Giuseppe Ioppolo

The impact of space development structure on the level of ecological footprint - Shift share analysis for European Union countries

The impact of the space development structure on the level of the ecological footprint is an important element of the sustainable development policy, determining not only its directions, but also indicating the manner of respecting en- vironmental principles. The aim of the research is to assess the impact of the spatial development structure on the eco- logical footprint level. The considerations are based on the assumption that the spatial development structure is a determinant of the ecological footprint level. The study used the shift share analysis method. Selected European coun- tries were the subject of the research. The research period covered the years 2009–2019. The spatial differ…

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Italian experiences in Life Cycle Assessment of olive oil: a survey and critical review

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Environmental impacts of olive oil production: an LCA case study in the Province of Messina (Sicily)

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Fiscalità ecologica ed ecoincentivi

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La Certificazione Energetica degli edifici in Europa

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Il miglioramento delle performance energetiche nella civile abitazione: analisi tecnico-economica di un caso studio

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I sistemi di gestione ambientale per lo sviluppo eco-sostenibile del territorio: il caso delle Isole Eolie

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Integrazione degli aspetti ambientali e strategie di qualità di prodotto in un’ottica di ciclo di vita: life cycle assessment di oli extra-vergini di oliva di alta qualità

LCA, Olio

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Evoluzione degli strumenti di supporto alla decisione per la valutazione ambientale territoriale

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Energy certification of buildings: A comparative analysis of progress towards implementation in European countries

Abstract The Energy Performance Building Directive (Directive 2002/91/EC) introduced the compulsory energy certification of buildings in the EU from 2006 and it has played a key role in the common policy to monitor and reduce energy consumption. In order to assess the experience gained in this field in Europe overall, and in particular against the highly diverse settings of the different European nations, this paper examines the extent to which the Directive has been implemented by the 27 EU Member States. This is done via a comparative analysis assisted by two different indicators: of uniformity and of excellence. The measure of uniformity makes it possible to assess the degree of harmony …

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Dal Rapporto sullo Stato dell'Ambiente(RSA) al Piano di Azione Locale (PAL): il caso Tindari-Nebrodi

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Integration of environmental tools to support agri-food chain strategical decisions: a techno-management approach

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Presentazione del progetto, analisi dei risultati e valutazione dei fattori critici di successo.

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From environmental management to local development: a case of know-how transfer to improve integration activities in Europe

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Strumenti di gestione ambientale ed ecoturistica: il caso del Medio-Campidano

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Il turismo come strumento di sviluppo urbano sostenibile: un caso studio

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Nuove forme di governance territoriale: il Piano strategico Nebrodi "città aperta"

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I sistemi di gestione integrata a supporto dell’eco-governance

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Integrazione di competenze a supporto dei sistemi di gestione costiera. Il caso Fish-Gate: Progetto Integrato di Gestione delle Risorse

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