Maréva Gabillot

Un nouvel assemblage de haches-lingots dans la vallée du Rhône : le dépôt de Loyettes (Ain)

International audience

research product

Theoretical space-time modelling of the diffusion of raw materials and manufactured objects

International audience; Workgroup 3 of ArchaeDyn II programme focuses its study on the diffusion systems of ancient products. In order to be able to structure data in GIS in an appropriate way, we propose a general theoretical modelling integrating the different components of the diffusion systems, and identifying their interactions and the factors affecting the location of products and their transfers. Three dimensions are considered: the Time, the Space and the Function of places. A product's pathway can be apprehended efficiently by distinguishing spatial entities as well as functional entities. This modelling highlights the fact that the approach through the simple notion of "site" is n…

research product

Les dépôts d’objets en série

International audience

research product

L'âge du Bronze en Bretagne : un âge d'or armoricain

International audience

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Le dépôt de Lons-le-Saunier (environs de)

International audience

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Des analyses mathématiques pour de nouvelles interprétations

International audience

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Qu’est-ce qu’un dépôt à l’âge du Bronze ?

International audience

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Les objets du Bronze moyen récemment découverts à Chalonnes-sur-Loire (Maine-et-Loire)

Among a set of objects accidentally discovered in 2003 at Chalonnes- sur-Loire (Maine-et-Loire, France), a Middle Bronze Age hoard has been identified. The other objects, including a triangular side scraper, are dated from the Late Bronze Age and will be studied later. These eleven Middle Bronze Age objects (called "the Belvédère set" in this paper) are two frag- ments of chisels, a fragment of the handle of another flanged tool, a fragment of the handle of a flanged axe belonging to an eastern type (Porcieu-Amblagneu or Langquaid or some variants), two fluted flanged axes with a rare lateral pattern, two simple undecorated bracelets, and three pieces of bracelets of the Drône type. They…

research product

Morphometry of Middle Bronze Age palstaves by discrete cosine transform.

9 pages; International audience; The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is a Fourier-related transform widely used in signal processing and well suited to the analysis of open outlines. This method was applied here to evaluate the discrimination power of the inner lateral rib for two palstave populations dating from the Middle Bronze Age, excavated in northwest France. A corpus of almost 400 palstaves (bronze axes) of the Breton and Norman types was processed, and compared to specimens found at Sermizelles in Burgundy. The procedure is robust and produces a discrimination in good agreement with the traditional typology. Besides the definition of a ‘standard' shape for each population, the morp…

research product

Du Finistère au Golfe de Gascogne : le Bronze moyen et le début du Bronze final dans l’ouest de la France (Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Centre, Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine)

Actes du colloque internationale de l'APRAB “Bronze 2014”, Strasbourg, 17-20 juin 2014; International audience; Des massifs granitiques armoricains à la chaîne des Pyrénées, l’espace géographique, géologique et topographique retenu ici est extrêmement diversifié, irrigué par un important réseau hydrographique et une grande façade maritime.Largement ouvert vers l'est par les vallées de la Loire, la Dordogne, la Garonne et leurs affluents, l'espace est également tourné vers la Manche et la péninsule Ibérique.Les ressources minérales exploitables sont rares en région Centre ou en Poitou-Charentes mais d'importantes ressources stannifères et aurifères sont connues en Bretagne, dans les Pays de …

research product

Neue Forschungen zu den Frühbronzezeitlichen "armorikanischen Tumuli"

International audience

research product

Les Éduens producteurs et pollueurs

National audience

research product

Métallurgistes en France Orientale au Bronze Moyen. Nouvelles analyses physico-chimiques et morphométriques

International audience; On sait que la métallurgie a joué un rôle prépondérant dans l’économie des régions de Bourgogne et Franche-Comté. Avec son riche passé sidérurgique, des prémices gaulois de Bibracte aux forges des moines cisterciens de Fontenay au XIIIe siècle, jusqu’à l’essor du XVIIIe siècle marqué par les forges de Buffon ou les fonderies royales du Creusot, cette entité régionale a toujours été le théâtre de l’innovation technologique dans le secteur de la métallurgie.Il est cependant moins connu que cette tradition métallurgique plonge ses racines dans des temps plus anciens. Les recherches développées à l’Université de Bourgogne et de Franche-Comté ont démontré l’existence d’un…

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research product

L'âge du Bronze en Normandie : les premiers métallurgistes (2300 à 800 avant notre ère)

National audience; L'âge du Bronze, entre 2300 et 800 avant notre ère, est une période charnière qui nous permet de rentrer de plain-pied dans l'histoire. À cette époque, des bateaux chargés de marchandises voguent sur la Manche, participant à une florissante économie transmanche avec l'Angleterre. Le territoire national, et plus particulièrement la Normandie, est un espace largement cultivé, traversé de chemins, découpé en parcelles et utilisé par de nombreuses fermes n'ayant rien à envier aux constructions qui occupaient encore nos campagnes avant-guerre. Les fouilles de ces dernières années, en particulier celles issues de l'archéologie préventive, réalisées au préalable de l'implantatio…

research product

Le Bronze moyen et le début du Bronze final dans le nord de Rhône-Alpes et le sud de la Bourgogne

International audience

research product

La circulation des objets métalliques à l’âge du Bronze dans l’Aube

International audience

research product

Observations of land use transformations during the Neolithic using exploratory spatial data analysis: contributions and limitations

International audience; The settlement pattern analysis in archaeology implies some methodological questions. In this paper, we question some issues about the use of geostatistical methods for the observation of land use transformations during the Neolithic. We have developed two examples in Burgundy (France): the first one on a regional scale and the second one on a micro-regional scale. Using different ESDA approaches (Ripley’K function, Nearest Neighbour Distance, Kernel Density Estimation), we would like to underline what the methodological and archaeological contributions and their limits are. Both experiences point out that the results obtained depend not only on the analytical scale,…

research product

Le Morvan à l'âge du Bronze, dynamique d'occupation d'après les données archéologiques

International audience

research product

A method of data structuring for the study of diffusion processes of raw materials and manufactured objects

International audience; Workgroup 3 of the ArchaeDyn II programme aims at studying the diffusion systems of products in ancient times. In order to be able to structure data in GIS in an appropriate way, we propose to go through three levels of modelling: the first one aims at gathering together the different components of the diffusion systems taking into account their interactions; the second corresponds to a conceptual data model created with the help of the HBDS method, that will, as we get to the third stage, lead to the creation of a "three-dimensional" geodatabase. Here we point out the fact that the approach through the simple notion of “site” is not sufficient to study the products’…

research product

Productions en série vers 1500 avant notre ère. Des règles de fabrication au Bronze moyen entre la Manche et les Alpes à la lumière d’une étude morphométrique.

Some European Bronze Age objects were produced by what has been described as serial metalworking. One particularexample is the Middle Bronze Age palstave, massively produced and used in Western Europe during the mid-second millennium BC.These artefacts were often voluntarily buried together in hoards, meaning they were removed from the production network, thus avoidingany recycling. They are found intact, either as rough castings or ready for use. These homogeneous objects are grouped in sets of severalitems, or in tens, or even in hundreds. Such discoveries have immediately led to numerous questions as to the possible interpretation ofthis behaviour. It is clear that prehistoric craftsmen …

research product

La production métallique non-funéraire de l’âge du Bronze en Bourgogne. Bilan des études 1995-2007

International audience

research product

La région Centre, un carrefour d'influences culturelles au Bronze moyen et au début du Bronze final

International audience

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Haches à talon de Barbuise et Périgny-la-Rose (Aube)

International audience

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Hache plate d’Auxon (Aube)

International audience

research product

Nouveau regard sur le Bronze ancien en Bourgogne à la lumière de l’étude d’une hache récemment découverte en forêt d’Étaules (21)

In 2010, in doubtful circumstances, a bronze axe blade was fortuitously discovered in the forest of Étaules. The artefact has been studied as detailed as possible in order to suggest its former cultural context, thus allowing to give a brief review of the Early Bronze Age in Burgundy. This flanged axe, close to the Neyruz type, can be attributed to the mid-Early Bronze Age. In an excellent state of preservation, it was carefully prepared after having been cast in a split mould; although worn by use, it remains fully functional. Despite the lack of the archaeological context at the precise place where it was discovered, its presence strengthens the idea of a developed human occupation in Bur…

research product

Le dépôt de Loyettes (Ain)

International audience

research product

Hache à aileron de Laubressel (Aube)

International audience

research product

Les dépôts de Sermizelles, La Varenne (Yonne)

International audience

research product

Morphometry of Middle Bronze Age palstaves. Part II - spatial distribution of shapes in two typological groups, implications for production and exportation.

10 pages; International audience; For archaeologists, metallic artifacts are key materials to assess Middle Bronze Age production areas and cultural exchanges. Here, a set of 629 bronze palstaves excavated in northern France, belonging to Breton and Norman typological groups, was treated by (open) outline-based morphometrics with orthogonal polynomial regression. Using robust statistics developed for outlier detection, these Norman and Breton palstave outlines can be divided into two groups: those for which the shape fluctuates close to the standard shape, called "congruent" axes, and those which are far enough from this standard to be considered as "non-congruent", although they possess mo…

research product

Reliability of the representation of a distribution: a case-study on Middle Bronze Age metal finds in the Seine valley

International audience; Controlling the uncertainties and the documentary lacks of an archaeological corpus should be the priority to interpret correctly the data distribution. The conception of a reliability map in order to estimate the quality of the inventory, the creation of a representation map so as to highlight the over- and under-representations and finally their combination, the confidence map, are efficient tools to spot out the zones concerning which there is a risk for a defective interpretation. We propose here, an application on a case-study of Middle Bronze Age metal hoards and isolated finds, for which the only really determining factor is the possibility for discoveries sin…

research product

ArchaeDyn -Atelier 3 Dynamiques de circulation et de consommation de produits bruts et manufacturés : recherches méthodologiques

Ce document est destiné à être publié dans la collection des Cahiers de la MSHE, éditée par les Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté

research product

Chapter 4 : The search for a common methodology for studying the spatial dynamics of material and product circulation in ancient times

International audience

research product

Des objets sacrifiés

International audience

research product