Filippo Spagnolo
Reasoning patterns and logical-linguistic questions in european and Chinese cultures: cultural differencesc in scholastic and non-scholastic environnements
Reasoning patterns and logical-linguistic questions in European and Chinese cultures: Cultural differences in scholastic and non scholastic environments
L’analyse statistique implicative: une des methods d’analyse des données en didactique
History and epistemology in mathematics education
Una investigatión sobre las habilitades de formalizatión de los alumnos sobre un problema de teoria de los numeros
Incognita o “cosa che varia”? L’analisi statistica implicative e l’analisi fattoriale delle corrispondenze in una ricerca in didattica delle matematiche
Unknow or “thing that varies?” The implicative statistic analysis and the factorial analysis of the correspondences in a research in mathematics education
European and Chinese Cognitive Styles and their impact on Teaching/Learning Mathematics
Argumentation and Proving in Multicultural Classes: A didactical experience with Chinese and Italian students
The concept of operator in the numerical extensions: a theoretical base.
Numer Theory
Readability formulae and representations
The importance of supplementary variables in a case of an educational research
Indeterminate systems in the “Nine Chapters” by Liu Hui. The role of “context” for determining the “fundamental algorithm” as an argumentative tool
Natural language, history and interpretation of process of learning/teaching
Proceedings Troisème Rencontre Internazionale
European and Chinese Cognitive Styles and Their Impact on Teaching Mathematics
A General Framework and Theoretical References.- The Chinese Written Language as Tool for a Possible Historical and Epistemological Reflections on the Mathematics and the Impact of Teaching/Learning of Mathematics.- The Meta-rules between Natural Language and History of Mathematics.- Common Sense and Fuzzy Logic.- The Experimental Epistemology as a Tool to Observe and Preview Teaching/Learning Phenomena.- Strategy and Tactics in the Chinese and European Culture: Chess and Weich'i.- Rhythm and Natural Language in the Chinese and European Culture.- Conclusions.
Le diversità culturali nelle concezioni di Strategia e Tattica tra Oriente ed Occidente osservate attraverso gli scacchi ed il wei-ch’i e le connessioni con la Didattica
Difficulty and obstacles with the concept of variable
Algebraic thinking and generalization of patterns: a didactical experience with Italian and Chinese students
Le concezioni sui processi di modellizzazione nei futuri insegnanti di matematica e fisica delle scuole secondarie superiori in italia
Hepatitis C Virus positive patients with persistently normal serum transaminase: a long-term follow-up
Different procedures in argumentation and conjecturation in primary school:an experience with Chinese students
I problemi di insegnamento/apprendimento delle matematiche oggi: tra multicultura e multimedialità, Sul rinnovamento dell’insegnamento della matematica
A case stydy about the formalization by pupils of a number theory problem
La modélisation dans la recherche en didactiques des mathématiques : les obstacles épistémologiques
Visual representations in Mathematics education
Alcune idee sulla Filosofia dell’Educazione Matematica tra oriente ed occidente
I sistemi indeterminati nei "Nove Capitoli" di Liu Hui. Il ruolo del "contesto" per determinare l'"algoritmo fondamentale" come strumento argomentativo
Modelling by Statistic in Research of Mathematics Education
Summary. The aim of this paper is to study the quantitative tools of the research in didactics. We want to investigate the theoretical-experimental relationships between factorial and implicative analysis. This chapter consists of three parts. The first one deals with the didactic research and some fundamental tools: the a priori analysis of a didactic situation, the collection of experimental data and the statistic analysis of data. The purpose of the second and the third section is to introduce the experimental comparison between the factorial and the implicative analysis in two researches in mathematics education.
Il laboratorio di didattica dell'analisi matematica nei corsi di specializzazione per i futuri insegnanti di matematica
Attività sperimentale in classe in un progetto di cooperazione europea per futuri insegnanti di matematica di scuola secondaria superiore.
Motivating and Exciting Methods in Mathematics and Science, IT Team
Fuzzy implication through statistic implication: a new approach in Zadeh's framework
Conceptions on modelling processes in Italian high school prospective mathematics and physics teachers
Cultural differences in scholastic and non-scholastic environments: reasoning patterns and logical-linguistic questions in European and Chinese cultures
Argumentation and proving: a didactical experience with Chinese and Italian students
Confocal microscopy study of the distribution, content and activity of mitochondria during Paracentrotus lividus development
Summary In the present paper we applied confocal microscopy andfluorescence technologies for studying the distribution andthe oxidative activity of sea urchin ( Paracentrotus lividus )mitochondria during development, by in vivo incubating eggsand embryos with cell-permeant MitoTracker probes. Wecalculated, by a mathematical model, the intensity values, the variations of intensity, and the variation index of incorporatedfluorochromes. Data demonstrate that mitochondrial massdoes not change during development, whereas mitochondrialrespirationincreases.Inaddition,startingfrom16blastomeresstage, some regions of the embryo contain organelles moreactive in oxygen consumption. Introduction The con…
Une mesure comparative en didactique des Mathématiques entre une analyse a priori et la contingence
En didactique des Mathématiques, mais plus généralement en sciences humaines, de nombreuses recherches utilisent des analyses qualitatives pour falsifier expérimentalement des hypothèses formulées a priori, c'est-à-dire en amont de la recherche. Une telle approche méthodologique, appliquée à une enquête, s'avère le plus souvent insuffisante pour analyser toutes les variables en jeu dans des phénomènes contingents d'enseignement/ apprentissage, même si dans certains cas (analyse ponctuelle de protocoles, de vidéos, etc.), elle permet de déceler quelques relations intéressantes. Mais si le nombre de sujets devient trop volumineux, l'analyse qualitative ne réussit plus à extraire toutes les re…
Schemi di ragionamento in culture differenti : i paradossi logico-linguistici nella cultura europea e cinese
L’analsi statistica implicativa: uno dei metodi di analisi dei dati nella ricerca in didattica delle matematiche
Main results of the mobility phase, “Teachers-to-be, Competences of Secondary School Teachers: European Views, presentation of the results of the project research”
Some difficulties with the dear old Pythagorean theorem. A prospect for an educational research
L’epistemologia sperimentale delle Matematiche
To the beginnings of the XXI century, which possible use of neurosciences results in research in Mathematics Education ?
In the last 20 years we witnessed a development of research on "how" our brain works, how it processes the information, how it stores, how it links these, which are the areas appointed to a certain function and how these are interconnected with this each other etc. Then how it learn. Many people are interested to these results, first of all psychologists that are interested in the problems since long time, but also the neurophysiologists and the many categories of people who have intentions of speculative nature, but also with other kind of application. We can think to problems arising from situations of disability, related to brain injury to various types and more, etc ... In the study of …