium targets by surface laser treatments in air. The laser pulses were of 5 ns and the irradiance was lower than 25 × 10 12 W/m 2 . Results obtained using a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm were compared with those previously reported for laser treatments at 1064 nm. Nuclear reaction analysis and micro-Raman spectroscopy were used for determining the composition and the structure of the surface layers, respectively. Results showed the lower efficiency of irradiation at 532 nm for nitrogen insertion, which is possible only above threshold conditions depending on bot…
Laser plasma plume structure and dynamics in the ambient air: The early stage of expansion
Laser ablation plasma plume expanding into the ambient atmosphere may be an efficient way to produce nanoparticles. From that reason it would be interesting to study the properties of these laser induced plasmas formed under conditions that are known to be favorable for nanoparticles production. In general, plume behavior can be described as a two-stage process: a “violent” plume expansion due to the absorption of the laser beam energy (during the laser pulse) followed by a fast adiabatic expansion in the ambient gas (after the end of the laser pulse). Plasma plume may last a few microseconds and may have densities 10−6 times lower than the solid densities at temperatures close to the ambie…
Vapor plume and melted zone behavior during dissimilar laser welding of titanium to aluminum alloy
The present study deals with continuous Yb:YAG laser welding of pure titanium to aluminum alloy A5754 performed with different beam offsets to the joint line. Spectroscopic and morphological characterization of vapor plume exiting the keyhole was combined with post-mortem observation and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis of the welds. The laser beam centered on the joint line resulted in periodic transversal inclination of a vapor jet on the aluminum side associated with a local increase of melt width and an intense spatter formation. Such behavior can be attributed to the instability of the keyhole wall from the aluminum side. The beam offset on the titanium side led to …
In-situ small-angle x-ray scattering study of nanoparticles in the plasma plume induced by pulsed laser irradiation of metallic targets
Import JabRef; International audience; Small angle x-ray scattering was used to probe in-situ the formation of nanoparticles in the plasma plume generated by pulsed laser irradiation of a titanium metal surface under atmospheric conditions. The size and morphology of the nanoparticles were characterized as function of laser irradiance. Two families of nanoparticles were identified with sizes on the order of 10 and 70 nm, respectively. These results were confirmed by ex-situ transmission electron microscopy experiments.
Preliminary analysis of the pentad of 13CH4 from Raman and infrared spectra
Abstract Preliminary results on the simultaneous analysis of infrared and Raman data of 13 CH 4 in the 3-μm region ( ν 1 , ν 3 , 2 ν 2 , ν 2 + ν 4 , and 2 ν 4 ) are presented. The infrared spectrum of 13 CH 4 (90% enriched) has been recorded with the Fourier transform spectrometer at Kitt Peak National Observatory. Line positions have been measured with a relative accuracy of 0.0001 cm −1 (for well-isolated lines) using 0.0118-cm −1 resolution spectra. In order to compensate for the lack of infrared information about low J transitions of vibrational bands forbidden in infrared, two spectra of the ν 1 ( A 1 ) and 2 ν 2 ( A 1 ) Q branches have been recorded in Dijon by inverse Raman spectrosc…
Pulsed laser growth and characterization of thin films on titanium substrates
Abstract Colored layers were obtained by laser surface treatment of Ti substrates with a pulsed Nd:YAG Q-switched laser. The changes in the morphology, structure and chemical composition of the layers were studied by SEM, EDS, XPS, SIMS and Raman spectroscopy as a function of the laser fluence in the 4–60 J cm −2 . For laser fluences lower than 25 J cm −2 , the layers are colorless or yellow. Their surface is smooth, but they display cracks which increase when the fluence increases. The O/Ti ratio, determined by XPS analysis, varies from 0.7 (colorless layers) to 1.3 (yellow layer). Moreover, XPS spectra evidence non-negligible amounts of nitrogen and carbon in these layers. Raman spectra s…
Multiphysical modeling of dissimilar welding via interlayer
Abstract A multiphysical finite element modeling of dissimilar welding via interlayer material was proposed. A 2D model including heat transfer, fluid flow and level set problems allowed to simulate the morphology and the composition of melted zone in horizontal plane. The calculated thickness of melted interlayer was used as a main criterion for the choice of optimal welding conditions, when the chemical interaction between the joined materials must be avoided. A 1D diffusion model at the limit of melted zone allowed estimating the length and the composition of diffusion layer between one of the materials and the interlayer basing on previously calculated local temperature gradient. The si…