Rami Belkaroui
De la science à l’expérience, la pluralité des savoirs en viticulture : le cas des maladies.
International audience
An Ontology-Based Monitoring System in Vineyards of the Burgundy Region
Given the France's rich wine heritage as well as its pioneering position as the world's second wine producer, the production of high quality wines plays a role of primary importance. The recent development of IOT and efficient big data processing has been shown to provide purposeful issue to permanent monitoring during the entire wine making process. Standing within this trend, we introduce in this paper an intelligent system for vineyards monitoring in the Burgundy region. The main trust of the proposed system relies on the use of the Swrl rules in WineCloud ontology. The design of the ontology is mainly based on information gathered from interviews with wine growers. In addition, sensor d…
Une ontologie de la culture de la vigne : des savoirs académiques aux savoirs d'expérience
16.00 Normal 0 21 false false false FR X-NONE X-NONE Dans le cadre d’un projet FUI initie en octobre 2016 (projet winecloud ) visant a construire un outil de tracabilite et predictif du cycle de la vigne et du vin, un travail sur la collecte et la nature des savoirs a ete necessaire de maniere a penser un systeme ontologique qui se rapproche le plus du raisonnement du domaine metier. Le present article vise plus specifiquement a etudier le cycle de vie de la vigne. Nous rendons compte que les savoirs academiques presents dans les sources theoriques et scientifiques s’ajustent, se reactualisent a la lumiere des savoirs d’experience des viticulteurs. Ce travail s’attache egalement a analyser …
Illumination3.0: A Semantic Annotation Platform Based on Ontology for Medieval Illuminations
National audience
Towards events ontology based on data sensors network for viticulture domain
International audience; Wine Cloud project is the first "Big Data" platform on the french viticulture value chain. The aim of this platform is to provide a complete traceability of the life cycle of the wine, from the wine-grower to the consumer. In particular, Wine Cloud may qualify as an agricultural decision platform that will be used for vine life cycle management in order to predict the occurrence of major risks (vine diseases, grape vine pests, physiological risks, fermentation stoppage, oxidation of vine, etc...). Also to make wine production more rational by offering winegrower a set of recommendation regarding their strategy's of production development. The proposed platform "Wine …
WINECLOUD: Une ontologie d'événements pour la modélisation sémantique des données de capteurs hétérogènes
International audience
De la science à l’expérience, la pluralité des savoirs en viticulture : le cas des maladies
International audience