M. Fossetti
A Theoretical Model to Evaluate the Compressive Behaviour of RС Jacketed Columns
Reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is becoming increasingly common among the different retrofit techniques for poor RC members, due to its economical and practical advantages. Experimental investigations in the literature have shown that the actual axial capacity of RC jacketed members can be substantially lower than that analytically evaluated by adapting the most common theoretical models for confined concrete. This fact can be explained by taking into account the presence of tensile stresses developing in the concrete, due to a mutual interaction between the inner core and the external jacket. This phenomenon is relevant especially in members where the concrete properties of the jacket a…
PBO textile embedded in FRCM for confinement of r.c. columns
Results of experimental tests on two reinforced concrete columns confined with PBO-FRCM jacketing subject to axial load and bending moments are presented, showing the effectiveness of the confinement system. Comparison of test results against theoretical results derived by a fiber model stress the ability of the confinement system to enhance both strength and deformation capacity of the confined concrete
Experimental Investigation on the Compressive Behaviour of Clay Brick Masonry Columns Confined by BFRP or Steel Wires
This paper presents the results of an experimental research aiming to investigate on the compressive behavior of full size clay brick masonry columns reinforced with Basalt Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (BFRCM) or with steel wires collaring. Uniaxial compressive tests were performed on eight retrofitted columns and four control specimens. Two masonry strength were considered by varying the mortar grade. Results are presented and discussed in terms of axial stress-strain relationships, failure modes and crack patterns of the specimens tested up to failure. For the limit of investigated variables, comparisons with unreinforced specimens show the ability of these alternative techniques …
Effect of steel collars on the seismic behaviour of granite and heavy stone columns
Granite and heavy stone circular columns could be often find in the cultural heritage among ancient churches and historical buildings in all the Mediterranean area. Their good strength properties allowed to carry great load values, while their bright colours and aesthetical characteristics have been used by a lot of ancient architects to achieve structural solutions with great visual impact. Even if such materials have great compressive strength values, the environmental effects, such as long term effects and thermal loads, could damage the structural members, by cracking them. In this way the slenderness of the column increases, and the presence of an imposed ground motion could be very da…
The reaction structure of the LEDA research centre: Development and design
In the last twenty years, the field of earthquake engineering experienced a noticeable improvement. The results of experimental and theoretical researches have contributed to the development of modern technical codes, which provide innovative solutions for the structural assessment and new design approaches. Despite this large amount of improvements, several open questions are still open, and the need for large scale testing has been deeply proved and discussed. A new research facility, namely the Laboratory of Earthquake engineering and Dynamic Analysis (LEDA), has been recently completed at the University of Enna "Kore". This research centre, funded with a grant from Italian Ministry of E…
Influenza delle armature sul comportamento in compressione di colonne in calcestruzzo ad alta resistenza
Un metodo semplificato per il calcolo della capacità portante di colonne rinforzate con incamiciatura in c.a
Reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is nowadays one of the most common techniques adopted for seismic retrofitting of existing RC columns. It is used to increase load-carrying capacity and ductility of weak existing members by means of a simple and cheap method. The structural efficiency is related to two main effects: - the enlargement of the transverse cross section; - the confinement action provided by the external jacket to the inner core. Several theoretical and experimental studies were addressed in the past to investigate on how it is possible to calculate the strength enhancement due to these effects and to highlight the main key parameters influencing the structural behavior of jack…
Dynamic behaviour of cracked granite and marble columns retrofitted with steel collars
Marble and heavy stone columns are widely diffused in ancient churches and historical buildings in all the Mediterranean area. Their good mechanical properties allowed carrying great load values, while their bright colours and aesthetical characteristics have been used by a lot of ancient architects to achieve structural solutions with great visual impact. Despite their good compressive strength, marble columns could be damaged from environmental effects (e.g. longterm effects or thermal loads), which could crack the structural members. In this way, the slenderness of the column increases drastically and the presence of an imposed ground shaking could be critical, since the column will be m…