Jussi Mikkola

Neuromuscular and cardiovascular adaptations during concurrent strength and endurance training in untrained men.

This study examined the effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on neuromuscular and endurance characteristics compared to strength or endurance training alone. Previously untrained men were divided into strength (S: n=16), endurance (E: n=11) or concurrent strength and endurance (SE: n=11) training groups. S and E trained 2 times and SE 2 + 2 times a week for strength and endurance during the 21-week period. Maximal unilateral isometric and bilateral concentric forces of leg muscles increased similarly in S and SE by 20-28% (p<0.01) and improvements in isometric forces were accompanied by increases (p<0.05) of maximal muscle activation. Rate of force development of isometric …

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Combined strength and endurance session order: differences in force production and oxygen uptake.

Purpose:To examine acute responses of force production and oxygen uptake to combined strength (S) and endurance-running (E) loading sessions in which the order of exercises is reversed (ES vs SE).Methods:This crossover study design included recreationally endurance-trained men and women (age 21−45 y; n = 12 men, 10 women) who performed ES and SE loadings. Force production of the lower extremities including countermovement-jump height (CMJ) and maximal isometric strength (MVC) was measured pre-, mid-, and post-ES and -SE, and ground-reaction forces, ground-reaction times, and running economy were measured during E.Results:A significant decrease in CMJ was observed after combined ES and SE in…

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Kuntotestauksen hyvät käytännöt 2022

Suomessa ei ole kuntotestaajille mitään auktorisoitua koulutusta eikä koulutusvaatimuksia. Kuntotestauspalveluja voi periaatteessa tarjota kuka tahansa. Erilaiset toimintaympäristöt ja koulutustaustat näkyvät yhä kirjavina käsitteinä ja käytäntöinä. Yhteisiä pelisääntöjä ja käytäntöjä on tarve edelleen kirkastaa. Kuntotestauksen hyvät käytännöt pohjautuvat Liikuntatieteellisessä Seurassa (LTS) toteutetun Kuntotestauksen laadun kehittäminen -hankkeen (2004−2007) tuloksiin. Tässä julkaisussa on päivitetty alkuperäisiä vuodelta 2010 peräisin olevia Kuntotestauksen hyviä käytäntöjä vastaamaan nykyistä toimintaympäristöä. Päivitetty opas sisältää kymmenen suositusta, jotka kattavat koko kuntotes…

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Strength training in endurance runners.

This study examined effects of periodized maximal versus explosive strength training and reduced strength training, combined with endurance training, on neuromuscular and endurance performance in recreational endurance runners. Subjects first completed 6 weeks of preparatory strength training. Then, groups of maximal strength (MAX, n=11), explosive strength (EXP, n=10) and circuit training (C, n=7) completed an 8-week strength training intervention, followed by 14 weeks of reduced strength training. Maximal strength (1RM) and muscle activation (EMG) of leg extensors, countermovement jump (CMJ), maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2MAX)), velocity at VO(2MAX) (vVO(2MAX)) running economy (RE) and basal…

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Fatigue in a simulated cross-country skiing sprint competition

The aim of this study was to assess fatigue during a simulated cross-country skiing sprint competition based on skating technique. Sixteen male skiers performed a 30-m maximal skiing speed test and four 850-m heats with roller skies on a tartan track, separated by 20 min recovery between heats. Physiological variables (heart rate, blood lactate concentration, oxygen consumption), skiing velocity, and electromyography (EMG) were recorded at the beginning of the heats and at the end of each 200-m lap during the heats. Maximal skiing velocity and EMG were measured in the speed test before the simulation. No differences were observed in skiing velocity, EMG or metabolic variables between the he…

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Predictors of individual adaptation to high-volume or high-intensity endurance training in recreational endurance runners

The aim of this study was to investigate factors that can predict individual adaptation to high-volume or high-intensity endurance training. After the first 8-week preparation period, 37 recreational endurance runners were matched into the high-volume training group (HVT) and high-intensity training group (HIT). During the next 8-week training period, HVT increased their running training volume and HIT increased training intensity. Endurance performance characteristics, heart rate variability (HRV), and serum hormone concentrations were measured before and after the training periods. While HIT improved peak treadmill running speed (RSpeak ) 3.1 ± 2.8% (P < 0.001), no significant changes occ…

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Monitoring Training Adaptation With a Submaximal Running Test in Field Conditions

Regular monitoring of adaptation to training is important for optimizing training load and recovery, which is the main factor in successful training. Purpose: To investigate the usefulness of a novel submaximal running test (SRT) in field conditions in predicting and tracking changes of endurance performance. Methods: Thirty-five endurance-trained men and women (age 20–55 y) completed the 18-wk endurance-training program. A maximal incremental running test was performed at weeks 0, 9, and 18 for determination of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and running speed (RS) at exhaustion (RSpeak) and lactate thresholds (LTs). In addition, the subjects performed weekly a 3-stage SRT including a …

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Biomechanical analysis of different starting strategies utilized during cross-country skiing starts

The present study was designed to analyse and compare the kinetics and kinematics associated with three different starting strategies during classic cross-country ski racing. Inside a ski tunnel, 12 elite male skiers performed three sets of three 38 m starts. Each set included one start using: double poling only (DP), diagonal stride only (DIA) and freely chosen (FREE) (i.e. where subjects used the strategy or combination of strategies they felt was fastest) in random order. The first 18 m was performed on a series of force plates that measured horizontal and vertical forces followed by 20 m of a standard snow track. Additionally, cycle characteristics and joint angles were measured. DIA an…

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Changes in performance and poling kinetics during cross-country sprint skiing competition using the double-poling technique

In this study, changes in skiing performance and poling kinetics during a simulated cross-country sprint skiing competition were investigated. Twelve elite male cross-country skiers performed simulated sprint competition (4 x 1,150 m heat with 20 min recovery between the heats) using the double-poling technique. Vertical and horizontal pole forces and cycle characteristics were measured using a force plate system (20-m long) during the starting spurt, racing speed, and finishing spurt of each heat. Moreover, heat and 20-m phase velocities were determined. Vertical and horizontal pole impulses as well as mean cycle length were calculated. The velocities of heats decreased by 2.7 +/- 1.7% (p …

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Technical determinants of biathlon standing shooting performance before and after race simulation

The aim of this study was to identify performance- determining factors in biathlon standing shooting in rest and after intense exercise. Eight Finnish national- and nine junior- team biathletes participated in the study. Participants fired 40 resting shots (REST) and 2 × 5 competition simulation shots (LOAD) after 5 minutes of roller skiing at 95% of peak heart rate. Hit percentage, aiming point trajectory and postural balance were measured from each shot. Cleanness of triggering (ATV, movement of the aiming point 0- 0.2 second before the shot) and vertical stability of hold (DevY) were the most important components affecting shooting performance both in REST (DevY, R = −0.61, P < .01; ATV,…

research product

Acute neuromuscular and metabolic responses to combined strength and endurance loadings: the "order effect" in recreationally endurance trained runners.

The study examined the acute neuromuscular and metabolic responses and recovery (24 and 48 h) to combined strength and endurance sessions (SEs). Recreationally endurance trained men (n = 12) and women (n = 10) performed: endurance running followed immediately by a strength loading (combined endurance and strength session (ES)) and the reverse order (SE). Maximal strength (MVC), countermovement jump height (CMJ), and creatine kinase activity were measured pre-, mid-, post-loading and at 24 and 48 h of recovery. MVC and CMJ were decreased (P0.05) at post-ES and SE sessions in men. Only MVC decreased in ES and SE women (P0.05). During recovery, no order differences in MVC were observed between…

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Effect of resistance training regimens on treadmill running and neuromuscular performance in recreational endurance runners.

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of heavy resistance, explosive resistance, and muscle endurance training on neuromuscular, endurance, and high-intensity running performance in recreational endurance runners. Twenty-seven male runners were divided into one of three groups: heavy resistance, explosive resistance or muscle endurance training. After 6 weeks of preparatory training, the groups underwent an 8-week resistance training programme as a supplement to endurance training. Before and after the 8-week training period, maximal strength (one-repetition maximum), electromyographic activity of the leg extensors, countermovement jump height, maximal speed in the maximal ana…

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Heart rate variability in prediction of individual adaptation to endurance training in recreational endurance runners

The aim of this study was to investigate whether nocturnal heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to predict changes in endurance performance during 28 weeks of endurance training. The training was divided into 14 weeks of basic training (BTP) and 14 weeks of intensive training periods (ITP). Endurance performance characteristics, nocturnal HRV, and serum hormone concentrations were measured before and after both training periods in 28 recreational endurance runners. During the study peak treadmill running speed (Vpeak) improved by 7.5 � 4.5%. No changes were observed in HRV indices after BTP, but after ITP, these indices increased significantly (HFP: 1.9%, P 5 0.026; TP: 1.7%, P 5 0.007)…

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Heart rate-running speed index may be an efficient method of monitoring endurance training adaptation.

The aim of this study was to investigate whether a novel heart rate (HR)-running speed index could be used in monitoring adaptation to endurance training. Forty-five recreational runners underwent a 2-phased 28-week training regime. The first 14 weeks included basic endurance training, whereas the second 14 weeks were more intensive (increased volume and intensity). A maximal treadmill running test was performed in the beginning of the experiment, in the middle of basic endurance training, and at the end of each training period (PRE, WEEK 7, WEEK 14, and POST). The novel HR-running speed index was calculated from every continuous-type running exercise during the 28-week experiment based on …

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A Submaximal Running Test With Post-Exercise Cardiac Autonomic And Neuromuscular Function In Monitoring Endurance Training Adaptation

Vesterinen, V, Nummela, A, Laine, T, Hynynen, E, Mikkola, J, and Häkkinen, K. A submaximal running test with postexercise cardiac autonomic and neuromuscular function in monitoring endurance training adaptation. J Strength Cond Res 31(1): 233-243, 2017-The aim of this study was to investigate whether a submaximal running test (SRT) with postexercise heart rate recovery (HRR), heart rate variability (HRV), and countermovement jump (CMJ) measurements could be used to monitor endurance training adaptation. Thirty-five endurance-trained men and women completed an 18-week endurance training. Maximal endurance performance and maximal oxygen uptake were measured every 8 weeks. In addition, SRTs wi…

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