Y Ouerdane
Influence of O2 loading pre-treatment on the radiation response of pure and fluorine doped silica-based optical fibers
International audience; We investigated the impact of an oxygen pre-loading on pure-silica-core or fluorine-doped-core fiber responses to high irradiation doses (up to 1 MGy(SiO2)). Oxygen enrichment was achieved through a diffusion-based technique and the long term presence of O2 molecules was confirmed by micro-Raman experiments. Online Radiation Induced Attenuation (RIA) experiments were carried out in both the pristine and the O2-loaded optical fibers to investigate the differences induced by this pre-treatment in the UV and visible ranges. Contrary to results recently published on the positive impact of O2 on infrared RIA, our results reveal a RIA increased with O2 presence. Data are a…
Neutron-induced defects in F-doped fibers
We present a study on 0.8 MeV neutron-induced defects up to fluences of 1017 n/cm² in fluorine doped fibers by using electron paramagnetic resonance, optical absorption and confocal micro-luminescence techniques. Our results allow to address the microscopic mechanisms leading to the generation of some Silica-related point-defects such as E’, H(I), POR and NBOH Centers.
Radiation effects on antimonium-doped Yb-fibers
Radiation hardening of Rare-Earth doped fiber amplifiers
We investigated the radiation hardening of optical fiber amplifiers operating in space environments. Through a real-time analysis in active configuration, we evaluated the role of Ce in the improvement of the amplifier performance against ionizing radiations. Ce-codoping is an efficient hardening solution, acting both in the limitation of defects in the host glass matrix of RE-doped optical fibers and in the stabilization of lasing properties of the Er3+-ions. On the one hand, in the nearinfrared region, radiation induced attenuation measurements show the absence of radiation induced P-related defect species in host glass matrix of the Ce-codoped active fibers; on the other hand, in the Ce-…
Radiation Effects on Silica-Based Preforms and Optical Fibers - I: Experimental Study with Canonical Samples
International audience; The influence of the F- and Ge-doping on the fiber radiation responses is investigated through online measurements of the UV-visible induced attenuation and spectroscopic studies (ESR, confocal microscopy of luminescence) on prototype samples
Radiation-induced effects in silica based glasses: experimental and theoretical results
Paramagnetic germanium-related centers induced by energetic radiation in silica based devices
Radiation and Hydrogen-Loading effects on Raman fiber-based temperature sensors
We present experimental studies on how Raman based temperature sensors undergone two different treatments: gamma-radiation and H-loading. Unfortunately, gamma radiation and hydrogen release in harsh nuclear environment can affect the temperature measurements based on this technology of sensor, limiting the sensor performances. Moreover, the Raman device response in both cases changes with the different classes of multimode fibers that are used by the engineers.