E. V. Kirichenko

Stable topological textures in a classical 2D Heisenberg model

We show that stable localized topological soliton textures (skyrmions) with $\pi_2$ topological charge $\nu \geq 1$ exist in a classical 2D Heisenberg model of a ferromagnet with uniaxial anisotropy. For this model the soliton exist only if the number of bound magnons exceeds some threshold value $N_{\rm cr}$ depending on $\nu $ and the effective anisotropy constant $K_{\rm eff}$. We define soliton phase diagram as the dependence of threshold energies and bound magnons number on anisotropy constant. The phase boundary lines are monotonous for both $\nu=1$ and $\nu >2$, while the solitons with $\nu=2$ reveal peculiar nonmonotonous behavior, determining the transition regime from low to high …

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On the theory of domain switching kinetics in ferroelectric thin films

We investigate theoretically the polarization switching kinetics in ferroelectric thin films. In such substances, the domain walls are pinned by (usually dipole) defects, which are present also in ordered samples as technologically unavoidable impurities. This random interaction with dipole pinning centers results, in particular, in exponentially broad distribution of switching times. Under supposition of low pinning centers concentration, we derive the distribution function of switching times showing that it is not simply Lorentzian (as it was first suggested by Tagantsev et al [\prb, {\bf 66}, 214109 (2002)] ), but is a "square of Lorentzian", which is due to the vector nature of electric…

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Asymmetrical tunneling in heavy fermion metals as a possible probe for their non-Fermi liquid peculiarities

Tunneling conductivity and point contact spectroscopy between heavy fermion metal and a simple metallic point contact may serve as a convenient probing tool for non-Fermi liquid behavior. Landau Fermi liquid theory predicts that the differential conductivity is a symmetric function of voltage bias. This symmetry, in fact, holds if so called particle–hole symmetry is preserved. Here, we show that the situation can be different when one of the two metals is a heavy fermion one whose electronic system is a heavy fermion liquid. When the heavy fermion liquid undergoes fermion condensation quantum phase transition, the particle–hole symmetry in the excitation spectra is violated making both the …

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On the Theory of Domain Structure of Disordered Ferroelectrics

We present a comprehensive analysis of domain structure formation in ferroelectric phase of incipient ferroelectrics with off-center dipole impurities like KTaO 3 :Li, Nb,Na. Our analysis is carried out on the base of effective free energy of disordered ferroelectrics, derived by us earlier. This free energy permits to apply the standard approach to domain structure calculation. Using coupled system of Maxwell equations with those obtained by minimization of above free energy, we calculate the physical characteristics of domain structure as functions of impurity dipoles concentration n. Our theory can be easily generalized for arbitrary temperature and crystal shape including thin films.

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The influence of Coulomb interaction screening on the excitons in disordered two-dimensional insulators.

AbstractWe study the joint effect of disorder and Coulomb interaction screening on the exciton spectra in two-dimensional (2D) structures. These can be van der Waals structures or heterostructures of organic (polymeric) semiconductors as well as inorganic substances like transition metal dichalcogenides. We consider 2D screened hydrogenic problem with Rytova–Keldysh interaction by means of so-called fractional Scrödinger equation. Our main finding is that above synergy between screening and disorder either destroys the exciton (strong screening) or promote the creation of a bound state, leading to its collapse in the extreme case. Our second finding is energy levels crossing, i.e. the degen…

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L\'evy flights confinement in a parabolic potential and fractional quantum oscillator

We study L\'evy flights confined in a parabolic potential. This has to do with a fractional generalization of ordinary quantum-mechanical oscillator problem. To solve the spectral problem for the fractional quantum oscillator, we pass to the momentum space, where we apply the variational method. This permits to obtain approximate analytical expressions for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions with very good accuracy. Latter fact has been checked by numerical solution of the problem. We point to the realistic physical systems ranging from multiferroics and oxide heterostructures to quantum chaotic excitons, where obtained results can be used.

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Flat bands and strongly correlated Fermi systems

Many strongly correlated Fermi systems including heavy-fermion (HF) metals and high-Tc superconductors belong to that class of quantum many-body systems for which Landau Fermiliquid (LFL) theory fails. Instead, these systems exhibit non-Fermi-liquid properties that arise from violation of time-reversal (T) and particle-hole (C) invariance. Measurements of tunneling conductance provide a powerful experimental tool for detecting violations of these basic symmetries inherent to LFLs, which guarantee that the measured differential conductivity dI/dV, where I is the current and V the bias voltage, is a symmetric function of V. Thus, it has been predicted that the conductivity becomes asymmetric …

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Continuous theory of switching in geometrically confined ferroelectrics

A theory of ferroelectric switching in geometrically confined samples like thin films and multilayers with domain structure has been proposed. For that we use Landau–Khalatnikov (LK) equations with free energy functional being dependent on polarization gradients. In this case, the consistent theory can be developed as for thin ferroelectric films and multilayers the domain structure reduces to Fourier series in ferroelectric polarization. The specific calculations are presented for thin film ferroelectric with dead layers and ferro-/paraelectric multilayer. Our theory is generalizable to ferroelectrics and multiferroics with other geometries.

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Photoinduced magnetization wave in diluted magnetic semiconductors

We derive an evolutional equation incorporating the processes of spin-polarization transfer from an electron to a magnetic ion subsystem of a diluted magnetic semiconductor along with spin-lattice relaxation and spatial spin diffusion. Above equation has been obtained for nonequilibrium magnetization due to exchange scattering of photoexcited charge carriers by magnetic ions. We show that the mechanism of a band gap narrowing due to exchange scattering requires relatively low optical power to reach an optical bistability for pump frequency range close to crystal band gap. In a bulk crystal, only relatively small local area with essential magnetization enhancement can absorb optical power, t…

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Lévy flights in an infinite potential well as a hypersingular Fredholm problem.

We study L\'evy flights {{with arbitrary index $0< \mu \leq 2$}} inside a potential well of infinite depth. Such problem appears in many physical systems ranging from stochastic interfaces to fracture dynamics and multifractality in disordered quantum systems. The major technical tool is a transformation of the eigenvalue problem for initial fractional Schr\"odinger equation into that for Fredholm integral equation with hypersingular kernel. The latter equation is then solved by means of expansion over the complete set of orthogonal functions in the domain $D$, reducing the problem to the spectrum of a matrix of infinite dimensions. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are then obtained numer…

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Time-resolved buildup of twisted indirect exchange interaction in two-dimensional systems

We study theoretically the time-domain dynamics of the spin-dependent Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction between driven magnetic impurities localized in a spin-orbit-coupled two-dimensional system. Particular attention is given to the influence of the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on the system's dynamical response to a time-dependent precessional motion of the localized magnetic moment. We show that, via the RKKY mechanism, a flip of the spin $z$ component of one localized moment affects all $x,\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}y$, and $z$ spin components of the other localized moment. The Friedel oscillations and the transient spin current triggered by the time-varying localized spin dep…

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Quasiparticles and quantum phase transition in universal low-temperature properties of heavy-fermion metals

We demonstrate, that the main universal features of the low temperature experimental $H-T$ phase diagram of CeCoIn5 and other heavy-fermion metals can be well explained using Landau paradigm of quasiparticles. The main point of our theory is that above quasiparticles form so-called fermion-condensate state, achieved by a fermion condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT). When a heavy fermion liquid undergoes FCQPT, the fluctuations accompanying above quantum critical point are strongly suppressed and cannot destroy the quasiparticles. The comparison of our theoretical results with experimental data on CeCoIn5 have shown that the electronic system of above substance provides a unique opp…

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Chaotic Cyclotron and Hall Trajectories Due to Spin-Orbit Coupling

We demonstrate that the synergistic effect of a gauge field, Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC), and Zeeman splitting can generate chaotic cyclotron and Hall trajectories of particles. The physical origin of the chaotic behavior is that the SOC produces a spin-dependent (so-called anomalous) contribution to the particle velocity and the presence of Zeeman field reduces the number of integrals of motion. By using analytical and numerical arguments, we study the conditions of chaos emergence and report the dynamics both in the regular and chaotic regimes. {We observe the critical dependence of the dynamic patterns (such as the chaotic regime onset) on small variations in the initial conditions …

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The influence of quantum fluctuations on phase transition temperature in disordered ferroelectrics

We consider the disordered ferroelectric, where the impurity dipoles interact via quantum optical phonons. We show that quantum fluctuations are amplified by the effects of disorder so that they can be important up to the ferroelectric phase transition temperature. In this paper, we calculate the ferroelectric phase transition temperature as a function of impurity dipole concentration. We show that quantum effects change the character of concentrational dependence of . Namely, they cause the discontinuity in so that the critical concentration is reached abruptly. We have shown that quantum effects inhibit the ferroelectricity so that larger (than that in purely classical disordered ferroele…

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Phase Diagram of Heavy Fermion Metal CeCoIn5

We present a comprehensive analysis of the low temperature experimental H-T phase diagram of CeCoIn5. The main universal features of the diagram can be explained within the Fermi-liquid theory provided that quasiparticles form so called fermion-condensate state. We show that in this case the fluctuations accompanying an ordinary quantum critical point are strongly suppressed and cannot destroy the quasiparticles. Analyzing the phase diagram and giving predictions, we demonstrate that the electronic system of CeCoIn5 provides a unique opportunity to study the relationship between quasiparticles properties and non-Fermi liquid behavior.

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The influence of disorder on the exciton spectra in two-dimensional structures

We study the role of disorder in the exciton spectra in two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors. These can be heterostructures, thin films and multilayers (so-called van der Waals structures) of organometallic perovskites, transition metal dichalcogenides and other semiconductors for optoelectronic applications. We model the disorder by introduction of a fractional Laplacian (with Le´vy index m, defining the degree of disorder) to the Scro¨dinger equation with 2D Coulomb potential. Combining analytical and numerical methods, we observe that the exciton exists only for m 4 1, while the point m = 1 (strongest disorder) corresponds to the exciton collapse. We show also that in the fractional (diso…

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Conductivity of the two-dimensional electron gas atLaAlO3/SrTiO3interface

We propose an analytical theory of metallic conductivity in the two-dimensional (2D) ${\mathrm{LaAlO}}_{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ (LAO/STO) interface. For that we consider the electron-phonon interaction at the interface. The electronic part is taken from our previous work [Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 2104 (2016)], considering the conditions for the interfacial charge carrier (electron or hole) to become itinerant. The second ingredient deals with the atomic oscillations localized near the interface and decaying rapidly at its both sides, which can be regarded as 2D acoustic phonons. The dispersion of such phonons depends on the characteristics of phonon spectra of LAO and STO. Calculating t…

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Ultrarelativistic (Cauchy) spectral problem in the infinite well

We analyze spectral properties of the ultrarelativistic (Cauchy) operator $|\Delta |^{1/2}$, provided its action is constrained exclusively to the interior of the interval $[-1,1] \subset R$. To this end both analytic and numerical methods are employed. New high-accuracy spectral data are obtained. A direct analytic proof is given that trigonometric functions $\cos(n\pi x/2)$ and $\sin(n\pi x)$, for integer $n$ are {\it not} the eigenfunctions of $|\Delta |_D^{1/2}$, $D=(-1,1)$. This clearly demonstrates that the traditional Fourier multiplier representation of $|\Delta |^{1/2}$ becomes defective, while passing from $R$ to a bounded spatial domain $D\subset R$.

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Flat Bands and Salient Experimental Features Supporting the Fermion Condensation Theory of Strongly Correlated Fermi

The physics of strongly correlated Fermi systems, being the mainstream topic for more than half a century, still remains elusive. Recent advancements in experimental techniques permit to collect important data, which, in turn, allow us to make the conclusive statements about the underlying physics of strongly correlated Fermi systems. Such systems are close to a special quantum critical point represented by topological fermion-condensation quantum phase transition which separates normal Fermi liquid and that with a fermion condensate, forming flat bands. Our review paper considers recent exciting experimental observations of universal scattering rate related to linear temperature dependence…

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Thickness Dependence of Random Field Distribution in Thin Films Made of Disordered Ferroelectrics

Abstract We present the calculation of first moment E 0 and variance ΔE of distribution function of random fields in a ferroelectric of finite size. Specific calculations have been performed for the case of slab-shaped ferroelectric thin film. We have shown that E 0 and ΔE can be expressed through the integrals from first and second degree of Green's function of ferroelectric in k-space. To obtain the Green's function, we solve the differential equation minimizing Landau free energy of a ferroelectric with respect to the boundary conditions on its surfaces. We show that both E 0 and ΔE depend on film thickness L.

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Physical properties of ferroelectric film with continuous space charge distribution

We present a theory of ferroelectric phase transitions in a film with a homogeneously distributed space charge leading to the so-called built-in polarization. On the base of our complete solution of the problem of continuous space charge distribution in a ferroelectric film, we calculate the ferroelectric phase transition temperature , spatial polarization distribution in paraelectric and ferroelectric phases as well as hysteresis loop in the ferroelectric phase. We have shown that the presence of continuous space charge in a film inhibits the ferroelectricity in it: it lowers the ferroelectric phase transition temperature and coercive field. Our estimates of these differences show that the…

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Confinement of Lévy flights in a parabolic potential and fractional quantum oscillator

We study L\'evy flights confined in a parabolic potential. This has to do with a fractional generalization of an ordinary quantum-mechanical oscillator problem. To solve the spectral problem for the fractional quantum oscillator, we pass to the momentum space, where we apply the variational method. This permits one to obtain approximate analytical expressions for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions with very good accuracy. The latter fact has been checked by a numerical solution to the problem. We point to the realistic physical systems ranging from multiferroics and oxide heterostructures to quantum chaotic excitons, where obtained results can be used.

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Theoretical and experimental developments in quantum spin liquid in geometrically frustrated magnets: a review

The exotic substances have exotic properties. One class of such substances is geometrically frustrated magnets, where correlated spins reside in the sites of triangular or kagome lattice. In some cases, such magnet would not have long-range magnetic order. Rather, its spins tend to form kind of pairs, called valence bonds. At $$T \rightarrow 0$$ these highly entangled quantum objects condense in the form of a liquid, called quantum spin liquid (QSL). The observation of a gapless QSL in actual materials is of fundamental significance both theoretically and technologically, as it could open a path to creation of topologically protected states for quantum information processing and computation…

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Flat bands and the physics of strongly correlated Fermi systems

Some materials can have the dispersionless parts in their electronic spectra. These parts are usually called flat bands and generate the corps of unusual physical properties of such materials. These flat bands are induced by the condensation of fermionic quasiparticles, being very similar to the Bose condensation. The difference is that fermions to condense, the Fermi surface should change its topology, leading to violation of time-reversal (T) and particle-hole (C) symmetries. Thus, the famous Landau theory of Fermi liquids does not work for the systems with fermion condensate (FC) so that several experimentally observable anomalies have not been explained so far. Here we use FC approach t…

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The peculiarities of the phase diagram of heavy fermion metal CeCoIn5

We analyze the low temperature experimental magnetic field–temperature H–T phase diagram of CeCoIn5. We demonstrate that its main features can be well explained within Landau quasiparticle picture incorporating the fact that quasiparticles form so-called fermion-condensate (FC) state emerging behind the fermion condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT). We show that near FCQPT, the fluctuations are strongly suppressed while FC by itself is “protected” from above fluctuations by the first order phase transition. We demonstrate that the electronic system of CeCoIn5 can be shifted from the ordered towards disordered side of FCQPT by the application of magnetic field therefore giving a uniq…

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Quantum critical point in ferromagnet

Abstract The heavy-fermion metal CePd 1 - x Rh x can be tuned from ferromagnetism at x = 0 to non-magnetic state at the critical concentration x c . The non-Fermi liquid behavior at x ≃ x c is recognized by power law dependence of the specific heat C ( T ) given by the electronic contribution, susceptibility χ ( T ) and volume expansion coefficient α ( T ) at low temperatures: C / T ∝ χ ( T ) ∝ α ( T ) / T ∝ 1 / T . We show that this alloy exhibits a universal thermodynamic non-Fermi liquid behavior independent of magnetic ground state. This can be well understood utilizing the quasiparticle picture and the concept of fermion condensation quantum phase transition at the density ρ = p F 3 / …

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New state of matter: heavy-fermion systems, quantum spin liquids, quasicrystals, cold gases, and high temperature superconductors

We report on a new state of matter manifested by strongly correlated Fermi systems including various heavy-fermion (HF) metals, two-dimensional quantum liquids such as $\rm ^3He$ films, certain quasicrystals, and systems behaving as quantum spin liquids. Generically, these systems can be viewed as HF systems or HF compounds, in that they exhibit typical behavior of HF metals. At zero temperature, such systems can experience a so-called fermion-condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT). Combining analytical considerations with arguments based entirely on experimental grounds we argue and demonstrate that the class of HF systems is characterized by universal scaling behavior of their ther…

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Carrier-induced ferromagnetism in two-dimensional magnetically doped semiconductor structures

We show theoretically that the magnetic ions, randomly distributed in a two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor system, can generate a ferromagnetic long-range order via the RKKY interaction. The main physical reason is the discrete (rather than continuous) symmetry of the 2D Ising model of the spin-spin interaction mediated by the spin-orbit coupling of 2D free carriers, which precludes the validity of the Mermin-Wagner theorem. Further, the analysis clearly illustrates the crucial role of the molecular field fluctuations as opposed to the mean field. The developed theoretical model describes the desired magnetization and phase-transition temperature ${T}_{c}$ in terms of a single parameter, na…

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Quasi-one-dimensional quantum spin liquid in the $\rm {Cu(C_4H_4N_2)(NO_3)_2}$ insulator

We analyze measurements of the magnetization, differential susceptibility and specific heat of quasi-one dimensional insulator Cu(C$_4$H$_4$N$_2$)(NO$_3$)$_2$ (CuPzN) subjected to magnetic fields. We show that the thermodynamic properties are defined by quantum spin liquid formed with spinons, with the magnetic field tuning the insulator CuPzN towards quantum critical point related to fermion condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT) at which the spinon effective mass diverges kinematically. We show that the FCQPT concept permits to reveal and explain the scaling behavior of thermodynamic characteristics. For the first time, we construct the schematic $T-H$ (temperature---magnetic field…

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Experimental Manifestations of Fermion Condensation in Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems

Many strongly correlated Fermi systems including heavy-fermion (HF) metals and high-Tc superconductors belong to that class of quantum many-body systems for which the Landau–Fermi liquid theory fails. Instead, these systems exhibit non-Fermi-liquid properties that arise from violation of time-reversal (T) and particle– hole (C) invariance. Here we consider two most recent experimental puzzles, which cannot be explained neither within the Landau–Fermi liquid picture nor can they be made intelligible by the approaches like the Hubbard model and/or the Kondo effect, which are commonly used to spell out the typical non-Fermi-liquid behavior. The first experimental puzzle is the asymmetric (with…

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Screened Coulomb interaction in insulators with strong disorder

We study the effect of disorder on the excitons in a semiconductor with screened Coulomb interaction. Examples are polymeric semiconductors and/or van der Waals structures. In the screened hydrogenic problem, we consider the disorder phenomenologically using the so-called fractional Scrödinger equation. Our main finding is that joint action of screening and disorder either destroys the exciton (strong screening) or enhances the bounding of electron and hole in an exciton, leading to its collapse in the extreme case. Latter effects may also be related to the quantum manifestations of chaotic exciton behavior in the above semiconductor structures. Hence, they should be considered in device ap…

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Magnetic quantum criticality in quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet Cu (C4H4N2)( NO 3)2

We analyze exciting recent measurements [Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 037202] of the magnetization, differential susceptibility and specific heat on one dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet Cu(C4H4N2)(NO3)2 (CuPzN) subjected to strong magnetic fields. Using the mapping between magnons (bosons) in CuPzN and fermions, we demonstrate that magnetic field tunes the insulator towards quantum critical point related to so-called fermion condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT) at which the resulting fermion effective mass diverges kinematically. We show that the FCQPT concept permits to reveal the scaling behavior of thermodynamic characteristics, describe the experimental results quantitativ…

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Fermion Condensation in Strongly Interacting Fermi Liquids

This article discusses the construction of a theory which is capable to explain so-called non-Fermi liquid behavior of strongly correlated Fermi systems. We show that such explanation can be done within the framework of a so-called fermion condensation approach. In this approach, as a result of fermion condensation quantum phase transition, ordinary Landau quasiparticles do not decay, but reborn, gaining new properties, as Phoenix from the ashes. The physical reason for that is altering of Fermi surface topology. To be more specific, in contrast to standard Landau paradigm stating that the quasiparticle effective mass does not depend on external stimuli like magnetic field and/or temperatur…

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Fractional quantum oscillator and disorder in the vibrational spectra.

AbstractWe study the role of disorder in the vibration spectra of molecules and atoms in solids. This disorder may be described phenomenologically by a fractional generalization of ordinary quantum-mechanical oscillator problem. To be specific, this is accomplished by the introduction of a so-called fractional Laplacian (Riesz fractional derivative) to the Scrödinger equation with three-dimensional (3D) quadratic potential. To solve the obtained 3D spectral problem, we pass to the momentum space, where the problem simplifies greatly as fractional Laplacian becomes simply $$k^\mu $$ k μ , k is a modulus of the momentum vector and $$\mu $$ μ is Lévy index, characterizing the degree of disorde…

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