Luca Forte
Additional file 2: of The PDGFRβ/ERK1/2 pathway regulates CDCP1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer
Figure S2. PDGFR-BB stimulation upregulates CDCP1 in TNBC cells. Western blot analysis of CDCP1 and Vinculin expression in SUM-149 and BT549 cells upon PDGF-BB and ERKi treatment. (PDF 249 kb)
Additional file 1: of The PDGFRβ/ERK1/2 pathway regulates CDCP1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer
Figure S1. Gating strategy for CDCP1 flow cytometric analysis. Flow cytometric analysis of MDA-MB-231 cells starved in serum-free medium for 24 h and then treated for 48 h with FGF 50 ng/mL. (PDF 470 kb)
The PDGFRβ/ERK1/2 pathway regulates CDCP1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer
Background CDCP1, a transmembrane protein with tumor pro-metastatic activity, was recently identified as a prognostic marker in TNBC, the most aggressive breast cancer subtype still lacking an effective molecular targeted therapy. The mechanisms driving CDCP1 over-expression are not fully understood, although several stimuli derived from tumor microenvironment, such as factors present in Wound Healing Fluids (WHFs), reportedly increase CDCP1 levels. Methods The expression of CDCP1, PDGFRβ and ERK1/2cell was tested by Western blot after stimulation of MDA-MB-231 cells with PDGF-BB and, similarly, in presence or not of ERK1/2 inhibitor in a panel of TNBC cell lines. Knock-down of PDGFRβ was e…