Ernesto Segredo
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Standards not that standard
Biobrick parts (Bb1 to Bb6) included in the different DNA constructions tested in this work. Table S2. Proteins displaying statistically significant alterations in their expression levels, as detected by iTRAQ analysis (DOCX 18 kb).
Standards not that standard
There is a general assent on the key role of standards in Synthetic Biology. In two consecutive letters to this journal, suggestions on the assembly methods for the Registry of standard biological parts have been described. We fully agree with those authors on the need of a more flexible building strategy and we highlight in the present work two major functional challenges standardization efforts have to deal with: the need of both universal and orthogonal behaviors. We provide experimental data that clearly indicate that such engineering requirements should not be taken for granted in Synthetic Biology. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s1303…