Vineet Nagrath
Software architectures for cloud robotics : the 5 view Hyperactive Transaction Meta-Model (HTM5)
Software development for cloud connected robotic systems is a complex software engineeringendeavour. These systems are often an amalgamation of one or more robotic platforms, standalonecomputers, mobile devices, server banks, virtual machines, cameras, network elements and ambientintelligence. An agent oriented approach represents robots and other auxiliary systems as agents inthe system.Software development for distributed and diverse systems like cloud robotic systems require specialsoftware modelling processes and tools. Model driven software development for such complexsystems will increase flexibility, reusability, cost effectiveness and overall quality of the end product.The proposed …
An Auto-Operated Telepresence System for the Nao Humanoid Robot
International audience; This paper presents the development process of an auto-operated telepresence system for the Nao humanoid robot with the main functionality of directing the robot autonomously to an operator-defined target location within a static workspace. The workspace is observed by an array of top-view cameras, which are used to localize the robot by means of a color-based marker detection technique. The system is accessible world-wide to the remote operator through any Internet-capable device via a web-based control interface. The web server responsible for coordinating the communication between system and operator is hosted on a cloud-based infrastructure online. The system was…
Introducing the Concept of Hyperactivity in Multi Agent Systems
International audience; Software Agents are no longer the simple communication gateways for devices to interconnect using one or more networks. With Multi Agent Systems contributing in a wide spectrum of intelligent systems, the Agents are in a more proactive role than just being responsible for passing messages between their respective base systems. Agent Relation Charts and the Hyperactive Transaction Model in general is one of the recent attempts of developing a multi-view design model for Multi Agent Systems. The model has made a clear distinction in the regular and intelligent activities of an agent. Based on these differences, the agents are classified into three main categories named…