Shumei Cheng

Effects of exercise and diet interventions on obesity-related sleep disorders in men: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Abstract Background Sleep is essential for normal and healthy living. Lack of good quality sleep affects physical, mental and emotional functions. Currently, the treatments of obesity-related sleep disorders focus more on suppressing sleep-related symptoms pharmaceutically and are often accompanied by side effects. Thus, there is urgent need for alternative ways to combat chronic sleep disorders. This study will investigate underlying mechanisms of the effects of exercise and diet intervention on obesity-related sleep disorders, the role of gut microbiota in relation to poor quality of sleep and day-time sleepiness, as well as the levels of hormones responsible for sleep-wake cycle regulati…

research product

Bone density of the calcaneus and fractures in 75- and 80-year-old men and women

Bone mineral density of the calcaneus in relation to fractures was studied both retrospectively and prospectively among the 75- and 80-year-old men and women resident in the city of Jyväskylä, Finland, in 1989 and 1990, respectively. The bone measurements were performed at the calcaneus by 125I-photon absorption. Retrospective fracture (RF) history after age 50 was collected by questionnaire and interview, and reported fractures were checked from medical records. In the retrospective study, in the 75-year-olds a fracture was found in 22% (n = 22) of men and in 45% (n = 84) of women. The corresponding figures for the 80-year-olds were 16% (n = 9) and 35% (n = 48). Over half of the fractures …

research product

Thigh muscle function in stroke patients revealed by velocity-encoded cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging.

Current methods of clinical assessment of muscle coordination and function after stroke do not provide information on deep muscles. The objective of this study was to examine how stroke affects both superficial and deep muscles' coordination and whether muscle function improves after rehabilitation. Muscle function, coordination, and activity of quadriceps femoris (QF) and hamstrings were evaluated in 10 stroke patients with mild hemiparesis and in 6 controls using velocity-encoded cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (VE-PC MRI), surface electromyography (sEMG), and maximal voluntary isometric contraction torque (MVC). At baseline, the peak muscle velocity of the rectus femoris (…

research product

Women With and Without Metabolic Disorder Differ in Their Gut Microbiota Composition

The aim of this study was to investigate whether overweight/obese women in metabolic disorder group (MDG, n = 27) differ in their gut microbiota composition from overweight/obese women in non-metabolic disorder group (NMDG, n = 47) and normal weight women group (NWG, n = 11). Gut microbiota was profiled from fecal samples by 16S rRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry in 85 premenopausal women. Body composition was measured by bioimpedance, and dietary intakes were collected via food diaries. Standard procedures were used to assess plasma glucose, serum insulin, lipids, and inflammatory status. We found that the proportion of bacteria belonging to Eubacterium rectale-Clos…

research product

Is bone loss the reversal of bone accrual? Evidence from a cross-sectional study in daughter-mother-grandmother trios.

Bone adapts to mechanical loads applied on it. During aging, loads decrease to a greater extent at those skeletal sites where loads increase most in earlier life. Thus, the loss of bone may occur preferentially at sites where most bone has been deposited previously; ie, bone loss could be the directional reversal of accrual. To test this hypothesis, we compared the bone mass distribution at weight-bearing (tibia) and non-weight-bearing (radius) bones among 18-year-old girls, their premenopausal mothers, and their postmenopausal maternal grandmothers. Bone and muscle properties were measured by pQCT, and polar distribution of bone mass was obtained in 55 girl-mother–maternal grandmother trio…

research product

Influence of physical activity and maturation status on bone mass and geometry in early pubertal girls1

This study aimed to evaluate the influence of leisure-time physical activity on the development of bone mass and density in early pubertal girls. Scores of physical activity were obtained from 242 Finnish girls (10-12 years old within Tanner Stages I-II) using a questionnaire. Bone mass and density were assessed using different densitometric techniques. At Tanner Stage I, active girls had significantly higher bone mineral mass (BMC) and areal bone mineral density (aBMD) of the whole body and cortical volumetric BMD and thickness of the tibial shaft compared with sedentary girls (P<0.05). On the other hand, the active girls at Tanner Stage II showed significantly higher values only in BMC an…

research product

Prolonged breast-feeding protects mothers from later-life obesity and related cardio-metabolic disorders

AbstractObjectiveTo investigate the long-term effects of duration of postpartum lactation on maternal body composition and risk for cardio-metabolic disorders in later life.DesignRetrospective study. Body composition was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and serum glucose, insulin and lipids were analysed using enzymatic photometric methods 16–20 years after the last pregnancy. Medical history and lifestyle factors were collected via a self-administered questionnaire. Detailed information regarding weight change patterns during each pregnancy was obtained from personal maternity tracking records.SettingCity of Jyväskylä and surroundings in Central Finland.SubjectsTwo hundred a…

research product

Concerted actions of insulin-like growth factor 1, testosterone, and estradiol on peripubertal bone growth: a 7-year longitudinal study.

A better understanding of how bone growth is regulated during peripuberty is important for optimizing the attainment of peak bone mass and for the prevention of osteoporosis in later life. In this report we used hierarchical models to evaluate the associations of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), estradiol (E(2) ), and testosterone (T) with peripubertal bone growth in a 7-year longitudinal study. Two-hundred and fifty-eight healthy girls were assessed at baseline (mean age 11.2 years) and at 1, 2, 3.5, and 7 years. Serum concentrations of IGF-1, E(2) , and T were determined. Musculoskeletal properties in the left lower leg were measured using peripheral quantitative computed tomography …

research product

Randomoitu kontrolloitu tutkimus keski-ikäisten miesten unettomuudesta

Unettomuus on yleinen ongelma, jonka hoito on kansaterveydellisesti erittäin tärkeää. Koska unettomuuden yleisimmällä hoitokeinolla lääkityksellä on paljon haitallisia sivuvaikutuksia, on tärkeää tutkia unettomuuden vaihtoehtoisia hoitokeinoja. Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää kestävyysliikunnan vaikutusta unen laatuun ja määrään keski-ikäisillä unettomuudesta kärsivillä miehillä. Satunnaistetussa kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa 42 vähän liikkuvaa vapaaehtoista 30–65-vuotiasta unettomuudesta kärsivää miestä Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiiristä (keski-ikä 51 [1.6] vuotta) jaettiin liikunta- ja kontrolliryhmään. Liikuntaryhmäläiset noudattivat yksilölli-sesti suunniteltua pro…

research product

Growth and aging of proximal femoral bone - a study with women spanning three generations

Abstract. Osteoporotic hip fracture is a serious clinical event associated with high morbidity and mortality. Understanding femoral growth patterns is important for promoting bone health in the young and preventing fractures in later life. In this study, growth patterns of areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and geometric properties of the proximal femur were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (GE Lunar Prodigy, USA). They were studied in 251 girls from premenarche (11.2±0.7 yrs) to late adolescence (18.3±1.1 yrs), and compared to their premenopausal mothers (n=128, aged 44.9±4.1 yrs) and postmenopausal grandmothers (n=128, aged 70.0±6.3 yrs). Hip axis length (HAL) was the first to …

research product

Serum metabolic profiles in overweight and obese women with and without metabolic syndrome.

Objective: To identify serum biomarkers through metabolomics approach that distinguishes physically inactive overweight/obese women with metabolic syndrome from those who are metabolically healthy, independent of body weight and fat mass. Methods: We applied nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based profiling of fasting serum samples to examine the metabolic differences between 78 previously physically inactive, body weight and fat mass matched overweight/obese premenopausal women with and without MetS. MetS was defined as the presence of at least three of the following five criteria: waist circumference ≥ 88 cm, serum triacylglycerol ≥ 1.7 mmol/L, and high density lipoprotein cholester…

research product

Serum and urine markers of type I collagen metabolism in elderly women with high and low bone mineral density.

The serum markers of bone formation (carboxy-terminal propeptide of type I collagen, PICP) and resorption (pyridinoline cross-links containing telopeptide of type I collagen, ICTP), as well as urinary resorption markers, pyridinoline (Pyr) and deoxypyridinoline (Dpyr), were studied in 78-year-old women with high (n = 18) and low (n = 17) bone mineral density (BMD) measured from the calcaneus and tibia. The low-BMD group had higher values for PICP (P = 0 center dot 025), Pyr (P = 0 center dot 001) and Dpyr (P < 0 center dot 001) than the high-BMD group. No inverse relationship between these markers and BMD was, however, observed within the study groups. ICTP, Pyr and Dpyr correlated with eac…

research product

The associations of serum serotonin with bone traits are age- and gender-specific

Context Serotonin plays a potential role in bone metabolism, but the nature and extent of this relationship is unclear and human studies directly addressing the skeletal effect of circulating serotonin are rare. Objective The study aimed to investigate the associations between serum serotonin and bone traits at multiple skeletal sites in women and men. Subjects and Methods Subjects were part of the CALEX-family study and comprised 235 young women, 121 premenopausal women, 124 postmenopausal women, and 168 men. Body composition was assessed using DXA, as was areal bone mineral density (aBMD) of spine, femur and whole body. In addition, pQCT was used to determine bone properties at tibial mid…

research product

Effect of aerobic exercise and low carbohydrate diet on pre-diabetic non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in postmenopausal women and middle aged men: study protocol for the AELC randomized controlled trial

Background. Pre-diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and pose extremely high costs to the healthcare system. In this study, we aim to explore whether individualized aerobic exercise (AEx) and low carbohydrate diet (LCh) intervention affect hepatic fat content (HFC) in pre-diabetes via modification of gut microbiota composition and other post-interventional effects. Methods/design. A 6-month randomized intervention with 6-month follow-up is conducted from January 2013 to December 2015. The target sample size for intervention is 200 postmenopausal women and middle-aged men aged 50–65 year-old with pre-diabetes and NAFLD. The qualifi…

research product

Ultrasound velocity and cortical bone characteristics in vivo.

Axial transmission of ultrasound along cortical bone may reflect a combination of material and structural properties of long bone cortices. The goal of this study was to determine the association of speed of sound (SOS) with cortical density (CoD), cortical wall thickness (CWT), and total cortical area (CoA). Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) were used to measure the above variables in the distal third of radius and the midshaft of tibia in 51 postmenopausal women aged 62 to 71 years. Univariate regression analysis showed that the site-specific CoD accounted for 34% of the variability in the radial SOS and 29% of that in the tibial SOS (p0.…

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