G. Moschetti
Antagonism of Bacillus subtilis strain AG1 against vine wood fungal pathogens
Summary. Antagonistic substances produced by a Bacillus subtilis strain (AG1), which were previously found to slow down the growth of esca fungi in vitro, were produced in an artifi cial medium, isolated from the cell-free medium by precipitation and acidifi cation (to less than pH 2.5) and extracted from the precipitate with 96% ethanol. The crude extract employed in antibiotic assays confi rmed, in vitro, the antagonism of B. subtilis against Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, and also showed antifungal activity toward Verticillium dahliae and Botryosphaeria rhodina.
Development of an ad hoc starter culture for the production of functional raw ewes’ milk cheeses through the addition of grape pomace powder
The present work was carried out to select lactic acid bacteria (LAB) resistant to polyphenols in order to develop an ad hoc starter culture for the production of functional fresh ewes’ milk cheeses through the addition of grape pomace powder (GPP). To this purpose, raw ewes’ milk samples were inoculated with individual polyphenols belonging to five classes: flavanols (cathechin, epicatechin and epigallocathechin), flavonols (quercetin), flavones (rutin), hydroxyl-benzoic acid (vanillic acid and syringic acid) and hydroxyl-cinnamic acid (caffeic acid and cumaric acid). These polyphenols are commonly associated with the wine industry by-products and were added in milk to a final concentratio…
New trends in technology and identity of traditional dairy and fermented meat production processes
Interest in ecofood tourism is strictly related to the consumption of products associated with the geographical area visited. Local products are often requested by consumers living far from the production zones (e.g. in bistro restaurants that reproduce the atmosphere of typicality). This phenomenon, if on the one hand guaranteeing the continued popularity of certain traditional foods, highlights the inherent dangers that certain types of food pose. They could spread the risks to a much wider area that they might typically inhabit. The higher the demand for certain products, the more variations of the production processes of the traditional products there will be. This is particularly evide…
Characterization in the archaeological excavation site of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi of deteriorated wall painting of Herculaneum in Italy
Microbiological characterization of frescos in four different locations (Collegio degli Augustali, Casa del Colonnato Tuscanico, Casa dello Scheletro and Casa del Gran Portale) of excavation sites of Herculaneum was carried out. The use of infrared thermography allowed detecting sample points on frescos with greatest moisture not visible to the naked eye, resulting in structural damage. The microclimatic conditions provided perfect habitat for bacteria and fungi, particularly of spore forming and mould. In fact, heterotrophic bacteria were prevalent in all wall paintings monitored (ranging from 18 +/- 2 CFU 100 cm(-2) to 68 +/- 4 CFU 100 cm(-2)), whereas fungi were also detected but at lowe…
Microorganisms of food ice cubes and their transfer to drinks
The present work was carried out to investigate the microbiological characteristics of the ice cubes produced at different levels: 1) home-made (HM) from domestic freezers; 2) produced by ice machines in bars and pubs (BP); 3) produced by ice industries (IN). BP samples were collected from the box stocks. HM and BP samples were transferred into sterile stomacher bags. IN samples were provided in the manufacturers’ plastic bags. Samples were transported into thermal insulated boxes. Five samples per each production level, forming a total of 15 samples (HM1-HM5, BP1-BP5, IN1-IN5), were collected in duplicate in two consecutive months. Each ice sample was thawed in 1 L sterile Dhuram’s bottle …
Il vino e la fermentazione alcolica
Il consumo di bevande alcoliche ha da sempre accompagnato la storia dell’uomo, riscontrandosi in tutte le civiltà, dalle meno evolute a quelle più progredite. Le scoperte scientifiche del XV secolo hanno messo in luce come tutti i popoli abbiano ampiamente sfruttato il fenomeno della fermentazione di cereali per produrre bevande. Lo stesso vino, inoltre, aveva assunto fin dai tempi più antichi un valore liturgico presso tutte le civiltà che si erano affacciate al Mediterraneo. Anche oggi, e in misura maggiore rispetto al passato, si fa largo uso di bevande alcoliche ottenute sia da fermentazione che da distillazione di liquidi zuccherini. Le bevande alcoliche fermentate sono caratterizzate …
Monitoraggio del ceppo starter Lactobacillus pentosus OM13 nella fermentazione delle olive da tavola (cv. “Nocellara del Belice”) con lavorazione sivigliana.
Obiettivo di questa ricerca . stato validare le attitudini tecnologiche alla trasformazione di olive da mensa cv. “Nocellara del Belice” da parte del ceppo Lactobacillus pentosus OM13. Lo starter Lb. pentosus OM13 ha dimostrato di dominare l’intero processo fermentativo e ha determinato un sensibile abbassamento del pH, inibendo cos. lo sviluppo di microrganismi potenzialmente patogeni e/o alterativi. All’inizio della sperimentazione e fino al 16¢X giorno di fermentazione, i lieviti hanno mostrato un incremento in entrambe le lavorazioni, con starter e di controllo, ma con un livello di carica microbica maggiore nella tesi di controllo. Nella fase di sperimentazione, successiva al 16¢X gior…
Interactions between Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AG1 and Aspergillus spp. contaminating food and feedstuffs
Aspergillus is a widespread fungal genus contaminating and degrading food and feeds mostly during storage. Some species can also produce carcinogenic mycotoxins harmful for human and animal health. In this study, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AG1 (BaAG1), active against fungal pathogens was evaluated by in vitro tests against seven Aspergillus species belonging to six Aspergillus sections. After 7 days of incubation at 25°C, mycelial growth of all fungal species was reduced from 46.53% to 60.92%, compared to the controls. The inhibitory effect of BaAG1 cell-free culture filtrate was tested by turbidimetric measurements by using ScanReady P-800 that allow the automatic and continuous monitoring…
Detection of Bacterial Endophytes in Vitis vinifera L. and Antibiotic Activity against Grapevine Fungal Pathogens
This chapter presents the results of studies conducted to (i) detect and localize endophytic bacteria in symptomless and symptomatic leaf tissues of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM); and (ii) test the antagonistic activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AG1, previously isolated from grape wood affected by the esca syndrome, against grapevine fungal pathogens: Alternaria alternata, obtained from grapevine leaves showing necrotic concentric spots; Aspergillus carbonarius, A. ochraceus and Penicillium verrucosum, isolated from grapes affected by secondary rot; Botrytis cinerea, isolated from …
Aproximaciones para mejorar el crecimiento de bacterias lácticas iniciadoras OM13 durante las primeras etapas de producción de aceitunas verdes de mesa estilo español
The present research aimed at determining the optimal conditions for the lactic acid fermentation of green Spanish-style table olives. The work is a follow-up, and focuses on the performance of the commercial starter strain Lactobacillus pentosus OM13 by applying an acclimatization step and the addition of nutrients, and concentrations of lactic acid that were previously investigated. The acclimatization of the cells warranted the dominance of the starter culture even at an inoculation level of 2 Log cycles lower than that commonly used in standard fermentation. A significant effect was found in terms of acidification kinetics within the first week of fermentation, with the highest decrease…