E. Garcia Lopez

Adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of acetonitrile: FT-IR investigation

Abstract The photocatalytic degradation of acetonitrile was carried out in liquid–solid regime in a batch reactor by using two types of commercial TiO 2 powders (Merck and Degussa P25) as photocatalysts. The concentration of acetonitrile and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC) were monitored. The initial rate of acetonitrile conversion was found higher on TiO 2 Merck than on TiO 2 P25. FT-IR spectroscopy was used to investigate the molecular features of the adsorption and photo-oxidation of acetonitrile on the two TiO 2 powders in a fully surface hydrated form. Acetonitrile was found adsorbed on Ti 4+ surface ions and hydroxyl groups for both types of TiO 2 . This interaction appeared fully…

research product

Photocatalytic oxidation of cyanide in aqueous TiO2 suspensions irradiated by sunlight in mild and strong oxidant conditions

Abstract The photocatalytic oxidation of free cyanide ions was carried out in aqueous aerated suspensions containing polycrystalline TiO2 (anatase) irradiated by sunlight. The influence of the presence of an organic compound (phenol) or of a strong oxidant (H2O2) on the photoprocess was also studied. The dependence of cyanide photo-oxidation rate on the following parameters: (1) cyanide concentration; (2) catalyst amount; and (3) phenol concentration was investigated. At the used experimental conditions, the kinetics of cyanide photo-oxidation is independent of the initial cyanide concentration and of the catalyst amount while it is affected by the phenol concentration and by the presence o…

research product

Supported Keggin heteropolyacid catalysts for glycerol acetylation

Heteropolyacids (HPAs) are a class of molecular metal oxides called polyoxometalates, with a heteroatom in the cluster structure forming an oxo-metallic cluster with the addenda metal atoms. Due to the tunable acid-base and redox properties, HPAs have been used as catalysts both for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions. Many efforts have been devoted to HPAs heterogeneization because, being soluble in polar solvents, their separation and recovery in liquid-solid regime reactors is a relevant practical application problem. Moreover, due to the low specific surface areas (1÷10 m2 g-1) their dispersion on supports with high surface area can increase the accessibility of the reacting species…

research product

Photocatalytic Solar Light H2 Production by Aqueous Glucose Reforming

Photocatalytic Solar Light H2 Production by Aqueous Glucose Reforming

research product

Studio delle proprietà acido-base superficiali e fotoattività di catalizzatori nanostrutturati costituiti da TiO2

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