P M D Hans Dienes
Ultrastructural localization of interferon-producing cells in the livers of patients with chronic hepatitis B
Cells expressing alpha- and gamma-interferon were localized in the liver tissue of patients with chronic hepatitis B by means of light and electron microscopy using monoclonal antibodies. Interferon-positive cells were regularly seen in the infiltrating mononuclear cells, and the number showed a good correlation with the degree of the necroinflammatory activity of the disease. In chronic persistent hepatitis and in normal livers, they were infrequent or virtually absent. alpha-Interferon was shown to be positive in lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and fibroblasts, Kupffer cells and, weakly, in the cytoplasm of a few hepatocytes in cases of active hepatitis, whereas gamma-interferon…
Immunoelectron microscopic observations on the inflammatory infiltrates and HLA antigens in hepatitis B and non-A, non-B.
The present knowledge of the inflammatory reaction occurring in situ during hepatitis B favors a T cell-dependent MHC-restricted immune response. However, the reports in the literature are primarily based on the application of monoclonal antibodies directed at different lymphocyte subsets which discern only lymphocytic phenotypes and do not reflect the actual situation adequately. Therefore, we investigated the liver biopsies of patients with hepatitis B (28 patients) and non-A, non-B (21 patients) by immunoelectron microscopy with monoclonal antibodies directed at lymphocyte subtypes (pan-B, pan-T, T8, T4 and NKH1) and at activation epitopes (IL-2 receptor, TA1 and T11/3) as well, in order…