Lionel Ranjard
Short term bacterial community structure dynamics in forest soil and litter: an in situ study in a CarboEurope site.
International audience; Acting as both sink and source in the terrestrial carbon cycle, soils play an important role. In forests, soils contain up to 70% of total ecosystem C and contribute to 40% to 70% of total ecosystem respiration. Therefore, in a climate change context, understanding soil microbial community dynamics and its consequences on soil functioning is a major issue. The objective of this study was to determine if changes in the inputs of fresh litter quantity could influence the structure of bacterial communities (named BCS) and their dynamics in a forest soil. The experiment took place in Barbeau national forest (CARBOEUROPE site; Fontainebleau, France). Three treatments of f…
Assessment of the impact of the cultivation of different cultivars of maize, including Bt-maize varieties, on soil- and plant-associated microbial and fungal functional communities
communication orale invitée; We will present a synthesis of the results of our study aiming at evaluating the impact of the cultivation of different maize genotypes (Monumental, DKC3420, DK315, DKC5143, DKC5783) and of corresponding Bt-maize genotypes tolerant to the pyrale production (Mon810, TXP138-F, DKc3946, DK5018, DKc5783Bt), on soil microflora. This analysis has been conducted on three compartments: the soil, the rhizosphere (defined as the soil in contact with the root) and the root (colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi).This study has been performed in a greenhouse experiment settled to estimate the impact produced by the cultivation of the different maize genotypes on: (i)…
Connecting soil biodiversity to functions and ecosystem services: presentation of case studies and of the EU FP7 project EcoFINDERS
Soils provide essential ecosystem services such as primary production, regulation of biogeochemical cycles and their consequences on climate, water filtration, resistance to pests and diseases, and regulation of above-ground biodiversity. These services result from functions supported by soil organisms. Their abundance, diversity and activities vary according to environmental factors and Human activities. Despite progress made over the last decade in assessing soil biodiversity, the huge reservoir of biodiversity represented by soils remains superficially explored as do the relations between soil biodiversity and functioning. This lack of knowledge is related to the small size of most organ…
Conférence de clôture du colloque Qualimed « la qualité des sols »
EABIOmE; Conférence de clôture du colloque Qualimed « la qualité des sols ». Rencontres qualimÉditerranÉe 2016 - Agriculture 2025 : l'essentiel de l'innovation sur la qualité des sols