Longo Sonia

Life Cycle Assessment of solar heating and cooling systems: the tool “ELISA”

Solar heating and cooling (SHC) systems play an important role in the achievement of energy and climate European goals. The benefits of these technologies should be evaluated taking into account their lifecycle energy and environmental impacts, calculated by applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. The development of a complete LCA can be difficult and time-consuming particularly for no-LCA experts, discouraging them in the inclusion of the lifecycle perspective in their assessments. To overcome this limit, the paper presents “ELISA - Environmental Lifecycle Impacts of Solar Air-conditioning systems”, a user-friendly simplified tool for estimating the lifecycle energy and envir…

research product

The Application of the Life-Cycle Assessment in the Building Sector: An Italian Case Study

The building sector is one of the most relevant in terms of generation of wealth and occupation, but it is also responsible for significant consumption of natural resources and the generation of environmental impacts, mainly greenhouse gas emissions. In order to improve the eco profile of buildings during their life-cycle, the reduction of the use of resources and the minimization of environmental impacts have become, in the last years, some of the main objectives to achieve in the design of sustainable buildings. The application of the life-cycle thinking approach, looking at the whole life cycle of buildings, is of paramount importance for a real decarbonization and reduction of the envir…

research product

Optimal Design of Grid Integration of a Net Zero Energy Building trough Electrochemical Energy Storage and Fuel Cell Utilization

The integration of electrochemical energy storage, renewable energy production, and fuel cell systems can play a key role in the development of more efficient eco-friendly systems, spanning all sectors of energy management, from stationary to mobile. In particular, residential sector consumed 19% of worldwide energy production in 2015, resulting the third energivorous sector after transport and industry. Distributed energy systems, which efficiently use local resources, can reduce problems in regions with lack of a stable network and more in general help the growth of a sustainable development. In this case, the impact of PV-Lithium Batteries-SOFC integration in a NZEB (Net Zero Energy Buil…

research product


Il settore agro – alimentare rappresenta uno dei settori economici più significativi a livello europeo in termini di impatti ambientali e di consumo di risorse. Esso è responsabile di circa il 5,3% del consumo finale di energia delle industrie europee, di circa l’1,8% del consumo di acqua, e di circa il 20-30% degli impatti ambientali (Tukker et al., 2006). La quantità di energia necessaria per coltivare, trasformare, confezionare e distribuire i prodotti ai consumatori ha rappresentato, nel 2013, una quota pari al 26% del consumo di energia finale europeo, di cui circa un terzo è causato dalla coltivazione e dall’allevamento del bestiame. Inoltre, nel 2010, le emissioni di gas a effetto se…

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