Hannele Pitkänen
Reflektoiva oppilas suomalaisessa perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmallisessa arviointidiskurssissa
Oppilaan itsearvioinnista on muotoutunut keskeinen osa arviointia suomalaisessa perusopetuksessa viime vuosikymmeninä, mutta oppilaalta on odotettu itsearviointia paljon tätä pidempään. Artikkelissa analysoidaan oppilaan itsearvioinnin historiaa suomalaisessa opetussuunnitelmapolitiikkadiskurssissa ja erityisesti sitä, miten itsearviointi on problematisoitunut eri tavoin ajan kuluessa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään Carol Bacchin poststrukturalistiseen perinteeseen sijoittuvaa politiikkaongelmien rakentumista tarkastelevaa tutkimusstrategiaa ja analysoidaan suomalaisia oppivelvollisuuskoulun opetussuunnitelmia. Siinä missä kansakoulun aikana itsearviointi rakentui ratkaisuksi kriittisesti ajatt…
Finnish Quality Evaluation Discourse : Swimming Against the Global Tide?
AbstractThis chapter discusses Finnish quality evaluation in comprehensive education, recognising that it frequently differs from that used by the Global Education Reform Movement (GERM) in most countries. Instead of high-stakes testing of pupil achievement, monitoring or school inspection, Finnish quality evaluation (QE) rests mainly on sample-based national testing and self-evaluations conducted in schools and municipalities. The argument presented here is that, although reform of the Finnish education system has often taken a different path from other countries, at the level of discourse, the Finnish system is increasingly caught between the more usual approach to QE and the Finnish vari…
Kriteerit oppilasta standardoimassa? : Arvosanojen 5 ja 9 tuottama kuva oppilaasta päättöarvioinnissa
Genealogy of the Ethics of Teacher Self-Evaluation
Quality evaluation (QE) has assumed major importance in governing education. QE is acknowledged as a self-evident and necessary method of improving quality in education across education systems. Along with the quality ‘evaluation wave’, schools and teachers have not only become objects of evaluation, but have also been subjected to increasing demands to self-evaluate. Using genealogical methodology, this chapter analyses the emergence and formation of the politics of school and teacher self-evaluation and also the power and subjectivities invoked through it in the case of Finnish comprehensive education. The research material includes curricular, legislative and education policy texts and n…