Sileymane Ba
Politiques publiques, interactions et enjeux environnementaux
Compte rendu et analyses, Séminaire PUCA, 22 novembre 2012, Paris La Défense.
Essay on the integration of interactions in the treatment effect evaluation : the contribution of spatial econometrics methods
This thesis focuses on the integration of interactions in the estimation of the public policy’s effect. Indeed, the estimation standard methods usually rely on strong assumptions that exclude partially or completely the interaction effect both in the selection process of beneficiaries and in the performance of the policy. However, the validity of these assumptions is questionable, particularly in the context of a non-experimental policy because an individual according as it is the beneficiary or not the policy, is not isolated: he interacts with his neighborhood. Thus, the estimated effect of the policy by traditional methods is likely to be biased (underestimation or overestimation) theref…